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PvP Healing, by far the worst experience I've ever had as a gamer


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Yah it's not hard in the 1200 bracket.


It's not hard period. These WoW PvP'ers think they're gods gift to PvP when in reality WoW PvP is a true joke. People who played SWG Pre CU know what real PvP is like.


Btw anyone can claim to be a 2700 rated player. Unless there's cold hard facts supporting his claim the OP is just talking out of his ***

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I am a level 50 op medic, and lvl 40 valor. I am not super experienced with this game yet as I only played three of the beta weekends. I agree with you that the raid frames are terrible as is the targetting. I am not having as much trouble being focused or soloing as it seems you are but that is going to be situational.


I think there are some serious problems with pvp healing though.


1.) The medals, *** 75k, 300k, and 2.5k single (my tank can get that with a pot)

2.) The kill count. Something is seriously bugged here. I have gone through games with 0 deaths and only 4 kills where as my group has 45-50. This seriously effects the amount of commendations and valour I get. I can get more from losing as a concealment than healing a win as medic. Unless I am throwing grenades out to tag players to make sure they register.

3.) Group queueing. I just cant believe this made it into live in the current state.

4.) No Target of Target. Why have a key bind but no unit frames?

5.) Most important of all, the raid frames are almost always bugged for me. Anyone above me in terms of order in the frames doesnt have their health bars updated. This makes it very hard to be responsive to the things going on around you.



Overall, I love this game and I think it has real potential. It would be really nice though if we could get a couple of these looked at.

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Not only is this untrue, its just sad. I'm a healing specced BH, when i die its because i'm in a 2v1 situation or worse, 1v1, I have as a good a chance as anyone else, i just happen to win more than i die.


Your statement above just shows you cant adapt and in fact do faceroll.


Healing spec BH...? Hahahaha nice try it's most op healing class in PVP.

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It's not hard period. These WoW PvP'ers think they're gods gift to PvP when in reality WoW PvP is a true joke. People who played SWG Pre CU know what real PvP is like.


Btw anyone can claim to be a 2700 rated player. Unless there's cold hard facts supporting his claim the OP is just talking out of his ***


I don't know if he is or not. I was merely commenting that if he's a 2700 resto druid THIS SEASON, he's indeed very good because resto druids are trash right now.


I played SWG. It wasn't all that. I don't even remember that game as real PVP because it was so unbelievably unbalanced, dominated completely by FOTM builds.

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I am a level 50 op medic, and lvl 40 valor. I am not super experienced with this game yet as I only played three of the beta weekends. I agree with you that the raid frames are terrible as is the targetting. I am not having as much trouble being focused or soloing as it seems you are but that is going to be situational.


I think there are some serious problems with pvp healing though.


1.) The medals, *** 75k, 300k, and 2.5k single (my tank can get that with a pot)

2.) The kill count. Something is seriously bugged here. I have gone through games with 0 deaths and only 4 kills where as my group has 45-50. This seriously effects the amount of commendations and valour I get. I can get more from losing as a concealment than healing a win as medic. Unless I am throwing grenades out to tag players to make sure they register.

3.) Group queueing. I just cant believe this made it into live in the current state.

4.) No Target of Target. Why have a key bind but no unit frames?

5.) Most important of all, the raid frames are almost always bugged for me. Anyone above me in terms of order in the frames doesnt have their health bars updated. This makes it very hard to be responsive to the things going on around you.



Overall, I love this game and I think it has real potential. It would be really nice though if we could get a couple of these looked at.


Target of target is something that really NEEDS to be added down the road. Along with macros

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I don't know if he is or not. I was merely commenting that if he's a 2700 resto druid THIS SEASON, he's indeed very good because resto druids are trash right now.


I have no clue what this means.


I played SWG. It wasn't all that. I don't even remember that game as real PVP because it was so unbelievably unbalanced, dominated completely by FOTM builds.


Mind shot, mind shot, mind shot.

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I don't know if he is or not. I was merely commenting that if he's a 2700 resto druid THIS SEASON, he's indeed very good because resto druids are trash right now.


I played SWG. It wasn't all that. I don't even remember that game as real PVP because it was so unbelievably unbalanced, dominated completely by FOTM builds.


I'll take your word for it since I havent played since early cata, but at that time it really was super easy derp mode. For me at least, perhaps not everyonce. I had been playing a druid since 2005 so I had quite a bit of expierience.


Sadly all the game really offered was the PvP. :( Hell I'd even go as far to say after the CU but before the NGE PvP was actually hitting its climax. I'm just talking from experience since I play mmo's strictly for the PvP. WoW has so far been the one I have enjoyed the least... ok maybe AoC was worse than WoW now that I think of it.

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Target of target is something that really NEEDS to be added down the road. Along with macros


I am sure they will soon, I am sure that all the issues I am having will be resolved in time. Will be nice to not have to go hunt a lowbie once a war zone just to get commendations. I feel guilty ignoring the objectives for selfish reasons. But hey I am imperial after all.

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That's fun for me as a healer, but if people aren't dying it's the dps's fault for being bad, not the healer's fault for simply doing their job. You have one or two healers that are keeping everyone up? Gang up on them, you're entire team. Silence, stun, knockback, whatever CC you have to prevent them from healing themselves. Then everyone focus dps them. Bam, they're dead. No one can survive a CC/DPS gang bang, it's not rocket science. Then mark them number 1 and repeat every time they rez. You're telling us that we need to work with our team to keep ourselves alive in this game? How about your work as a team to kill the other teams so called immortal healers? Goes both ways.


I am not talking about 1-2 healers ... in WoW healing is so stupidly easy and powerful that everyone does it to be safe in bgs and you end up with bgs that have 4-6 healers in it on each side. With that the combat literally stops because nobody can dps through that. Maybe you like that as a healer, but it's very boring to play against as dps.

Edited by Repefe
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You forgot to toss in mind poisons too ;)


Mind damage was the dumbest thing ever invented, which was another huge strike against SWG in terms of PvP. An unhealable damage pool? That's just stupid.

Edited by Caelrie
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I absolutely love pvp healing as a sage/seer, if i get jumped by 4 people, i can actually get away and regroup with my team. 2 people are pretty easy to heal through if they don't know what they're doing. However one good player can completely shut you out, which is how it should be.
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ITT: A bunch of DPS who think they should be able to mow down healers 1v1, even faceroll them.


Healing in this game is very underwhelming, in both pve and pvp.


That's all.


Healers who think it's realistic to out heal a dps that is not cced ... so silly. I am healer, but the WoW model is just ridiculous.

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I'm having a blast healing in PvP! You are comparing this game to WoW, which has op healing and horrible PvP.


Thats EXACTLY what he is doing and A LOT of Wow heads cried when they found out there was not going to be any add-ons allowed at first and that is what 100% of WoW is. So now they have to learn how to heal all over again without any add-ons.

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Thats EXACTLY what he is doing and A LOT of Wow heads cried when they found out there was not going to be any add-ons allowed at first and that is what 100% of WoW is. So now they have to learn how to heal all over again without any add-ons.


This ^^


Playing an mmo is difficult for people who rely on 15 different mods to hold their hands through every possible encounter in the game.

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I've always believed that healers shouldn't be able to out-heal massive amounts of damage from multiple people, it should be the job of the healers teammates to make sure that the healer is safe and can do the job. And druids were god-like healers back when I played WoW.


I think it's done pretty well in this game, there's plenty of abilities to help the healer. If you're having trouble then I suggest you learn to adapt to this way of PvP healing (get a friend?)

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This is the trend in pvp for healers.


1) You are ecpected to follow everyone else and be there healbot

2) You are expected to heal everyone else and tank the other team

3) You are suppose to defend yourself while tanking 3+ players and healing your team

4) You are not expected to survive one vs one when all healers are focussed fired all the time.


Best advice I can give is do not go healing and go dps with enough heals for yourself.


Healing is neither appreciated or wanted. Frag fests is what pvp has become in every game.


this exactly you win the internet /thread

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Healers who think it's realistic to out heal a dps that is not cced ... so silly. I am healer, but the WoW model is just ridiculous.


I don't think you're thinking that through. If a healer's hp/s can't outdo a single DPS's DPS, then every healer you have on your team makes your team weaker because you should just replace them with a DPS.

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couldn't agree more with OP.


this isn't a rant it's some honest feedback.


Rolled healer in a few pvp games now, all had their pros and cons.


This is with out doubt the worst pvp healing experience so far.


Before anyone says L2P noob: I'm always L2P thats what being a good healer is about.


A Healer casting heals should have the same flow and pace as a DPS doing pew pew. Simply from an enjoyment and playability standpoint. we want to be doing stuff too.




the whole interface is clunky

cast times are way too slow in the lower levels

frames broken

some sort of wierd delay in the interface that i can't put my finger on maybe a global cooldown or something.

1 dimensional button mashing.

The click box for players is either too small or the nameplates need to be modified someway. something is amiss here.


even in pve these elements make the whole healing experience unbareable. like slow motion or something.




can't say i'll be renewing once my 30days is up at this stage. maybe i'll be back in after a few patch releases.

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I don't think you're thinking that through. If a healer's hp/s can't outdo a single DPS's DPS, then every healer you have on your team makes your team weaker because you should just replace them with a DPS.


I really encourage you to see how support works in LoL for example. It's not about outhealing everything dps throws at you. As support you mix dps with healing and cc. The gameplay is much more varied and fun. You can't out dps or out heal dedicated dps as healer, but if you mix healing and dps, add those two together you can beat anyone on charts without being the one note heal bot.


As a bonus you will get more marks.

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I play sage lvl40 and I think healing is fine.

If you enjoy a game where 2v2s last 45mins until match is closed then this is not the game for you.


As a personal experience I thought healing was OP and pure cancer to deal with. I seriously hope healing remains as it is.

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