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galactic starfigther is unfair (this will make new people quit really fast).


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i wanted to create this thread to inform bioware and share with the community my thoughts on how galactic star fighter operates and how wrong it is to not set a difference in difficulty level match between upgraded tier components on ships and non-upgraded components on ships.


first of; galactic star fighter is amazingly entertaining and very well designed, game is fun mechanics are incredible and controls are a bit advanced but once u get used to it is fun and lets you navigate the map very efficiently.


now, i want to explain the issues:


when galactic star fighter first came out it was incredibly fun, very competitive and very enjoyable, as time passed many players upgraded their ships little by little but, as of right now, all the people that wants to start off playing GSF is forced to face a very discomforting situation as they have to play against people whose ship are fully upgraded (mastered) and they are no match for this type of player. no matter how good you become you are always in terrible disadvantage, which causes a lot of people to drop GSF really quick. i do not want this to happen, i want people to enjoy GSF just as much as i enjoy it, but for that bioware has to make a competitive and efficient game.

therefore i came up with an idea of how GSF should be differentiated between queued players, and how to place them in queue (this for sure will make queue time a lot longer, specially for fully upgraded ships, but it will be worth even more).


the game has to be divided into three different difficulty of levels;


-tier 1-2 upgrades should be level 1.

-tier 3-4 upgrades should be level 2.

-tier 5 upgrades should be level 3.


to keep this organized players should be limited in the way they are able to upgrade their ships, and this goes on like this: if you want your primary weapon to be upgraded to tier 2, then you need to upgrade all components on your ship to tier 1, if they are not upgraded to tier 1, you cannot proceed to upgrade any single component to tier 2.

now if you have different ships and they are not at the same levels of upgrade, then you cannot choose those ships during a battle in which u queued up with a different tier upgraded ship.

that is how i would like bioware to make GSF in order for the game to be more competitive, not so frustrating and easy going for new players, (and this will as well make more competitive and exiting battles for those who played GSF to the maximum and have fully upgraded several ships) which means the game is a win win for both, beginners and veteran players.

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it's not upgrades that are doing this, it's experiance. I've seen pilots I know are good take un upgraded novadives out and still top the score board. a biiiig part of GSF is experiance and skill. if BW brought in your proposed chanegs you'd proably see a lot of vets for a short duration take out new alts and run around on them.


and they'd still win

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it's not upgrades that are doing this, it's experiance.


this. i started playing a republic 'toon on GSF recently after being almost purely an Imp.


with a stock Nova, I was still towards the top of the leaderboard.


all the upgrades in the world are no match for 600+ extra games worth of experience

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I think it's better to have a good mix of vets and new characters, and to build a good community through communication, encouragement and teaching/learning. Also, people have to have it hammered in that you're not going to come out and own right away, but that's no reason to quit. That's no way to approach a challenge, even in a video game.


Personally, it took me some time to get the hang of it, and I had fun doing so. I saw incremental performance increases, met some folks who had good advice and continued on until I really figured out what I was doing.


I know a great deal of folks on Ebon Hawk went out of their way to be genial to the newcomers, but sometimes school is just in session, and the best way to learn is through trial and error, learning from your mistakes and taking the advice of others who know more than you currently do.


At first, I had no idea why I was being "one shot" by certain players, but I figured it out by talking, reading, and getting advice. Everyone can do the same thing. The challenge is part of the fun, or at least it's supposed to be that way. I understand getting owned right out of the gate sucks, but at the same time, do a little networking with the folks there (see who has 4 or 5 ships or who has a good score at the end of the game). It also helps if you find someone to fly with. I still heartily support the idea for a set of green triangles for your squadmates and a bigger green triangle for your mutually-agreed wingman. Then again, I'd like to see the HUD customizable so I could change the colors. I lose the damn reticle sometimes when I'm in Kuat Mesa. :D

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I've seen this too and made a similar thread. The first few weeks of GSF were indeed lots of fun. Then the ultra serious 24/7 premades started to get a strangle hold on many of the matches. On Shadowlands you can't even get a pop as a solo pug on the pubside and when you switch over to Imp you get one almost instantly. The instant match you get into is your team with two ship players against one or two blocks of four players with five ships each.


The simple solution is to match Groups with Groups and Solo Players with Solo Players.


The devs don't yet realize that the two styles of gameplay are entirely different.

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Brand new ships are balanced just fine against further leveled ships. The loadouts are for fun more than anything and to just get the ship to have the right feel for you. GTS is almost entirely skill, which is why the majority of pvpers and the awful hard core portion of their community are staying away from it. I'd prefer it to STAY that way.


The other thing is there is a constant influx of new players coming in and trying it at least on our server. I haven't seen any actual "stomping" since probably week 2-4 of the initial release. Everything has really chilled since then.


If you like some good fun GTS come to Begeren repub side. We have a blast every night. As soon as it hits F2P it's going to be even better.

Edited by siegeshot
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I think it's better to have a good mix of vets and new characters, and to build a good community through communication, encouragement and teaching/learning. Also, people have to have it hammered in that you're not going to come out and own right away, but that's no reason to quit. That's no way to approach a challenge, even in a video game.


Personally, it took me some time to get the hang of it, and I had fun doing so. I saw incremental performance increases, met some folks who had good advice and continued on until I really figured out what I was doing.


I know a great deal of folks on Ebon Hawk went out of their way to be genial to the newcomers, but sometimes school is just in session, and the best way to learn is through trial and error, learning from your mistakes and taking the advice of others who know more than you currently do.


At first, I had no idea why I was being "one shot" by certain players, but I figured it out by talking, reading, and getting advice. Everyone can do the same thing. The challenge is part of the fun, or at least it's supposed to be that way. I understand getting owned right out of the gate sucks, but at the same time, do a little networking with the folks there (see who has 4 or 5 ships or who has a good score at the end of the game). It also helps if you find someone to fly with. I still heartily support the idea for a set of green triangles for your squadmates and a bigger green triangle for your mutually-agreed wingman. Then again, I'd like to see the HUD customizable so I could change the colors. I lose the damn reticle sometimes when I'm in Kuat Mesa. :D


Pretty much this.


vets try to teach when they can, but at the same time you can't expect people to fly straight and let you kill them

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Hey a few times I posted asking for a "Flight School", option where a group of 4 (max) players can enter a Space PvP map and the group leader can assign teams (all on one, 2 v 2, whatever) and no points are scored or requisition earned. No timer either. Kinda like dueling is practice for Ground PvP.


I could teach 1 v 1, 2 v 1 etc tactics to Guildies.

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I think it's better to have a good mix of vets and new characters, and to build a good community through communication, encouragement and teaching/learning. Also, people have to have it hammered in that you're not going to come out and own right away, but that's no reason to quit. That's no way to approach a challenge, even in a video game.


Personally, it took me some time to get the hang of it, and I had fun doing so. I saw incremental performance increases, met some folks who had good advice and continued on until I really figured out what I was doing.


I know a great deal of folks on Ebon Hawk went out of their way to be genial to the newcomers, but sometimes school is just in session, and the best way to learn is through trial and error, learning from your mistakes and taking the advice of others who know more than you currently do.


At first, I had no idea why I was being "one shot" by certain players, but I figured it out by talking, reading, and getting advice. Everyone can do the same thing. The challenge is part of the fun, or at least it's supposed to be that way. I understand getting owned right out of the gate sucks, but at the same time, do a little networking with the folks there (see who has 4 or 5 ships or who has a good score at the end of the game). It also helps if you find someone to fly with. I still heartily support the idea for a set of green triangles for your squadmates and a bigger green triangle for your mutually-agreed wingman. Then again, I'd like to see the HUD customizable so I could change the colors. I lose the damn reticle sometimes when I'm in Kuat Mesa. :D


^^qouted for TRUTH^^

nobody is going to win right out of the gate unless they have a team capable of carrying them, people are so quick to give up and cry unfair when they don't win... practice, talk to others, join a guild focused on GSF, and above all learn from your mistakes, don't just throw in the towel at the first defeat, it may take you 100 games to get good it may take 1,000 but don't give up... also, learn to play as a team, Cowboys are not really welcome in GSF...

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I know a great deal of folks on Ebon Hawk went out of their way to be genial to the newcomers

I'm both glad and jealous to hear that. On Progenitor, when the Republic veterans see they are going against a team of newbies, they will still all saddle their maxed-out Flashfires and go for a "1000 vs single digit" score because ... well, I don't really know.

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bad idea.


all u would get is some some players stacking coms buying nothing till they can upgrade most of a ship, u really want very skilled players in with ALL noobs lol


i have a ship i dont upgrade anything just use it for fun showing up some of the wanna be aces so no sorry your idea wouldnt work it would get abused and lead to more quitting gsf.

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I feel like we should wait until the game fully launches (Feb 4) before we make these kind of claims. for all we know the matchmaker could still be turned off to allow quicker pops vs. more evenly matched pops.


If this is still an issue on Mar 4, then this thread will be worth discussing, and I will join in.

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I feel like we should wait until the game fully launches (Feb 4) before we make these kind of claims. for all we know the matchmaker could still be turned off to allow quicker pops vs. more evenly matched pops.


If this is still an issue on Mar 4, then this thread will be worth discussing, and I will join in.


March 4 will be too late, it will take a lot less than a month to run off the new and mediocre players from gsf this time, it only took about a month the first time and that was because everyone was new and in stock ships.

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It can seem unfair at times. My server has the 5-6 regulars with fully mastered multiple ships that devastate the field. Usually the competition are new players with 2-3 ships. It can get frustrating going against them and it can be just as frustrating flying with them, they kill everything before you get a chance to target.


I don't blame them though, I blame myself for wanting to "re roll" gs with my alts. Flying skills do factor in a majority of how well you do; BUT if that target has fully upgraded evasion and quicker/stronger weapon loadouts, you've already lost unless you play run-away all match.

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March 4 will be too late, it will take a lot less than a month to run off the new and mediocre players from gsf this time, it only took about a month the first time and that was because everyone was new and in stock ships.


I don't feel like I've seen this massive drop in players yet at all, and I started in December. queue times are still really good on JC, even during less-than-prime hours (I tend to play late night/early morning). So with what I've seen and experienced, I feel like a month will both allow BW to get any initial issues with the matchmaker dealt with, and allow the newbies to gear up a bit. If I'm still playing matches against a bunch of new players on Mar 4, then I can agree that the matchmaker isn't working right.


I'd also like to point out the the # of ships a person has in the hangar at the start of a match isn't a real indicator of how many games they've played. someone with 2 or 3 ships could easily be gearing those up fully before buying any new ones, and someone with 5 ships in the hangar may have simply purchased the Cartel ships before ever flying a match (if they have these ships showing: Flashfire [sting] and/or pike [quell], then you can be assured they have played some games, but not how many, since ship req can be converted into fleet req and used to purchase them).

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Hey a few times I posted asking for a "Flight School", option where a group of 4 (max) players can enter a Space PvP map and the group leader can assign teams (all on one, 2 v 2, whatever) and no points are scored or requisition earned. No timer either. Kinda like dueling is practice for Ground PvP.


I could teach 1 v 1, 2 v 1 etc tactics to Guildies.


This is a good idea. Flight Sims for small groups of players who want to learn or practice. They could even sell different map types on the CM.

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One major flaw with your plan. I've got 3 masxtered ships as of right now...So I should be forced to only play with people that have three mastered ships. Seriously, even on Pot5 I think I'd have a matchmaking pool of 25 people. and I often keep a unupgraded, or mid-level ship in my rotation, so I can "play nice" if I come across an enemy team of newbies.
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^^qouted for TRUTH^^

nobody is going to win right out of the gate unless they have a team capable of carrying them, people are so quick to give up and cry unfair when they don't win... practice, talk to others, join a guild focused on GSF, and above all learn from your mistakes, don't just throw in the towel at the first defeat, it may take you 100 games to get good it may take 1,000 but don't give up... also, learn to play as a team, Cowboys are not really welcome in GSF...


Took me a couple days to figure out that when the target is gray and 20k m, the blasters on a gunship are going to be less than useless lol. Gotta stick with it and figure it out... And when you go 0-5+ for a couple games, take a break and come back. You'll get the hang of it. /cjoin Gsf is pretty clutch too - talk to other GSFers and get their insight if you're having an issue with something

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Took me a couple days to figure out that when the target is gray and 20k m, the blasters on a gunship are going to be less than useless lol. Gotta stick with it and figure it out... And when you go 0-5+ for a couple games, take a break and come back. You'll get the hang of it. /cjoin Gsf is pretty clutch too - talk to other GSFers and get their insight if you're having an issue with something


Most people on The Ebon Hawk use the PvP channel (/2). But that's cool that your community uses a player-made channel.

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Took me a couple days to figure out that when the target is gray and 20k m, the blasters on a gunship are going to be less than useless lol. Gotta stick with it and figure it out... And when you go 0-5+ for a couple games, take a break and come back. You'll get the hang of it. /cjoin Gsf is pretty clutch too - talk to other GSFers and get their insight if you're having an issue with something


Great advice. I had two weeks of total frustration trying to get a handle on how to play and was ready to quit everyday. I'm glad I didn't because I have a ton of fun playing now. It is worth going through that rough break in period and you'll soon find it really is about skill and not components. The skill will come.

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Great advice. I had two weeks of total frustration trying to get a handle on how to play and was ready to quit everyday. I'm glad I didn't because I have a ton of fun playing now. It is worth going through that rough break in period and you'll soon find it really is about skill and not components. The skill will come.


Here's some advice for new players:

1. Ctrl P

2. Click "Starfighter" on the left side menu

3. Check the box that says "Show Detailed Star Fighter Weapon Tooltips", then Apply/Ok

4. While in the hangar, mouse over the various weapons/components and READ the details, such as range, accuracy at range (Look beyond 500m!!!), DPS (again check all 3 range categories!!), power draw, firing arc (how big your circle is on your screen, you can fire within this circle), and tracking penalty (firing away from the center of your screen reduces your accuracy!)

4.1 Don't ignore reading about the components!

5. Read about upgrades for the various components

5.1 Upgrades that have a "split" are either/or not both at the same time

5.2 AND you can switch them (once you unlock tier 3 engines, you can select either a +10% speed or turning rate increase. You can change that between matches, but only if not in the queue)

6. Check out the "crew" tab and check out all the crew members' abilities

7. You can fly the tutorial "? top right of hangar" multiple times... Fly like a batouttahell hugging asteriods for several minutes. Learn Boost (spacebar) and regen the engines faster with F3. Shoot your guns till you run out... then watch regen... then do it again and watch regen with F1 (more weapon regen) (F2 is max shields F4 is rebalance the 3)

8. NOW try a match, maybe link up with a friend who plays! Ask questions and most importantly stay active!

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