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Exhaustion zones on Tatooine


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What's with all the exhaustion zones on Tatooine. If I want to ride my own speeder from Anchorhead to other areas, it doesnt let me. This doesnt seem very realistic and it didnt stop Anakin in Episode 2 :rolleyes:


Perhaps they put in exhaustion zones so you don't snap like Anakin did and murder all those poor women/children sand people.

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What's with all the exhaustion zones on Tatooine. If I want to ride my own speeder from Anchorhead to other areas, it doesnt let me. This doesnt seem very realistic and it didnt stop Anakin in Episode 2 :rolleyes:


I think the reason you are looking for is half arsed lame level design.

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What's with all the exhaustion zones on Tatooine. If I want to ride my own speeder from Anchorhead to other areas, it doesnt let me. This doesnt seem very realistic and it didnt stop Anakin in Episode 2 :rolleyes:


Episode 2 is set 3000+ years after TOR. I guess Speeder filters are better at handling sand than the current era's.


Besides following Episode 2 Anakins example in anything is a bad idea. You might start off just flying to Anchorhead, but before you know it you're telling people how much you don't like sand and how you wish you could wish away your wishes.

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its just their idea of how to make small zones seem big, you divide zone into several pieces and put inaccesible content inbetween so people think the zone is 10 times bigger than it really is, same with Nar Shadda.
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Don't be silly. the reason is that they have not developed the map in that area enough that you can explore it. They have it developed just enough that when you are on the FP, you see what appears to be completed areas, but if you were to step off the path, you would see the flaws.


This was obviously an attempt to save time and resources so they could release the game sooner, and also so it takes less computer resources to serve the data.

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The issue seems to be they should have never called them "Exhaustion Zones"...


Because, let's face, if you were truly 'exhausted' at that point, you would not be able to turn back...


They should have called them, "This is as far as we will let you go... turn around or DIE!" zones.

Edited by Screamster
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You vill do vat ve zay! You vill valk ze narrow line und shpeak ven you are shpoken to. Dis is da BW way - our vay or no vay. You vill not have fun. You are our prisoner.


At least with WoW you can explore wherever the hell you wanted even if it was a lvl 85 zone - granted you got one hit killed by little scorpions, lmao, but at least Blizz gives you freedom to play. Here the BW dictators want you to stay within the lines and act like good little clones - oh wasn't that a movie...


Oh yeah, 10 more days left and I guess BW won't be getting any money from me... glad I can play this for free to see what I'm getting into.

Edited by DarthSublimitas
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You vill do vat ve zay! You vill valk ze narrow line und shpeak ven you are shpoken to. Dis is da BW way - our vay or no vay. You vill not have fun. You are our prisoner.


At least with WoW you can explore wherever the hell you wanted even if it was a lvl 85 zone - granted you got one hit killed by little scorpions, lmao, but at least Blizz gives you freedom to play. Here the BW dictators want you to stay within the lines and act like good little clones - oh wasn't that a movie...


Oh yeah, 10 more days left and I guess BW won't be getting any money from me... glad I can play this for free to see what I'm getting into.


You played for free ? A friend bought the game for ya ? How awesome :rolleyes:

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God forbid Bioware actually allow us to have fun...


I mean honestly, why in the hell are there guards in the cities on Tatooine? Its not like they can be attacked...


I remember in Beta when I saw the exhaustion zone around Anchorhead, i thought "Who in the hell thought this was a good idea?" So much for having fun attacking our "enemies."

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I had no idea about this until last night when I finally got my mount and drove out of Anchorhead to take it on a test run.


This design is wrong on so many levels and is the final straw for me, I played through the first 3 very confined zones with not so much as a glimpse of world PVP, but I had one thing in mind and that was Tatooine and how much freedom it would have compared to these zones and the World PVP to be had on it. I logged off after I hit the exhaustion zone, however, I will see out my free time and get my moneys worth for the hard copy of the game I bought but if this restriction didn't exist I would of maybe stayed on until 50 and pay a couple of months extra.


And BTW full freedom World PVP (raiding towns/cities, ganking etc.) is a big feature in an MMO which is another thing TOR seems to be lacking. We are not asking for much BW, well I'm not anyway, just small silly things like these I would like to be addressed. I understand alot of these decisions were made to cater for the fresh players with no MMO experience but in reality it's just shoving any replay value out the door.


And one last thing, and yes it's about WoW which I haven't played since WOTLK. Whenever I was bored in WoW I would resort to ganking, gathering groups to raid cities or small towns like Tarren Mill and Southshore.

Edited by Blaikie
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Face it my dear friends - BW is turning SWTOR into a simpleton's game. Can't go here, can't do this, can't do that - then what the hell am I paying for??!! It's no wonder ppl resort to exploits, cheats and bots here (not that I endorse this in anyway mind you). If BW doesn't fix all of these issues that make an MMO fun and what it's supposed to be and take down all of the barbed wire fensing, many ppl are going to be leaving - that simple. As Darth Vader once said, "you have failed me for the last time... <<force choke>>" Edited by DarthSublimitas
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I think what hes actually look for is "clever way to prevent in town ganking that isn't level 50 super guards."


This.. unfortunatly....


I signed on to a PVP server to gank and get my arse ganked to the extreme well leveling.... however.. carebare... O well. The story is what has kept me here.

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