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Things to do while on cue for Galactic Starfighter & The Cantina Expansion/Patch


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Sometimes the wait for a match in Galactic Starfighter is pretty ridiculous, and you just sit there staring at the screen and all of the sudden you're on general chat talking about Jar Jar Binks, World of Warcraft and Obama. So I thought it would be wise to ask people what they like to do while they're waiting.


I sometimes just hang out in Cantinas and buff everyone that passes by. Sometimes no one passes by. And that gets boring after awhile. Occasionally players will duel each other, which is nice to watch, somewhat reminiscent of Star Wars Galaxies, just significantly less social and extremely more lonely compared to SWG's Cantina in its hey day. What do others like to do?


I thought some good ideas would fit in this post, while we're on the subject of not finding anything to do while waiting on cue. I mentioned it before when the forums used to be flooded with wishes and requests to make the numerous Cantinas all over the planets of the game, more fun for players. I think we got tired of asking, since prelaunch. It doesn't mean we still don't want that. It just means, most of us lost hope for those features.


I believe the Cantina is the heart of Star Wars: The Old Republic. It's in every single base of every single planet for both factions. Some of them are small and some are humongous. You can tell allot of work and love went into them and then something must have gone wrong during development. I don't know what happened, but development stopped on the Cantinas, and players don't go to them, unless a mission makes them go there. They are empty of players regardless of the fact that they are obviously the heart of the game, found in every single base all over the Galaxy. We all know they were meant for something more - let's stop pretending.


Now that Galactic Starfighter is out for all players, it would be wise to pimp out the Cantinas, so players can have things to do in them, while waiting. A place to hang out in for GSF waits. Or even just to take a break from all the PVE/PVP fighting. We need that. Also our main ships need a lift as well. But I'm just going to focus on the Cantina in this post. The ships are also a good waiting place for GSF ... if there were cool things to do there. Here are some of my Cantina ideas.


1. Minigames from the many unclickable casino machines found in many Cantinas. Every time I walk by them, I try to click on them hoping for some miracle. I believe the top minigame asked for in the forums is Pazaak, which is a perfect time killer. I'm sure Bioware has the money to buy the Pazaak game already out there online, with the money they made from my subscription alone. Well maybe not, but our subscription is money man. Someone recently posted how they wasted over $500 on the cartel market in just a few months. Money is being made, and we have more subscribers than most MMO's. Or they can make a Pazaak game from scratch, which I am confident is already being worked on - but it needs to speed up. Time is flying, by 2015 SWTOR will begin to start looking aged.


2. Drinks. Some Cantina vendors sell one or two buffs. Which is a start, but we need more. And not buffs. We need drinks that mess with our stats to encourage us to stay in the Cantina and hang out, until we sober up.


3. All the chairs need to be fixed already. There's nothing cooler than coming to a Cantina and sitting with a new friend to discuss guild issues or hunting someone down, or just being friendly. People would sit in the Cantina in Star Wars Galaxies and sometimes wait for a stranger to come by and say hi. But they mostly danced for buffs as many others would sit and marvel. Sitting on chairs makes conversations more personal and makes you look mysterious and sometimes even bizarre. Let's get away from the idea that sitting is only for role players. That's simply not true.


4. In SWG people came to the Cantina for buffs from entertainers. In SWTOR, I suggest Smugglers and Bounty Hunters should get automatic buffs to make the Cantina feel more like a Cantina, which they can then render to other classes by just standing next to them. Jedi/Sith can get buffs at temples and places strong in the Force, and Troopers/Agents at shooting ranges and inside walkers.


5. Cantina Brawls. Allow enemy players to be safe in an enemy Cantina after sneaking/fighting through the enemy base defenses. Which means you can't fight unless you accept a duel. The enemy player can then bind to the enemy bind point, to be able to come back freely - but only after initially fighting or sneaking your way to it in an enemy base. Enemy players can then either duel or challenge enemy players in Pazaak or just sit at a table and drink together. It gives end game players a really cool thing to do, breaking into enemy Cantinas and being part of that community.


6. Music. FIX THAT!!!! Its got to be themed for different planets and areas. Techno/Symphonic/Jazz/Rock/Indigenous. The current system isn't even worth the time to critique it's so ... ***. Though most of us play our own music, but Bioware put so much into the music, so we would like to see that polished up more. The Jukebox? Let us (subscribers) upload our own music to the jukebox for credits. I love F2P players and they saved the game, but uploading your own music to the Jukebox isnt a pay to win issue. Saying. Now, I know that could be problematic as anyone would be able to load whatever, even hate speeches. So maybe a feature that allows anyone to put a stop on it from playing by reporting it? Chances are it will be used properly more than anything. But it might ruin Star Wars realism, so maybe it would be wiser for Bioware to put it its own music. But don't ask a symphonic orchestra to make bar music. That was just an insane decision and the results are poor. The music throughout the game is awesome, but when you go to a bar, you are not trying to hear that hurt music. And going to the Jukebox to pay to play music that is already playing is a bit too much in terms of lacking in effort. This may be the most broken aspect of the game.


So yeah, I hope something happens. This cue wait thing is killing me. And I want to hang out with my community outside of PVP/PVE. We want to get to know each other. So when we get to GSF, we really want to defend/protect each other. Thanks for reading.


So what do you do when you're waiting on a very long cue? And do you like my ideas for the Cantinas?

Edited by HiddenPalm
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Something simple to add people to that cantinas, put all the PVP and Mission terminals in there. That way instead of everyone awkwardly standing around the Combat training area people would be hanging in the Catinas. And you could add them to cantinas on other planets too, so that I did not have to go back to the fleet to pick up my pvp/GSF daily every damn day.
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Pazzak, Please Pazzak!!!


I like all of these ideas, I really thing BioWare is missing the boat by not having any good mini-games, especially in cantina's!

I have to say that sometimes the SWG nostalgia can be a little cookoo, but this thread was well thought out and full of great ideas. I would like to see some of these ideas become reality.

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Something simple to add people to that cantinas, put all the PVP and Mission terminals in there. That way instead of everyone awkwardly standing around the Combat training area people would be hanging in the Catinas. And you could add them to cantinas on other planets too, so that I did not have to go back to the fleet to pick up my pvp/GSF daily every damn day.



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All of the above please :D honestly I have thought to myself about each of these things:


Pazaak please


Working slots / gambling machines on Nar Shadda


Can anyone say speeder racing?


We need reasons to go to all these beautiful planets after leveling, and any of the things mentioned in this thread would be fantastic. Thats the major thing this game lacks, things to do besides PvP / PvE . Currently there is nothing that isnt somehow related to those two things =/ and there could be so much more.

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Something simple to add people to that cantinas, put all the PVP and Mission terminals in there. That way instead of everyone awkwardly standing around the Combat training area people would be hanging in the Catinas. And you could add them to cantinas on other planets too, so that I did not have to go back to the fleet to pick up my pvp/GSF daily every damn day.


That would be awesome.


While I wait for a GSF cue to pop I just run various GSI dailies. Minimal to no combat in areas I've out leveled so I can safely join as soon as it comes up without any real fear that I'll be in a hornets nest after the match. I earn a few credits and comms while I wait too so it's not time totally wasted.

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Yea Pazaak! Not difficult to implement and damn fun.


Also in the Star Wars novel 'The courtship of Princess Leia', a pretty good description is given of Sabacc (star wars poker) that sounded good. Another option is Swoop Racing, from KoTOR (2) or Dejarik (star wars chess).


Id really love to see these additions, so there is something to do while waiting for a warzone, GSF match, operation or other things...

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I sort out my sock-drawer. - Or re-arrange my cargo bays and inventory..... Or run some dailies, or snaffle up stuff on the GTN. Wheeling and dealing. Other times I try to get some humour going in general chat. Bacon! CAKE!


Though with my low-level character pilots, I continue my questing and class missions. I never queue when grouped though, it's kinda rude to leave the group for 10-15 mins at a time!

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