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AFKing at Captial Ships


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sadly i can see this being abused...

for example; during one match i and another were guarding one node all game, there was always someone coming for it, yet someone in chat blamed us for the loss by not participating in their chicken-run-blast-o-rama, because they never saw any red dots near our satellite, yet we had the highest objective scores in the match and we got the blame for the loss... i explained to them after match that we always had someone trying to take the node so we stayed and fought off everyone that tried to take it and the failure lied in no one else trying to take and hold a node, they were all off away from Sats and following the bait back to their Cap ships...

so yeah it can be abused by someone with snap judgment and no awareness of what's really going on...


I've had the same situation happen to me, and it's because I really don't like to leave a sat undefended, so if everyone else jets away, I'm staying to guard.


If someone ever tries to votekick you in a game I'm in (though I'm not sure if you GSF on pub or imp more often... I'm pub), rest assured I won't vote to kick you. I also know of a few people who understand the rules of domination well enough not to vote yes to kick a sat defender.


I just hope that'll enough to stop the abuse that I agree is possible...

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Define "non-contributing" players, some of us are still learning to play GSF vs the lot who are just missile spammers and gunship FOTM players :D


People who are just sitting at spawn point the entire match, they may die once by flying into an asteroid or mesa at the beginning to avoid being afk'ed out but that's it..


I've tried reporting a few to CSR and still see them frequently in matches, they're proud to leech and boast that reporting them does nothing. I think if they don't want to play, the CSR's should ban them to oblige in their unwillingness to play.

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Hopefully it works like in wow. You get flagged for non participation and you have to do some dmg or get a defence tick to stop it counting down.


What they REALLY need to do is create a deserter debuff, but have it so anyone booted for non participation gets a 30 min block on rejoining.


Yes! THIS! ^^^^^

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So you've never seen the boys spamming the credit buy sites on fleet, the noob planets, etc?!? And they last for quite a long time after I report them... oh yeah and they are totally botting, so your theory about Bioware being able to detect bots doesn't really hold H2O.


SomeJagoff's post is valid except for this^. I have seen some brazen hackers performing some masterpiece hacks on this game which leads me to believe there is NO way BW has any hack detection system in this game. I recently saw a player on the fleet run up to a crowd of people, split into 4 seperate people that looked exactly alike, use the same abilities (laceration, recklessness, etc) in tandem and moved around everyone while never breaking their diamond shaped formation. After which they collapsed into one person that ran off to do who knows what. I was truely impressed and saddened at the same time.This was a huge step up from credit spamming bots that never go offline, and clicking ignore on someone and having a different name get ignored.

Edited by Paokzu
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"Non contributor" makes me think it is implied that a contributing player cannot be vote kicked, otherwise it would simply be named "vote kick".


Non contributor is implying some sort of detection in the system, which I would guess being that after XX amount of time without scoring any points, the kick option becomes active on said player.


I'm sure the devs foresaw noobs/d-bags trying to abuse this by kicking elites/heels out of matches without a foul etc.

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sadly i can see this being abused...

for example; during one match i and another were guarding one node all game, there was always someone coming for it, yet someone in chat blamed us for the loss by not participating in their chicken-run-blast-o-rama, because they never saw any red dots near our satellite, yet we had the highest objective scores in the match and we got the blame for the loss... i explained to them after match that we always had someone trying to take the node so we stayed and fought off everyone that tried to take it and the failure lied in no one else trying to take and hold a node, they were all off away from Sats and following the bait back to their Cap ships...

so yeah it can be abused by someone with snap judgment and no awareness of what's really going on...


I tend to stick at nodes too when there's nobody or just one more player there. If there are more than two I will try to make myself useful elsewhere, but some games have passed with me doing nothing when the enemy for some reason does not attack my node.


I believe that at least 2 people are needed at a green node at any given time. Sometimes you'll spend the game snoozing, other times you'll be clinging on by the skin of your teeth, other times you'll get steamrolled by a huge offensive :p

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Something has to be done about this. It is getting out of hand. And these ppl are still getting XP, Credits etc. With F2P starting next week it needs to be part of the download. My suggestion is. You sit at ship more then 2 min you get killed by "friendly fire" (which if you think about it is very true) and automaticly get no pts, be it req, xp credits all the above or what ever. But it is bad. At least every other battle someone is doing it. I have been playing since closed beta and it's not fun anymore when we keep losing so others can do nothing. Please do something about these Scrubs


its the same with ground pvp, and its the same solution. fix the matchmaking system. autobalance teams. no one is going to tell me how to play my game. heavily unbalanced teams? thats nothing to do with me. its their failure . im going to do what i want to do so i can enjoy the game. thats the problem with peeing into the wind, you get pee all over your legs. and it smells much like the current matchmaking system.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yes but at what price?


When I'm furiously running for my life with 3-4 guys on my tail and I get a message saying "You are now AFK" it seems a little absurd.


I know, as I have said multiple times in different threads and I even got video evidence of me, in combat, destroying imps, and getting that freakin message several times. I can only imagine what happens to people defending nodes with this system on, any system that marks you afk when you are clearly not is faulty, it should apply to the capital ship area that's it, would discourage "runners" while at it.

Edited by Sangrar
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Yes but at what price?


When I'm furiously running for my life with 3-4 guys on my tail and I get a message saying "You are now AFK" it seems a little absurd.


I get the "you are not contributing" message every time I play on my Bomber. I am flying around the node laying mines and watching for in bound, next thing I know I get the message.

FYI Bombers are WAY to freakin slow!

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I know, as I have said multiple times in different threads and I even got video evidence of me, in combat, destroying imps, and getting that freakin message several times. I can only imagine what happens to people defending nodes with this system on, any system that marks you afk when you are clearly not is faulty, it should apply to the capital ship area that's it, would discourage "runners" while at it.


I have never gotten that message even in matches where I literally sat on the node all match and did nothing.

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I have never gotten that message even in matches where I literally sat on the node all match and did nothing.

Is it possible that your chat window is configured to not show those messages?


I didn't think I was getting them either until I changed my chat settings.

Edited by MCaliban
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I have never gotten that message even in matches where I literally sat on the node all match and did nothing.


good god so you can sit there and not get marked afk while I can get marked while in combat!!!


What kind of system is that!?


in case anyone does not believe me

as you can see if you pay attention to my chat window and comments, its happens to me several times


Bioware, if you read this, fix it, I get people thought afking was an issue so you guys addressed it, but anything that marks you afk while in combat might have a few screws loose if you get my meaning

Edited by Sangrar
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Honestly I think I'd prefer a system more like League of Legends, where you can report people post-match. If someone gets reported a bunch, they will get some attention (the bad kind) and perhaps temporarily banned.


At least this way, you won't have people getting kicked out of a match for illegitimate reasons, you don't have to interrupt the match to consider voting on something, and no one in queue ends up in a mostly-over losing match as a replacement.


I will say, most certainly, the "Non-contribute vote-kick initiator" is hardly sufficient.

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I have never gotten that message even in matches where I literally sat on the node all match and did nothing.


Defending a satellite counts as participation... As long as you are ticking the "objectives" counter, you are at the keyboard.

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