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How can you not like 2V-R8


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He cracks me up, especially with the line :"The galaxy will continue to trembling at your approach if it knows whats good for it Master. Maker knows I do...


Or this one... Do you require anything master? A hot meal perhaps? Conversation? Foot massage? Just say the word...


But my favorite.... Greetings master You are looking fit and deadly as always...

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To be honest, at this point I've stopped thinking of 2V and C2 as entities. They're attachments to the ship, just like the chair in the cockpit or the galaxy map. And before you accuse me of being anti-droid, I do not think of T7, HK, M1-4X, or Scorpio as just attachments. It's just after leveling 6 characters, they've become just a part of the scenery, and I tell you I can literally count on one hand the number of times I've actually summoned one of them!
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I actually used 2V-R8 as a companion for my Gunslinger when I was soloing (I don't have a 40th level legacy and I haven't saved enough Cartel Coins for Treek). He wasn't terrible. Not especially spectacular, but lemme tell you it was awful nice to run around with something who was pumping some heals into me while I was running around being reckless and he didn't give a care about my smarmy, sometimes Dark Side, answers to NPC's. And best of all, he was wearing the Butler outfit for that added bit of added class. My Gunslinger is all about things looking swanky.
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I actually used 2V-R8 as a companion for my Gunslinger when I was soloing (I don't have a 40th level legacy and I haven't saved enough Cartel Coins for Treek). He wasn't terrible. Not especially spectacular, but lemme tell you it was awful nice to run around with something who was pumping some heals into me while I was running around being reckless and he didn't give a care about my smarmy, sometimes Dark Side, answers to NPC's. And best of all, he was wearing the Butler outfit for that added bit of added class. My Gunslinger is all about things looking swanky.


Yea, mine wears the training dummy customization....that's all it's good for....target practice ROFLMAO!


What I'd like to know tho....Can you actually get his affection maxed out? I imagine you'd have to gift spam him, but would it ACTUALLY be worth it?

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Yea, mine wears the training dummy customization....that's all it's good for....target practice ROFLMAO!


What I'd like to know tho....Can you actually get his affection maxed out? I imagine you'd have to gift spam him, but would it ACTUALLY be worth it?


Yes, you can, and yes it is. His favorite gifts are technology and cultural, and with the sensor upgrades, he's frequently the best companion or second best companion for the job.


He does lose out about 1/3rd of his HPS due to the lack of a blaster, though, so he is rather... bad at what he does on the ground.

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Perhaps, but he is way more useful than JJ. :rolleyes:


Tried him as a healer once... He took it personal I guess by trying to kill the enemies with his fists. Of course he ended up on the receiving end :mad:


My theory is that he would be able to beat them if fully geardede to the maximum.

But nobody does that because everyone holds the prejudice of the ship droid being "meh".


In fact he is an healer-tank, just like Treek is. But no-one ever noticed, because nobody ever equipped him to full.

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He cracks me up, especially with the line :"The galaxy will continue to trembling at your approach if it knows whats good for it Master. Maker knows I do...


Or this one... Do you require anything master? A hot meal perhaps? Conversation? Foot massage? Just say the word...


But my favorite.... Greetings master You are looking fit and deadly as always...


9 level 55 Imps vs 5-10 repeating lines of monologe from 2V-R8

that's why I don't like him

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I was just doing Stealing Thunder on Makeb and none of my companions tended to work, Telos kept going off and getting killed... So I said WTH I'll take 2V and completed the mission. He didnt even have any armor but he took one for the team on the last volley to allow me to reach the last console to destroy the droid... He is a hero...
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Duran'del here:


I've grown to like 2V. He's a protocol droid that can handle the more diplomatic and creature-comfort things that my bounty hunter can't. Besides, I don't trust Gault with cooking my food.


However, I wish I could get a customization that made him fit the Mantis more. Something that says "I don't spend my credits on fancy new paint jobs. Except to my master's room. Same color, of course" :p

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  • 2 years later...
I never understood the hate towards 2V and C2. Before they revised companions, I used them for healing when I hadn't gotten to the recruitment point for the class' healing companion. If you kept up on keeping them geared, they did perfectly fine and you didn't have to worry about losing affection when taking dialog choices.
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back in the days when dialogues was treated differently , and you had to go to your ship to talk to your companions . I did resent that he would chit chat as soon as I walk by him .


Another thing , that always bothered me but that apply to ALL Droids in Swtor . Is how they seem to be made of the crappiest metal ever . They all make the sound of crappy metal . Like a wind would blow and they be dead .


The strongest droid you can find , can find that Tinc Tinc sound . I mean , even HK51 , would love if they used a sound to make him sound Solid .

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