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Everything posted by Marrik

  1. Where the heck is the npc for creating a guild? Thanks in advance! Oh Sith Guild by the way!
  2. This ^^ Playing an mmo is difficult for people who rely on 15 different mods to hold their hands through every possible encounter in the game.
  3. Marrik

    /say really?

    I see what you did thar!
  4. I'll take your word for it since I havent played since early cata, but at that time it really was super easy derp mode. For me at least, perhaps not everyonce. I had been playing a druid since 2005 so I had quite a bit of expierience. Sadly all the game really offered was the PvP. Hell I'd even go as far to say after the CU but before the NGE PvP was actually hitting its climax. I'm just talking from experience since I play mmo's strictly for the PvP. WoW has so far been the one I have enjoyed the least... ok maybe AoC was worse than WoW now that I think of it.
  5. Target of target is something that really NEEDS to be added down the road. Along with macros
  6. Marrik

    /say really?

    It was sandbox but you could also swap factions as you pleased. But it honestly was pretty cool to be able to interact with the entire server and not just people of your faction. It would of course lead to hate /tells etc. but I think it's something that more mmo's should have. Perhaps not full blown spatial chat but I wouldnt see a problem with being able to /whisp anyone in game.
  7. As a dps and ex healer in other mmo's I feel the pain of healers being unappreciated. I am always giving the mvp vote to the person who tops the heal chart.
  8. It's not hard period. These WoW PvP'ers think they're gods gift to PvP when in reality WoW PvP is a true joke. People who played SWG Pre CU know what real PvP is like. Btw anyone can claim to be a 2700 rated player. Unless there's cold hard facts supporting his claim the OP is just talking out of his ***
  9. Marrik

    /say really?

    SWG had it set to where you could have a full blown convo with the enemy and I personally think it was genius. It created such intense rivalries in PvP due to all the smack talking that it was actually good for the game. And if I get a Republic player begging me about how he hasnt been able to complete a quest im going to camp him even longer just for the QQ.
  10. As of 3 months ago I could keep anyone alive with very minimal effort on my druid. It isnt difficult at all to play one and is by far the easiest of all the healing classes out there. Only someone with an IQ as low as Forrest Gump could fail as a druid healer.
  11. Marrik

    /say really?

    Did you seriously make a thread and cry over this? Get over it nub.
  12. You played a Resto druid... prolly the most derped down OP'ed healer in all of WoW. Sorry it actually takes a little bit of skill to keep people alive in this game. Unlike WoW SW:TOR isnt an easy mode game
  13. Any word on if Bioware is going to let us create macro's later on down the road? Not complaining just a curious question since it caught me off guard that we dont have that option right now.
  14. Marrik


    Some may call it crying, if the forums werent so care bearish it would probably be considered raging though.
  15. Marrik


    It's stating the obvious, people are judging the game based on playing through 12 levels..retared imo
  16. Marrik


    All of you crying whiny kids need to spend more time in game leveling or just quit SWTOR all together now. It's ridiculous seeing the amount of QQ, Nerf "X CLass", and I hate "X" posts on these forums. The game has only been online and officially released for 12 hours. If all you're going to do in your 30 days of free play is what I've stated above then PLEASE go back to that terribad game with constant reskinned content. We dont want you here and neither does Bioware. /endrant.
  17. If the Warrior/Guardian knows what they're doing and isnt a noob they're perfectly fine honestly... I played one during beta and had no complaints.
  18. Says the guy who is probably a noob baddie.
  19. I was thinking the same thing...
  20. Marrik

    lol sith inquisitors

    Just because you're a healer class doesnt mean you HAVE to be a healer in every roll/scenario. You're obviously one of those people who felt Druids, Priest, Paladins and Shammans were strictly heal bots and forbidden from doing anything other than that. I am dps speced on my Sorc but I do heal when I need to in bg's at times, however if someone *****es at me over not healing them I usually let them get owned for the rest of the bg. I dont take kindly to people telling me how to play my class and what I should/shouldnt be doing.
  21. Marrik

    lol sith inquisitors

    Ya because everyone that rolled a Sorc or Assassin did it because they wanted the OP class. Ever think it's because thats what people want to play due to interest? Also I dont ever lose in Bg's when playing republic players, its possible your server is just full of bads.
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