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Survival tips for a PVE'er on a PVP (RP) server


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Hey there!


First, please note that I am normally more of a PVE'er than a PVP'er, so please be patient with my noob questions. I plan on starting a second legacy on Jung Ma (RP-PVP), with my first legacy residing on The Progenitor (RP-PVE), and I would like to know a few things before having a bad start: :D



- is it feasible to play 80% PVE and 20% PVP on a PVP server? Is there a PVE community on a PVP server like the PVP community on PVE servers? What about roleplayers, especially on Jung Ma?


- have PVE'ers on PVP servers two gear sets (like PVP'ers on PVE servers often do), one for PVP and one for PVE? Or can I mix PVE gear with expertise gear to be able to handle whatever comes at me, be it NPC or enemy player?


- what general survival tips would you give me for leveling on planets like Tatooine and Quesh, where players of both factions meet?


- are there any other (major) differences between PVE servers and PVP servers that I should be aware of?



Thanks in advance for your answers! :)

Edited by dermitni
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You can pve fine on a pvp server... at 55 i would how suggest pvping a little to get a full set of conq for doing dailys and stuff in ow though... however many people on tofn (full pvp server) seem to not bother with even that and are fine with the risk of a pvp geared player one shotting them.. which i will never understand. xD


There won't be many areas you can meet other players during leveling while questing so world pvp is kinda rare unfortunately.. its probably most likely on tatooine, hoth and alderaan.

Edited by AngusFTW
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First, thank you for the answer. ;)


You can pve fine on a pvp server... at 55 i would how suggest pvping a little to get a full set of conq for doing dailys and stuff in ow though... however many people on tofn (full pvp server) seem to not bother with even that and are fine with the risk of a pvp geared player one shotting them.. which i will never understand. xD

But, for example on Oricon, how can I beat a boss there (like the chromium beast) when I'm fully geared in PVP gear? Can I mix PVE and PVP gear or will this weaken me for both situations? :rak_02:


There won't be many areas you can meet other players during leveling while questing so world pvp is kinda rare unfortunately.. its probably most likely on tatooine, hoth and alderaan.

That's unfortunate; I had hoped for some open world PVP; on a PVP server nonetheless... :(

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But, for example on Oricon, how can I beat a boss there (like the chromium beast) when I'm fully geared in PVP gear? :(


You beat it in the same way you beat it with a PvE stuff. Obroan stuff is sufficient to kill him. If you don't manage, you just take time to equip your PvE stuff before.


BTW, i always do my daylys on Oricon with my PvP stuff. PvE stuff is only required for operation and ZL.


Edited by Astyannax
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First, thank you for the answer. ;)



But, for example on Oricon, how can I beat a boss there (like the chromium beast) when I'm fully geared in PVP gear? Can I mix PVE and PVP gear or will this weaken me for both situations? :rak_02:



That's unfortunate; I had hoped for some open world PVP; on a PVP server nonetheless... :(


Only open world PvP you get is the random encounters while leveling and the ones you go out looking for trouble for.


If its a role play server; I'd imagine one could have success role playing a force invading the enemy bases somewhere. Stay in character by not letting even low level characters pass by without contest. That's what it will take to draw the enemy high levels out.


You can do fine in PvE gear in Warzones for PvP so long as it is not above a certain level of gear. Outside of bolstered areas (there is bolster at the Gree event) You will want pretty much full PvP gear.

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But, for example on Oricon, how can I beat a boss there (like the chromium beast) when I'm fully geared in PVP gear? Can I mix PVE and PVP gear or will this weaken me for both situations? :rak_02:

Well, you can always switch especially if its an instance before entering but full pvp gear is fine for dailys and stuff. The only real problem is you get resisted more compared to pve gear since you don't tend to have 100/110% accuracy in pvp gear and it takes slightly longer... but its no biggy really

I pretty much use my 78s for instances and thats it.

You def don't want to mix gear unless you are still gearing. optimum is full pve and full pvp gearset.

Edited by AngusFTW
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Well, you can always switch especially if its an instance before entering but full pvp gear is fine for dailys and stuff. The only real problem is you get resisted more compared to pve gear since you don't tend to have 100/110% accuracy in pvp gear and it takes slightly longer... but its no biggy really

I pretty much use my 78s for instances and thats it.

You def don't want to mix gear unless you are still gearing. optimum is full pve and full pvp gearset.


despite HM Ops onwards you would be fine in fully augmented PVP gears as well.


The my first few steps in pve(operations) (not so very long ago), was undermanning S&V in my unaugmented partisan on my sages and the rest of the group wasnt really geared as well....we managed to get the weekly (still dont understand how:P)).... so yeah shouldnt be that much of a problem.

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First off, welcome to Jung Ma. :cool:


Secondly, I can relate to your situation as I rerolled here from a full PvE server myself (what is now Shadowlands) so I was faced with many of the same questions. Jung Ma is a fairly tight knit, small server. You are not offten going to see multiple fleets and (depending on the side you pick) the time of day can heavily influence the bodycounts in warzones. Due to our smaller population: If you are good, your name will be noted/stand out here... the same goes if you are bad.


Coming from a pve-rp server, you are going to have a fairly good base to relate to our pve/rp community here on Jung Ma. Both sides have a healthy pve crowd, I personally heal for a 16m hm/nim team on the Empire side and there are many other guilds that run everything from pug'ed storymodes to hard core teams. We have a number of guilds on both sides that are rp/storyline focused (everything from 'type-only/character concept' guilds to free form). You will find guilds that are lite-rp-pvp/open world pvp driven such as Alpha Company (trooper only with strict uniform/interaction regs) and others that are focused on the 'war' between the factions.


The main difference you will see comes into the pvp addition. There is no choice in flagging when you are in open world- unless you are in a sanctuary area. Most of us merely toggle on our flag upon character creation to avoid the annoying pop up every time you travel anywhere. I personally, have two sets of armour on my main-geared characters- but that is more because I am an end-game healer and 78's bolster like wet paper in warzones. In open world, it depends on what I am doing as to what set I am wearing- mostly it is just my pve set but if I am looking for trouble or know the area is aggressive (rakghoul/gree events) I'm in my full pvp set.


In open world, you are red... what that means differs depending on who you chance upon. To many- we are at war... Red=dead. However, the community as a whole has very little tolerance for lowbie griefing/camping and will (most of the time) come to the aid of those who formally request it. If you rage and rant like a child, however, you will be pointedly ignored and/or entice trolling. There are some notable names that tie rp heavily into their character's open world pvp (Kneel before Zod!) but you might be surprised at the lack of encounters you face- remember, we are a fairly light pop server.


Do not be afraid to ask for help, you would be surprised at the alts/mains that will go out of their way to aid a well requested (or rp'ed) inquiry. The community is very friendly and encouraging- Feel free to drop me a line in game if you wish.

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Only open world PvP you get is the random encounters while leveling and the ones you go out looking for trouble for.


If its a role play server; I'd imagine one could have success role playing a force invading the enemy bases somewhere. Stay in character by not letting even low level characters pass by without contest. That's what it will take to draw the enemy high levels out.

Well, I'm a roleplayer but I don't kill low-level characters "just because", unless they attack me first; since sometimes, even on an RP server someone might just want to do their questing, without someone else one-hitting them; and even players of the same level are not always out to kill. For example, last week I did some digging in "Smuggler's Den" on Tatooine (with that digging droid you can get for various missions) and that area is an open world PVP area, even on PVE servers, so everyone is eachothers prey. Suddenly another player appeared, doing some digging as well. We simply nodded at each other and continued our digging. :D


However I have read about some PVP raids on Imperial bases on Alderaan in the Jung ma forums, and I think something like that can be fun, on a PVP server. :)



You can do fine in PvE gear in Warzones for PvP so long as it is not above a certain level of gear. Outside of bolstered areas (there is bolster at the Gree event) You will want pretty much full PvP gear.

You beat it in the same way you beat it with a PvE stuff. Obroan stuff is sufficient to kill him. If you don't manage, you just take time to equip your PvE stuff before.


BTW, i always do my daylys on Oricon with my PvP stuff. PvE stuff is only required for operation and ZL.


Well, you can always switch especially if its an instance before entering but full pvp gear is fine for dailys and stuff. The only real problem is you get resisted more compared to pve gear since you don't tend to have 100/110% accuracy in pvp gear and it takes slightly longer... but its no biggy really

I pretty much use my 78s for instances and thats it.

You def don't want to mix gear unless you are still gearing. optimum is full pve and full pvp gearset.

Ok, so I'll aim for two sets, one with PVP mods, one with PVE mods, to be prepared and can adapt quickly to every situation. :)



First off, welcome to Jung Ma. :cool:


Secondly, I can relate to your situation as I rerolled here from a full PvE server myself (what is now Shadowlands) so I was faced with many of the same questions. Jung Ma is a fairly tight knit, small server. You are not offten going to see multiple fleets and (depending on the side you pick) the time of day can heavily influence the bodycounts in warzones. Due to our smaller population: If you are good, your name will be noted/stand out here... the same goes if you are bad.

Thank you for the warm welcome. ;)


I started my consular (-> sage healer) Yesterday and already reached level 7, so I could already make my first visit to the fleet. So far I think I like what I see; I helped some other players with their last droid mission (next to the Jedi academy) and they seem to have appreciated it. And Tython (and the Republic fleet) aren't as overrun as I'm used from The Progenitor, which is nice as well.


I have to worry though about that last statement of yours: I'm afraid my PVP skills are lacking, and I base my hope right now on sage healers being a needed class for PVE and PVP, to disguise my suckiness when it comes to really fighting (and defeating) another player. I prefer to heal and protect others while they do the killing... :D



Coming from a pve-rp server, you are going to have a fairly good base to relate to our pve/rp community here on Jung Ma. Both sides have a healthy pve crowd, I personally heal for a 16m hm/nim team on the Empire side and there are many other guilds that run everything from pug'ed storymodes to hard core teams. We have a number of guilds on both sides that are rp/storyline focused (everything from 'type-only/character concept' guilds to free form). You will find guilds that are lite-rp-pvp/open world pvp driven such as Alpha Company (trooper only with strict uniform/interaction regs) and others that are focused on the 'war' between the factions.

Ah, well, honestly I'm not so much into joining any guilds, as my last guild resolved when GW2 came online and I have enjoyed the freedom (and lack of expected committment) ever since. Also, I have kind of whacky online times (unpredictable really) due to real life often interfering with my gaming plans, so strict appointments (for raiding and other such things) might be a problem. :(


However, I'm not "mid-term-quitter", so once I started a flashpoint or joined a group I stay until we as a group have reached our common goal. So, you could say I'm better with spontaneous socializing with others than long-term committments and strict raiding schedules. Which might explain why I never (not even once) managed to do or join an operation, since July 2012... :o



The main difference you will see comes into the pvp addition. There is no choice in flagging when you are in open world- unless you are in a sanctuary area. Most of us merely toggle on our flag upon character creation to avoid the annoying pop up every time you travel anywhere. I personally, have two sets of armour on my main-geared characters- but that is more because I am an end-game healer and 78's bolster like wet paper in warzones. In open world, it depends on what I am doing as to what set I am wearing- mostly it is just my pve set but if I am looking for trouble or know the area is aggressive (rakghoul/gree events) I'm in my full pvp set.

Hmmm... I tried flagging myself right from the start Yesterday when starting my character, but my flag vanishes whenever I log out from a cantina; is there a way to avoid this? :confused:


And yeah, I think I'll aim for two identical sets of armor, one for PVP, one for PVE, to be able to switch quickly between the two, depending on the situation I'll be in.



In open world, you are red... what that means differs depending on who you chance upon. To many- we are at war... Red=dead. However, the community as a whole has very little tolerance for lowbie griefing/camping and will (most of the time) come to the aid of those who formally request it. If you rage and rant like a child, however, you will be pointedly ignored and/or entice trolling. There are some notable names that tie rp heavily into their character's open world pvp (Kneel before Zod!) but you might be surprised at the lack of encounters you face- remember, we are a fairly light pop server.

Oh, I'm confident that I'll adapt to te situation, but thanks for the warning nevertheless. And gathering a group to punish lowbie gankers seems like more fun and much more satisfactory than ranting like a brat. :)



Do not be afraid to ask for help, you would be surprised at the alts/mains that will go out of their way to aid a well requested (or rp'ed) inquiry. The community is very friendly and encouraging- Feel free to drop me a line in game if you wish.

Thanks, I may do that. ;)

Edited by dermitni
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I'm glad that I'm not playing on an PvP server - although I had considered it once ...

After reading through the PvP forum for so long I'm just glad that I won't be constantly harassed by Gankers ...

Well, I still believe that gankers do this mostly on PVE servers due to the lack of consequences there, and because PVP gankers on PVE sevrers are mostly players that suck big time at PVP so they have to rely on easy prey instead of challenging a real PVP'er... Since, you know, with the latter they might lose. :rak_03:


And I still hope that on a real PVP server, there are in fact less gankers, simply because it is more likely here that they'll have to face the consequences of their doing, and that there are more people here capable of enforcing said consequences on them... :)

Edited by dermitni
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Well, I still believe that gankers do this mostly on PVE servers due to the lack of consequences there, and because PVP gankers on PVE sevrers are mostly players that suck big time at PVP so they have to rely on easy prey instead of challenging a real PVP'er... Since, you know, with the latter they might lose. :rak_03:


And I still hope that on a real PVP server, there are in fact less gankers, simply because it is more likely here that they'll have to face the consequences of their doing, and that there are more people here capable of enforcing said consequences on them... :)


Your guess is right. Lowbie-Gankers and spawn campers are the second-class citizens on our server. Republic Fleet, Oricon, and any Event areas are always full of players hunting down some well-known gankers.


Since our server is so small, most of us recognize every single ganker's name. Call them out in chat, and after the noobs are done insisting that they're just proving their skill, you'll get group invites from players who wanna murder thos gankers.

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That is some terrible roleplay if you just let an enemy pass by. :p


I just know some of the most fun I have had on a PvP server has come when I have answered calls from Lowbies getting "ganked." I really think there should be more put into having each factions higher level players out protecting their lower level players, but I guess that might be a bit of old school in me coming out. How I miss the days of UO and forming a big group of players to just scour the area, looking for criminals.

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That is some terrible roleplay if you just let an enemy pass by. :p

I never said I was a good roleplayer, I only said I was a roleplayer. :p


But it really all depends on the situation: If I'm a Jedi and see a bountyhunter, I won't engage unless they attack me first. If I am however playing a darkside Sith sorcerer, then yes, I'll engage similar-leveled players of the other faction, regardless of their class and intentions. But a defeat is a defeat, and after that I'll be on my way; corpse/spawn camping sucks, and I don't like it when others do this to me (like it has happened in the last plague event on Alderaan), so I won't do this to others as well.


I just know some of the most fun I have had on a PvP server has come when I have answered calls from Lowbies getting "ganked." I really think there should be more put into having each factions higher level players out protecting their lower level players, but I guess that might be a bit of old school in me coming out. How I miss the days of UO and forming a big group of players to just scour the area, looking for criminals.

I agree, that would be nice. I'll make sure to send a distress call out, whenever I'm being harassed by someone, like when being killed or preyed on multiple times by the same player who happens to be 30 levels above me. It's ok in my book to kill me once, but after that they should just let me retreat and continue with whatever it was I was doing. :)

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Coming from an RP-PVE server and leveled my commando to 55 on a PVP server I can tell you that it's fine while levelling. Sometimes youll get ganked by high-levels for "***** and giggles" but mostly you'll be ok.


Once you hit 55, you will need friends. You cannot quest solo on Oricon for example. I tried, got repeatedly ganked by groups of 4. You will need a group yourself. Forget RP and honour-system. It's "red is dead".


Server: TOFN

Edited by vennian
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First, thank you for the answer. ;)



But, for example on Oricon, how can I beat a boss there (like the chromium beast) when I'm fully geared in PVP gear? Can I mix PVE and PVP gear or will this weaken me for both situations? :rak_02:



That's unfortunate; I had hoped for some open world PVP; on a PVP server nonetheless... :(


You can kill anything on oricon with pretty much any type of gear, even partisan or 61. (I've done it repeatidly on alts.)

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