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A sad day for PVP


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This is exactly what I have seen on all 3 servers I play on.


Ground PvP has hundreds of players all grumbling that nothing new is ever released (seriously, even new versions of Alderaan would be welcomed at this point and that is a universally hated WZ).


GSF on the other hand...at off peak hours (heck try 3am when I see 100 PvPers queing yet maybe 5 GSF players queing) you can wait for an hour for a game to finally pop and STAY...I don't count the pop that happens every 15 min only for it to close before the game even starts to be a true pop.


GSF has proven to not be all that popular, yet it will be milked because unlike the ground PvP...it can be marketed and sold again and again.


Weird. On my server (JC), I never have to wait more than 5 minutes or so for a GSF pop during prime time hours. Off peak, different story, but even then I don't feel like I need to wait much longer than I do for ground pvp, if at all. An hour is nuts, I've never seen that. And I'm talking about real matches, not the ones that end before they even begin (though that does happen to me occasionally, maybe 2-3 times per week).


On pub side, GSF pops are near instant - less so on imp side, but the wait still isn't anywhere near what you're seeing on your servers.


Different servers/different populations, I guess.

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Weird. On my server (JC), I never have to wait more than 5 minutes or so for a GSF pop during prime time hours. Off peak, different story, but even then I don't feel like I need to wait much longer than I do for ground pvp, if at all. An hour is nuts, I've never seen that. And I'm talking about real matches, not the ones that end before they even begin (though that does happen to me occasionally, maybe 2-3 times per week).


On pub side, GSF pops are near instant - less so on imp side, but the wait still isn't anywhere near what you're seeing on your servers.


Different servers/different populations, I guess.


Nonsense. Because 'his' server has GSF problems, or so he says, that means GSF is a failure.

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Weird. On my server (JC), I never have to wait more than 5 minutes or so for a GSF pop during prime time hours. Off peak, different story, but even then I don't feel like I need to wait much longer than I do for ground pvp, if at all. An hour is nuts, I've never seen that. And I'm talking about real matches, not the ones that end before they even begin (though that does happen to me occasionally, maybe 2-3 times per week).


On pub side, GSF pops are near instant - less so on imp side, but the wait still isn't anywhere near what you're seeing on your servers.


Different servers/different populations, I guess.


While I agree that one hour wait times for queue pops makes no sense, even at 3 am, but yeah, in general I've noticed Wz queue times are a lot shorter than GSF queue times. Any attempt to queue for both results in wz popping first almost 99% of the time.


Also to consider, is the fact that the full release of GSF has players on the hype train, which will obviously result in an increase in the number of players queuing. The number will probably stabilize to a bit higher than what it was prior to 2.6, due in part to the ability to queue for both and the new gamemode which will keep the game fresh for a longer duration.


I'm not saying GSF is bad, or should be discontinued. I love GSF, and still queue up for it as much as I can. But Bioware is focusing way too much on it IMO. They need to focus on the other part of their PvP player base too.

Edited by EzioMessi
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You PVP guys were disappointed since this game is released yet you are still here, complaining. Sorry, you don't have much credibility. Fill out those ranked pvp queues first (if you can find time from ganking newbies)


Actually there are far fewer pvpers here than there were when this game was released, so...

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You PVP guys were disappointed since this game is released yet you are still here, complaining. Sorry, you don't have much credibility. Fill out those ranked pvp queues first (if you can find time from ganking newbies)

Hahaha... That is so true. :p

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If you are seriously going to keep holding to this ridiculous notion that fighting as a player against other players in starships is somehow not PvP just because it is called GSF instead of GSF PvP, I think we are about done here.

Mate, the whole Star Citizen community (including myself) agrees with your point of view on this. Because otherwise what they (and Chris Roberts) understand to be PVP would not be PVP. :)


You are absolutely right; PVP means "player vs player"; simple as that. There is no info in there, limiting this to ground gameplay only. GSF is PVP, as you are stating. If the OP is frustrated about the lack of Warzones they should have just said so, but of course "no PVP?!" is much more melodramatic and bound to get more attention.

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I wouldn't put so much stock in this roadmap being a definite plan outlining each and every warzone coming out this year. Unless however you're saying that merely adding another huttball map is enough to kill PvP regardless of what else comes along too, I don't think you should worry as much. I recently got yelled at by a bunch of pvpers on the forum for suggesting that huttball had little popularity though so apparently it's a good thing. *shrug*


But oh well, now you look ridiculous, you're a confirmed troll now :rolleyes:

Doesn't admitting that one is trolling also make one a troll? Or is it only trolling when someone else claims it, you're sort of granted immunity if you confess?

I can quote too


This is often acknowledged by the writer, and is a form of trolling – meant to lure people who are new to internectual cultures to it’s demise.[/Quote]


You fell for a simple troll. You mad? :rolleyes:

Edited by Pscyon
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Mate, the whole Star Citizen community (including myself) agrees with your point of view on this. Because otherwise what they (and Chris Roberts) understand to be PVP would not be PVP. :)


You are absolutely right; PVP means "player vs player"; simple as that. There is no info in there, limiting this to ground gameplay only. GSF is PVP, as you are stating. If the OP is frustrated about the lack of Warzones they should have just said so, but of course "no PVP?!" is much more melodramatic and bound to get more attention.


Then you and him clearly have no common sense because everybody else knew I was referring to ground warzone PVP when I listed the only ground warzone pvp update. :rolleyes:


Also, 99.99999% of the community automatically thinks of ground warzone PVP when somebody says PVP. That's why GSF and PVP have their own different forums, because they're different. :rolleyes:


Hey, why don't you make a suggestion asking them to rename the PVP forum to Warzone forum, and then your point would be valid.

Edited by Uelle
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RIP means rest in peace, so you basically said rest in peace in peace.



Four out of the five things listed for 2.6 are for PvP.

Two out of the four things listed for 2.7 are for PvP.

One out of the two things listed for 2.8 are for PvP.


it's a meme, you must have never been on fourchan...which is a good thing

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the devs made a point to say there would be no pve side to GSF, only pvp. It is pvp. there has been loads of new content for pvpers lately. And isnt it pvpers that claim that they are their own content?


GSF isn't PvP. PvP is obviously an aspect of GSF, but for you to pretend they're the same thing is just stupid. PvP refers to ground PvP in this game, GSF refers to the new star fighter style of gameplay. Of course, you realize this, you're just trying to be argumentative.

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April 8th: Game Update 2.7


New Huttball Warzone on Quesh


RIP in peace PVP.


" As I write this we are actively developing all of the above as well as PvP Seasons," ....


You missed this part of the blog it seems.


What should BW do for the ground PvP that would make you(OP) or anyone else truly happy with PvP?

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it's a meme, you must have never been on fourchan...which is a good thing


How typing like an idiot becomes a "thing" I'll never understand.


"But it's a meme!" Well so is planking.


GSF isn't PvP. PvP is obviously an aspect of GSF, but for you to pretend they're the same thing is just stupid. PvP refers to ground PvP in this game, GSF refers to the new star fighter style of gameplay. Of course, you realize this, you're just trying to be argumentative.


Is that like how PVP is an aspect of Warzones?


Warzones are PVP, GSF is PVP. They are not the same, but they are both PVP.


The OP may have meant Warzones when he said "PVP", but to deny that GSF is PVP is by definition incorrect.



To the topic itself: It's pretty clear at this point that the devs will put out content on their own schedules. And even if they wanted to put out more of [insert wanted content here], with everything they already have in the pipeline (they have already mentioned that they have their content planned out for the next 16 months or so, if I remember correctly) it's not going to happen anytime soon. Stomping your feet about the lack of content isn't going to change anything. Sure it may help to vent, but don't expect any real change to come of it. If it's too much to stand then you might as well find greener pastures.

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Warzones are PVP, GSF is PVP. They are not the same, but they are both PVP.


The OP may have meant Warzones when he said "PVP", but to deny that GSF is PVP is by definition incorrect.


Been covered for pages in this thread already. You're free to pretend you don't know the difference, or pretend that there's some blurred lines, but there isn't. GSF is referred to as GSF, Ground PvP is referred to as PvP.

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Been covered for pages in this thread already. You're free to pretend you don't know the difference, or pretend that there's some blurred lines, but there isn't. GSF is referred to as GSF, Ground PvP is referred to as PvP.


I'm not pretending anything, in fact I acknowledged it right in your quote. Saying "PVP" generally refers to Warzones, and "GSF" generally refers to...GSF, is a fair argument. But there have been pages of people saying that GSF is not PVP, which is false.


In fact you yourself just said that in your previous post (hence my comment). You're free to pretend that it isn't PVP all you want, but it is.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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GSF isn't PvP. PvP is obviously an aspect of GSF, but for you to pretend they're the same thing is just stupid. PvP refers to ground PvP in this game, GSF refers to the new star fighter style of gameplay. Of course, you realize this, you're just trying to be argumentative.


PvP refers to players vs players. GSF is players vs players.

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We need more discussion about whether GSF is PvP or not. I don't think that that has been covered enough yet. There have GOT to be some nuances that no one has covered yet in this 25 page thread nearly entirely dedicated to whether GSF is PvP or not.
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I'm not pretending anything, in fact I acknowledged it right in your quote. Saying "PVP" generally refers to Warzones, and "GSF" generally refers to...GSF is a fair argument. But there have been pages of people saying that GSF is not PVP, which is false.


In fact you yourself just said that in your previous post. You're free to pretend that it isn't PVP all you want, but it is.


I apologize...I thought you were trying to make a point that they should both be referred to as "PvP". They both clearly are, but as far as this games terminology, they are not :) Sorry.

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I apologize...I thought you were trying to make a point that they should both be referred to as "PvP". They both clearly are, but as far as this games terminology, they are not :) Sorry.


I'm glad I could clarify.


If each side would at least acknowledge what the other is saying instead of taking a hardline (and sometimes ridiculously so) stance then these back and forths would not last 20 pages.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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gsf is pvp. I always have thought warzones "ground" pvp GSF "air" pvp.


when I think of "pvp" I think of a human controlled avatar or ship or boat whatever against another human hence "pvp."


I mean this is logical no?


yes before when I would ask hey anyone wanna pvp. obviously I would be talking about warzones there was no gsf. now I ask and the response is gonna do warzones or gsf.

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