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Please Nerf the whiner


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I agree 100%. Probably 90% (maybe more) of the threads in this forum are posted by complainers. Rarely do people focus on the good, I was playing last night on GS and loved every minute of the new format where you win off of team kills. Even though my team lost a lot, I still had a blast. I like GS a lot and I hope we continue getting new maps and ships.
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Eh. I mean, the ships ARE unbalanced. Thus far I think it's way closer than before.



Not everyone complaining or suggesting is whining. But holy bawls there's plenty of whines.




The evasion nerf did a really good job of clearing up some of the issues.

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I agree 100%. Probably 90% (maybe more) of the threads in this forum are posted by complainers. Rarely do people focus on the good, I was playing last night on GS and loved every minute of the new format where you win off of team kills. Even though my team lost a lot, I still had a blast. I like GS a lot and I hope we continue getting new maps and ships.

Couldn't agree more, never seen such a negative forum attached to a game! Great to see this new content, and I thank the devs for adding it!

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While I'm not saying every "nerf X" post is valid ...


... many of the posts pre-2.6 were commenting on how both the Ion Railgun and Distortion Field components were too powerful and needed a nerf.


And both received one in 2.6. In fact, the lead producer of GSF said just this week:


"We want every role to feel that it has a place in a battle. We don't care as much -- or least it's not the goal -- to have one ship dominate all other ships. We want there to be strengths and weaknesses. What we really want to promote is people playing together. We want a gunship to have a scout or a bomber nearby to help defend them. We don't want everyone just free-for-all trying to kill everyone. The guilds that we watch play and the people who play internally a lot -- when we play as a team, we are far more successful. So really that is more informative on where we'll make balance changes, but specifically, the battle scout is getting a little bit of a nerf. He is a little too good when it comes to evasion. The percentages were a little too high."


While it is always the goal to have balance, it is not always achieved. Before 2.6, lots of people complained about the "battle scout" and evasion. And a lot of threads like this popped up saying "it's fine, learn to play". But sometimes it's not fine.


Again, I'm not saying all the post-2.6 nerf X threads are valid. I honestly think it's too early to judge anything. But just assuming the devs always get it right when introducing something brand new (like Bombers and Deathmatch) is just as silly as asking for nerfs 1 day after the new features arrive.


If you think things are balanced, you're free to say so--better yet provide justification for your opinion. But just saying "shut up things are fine" doesn't help anyone and just creates antagonism on the forums.

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gets worse, they all complain about the same things and it always boils down to:

"2 Gunships kicked my ***, call in the nerf bat"

You should add "Dont expect to win a 2 on 1 fight" to that list

now that the ion lovetap and bypass oneshots are gone, they are just *****in "OPOPOPOPOPOP" without any actual reason beyond "uhh they are Gunships"


I got my GS *** handed to me by a pair of Pikes, they must be OP too

i got shot down by a Flashfire 5 times in 1 match, nerf it

same logic, it happened, must be true


If that had valid points, that would be one thing, but i have yet to see any other then "GS can shoot me before i can see them" ...kinda the whole point

Edited by DreadzKaiser
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There are 3 types of gamer, and believe me, all of them lose.


Type One: The guy that loses, figures out how the other guy beat him/her, and what he/she needs to do to counteract the thing that got him/her dead. Eventually this type wins.


Type Two: The type that loses, tries the same thing again, loses again, and so on, This type eventually runs to the forum crying nerf, because he/she can't figure out what the other guy is doing to beat him.


Type Three: Loses, rages, tunnels on the guy that killed him, loses again, rages some more, tunnels harder, loses again, keeps getting trolled because he's raging too damned hard, eventually cries HAX! and will rage to anyone with in earshot about the supposed hacker. This type eventually ragesquits the game in question because it is "Full of Hackers/aimbots/variations on the term douchebag."



The GSF forum seems to have a high population of Type Twos...The game, however seems to have a high population of Type One gamers. So there is that...


and Devs, please don't listen to the forum whiners, that kind of fan service ruined SWG, because they only listened to the 100 or so whiners on the forums and not the tens of the thousands that were happily playing the game.

Edited by NotThatOne
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1) The ships are not unbalanced


2) learn the meaning of teamwork


3) Learn to upgrade and play your ship


4) If you nerf any ship the other becomes unbalanced...Its fine, learn to play and quit complaining




and every day less and less people bring up their hangar to queue

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and every day less and less people bring up their hangar to queue


I'd like to know what makes you say that. Evidence or anecdote? It's a bit premature to be saying the sky is falling just 2 days after the global release. ALSO, I'd wager more people quit over a negative perception of the game they picked up from the whiner crowd rather than their own well formed opinion based off actual game time. Messaging is everything. Just look at Apple.


The more I play the more I enjoy the game and the less I think there are balancing issues. A few subtle changes here and there could be justified but the game would continue to be really fun without them. Except of course for people who can't stand losing and they'll never be happy.

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I'd like to know what makes you say that. Evidence or anecdote? It's a bit premature to be saying the sky is falling just 2 days after the global release. ALSO, I'd wager more people quit over a negative perception of the game they picked up from the whiner crowd rather than their own well formed opinion based off actual game time. Messaging is everything. Just look at Apple.


The more I play the more I enjoy the game and the less I think there are balancing issues. A few subtle changes here and there could be justified but the game would continue to be really fun without them. Except of course for people who can't stand losing and they'll never be happy.


seriously if I had listened to all the whiners and complainers early on I might have panicked since this was my first mmo, but instead I was kind of a loner early on (it took me days to figure out how to use my chat window as it is) and I just had to figure out the game from nothing ( I turned off the tutorial because I thought that window was annoying). I did not listen to any of the whiner and doomsday comments "this game will be shut down by the end of the year". baloney. Seriously NONE of the doomsday predictions about this game have EVER come true no matter how many complainers/trolls/firestarters wanted it to. As it is GSF is still new, its only been fully released since Tuesday, and already people are yelling it is the end, even though the fact that f2p has unrestricted access to it means even more people will play and give it a shot, I mean for something that's free gsf is pretty good. Anyway, to the guy who said "and every day less and less people open up their hangar" seriously, you have got to be kidding me when you say that. The que times aint long, and more content has already been announced as on its way, including the new ship role, a cynical attitude of "this is going to fail" just right off the bat this early on does not make much sense.

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The ships are unbalanced. In some cases glaringly so. However, its a brand new addition to the game that hardly had any testing on the test server because it involved a 25gb+ download and there were no premade templates. You would have to sit there for hours with a dozen people grinding out req simply to test the end spec.


They NEED to put in premade templates on the test server, or theres no point even having it there.

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The ships are unbalanced. In some cases glaringly so. However, its a brand new addition to the game that hardly had any testing on the test server because it involved a 25gb+ download and there were no premade templates. You would have to sit there for hours with a dozen people grinding out req simply to test the end spec.


They NEED to put in premade templates on the test server, or theres no point even having it there.


whats a premade template? yeah I am a noob



anyway, they really should have promoted testing putting in some incentives so more testing would have been possible, that would have helped rough out some edges early on, because at least back when gsf was on the public test server for the first time a lot of people were on it and testing was getting done, this time however testing was very minimal, the flashpoint got tested because it was either wait for hours for a que to pop or enter a flashpoint with the first 4 people since that was the only chance you had of getting to do something, and I am still finding bugs with the flashpoint that keep happening so it really would have benefitted a little more with more rewards and incentives to bring in additional people to get some more intensive testing done

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1) The ships are not unbalanced


2) learn the meaning of teamwork


3) Learn to upgrade and play your ship


4) If you nerf any ship the other becomes unbalanced...Its fine, learn to play and quit complaining




1) I play only Gunship/Bombers


2) Learn to hide your Gunship between the Mines at Satelites


3) Learn to leech Reqs with your overpowered Ships and buy overpowered Upgrades.


4) if you nerf my Ship i won't rock anymore.

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1) I play only Gunship/Bombers


2) Learn to hide your Gunship between the Mines at Satelites


3) Learn to leech Reqs with your overpowered Ships and buy overpowered Upgrades.


4) if you nerf my Ship i won't rock anymore.


Mcallist would it help if someone typed up a gunship counter for you? Gunships get owned hard by both scouts and strikes. They need support to survive and they usually don't get that.

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There are 3 types of gamer, and believe me, all of them lose.


Type One: The guy that loses, figures out how the other guy beat him/her, and what he/she needs to do to counteract the thing that got him/her dead. Eventually this type wins.


Type Two: The type that loses, tries the same thing again, loses again, and so on, This type eventually runs to the forum crying nerf, because he/she can't figure out what the other guy is doing to beat him.


Type Three: Loses, rages, tunnels on the guy that killed him, loses again, rages some more, tunnels harder, loses again, keeps getting trolled because he's raging too damned hard, eventually cries HAX! and will rage to anyone with in earshot about the supposed hacker. This type eventually ragesquits the game in question because it is "Full of Hackers/aimbots/variations on the term douchebag."



The GSF forum seems to have a high population of Type Twos...The game, however seems to have a high population of Type One gamers. So there is that...


and Devs, please don't listen to the forum whiners, that kind of fan service ruined SWG, because they only listened to the 100 or so whiners on the forums and not the tens of the thousands that were happily playing the game.

I'm type 4: I dominate in gunships because they're easy mode in deathmatch and I dominate in, er... domination, in my bomber, because it's easy mode. I find both boring but playing anything else is just wasting comms, because it's impossible unless you're facing the dumbest teams of all time to put out the kind of output in what matters (kills in deathmatch and cap points in dom) in any other type of ship.


So I think the gunships and bombers should be nerfed, so I don't HAVE TO BE ONE.

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Mcallist would it help if someone typed up a gunship counter for you? Gunships get owned hard by both scouts and strikes. They need support to survive and they usually don't get that.


I see this a lot. And you're right, in a 1v1 fight it's very possible to "own hard" a gunship in a scout.... but in deathmatch, by the time you get to my gunship, I've already taken at least 3-4 other ships out, which means I just beat you 4-1 for that "round." The rule of a gunship is don't shoot anything that's shooting you, just run away until they get bored and go after something easier, then post up and get another 3-4 kills on things that aren't paying attention to you. Then, eventually if the other team figures it out, you have the majority of the team chasing after you every "round" while the rest of your team kills them.


People need to see the imbalance beyond the 1v1 one-off matches and look at the big picture.


In either scenario the gunship wins. You ignore me, I win, you chase after me I win because anything chasing after me is not racking up kills against easier to kill things.

Edited by SavingPrincess
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i'm a blackbolt pilot for preference,

i think the evasion nerf was badly needed and is now about right. the distortion field nerf is, i reckon, pretty near spot on.


if anything, i'm thinking it must be a little overwhelming for completely new pilots. bombers have shifted the battlefield enormously. i'm actually quite glad I got the chance to hone my skills before they made their appearance.


hopefully many of these new players will stick with it.

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seriously if I had listened to all the whiners and complainers early on I might have panicked since this was my first mmo, but instead I was kind of a loner early on (it took me days to figure out how to use my chat window as it is) and I just had to figure out the game from nothing ( I turned off the tutorial because I thought that window was annoying). I did not listen to any of the whiner and doomsday comments "this game will be shut down by the end of the year". baloney. Seriously NONE of the doomsday predictions about this game have EVER come true no matter how many complainers/trolls/firestarters wanted it to. As it is GSF is still new, its only been fully released since Tuesday, and already people are yelling it is the end, even though the fact that f2p has unrestricted access to it means even more people will play and give it a shot, I mean for something that's free gsf is pretty good. Anyway, to the guy who said "and every day less and less people open up their hangar" seriously, you have got to be kidding me when you say that. The que times aint long, and more content has already been announced as on its way, including the new ship role, a cynical attitude of "this is going to fail" just right off the bat this early on does not make much sense.


It is so refreshing to see new gamers getting into this game. We need more people like you. People that actually try to get better and not blame the game developers because they didn't instantly become as skilled as experienced players. Any true gamer will understand that any game has a learning curve. If you are a true gamer, you are up to the challenge and will end up as experienced as other players that have been playing GSF since day 1. So I'm really happy to see people like you getting into GSF. You sir are a true gamer.

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I find it hard to take any cries of unbalance seriously when I have seen threads saying X ship is OP for every single ship type on the first page of the forums. When there is a thread talking about Scouts being OP right below threads saying to nerf gunships and strikes I just can't help but laugh. Now granted since bombers came out it appears all the nerf threads are about them, but honestly I haven't had too much trouble with them yet. Yes, they are a pain on domination once they get a node captured, but a little teamwork brings them down without much trouble. Seeing as how GSF is supposed to be a team game anyways, I don't see a mechanic forcing us to work together as a bad thing. As long as it doesn't force so many of us on one target that others can swarm objectives. Anyways, that is my two cents.
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It is so refreshing to see new gamers getting into this game. We need more people like you. People that actually try to get better and not blame the game developers because they didn't instantly become as skilled as experienced players. Any true gamer will understand that any game has a learning curve. If you are a true gamer, you are up to the challenge and will end up as experienced as other players that have been playing GSF since day 1. So I'm really happy to see people like you getting into GSF. You sir are a true gamer.


thanks I just try to do my best, I was here during early access and since it was my first mmo I had no idea at first and kind of had to figure it out, I still got a ways to go so far I would say I am average mainly, but still I understand there can be good moments and bad in everything and I have had alot of good moments in this game.:)

Edited by Sangrar
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