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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In Game Barber Shop


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i will agree with this, what would make it better is if you can not only change your hairstyle, makeup and stuff that you can change normally, but also get more options you didn't have at character creation so we can be more customized and look cooler then a new character who just got started. another cosmetic thing is cybernetic prosthetics, for RPers like me my character may lose a limb in RP or in a backstory i come up with and i would want a cybernetic limb (and not restricted to cyborgs).
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I also would love an in game barber shop...


I am on an RP server and it'd be FANTASTIC to be able to change things about my looks. Add a scar after a RP-PVP event, gain weight or slim down, BRUSH my hair or what not.


I also think it'd be a terrific way to allow already made characters to be able to choose new appearance options if they are ever introduced.


You can even use it as a money sink by charging for it as well as making some more extravagant looks being more expensive etc.

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its to much to ask some "customization shift" that make able to change species? :p i know that doesnt matter ingame too much, but i regret the choices i made in some of my toons.


but anyway, even if we can change only hair its already a very big help. I support

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I may have already posted in this thread somewhere, but just in case... A face merchant should absolutely be iput into the game.


They can figure out how much it should cost to change whatever different things could be changed, but no body type, species, or gender changes.


Species especially to keep things simple. If someone levelled a character to 50 and made a new character taking advantage of the legacy unlocks, what happens if they then change that original characters species?


Gender also would have some potentially hidden pitfalls, but mostly because it's such a basic thing. Picking a male or female is not a trick question.

Male and female aliens are pretty much identical to male and female humans. How hard is it to just pick what you want to play?

And given that Bioware has made it abundantly clear that they want players to reroll, especially with HK-51 upcoming, if you really want to make a character of the other gender you can do so freely and kill two birds with one stone.


Species and gender are quite a bit different from getting tired of a haircut or realizing that maybe that skin color that you picked isn't quite right.


Body type is something that you should figure out early whether you like it or not. Letting people switch body types at will is also not something that would be truly productive.

You should be able to identify early on whether a body type that looked good in the character creator is a body type that you think looks good in the game.

If it is, then you live with it, and if not, you just delete and reroll.


The face merchant would be to fine-tune your character. Gender and species are wholesale changes to your character.

Edited by Mithros
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Something I'd be tempted to do is add age to my character's appearance in later levels.





Reminds me of the first fable game when you progressed trough the story your character got older.

It would be awesome is they can put this feature in the game in some way.

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A new hairstyle- what was appropriate for a recently freed slave, or a young smu--*trader* on the up and up isn't necessarily appropriate for a Sith Lord or a swashbuckling Republic Privateer.


Adding/customising scars. We go through one or two little bouts of physical conflict, in the course of our stories, as some may have noticed. It'd be nice to acquire a few dents and scrapes as mementoes of those along the way.

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A barber shop would be awesome! and I really liked the idea of making your character look older =) .. the body type change would still be nice cuz i didnt know how i would look in some kinds of armor when i created my toon.. but first of all hair/scars/skin color would be awesome!
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  • 2 weeks later...

I would just like to have cosmetics/tattoos available on different sliders on the character creation screen. Though I definitely would like a barber shop.


How about some new things like different hair bands for the female hairstyles that have ponytails or their hair held back in a band. The wooden one I have on my Sith Inquisitor is looking a bit dated. Now that she's a powerful Sith Lord, she should be able to hold her hair back with something a little more impressive looking than woven rattan...

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Yes, this is needed in game.

My Darth needs a different hairstyle, nad maybe some facial hair.

Adding a new scar would be a nice thing too,

In short we need more of everything when it comes to creation and in game customization

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How many people do you think need to chip in begging for this feature before they prioritize it a little higher. As far as I can tell the only time this system has been mentioned by a dev they seemed to deem it very low in the list of priorities. I cant see how that's the case?


Sounds lame as hell but I really want to change my characters eye color. I refuse to re-roll my char for this. But it bugs me so much I take to wearing lame-o helmets full time.


An appearence editor! This needs to be added. ASAP.

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I'd love to have some sort of salon in-game to tweak our characters' appearance! ^^


Maybe my Smuggler wants a color 'n cut, or my Twi'lek got a scar from a fight, or my Sith got a tan from being on Tatooine . . . etc, etc. ;)

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In game barber shop ... I believe they said they're working on it a while ago. Maybe it will come in 1.4 ... it would be an excellent money sink and customization option at the same time.

I just hope thay limit it to make-up and hairstyle (incl beards ofc) ... meaybe even eyecolor as colored lenses don't seem to absurd in the setting ... tattoos and scars should be permanent however in order not to break with SW lore.

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