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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PVP Hacks


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That a bug that the player cant repeat or make happen the devs dealt with it once but in some cases it still happens. The game bugs out and make them invisible all but there weapons every one think there using a program to do it when it's the client and server messing up. The player is doing nothing other then playing the game when it happen to them killing them will make them seen again. The dev talk about it in the patch notes a while back that it will still happen in some cases. But those that have no clue the bug happens still think cheat. Yet the devs stated that it was a rare bug that happen in rare cases. Is that and advantage to the player that get this bug maybe but if you can see the weapon then who is not pay attention and lets a weapon walk on by and plant in the in the first place. As for the planting server client sync in this game is horrible most of the time.


Just a sync issue then. I thought that might be the case.


Did have a guildie catch and report a stealther coming in and out of stealth over and over again while in combat, as in four to five times in a row.. I'll see if he still has the vid next time he's on.


There is a new current exploit being used and it has been reported elsewhere, but no point in putting it out there unnecessarily right now.

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Just a sync issue then. I thought that might be the case.


Did have a guildie catch and report a stealther coming in and out of stealth over and over again while in combat, as in four to five times in a row.. I'll see if he still has the vid next time he's on.


There is a new current exploit being used and it has been reported elsewhere, but no point in putting it out there unnecessarily right now.


Just saying, it might be that said stealther used the vanish once, then came back around to kill one player, succeeded in killing him and stealthed out with the regular stealth (because he's killed the only player he engaged, he is now out of combat) and repeated, killing people one at a time. Been there and done that quite a few times and it's entirely possible if one manages to avoid AoE, guarded players and damage (so that he doesn't need to be healed)

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I will be honest, I did not read all the posts because I don't have time, but I read a few on the first couple of pages and a few on the last few pages, and I didn't see anything about the "Print Screen" exploit. I won't call it a hack because they aren't actually hacking anything but I do feel like it is cheating and something should be done about it. If anyone knows anything about the exploit, I would love to hear an explanation for it....
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I will be honest, I did not read all the posts because I don't have time, but I read a few on the first couple of pages and a few on the last few pages, and I didn't see anything about the "Print Screen" exploit. I won't call it a hack because they aren't actually hacking anything but I do feel like it is cheating and something should be done about it. If anyone knows anything about the exploit, I would love to hear an explanation for it....


Not really an exploit since some of us have fast pc's with this does nothing to help the person doing it should the dev address this yes a easy fix make it so more the one print screen boot you to the character screen in pvp. Use more then one a second and boom logged out.

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Not really an exploit since some of us have fast pc's with this does nothing to help the person doing it should the dev address this yes a easy fix make it so more the one print screen boot you to the character screen in pvp. Use more then one a second and boom logged out.


I would like to think I have a fairly decent PC and their is a specific guild that runs on my server that every time I am in a wz with them I lag like hell. I have an Intel core i7 3770k with 16gb of ram and a Nvidia GeForce 560ti. I know there are upgrades but they cant be that much better, and to clarify, it is FPS lag, not MS lag.

Also I would like to know how you figure its not an exploit if it clearly gives other players an advantage? Or dare I ask if you are one of the players that do it????

Edited by Solarth
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Just a sync issue then. I thought that might be the case.


Did have a guildie catch and report a stealther coming in and out of stealth over and over again while in combat, as in four to five times in a row.. I'll see if he still has the vid next time he's on.


There is a new current exploit being used and it has been reported elsewhere, but no point in putting it out there unnecessarily right now.


I do that all the time on my sin most people don't realize that as long as i kill the person. I am fighting i can stealth after i kill them if no one is taunting or hitting me People think a stealth class will remain in combat even if others are fighting around him in pvp. In pve if a group member is fighting it puts me in combat but in pvp i can stealth just after i kill a person if i use combat stealth first. Funny how class mechanic like that get missed by other classes. It like tab mezzing till you see a sin tab mezzing 3 people keeping them from tagging a node your like WTH he's mezzing 3 people how is that possible. It is the tricks we use when a person uses a class to it's full potential. That's when a lot of players call hacks because they don't know we can do stuff like that.

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There was a possible Huttball hack or probably a bug recently where whenever someone on our team made a successful pass we scored


That not a hack it a bug with server sync again in rare cases it thinks the person is in the EZ when it is passed and there on the ramp the player has no control over that either the dev's spoke about it on a forum post a while back. So the hutball you were in when that happened was bug and glitching.

Edited by Neoforcer
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I do that all the time on my sin most people don't realize that as long as i kill the person. I am fighting i can stealth after i kill them if no one is taunting or hitting me People think a stealth class will remain in combat even if others are fighting around him in pvp. In pve if a group member is fighting it puts me in combat but in pvp i can stealth just after i kill a person if i use combat stealth first. Funny how class mechanic like that get missed by other classes. It like tab mezzing till you see a sin tab mezzing 3 people keeping them from tagging a node your like WTH he's mezzing 3 people how is that possible. It is the tricks we use when a person uses a class to it's full potential. That's when a lot of players call hacks because they don't know we can do stuff like that.


I think the issue though is not that you killed someone, I think they mean you are actively engaged with someone and you pop in and out of stealth 5 times. Not really sure how this is possible, you haven't killed anyone, you're engaged with someone else. Unless you're telling me that if you hit someone else who is low on health, and they die, that will take you out of combat for an instant? Or maybe have a dot on another player while they die, while engaged with someone else and that puts you out of combat?


Just trying to understand here.


Also, definitely seen some kind of hack. I killed a player, he got up, as in res, was there for a sec, got off 3 attacks, then popped back to the rez point. Then an instant later they were on the other side of the map in voidstar.

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There are authors on sites that will create hacks for SWTOR. It will cost you a ton of money to get them along with a monthly charge. I've reported people recently in the last month or two and they have either changed their name, quit, or got banned. I was seeing people not take any damage for about 10 seconds, no immune messages, no dodge, no parry, no absorbed. No feedback at all, so i told people to watch soandso and they all agree it wasn't right. Also continue to see a stealth in cover channel and only appear in the last second of the channel.


And that guy in your guild that use to pwn everyone in pvp just got the urge to give up the game because he got bored? It's because they lost their accounts.

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I do that all the time on my sin most people don't realize that as long as i kill the person. I am fighting i can stealth after i kill them if no one is taunting or hitting me People think a stealth class will remain in combat even if others are fighting around him in pvp. In pve if a group member is fighting it puts me in combat but in pvp i can stealth just after i kill a person if i use combat stealth first. Funny how class mechanic like that get missed by other classes. It like tab mezzing till you see a sin tab mezzing 3 people keeping them from tagging a node your like WTH he's mezzing 3 people how is that possible. It is the tricks we use when a person uses a class to it's full potential. That's when a lot of players call hacks because they don't know we can do stuff like that.


The player wasn't getting a kill, they were actively engaging my guildie and another player and repeatedly going in and out of stealth while doing so. After he/she was called out on it, it amazingly stopped happening.

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The player wasn't getting a kill, they were actively engaging my guildie and another player and repeatedly going in and out of stealth while doing so. After he/she was called out on it, it amazingly stopped happening.


And i imagine the video isn't recoverable? :rolleyes:

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Your comments are laughable...I bet you are one of the people running these hacks then. I do by the way understand my class and other classes. But when I firing on a lower level person and they absorb all my attacks and then turn around and hit me for 7K twice and I am dead...then something is going on. So trust me when I say, this has nothing to do with intelligence.

If they were hacking wouldn't they just 1 hit you instead? You are just a kid QQing that you couldn't kill someone of a lower level. GG learn to play

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There is ZERO monitoring SWTOR for hacks. This game is easy because there is nothing keeping hackers from getting caught except the occasional mistakes or arrogant player. And that only gets a petition written up on you and what does the game have to check your facts? Video? Logs? Its a hackers dream they have zero resistance from detection and believe me they are out there.




Yes it's a FPS cheat detection but it's something and they are catching cheaters by the tens of thousands.


The fact SWTOR isn't protecting the integrity of the game is exactly what attracts hackers. It's not the visual hacks that i am worried about its the hacks that work the toon themselves. The hacks that will stick on people, and do the rotations that always do the most damage, you know getting the best hits without ever making mistakes, never missing those crit hits when they land. What ever you can think of in any giving situation is easily to program.

Edited by Kenwefomu
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Note: This post is quite out-of-context as far as the current discussion goes, but is still on track for the thread. Just wanted to sum up a bit and touch on a few points.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


If you think that hacks do not exist, you are wrong.


If you think that hacks are very common, you are... not actually wrong, necessarily. Remember that people here are all playing on different servers. Personally on The Harbinger I see very few hacks (1 ever, that I can confirm).


However, it is entirely possible that some obscure EU server has a hacker in every PvP match. If a player from this server comments on it, the chances of him getting flamed and spammed with 'L2P' are 100%. However, he's technically right, if of course the scenario I explained is the case (which, let's be real, it probably isn't).


That said, just remember that different people play on different servers.


Not only that, different people in this thread play on different types of servers. No one on The Harbinger really cares about hacking because there isn't a big community of PvPers, and definitely not of hardcore ones.


PvE server, not very likely to have hacks (hence why mine has none, or at least very few). However, PvP servers would be more likely to have more-common hacking. Once a match? I highly doubt it. But definitely more frequent than 'once since launch'.

Edited by idnewton
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Dunno why but recently I've seen a lot more suspect behaviour in WZ - just the other night someone capped the pylon on AHG within seconds. Also came across a few unkillable, undamagable speedsters in 55s. I just call them rude names, report and move on :)

Cheats do happen.


I swear....this happened today on TOFN - more than one time:


1) I was guarding our pylon in AH... with 6 sec left, I decided to go for the center, since noone would be able to cap due to capping time is longer than 6 sec... at 2 sec left I see the message that the enemy has captured BOTH pylons, meaning that someone had capped the pylon in less than 4 sec... keep in mind I had been facing the pylon all the time, 25m away from it. Not an enemy in sight.


2) Same thing happened in Voidstar. Was facing the door, no enemies. Suddenly I see a bomb on the door and the warning comes. No enemy in sight. Just a bomb that "spawned" out of nowhere. I was not the only one seeing this.


Now - in that same voidstar, there was a dps scoundrel on the opposite team who kept going in and out of stealth popping CC's that seemed endlessly. And with in and out of stealth I mean 4-5 times within a min. Same guy. Not two, not three...only one guy. A few others on my team noticed this as well.

Edited by Amonkiratainted
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I swear....this happened today on TOFN - more than one time:


1) I was guarding our pylon in AH... with 6 sec left, I decided to go for the center, since noone would be able to cap due to capping time is longer than 6 sec... at 2 sec left I see the message that the enemy has captured BOTH pylons, meaning that someone had capped the pylon in less than 4 sec... keep in mind I had been facing the pylon all the time, 25m away from it. Not an enemy in sight.


2) Same thing happened in Voidstar. Was facing the door, no enemies. Suddenly I see a bomb on the door and the warning comes. No enemy in sight. Just a bomb that "spawned" out of nowhere. I was not the only one seeing this.


Now - in that same voidstar, there was a dps scoundrel on the opposite team who kept going in and out of stealth popping CC's that seemed endlessly. And with in and out of stealth I mean 4-5 times within a min. Same guy. Not two, not three...only one guy. A few others on my team noticed this as well.


I've seen that 3 times just this week in hypergate, i see it on voidstar all the time.


And i just experienced in an arena 31-54 two Juggs, PT, and a Muarader. I had the maurader down to 12% and boom he was 100%. So tell me how that possible?


There are more and more hacks everyday and the people really don't give a crap. So i'm going to have to run fraps all the time to prove that this crap exists.


If you have to hack your a *****! You know who you are! Piles of ****!

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There is ZERO monitoring SWTOR for hacks. This game is easy because there is nothing keeping hackers from getting caught except the occasional mistakes or arrogant player. And that only gets a petition written up on you and what does the game have to check your facts? Video? Logs? Its a hackers dream they have zero resistance from detection and believe me they are out there.




Yes it's a FPS cheat detection but it's something and they are catching cheaters by the tens of thousands.


The fact SWTOR isn't protecting the integrity of the game is exactly what attracts hackers. It's not the visual hacks that i am worried about its the hacks that work the toon themselves. The hacks that will stick on people, and do the rotations that always do the most damage, you know getting the best hits without ever making mistakes, never missing those crit hits when they land. What ever you can think of in any giving situation is easily to program.


they do monitor, I got a friend who was f2p, he speed hacked and well, the next day he got caught and raged afterward (to everyone but me I had no idea til today he even did that stuff), the point is though he did it with no other players nearby and even so he got caught and of course punished as he deserved so they are monitoring I guarantee that.

Edited by Sangrar
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they do monitor, I got a friend who was f2p, he speed hacked and well, the next day he got caught and raged afterward (to everyone but me I had no idea til today he even did that stuff), the point is though he did it with no other players nearby and even so he got caught and of course punished as he deserved so they are monitoring I guarantee that.


The speed hacks aren't my concern, those are the worst hacks to use if you want to get caught. If you move to fast or do something to yes those are instantly detected. The passive hacks i'll call them are keypress/situational hacks. With the the occasional god mode. They are very hard to detect and they exist. Ask your friend where he got his hacks, i bet he probably had the free version. The good hacks are a lot more money and i'm convinced that they are being used more and more.

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The speed hacks aren't my concern, those are the worst hacks to use if you want to get caught. If you move to fast or do something to yes those are instantly detected. The passive hacks i'll call them are keypress/situational hacks. With the the occasional god mode. They are very hard to detect and they exist. Ask your friend where he got his hacks, i bet he probably had the free version. The good hacks are a lot more money and i'm convinced that they are being used more and more.


Firstly you obviously know nothing about how SWTOR works, everything is calculated server side, not on the client's computer. Stuff like god mode cannot happen simply because it would require the cheater to have hacked the server itself. The very system on how the game is very hostile to hacks without any need to anti-hacking measures.


If someone did hack the game the moment they tried something the server would be like "wth are you doing, heck no" and probably disconnect you right there.


Now as for that god mode, don't ever underestimate the power of proper cooldown use and a pocket healer....

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Firstly you obviously know nothing about how SWTOR works, everything is calculated server side, not on the client's computer. Stuff like god mode cannot happen simply because it would require the cheater to have hacked the server itself. The very system on how the game is very hostile to hacks without any need to anti-hacking measures.


If someone did hack the game the moment they tried something the server would be like "wth are you doing, heck no" and probably disconnect you right there.


Now as for that god mode, don't ever underestimate the power of proper cooldown use and a pocket healer....


For what I can tell, a PT isnt a healer...neither are juggs or maras. And a mara cannot go from 12% to 100% with 1 DCD... let alone all his DCD's.


Hacking DOES occur. If people can speed-hack, you can bet your sweet (_!_) that they can figure out how to use other forms of hacking as well.

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For what I can tell, a PT isnt a healer...neither are juggs or maras. And a mara cannot go from 12% to 100% with 1 DCD... let alone all his DCD's.


Hacking DOES occur. If people can speed-hack, you can bet your sweet (_!_) that they can figure out how to use other forms of hacking as well.


I'm fairly certain in the situation you described there was someone healing, but they probably where off your screen and you where too busy calling hacks to look around. Also a annilation muarder could have done frenzy+medpack which would have netted him a substantial amount of healing.


Also your not understanding how servers work, speed hacking is tricking the system on your location, stuff like god-mode would require them modifying the game itself, which the server would notice immediately.


Seriously dude, there is almost no hacking that can't be explained by paying better attention to your surroundings.

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