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Spoilers inbound! TCW Season 6 discussion thread!


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Because its filled with Force Energy....


I don't follow.


Mother Talzins Quote was:

"It may help you to know, however - That I am not a Natural Force User like the Jedi or Sith - I use Dark Magic to achieve Power......."

So She does recognise and know about the Force - but she doesn't seem to think that what she does is 'The Force' per se...... As I said, could this just be down to her perception of her abilities and because they are somewhat different to What most Jedi and Sith do (although It does seem quite a bit like the more esoteric type Sith Sorcery to me), that she differentiates her 'Dark Magic' from 'The Force'?

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Whatever it is - she seems to be a Match for Mace Windu..... :)


Could just be the fire sword. I mean, who the heck uses a fire sword? :p


Edit: Plus there wasn't much focus on the duel.

Edited by Aurbere
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Mother Talzins Quote was:

"It may help you to know, however - That I am not a Natural Force User like the Jedi or Sith - I use Dark Magic to achieve Power......."

So She does recognise and know about the Force - but she doesn't seem to think that what she does is 'The Force' per se...... As I said, could this just be down to her perception of her abilities and because they are somewhat different to What most Jedi and Sith do (although It does seem quite a bit like the more esoteric type Sith Sorcery to me), that she differentiates her 'Dark Magic' from 'The Force'?

OK let me quote some stuff from Mother Talzin's Wild Power in the Book of Sith:


Other groups, like those of the Jedi and the Sith, use strange cold terms to describe the works of the spirits. They talk of the unifying Force and the living Force - of the light side and the dark side. We must forgive their ignorance, for they are not Shamans of Dathomir. Their leaders cannot understand such concepts without enduring a trail such as mine.


There is no need to separate what they call the living Force from the unifying Force. Both are manifestations of the Twin Deities, and both are vibrantly, overwhelming alive. This classification of light side and dark side is also misguided. Is it evil to kill? Would those that answer yes be satisfied if predators starved so grazers could strip the land unopposed only to die of famine? Is this the bloodless utopia envisioned by the moralistic Jedi?




Our abilities were bestowed by the spirits. The Winged Goddess and the Fanged God bestow the passive and aggressive energies that animate every creature and allow each to draw breath. Would you choose to deny yourself? Do not limit your scope by obeying artificial rules.

Spirit ichor, the green glowing smoke that Mother Talzin conjures is supposedly the essence of the Winged Goddess. But essentially what she refers to as Dark Magic is Force energy nonetheless she just refers to it differently. She also probably believes that through her beliefs she has a greater connection to the spirits which is why she is not "natural".

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I agree with TCW being continued. At the very least Disney could of let them finish Season 6 and call it there, but what we got instead is an incomplete season. Disney just couldn't share with Cartoon Network could they? Or was it because they wanted Dave to work on Rebels for them instead of TCW?


Either way, Disney are jerks for not letting TCW finish, especially since it was doing so well and at its peak.


/facepalm Disney


I won't be watching SW: Rebels due to 2 reasons. It seems too much like a watered down version of TCW (as it was season 4-6) for kiddies with bland characters. The 2nd reason is that my TV provider doesn't have Disney XD, and as far as I know it will not be coming on Netflix.


Well as for reason #2, it'll be on YouTube not long after each episode airs. I mean hell, all of Season 6 of TCW is on YouTube already haha.


But yeah, at this point IF I ever bother watching that Disney-Era Star Wars show, it would be just to look for references to TCW.

Edited by Eillack
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Well as for reason #2, it'll be on YouTube not long after each episode airs. I mean hell, all of Season 6 of TCW is on YouTube already haha.


But yeah, at this point IF I ever bother watching that Disney-Era Star Wars show, it would be just to look for references to TCW.


I'm with you on that one. I'll only be watching the episodes with ties to TCW such as Ashoka, and Echo (he is not dead; confirmed by Dave. Too bad they never got to explain how, and his reaction to Fives' death). :(

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Just watched it. How the hell did they come up with ''Moriband'' *** is this ****,srsly.

what kind of imbeciles are behind the clone wars writing?


PS: the Bane part was a nice touch,however showing his illusion as a lava/fire elemental from sword and sorcery franchises like WoW was a bit over the top.


PS2: the Dark Side ritual and incantation Sidious did was awesome

Edited by Kaedusz
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Just watched it. How the hell did they come up with ''Moriband'' *** is this ****,srsly.

what kind of imbeciles are behind the clone wars writing?

PS: the Bane part was a nice touch,however showing his illusion as a lava/fire elemental from sword and sorcery franchises like WoW was a bit over the top.


PS2: the Dark Side ritual and incantation Sidious did was awesome


Don't blame the people who worked on TCW! It was George Lucas himself who wanted to change it to Moraband because Korriban sounded too much like "Coruscant". An unneeded change on Lucas' part, if you ask me.


In the fourth and final episode, “Sacrifice,” Yoda’s journey takes him to the Sith homeworld, “Moraband.” This probably the most newsworthy non-spoiler in the whole film, and it was addressed in the Q&A after. During a meeting with George Lucas, Lucas stated that he felt “Korriban” sounded too much like “Coruscant,” and wanted the name changed. This was discussed a bit in the Q&A, when Leland Chee suggested that often planets can have multiple names, and that may be a way to rectify this in the forthcoming canon. In general, it seemed to be a change that was completely out of the hands of Dave Filoni and was entirely a George Lucas decision.
Edited by Essence_of_Light
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Don't blame the people who worked on TCW! It was George Lucas himself who wanted to change it to Moraband because Korriban sounded too much like "Coruscant". An unneeded change on Lucas' part, if you ask me.

''and also known as Moraband by the time of the Clone Wars'' (from wiki) ,this i can live with.

apparently they started calling the planet differently in universe by that time.


this means fans can still call it Korriban and not be wrong.

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''and also known as Moraband by the time of the Clone Wars'' (from wiki) ,this i can live with.

apparently they started calling the planet differently in universe by that time.


this means fans can still call it Korriban and not be wrong.


Yeah - I am trying to think of it like Ancient Egypt (Seeing as that it kind of what Korriban seems to be inspired by)


I have Heard it Referred to as Khemet

The Greeks called it Aígyptos

The Romans Aegyptus

We (English Speakers call it Egypt)


I see Morraband the equivalent of 'Egypt' (The Modern name - Yoda is about 3000 years in the future after all)

and Korriban the equivalent of 'Khemet' (Essentially - a more ancient name for the same place)

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Doesn't the Rakata home world go by a couple of different names (not including its "Unknown World" moniker from KOTOR)?


Honestly, I didn't quite enjoy Season 6 like I did the previous two. Maybe just cause it was so abbreviated. I would've liked to have seen them lead all the way up to the Battle of Coruscant, but I guess in this way it doesn't trample on previously established events (Nelvaan, Cato Nemoidia, etc).

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Doesn't the Rakata home world go by a couple of different names (not including its "Unknown World" moniker from KOTOR)?


Honestly, I didn't quite enjoy Season 6 like I did the previous two. Maybe just cause it was so abbreviated. I would've liked to have seen them lead all the way up to the Battle of Coruscant, but I guess in this way it doesn't trample on previously established events (Nelvaan, Cato Nemoidia, etc).


I really have given up believing those events have happened at this point. The Clone Wars Canon has broken my faith that any other events, dealing with the Clone Wars time period, not mentioned or referenced in the show are canon anymore. I mean they are still "canon" but like in their own continuality I guess. Which is sad in my opinion that the stories I grew up with and cherished are nothing more than placeholders and filler.


Did I enjoy watching the episodes. Yea. They were pretty good I guess. There were times that made me question the writing and direction a bit however.


Like Mace Windu being so blind to see that Jar Jar was actually doing a decent job at being an ambasador. Also how come Windu couldn't place a broadcasting comlink on Jar Jar's person so he could listen in on the conversation. It's an easy way to get around the "No Jedi allowed" rule and find out the problem. It also would make him less suspicious than trying to enter into a place he knows he can't get into. I mean did he really have to try and sneak in when he knows the entire race of the planet hates Jedi? We found that out in the Council Meeting at the beginning. What was he hoping to accomplish there?


I also wouldn't be surprised if those Aliens worshiped a goddess with a name similar to Traviss with their views on the Jedi.


The forced friendship of Fives and Tup. Yes you can say they probably bonded in battle over time I guess. But my main problem is there isn't any build up towards this. There aren't any episodes where the two even shared a conversation, now their suddenly best buds. If this was Echo I could understand the concern because we see where they come from and that could have potentially presented a better connection between the two characters.


Also....What is with Fives being an ARC Trooper and being assigned to the 501st all the time. He's an ARC Trooper. It makes me question why they even made him one to begin with. I know it's a weak point, why not just promote him to Lieutenant or something if your going to have him show up with the 501st all the time. Also him being an ARC Trooper would he really spend that much time with a "whitejob" like Tup? Wouldn't he, you know be too busy being able to blow up a weapons factory by himself, you know doing ARC Trooper stuff to form a friendship with a grunt he would barely have time to see theoretically? Thin complaint I know, but it still irks me the dialogue hints at Fives just being an ARC Trooper in name only when it seems he is essentially a defacto Lieutenant/Captain in the 501st..


Why bring back Trench if you just going to have him as a small exposition device for the bad guys er I mean Separatists. Kind of a waste of an interesting character. He even has the cool cybernetic parts that will sell toys. Also no explanation how he survived being on the bridge of a starship as it blew up? Still waiting on that explanation. If that's the case I want to see a Cyborg Admiral Piett in the new Star Wars Movies. That guy was cool.


I wouldn't have a problem with those mystic people saying Korriban is Moraband, but freaking Palpatine calls it that. I mean they are probably ancients that predated everything in Star Wars, but what about Palpatine. He's a Banite Sith. Wouldn't he call it Korriban?


Also Mark Hamil as Darth Bane.......kewl. I like that. Kinda Ironic that the guy who is Luke freaking Skywalker is trying to turn Yoda to the darkside.


BTW I'm semi-serious with my post...... this time. There I didn't even reference Dark Horse's Clone Wars Comic Series being a thousand times better than the show.

Edited by CassusVerda
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I just didn't like how they showed Korriban and the Siths in the last episode, basically what I saw is some Sith ghosts that are sissies, and then I see a Darh Bane acting something like this: IMA DARTH BANE!!!! ARE U SCARED? BLAAAARGH !!!*vanishes*.


The CW show had some memorable moments, but they have made some serious retarded decisions:

-Mandalores are basically vikings in space, notice also that all mandalorians are humans, white, and most often blonde...

-Siths are just your average villains that do evil things just for the sake of being eeeeviiiiillll.

-Originally creating new characters to make them awesome and have some potential role just to have them killed later (see Maul's brother).


Still, I will miss the show, I get the feeling that the new Rebelz show is going to be terrible and will never reach the potential TCW had.

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Just watched the whole season 6 last night, and it was amazing.




-First arc was the best IMO, showed a lot of the clones and order 66, and Fives + the droid were awesome together. One thing I hope is that some of the clones catch onto the "chip" thing, and have it removed from them. It seemed to me Shaak Ti began to take Five's claims into thought, and why she may have survived to TFU, although she was shown being stabbed in a vision in the yoda arc.


-Clovis arc was interesting, showed how Anakin was still turning closer to the dark side.


-Jar Jar arc felt rushed to me, and there wasn't much of an explanation as to what was happening. Some cultists take the life force of a council to keep Mother Talzin alive, Mace and Jar Jar interrupt it, and she dies (I think), was not the best death for her character..


-Yoda/Sipho Dias arc was also very interesting, but I probably need to rewatch it to understand it.. One thing I found interesting was Moraband, and it was cool to see how Yoda was walking around the same place (or atleast I think it's the same place) that I've spent leveling many characters in swtor. Also the animation for the fiery sith illusion was amazing.


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Just watched the whole season 6 last night, and it was amazing.




-First arc was the best IMO, showed a lot of the clones and order 66, and Fives + the droid were awesome together. One thing I hope is that some of the clones catch onto the "chip" thing, and have it removed from them. It seemed to me Shaak Ti began to take Five's claims into thought, and why she may have survived to TFU, although she was shown being stabbed in a vision in the yoda arc.


-Clovis arc was interesting, showed how Anakin was still turning closer to the dark side.


-Jar Jar arc felt rushed to me, and there wasn't much of an explanation as to what was happening. Some cultists take the life force of a council to keep Mother Talzin alive, Mace and Jar Jar interrupt it, and she dies (I think), was not the best death for her character..


-Yoda/Sipho Dias arc was also very interesting, but I probably need to rewatch it to understand it.. One thing I found interesting was Moraband, and it was cool to see how Yoda was walking around the same place (or atleast I think it's the same place) that I've spent leveling many characters in swtor. Also the animation for the fiery sith illusion was amazing.


Yes. Season 6 (what we got of it) truly is great. It really stinks that TCW got cancelled for that G-rated "Star Wars: Rebels" crap.


While I admit Disney can make some good movies (the Marvel movies come to mind), their TV Shows suck major arse. Just look what they did to Spider-man (Ultimate Spider-man). That show is beyond laughable and I'd rate it a 5/10 at best.



R.I.P Star Wars: The Clone Wars 2008-2014 :(

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I thought USM was quite decent. I thought it looked stupid, plus I'm honestly not a huge fan of team-ups, but I enjoyed it. Certainly not "90s-Spider-man-good", but not terrible either. But I agree, it really does suck that TCW was cut short. I don't get why Disney couldn't bring it into the fold and then have a one hour block of Star Wars animation once Rebels started.


Going back to my earlier post, though, I've always felt that the Clone Wars events that were shown in the novels, comics, and animated show still occurred even with TCW. That show didn't encompass every waking moment of the various characters' lives; n fact, I believe months would pass just between episodes sometimes. Unless it can be confirmed otherwise, as long as dates don't conflict, in my mind, all that stuff said to be part of the war but not in TCW still happened.

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The retcon was stupid.


Varloum died long before 20BBY in EU, he was assassinated by Palpatine.

Sifo Dyas was personally killed by Dooku in EU.


Havn't u heard EU is no more, no more than *Ledgens' and those aren't always true are they ...

Disney reformation is in the works, any reference to the EU not sanctioned by Disney is just hear say you know, Something we all have to deal with, or we see a all new ball game of hatred, following the wake of the Great Disney Purge.

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