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galactic starfigther is unfair (this will make new people quit really fast).


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Most people on The Ebon Hawk use the PvP channel (/2). But that's cool that your community uses a player-made channel.


We're pretty friendly there, too! Roll an alt sometime, come stop in on the Fleet for a chat, we'd be glad to share some insights with y'all!

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I can't disagree more with this post.


When I started playing GSF on PTS I was getting rocked and I thought is was because all the close BETA folks had their good ships. Then teh game went live, my skills hadn't improved much but I wasn't getting rocked quite so bad. I started getting my FlashFire closer to max and started doing really well. I was so convinced that I would only do GSF on one toon for fear of having to go back to getting rocked all the time. Then I decided to roll a Marauder, after about an hour on Korriban I was itching for some GSF goodness so I went ahead and qued. I ended up in a 12v12 match against 7 Pub Players I know to be very good with mastered ships.

My first match on my stock scout went pretty well, 6-11-7 and 28k damage. I did more Sat Guarding/Cap-ing than I usually do and died twice as much as i do on my mastered FlashFire, but all in all did well for having a stock ship.


Basically I say all that to say this, GSF is't unfair. You have to learn the skills that will get you the good stats. Once you do the Upgrades only compliment those skills.

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im sorry bro don't get offended, but im my opinion you are totally wrong.

I have a mastered flashfire and novadrive on my gunslinger.

wanted to start playing on a new scoundrel since he is low lvl and I figured I could lvl him up just by playing GSF.

how can it be that wen I play my mastered flashfire on my gunslinger I always get at least 10 kills and do around 50k dmg (playing against a team that has at least 4/5 people with 5 ships, meaning at least one is mastered.

then when I play my scoundrel I only get a couple points on my dps and if im lucky 1 kill when playing against such teams



it's not upgrades that are doing this, it's experiance. I've seen pilots I know are good take un upgraded novadives out and still top the score board. a biiiig part of GSF is experiance and skill. if BW brought in your proposed chanegs you'd proably see a lot of vets for a short duration take out new alts and run around on them.


and they'd still win

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One major flaw with your plan. I've got 3 masxtered ships as of right now...So I should be forced to only play with people that have three mastered ships. Seriously, even on Pot5 I think I'd have a matchmaking pool of 25 people. and I often keep a unupgraded, or mid-level ship in my rotation, so I can "play nice" if I come across an enemy team of newbies.


not at all u didn't understand it very well.

if you got 3 mastered ships you compete with anyone who ahs at least 1 mastered ship and queues up with that ship, the difference is that person will only have the option to use his/her ship while ull be able to swtich between them since they are all mastered.

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im sorry bro don't get offended, but im my opinion you are totally wrong.

I have a mastered flashfire and novadrive on my gunslinger.

wanted to start playing on a new scoundrel since he is low lvl and I figured I could lvl him up just by playing GSF.

how can it be that wen I play my mastered flashfire on my gunslinger I always get at least 10 kills and do around 50k dmg (playing against a team that has at least 4/5 people with 5 ships, meaning at least one is mastered.

then when I play my scoundrel I only get a couple points on my dps and if im lucky 1 kill when playing against such teams


Then perhaps you are not really as skilled as you would like to think you are. I play on alts all the time with 0-upgrade novadives and default crew, yet still get in the top 2 of the score board almost every time. Heck, one time I even forgot to remap my keys before a game on a new toon and had to play without being able to use any power conversions yet still got top score by a factor of 3. This game is almost entirely skill based. Upgrades provide a very minor boost to good pilots.

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Upgrades provide a very minor boost to good pilots.

This line got me thinking. I believe it is true, though I can't backup that belief with experience (since I'm not a good pilot). However, what I can backup with (personal) experience is following extension of the line:


Upgrades provide a very minor boost to good pilots, but a major boost to average pilots.


Now, based on Gaussian distribution, most pilots should be "average". For the bad ones upgrades don't matter much, because they won't be able to utilize them anyway. Similarly, for the good ones upgrades don't matter (much) because they can replace them with skill, and in GSF skill >> gear. However, for the rest it will matter if they fly a maxed out FotM (Tier 2 scout or Gunship) or a stock ship.

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You need to play GSF and practice the skills if you want to get good.


I think dozen's of us have made this exact same point on dozens of threads. Some folks would rather gripe than hone their skills. They feel as though they are entitled to win, not work for it.


Skill doesn't just happen, you have to work for it.

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You need to play GSF and practice the skills if you want to get good.


I think dozen's of us have made this exact same point on dozens of threads. Some folks would rather gripe than hone their skills. They feel as though they are entitled to win, not work for it.


Skill doesn't just happen, you have to work for it.

I'm not sure at whom is your response aimed, but if it it's the OP, all he requested was a better matchmaking, or matchmaking where the newbies aren't farmed by the veterans. You disagree with that (the general idea, not the specific solution he suggested)?


Also (this is not aimed at you, it's a general remark/opinion): many people who talk about skill are like a group of level 55 players who think it's the skill what makes them defeat the group of level 30 players. I have seen a lot of them, and I also saw what happens when they end in balanced matches (groups with equal amount of max levels) or dare - very rarely - use stock ships instead of their maxed FotMs (relog to level 30 alts). So while "skill" or "learn to play" may be valid response, it's not a magic counterargument which ends every GSF thread.


Of course, there are really good pilots, the ones who always dominate when the circumstances are equal for all.

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  • 1 month later...

There should just be a ranking system based on your overall performance. I've just started playing and I'm loving GS but its so goddamn frustrating getting thrown into a match when everyone blows you away in a blink of an eye. There's no learning curve available that'll help develop new players. Getting advise is good an all but putting it into practice takes time, and if that time involves spending 10% shooting, 20% of the time respawning, 30% of the time getting to a fight, and 40% face palming yourself, the fun gets sucked out of it.


EIther implement one based on KDA or number of games played. At least that way if you do get shat on at least you know its your own personal skill level rather than thinking 'that guy's ship is a tricked out mother****er'.

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Holy crap what is up with all the necro these days??


Please do not continue to respond to this archaic thread, it is no longer even relevant. Please... just stop.


Oh this thread is immensely relevant and it seems the OP should come back with a few I told you so's.


More or less the devs created a system that is immensely punishing to anyone is not in a strong flying guild and as far as I can see its getinng worse and worse.

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The problem is not in the fact that new people have no upgrades to their ships. You can study the controls, play the tutorial a few times to get used to piloting and do decently in a game still. I routinely fly on my alts with no mod ships and still get first or second place on the score board almost every time. The problem comes with what the current meta has turned into. GSF has become nothing more than giant gunship and bomber battles with less and less digfighting. It is not commonplace to see clusters of 4 or more gunships covering each other and now we have the issue that new people starting out now only have two ship options... Both dogfighters. So you have someone new to the game in the only type of ship available going against an ocean of gunships with little to no actual experience other than tutorial, getting oneshotted before they can even get close enough to for the lack of module upgrades to even matter.

Untill the meta of the game goes away from nothing but giant gunship sniperfests, and returns to dogfighting with the occasional sniper here and there, it is going to be extremely discouraging for new players. Well actually for anyone who likes to do anything other than sit on the sidelines and snipe but especially new players who don't even have that option available to them yet.

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it's not upgrades that are doing this, it's experiance. I've seen pilots I know are good take un upgraded novadives out and still top the score board. a biiiig part of GSF is experiance and skill. if BW brought in your proposed chanegs you'd proably see a lot of vets for a short duration take out new alts and run around on them.


and they'd still win


This. I hop in a new blackbolt on every alt I roll and own just as hard as on my main. Top of the charts every round. Upgrades don't do a damn thing for bad players, it only matters in good vs good matchups. Sad to say, GSF's problem is that getting your **** pushed in is a rite of passage we must all face. Only those who persevere will end up enjoying GSF.


That said! I think a gunship should be one of the default ships. They are much easier to do well with for new players, and they helped me get used to GSF when I started out.

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Just a couple a days ago, I did a GS match and I choose an unmodified Nova scout. No upgraded components. We were doing TDM and the other team had some capable players. Both teams had 2 FTP people, so it was balanced also in that aspect. I'm not an ace but I think I do understand the core concepts of the game pretty well and how to fly my ship skillfully while focusing on what my ship's role is supposed to be. So at the end of the match I was on top of the board with the most medals. I had 14 kills, 10 assists and the most damage in the match of any other player. I focused on hunting the gunships and bombers while getting the overcharges scattered around the map that bombers and GS's have a hard time getting before I do. Our team won. So it all comes down to skill. I was flying against fully upgraded Strikes, Scouts, Bombers and GS's. If you are a skilled player, you can do well with any kind of ship. If you know how to fly and use your 1-4 abilities often, know your role, and stick to objectives you will be fine. I suggest people look at the thread that was started that shows tips for new players on how to excel at GS.
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Personally I think playing against better pilots makes you a better pilot.


Overall it'd be counter-productive to split up the newer players and the veterans, you'd be removing one of the best ways to learn (from someone better/more xp'd). I know getting waxed early on definitely helped me pay more attention and start to work all the systems on my poor little tier 1 fighters.

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So the other day I decided to roll some toons on pub side. I played several matches with unmodded stock ships, and still topped the damage charts in most of those matches. The upgrades help, but they are not the end all be all of GSF progression.


Why you see it this way is because it takes time to get those components, and time = experience. Experience is much more valuable than any upgrade (and I have seen this not just in my case, but also with other good pilots)


The upgrades do help a great deal, but they are icing on the experience cake.


The biggest issue with GSF is that people are not willing to invest the time it takes to learn how to pilot their ship(s) properly. Everyone expects to waltz into the game and be Biggs n Wedge or Luke Skywalker (with little to no effort), unfortunately your not facing bots, your facing real people with varying degrees of skill. There is a learning curve, and this is not Biowares fault (Any PvP game has this curve, some more than others)


What all the currently good pilots did was STICK WITH IT. if you throw up your hands and give up right away no one will (or should) feel sorry for you.


that being said, the other big mistake new players make is: Not grouping, and not asking questions. If more people would do either of these things you would have far less QQ.

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Personally I think playing against better pilots makes you a better pilot.


Overall it'd be counter-productive to split up the newer players and the veterans, you'd be removing one of the best ways to learn (from someone better/more xp'd). I know getting waxed early on definitely helped me pay more attention and start to work all the systems on my poor little tier 1 fighters.


That's just not how it works in the real world. New players getting crushed before they can even do anything is not a positive thing, they aren't learning anything except how to respawn. If they had 2 tiers people could learn in tier 1 and then progress into the next tier for better rewards and more challenge when they feel ready.


But I don't see it happening until they can figure out cross server queing because while a tiered system would probably raise the population of GSF it probably wouldn't be enough to not raise que times.


Besides long que times I really cant see any other reason why anyone would be against a tiered system except mediocre players who need the noobs to pad their scoreboard.

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Besides long que times I really cant see any other reason why anyone would be against a tiered system except mediocre players who need the noobs to pad their scoreboard.


It would create a huge farming opportunity for skilled players. Anyone who has any skill in GSF can do just as well in an unmodified ship, upgrades are merely icing on the cake. With a tiered system what's to stop a really good player from hopping on an alt, grabbing their stock nova dive and completely destroying the noobs? Best thing would be some sort of matchmaking system that evenly distributes vets and noobs rather than separate queues.

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It would create a huge farming opportunity for skilled players. Anyone who has any skill in GSF can do just as well in an unmodified ship, upgrades are merely icing on the cake. With a tiered system what's to stop a really good player from hopping on an alt, grabbing their stock nova dive and completely destroying the noobs? Best thing would be some sort of matchmaking system that evenly distributes vets and noobs rather than separate queues.


Disagree. There already are huge farming opportunities for premades and anyone in them. This would at best be minor in comparison. As soon as someone had gotten enough of a kill/death ratio and total kills they would be booted to a higher bracket.

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I love the smell of necro in the morning.


Balance seems pretty good over here on the R.E server. Sure there are the pre-made guild flights on both sides who often dominate games. There are even a few pilots who can alter a match single handedly. (They are the ones who enjoy making me eat vacuum and explode into pretty colours.)

New players do get tossed in the deep end, but at the end of the day we all went through the same thing. I spent the first 50 or so matches learning how not to get killed a dozen times each game, and while I'm still not topping any leaderboards I know how to contribute to a team because GSF is, ultimately, a team game. Those wanting to simply leap in and go Leroy Jenkins are going to spend a lot of time re-spawning.


So no, I don't think there needs to be a two tier system, a more robust tutorial perhaps, and more input from the Vets out there towards the greener pilots but leave the balance of play as it stands.


Now, time for me to explode in a variety of hilarious ways again...

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If you notice most of the players that defend and tell frustrated players to "just keep trying GSF and they will get better", either play or have played a maxed out a Flashfire or Gunship. I know for a fact that maxing those ships out will give any player a distinct advantage in either speed and/or damage. I'm not going to feed these dudes kills until some type of balancing mechanic is in place. Hopefully Bioware is currently working on this. GSF is NOT enjoyable for most casual players at the moment. Very disappointing.
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