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Weird experience with another player


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Well I didn't know other players could do that - and that explains why some random player that I spoke to for a few minutes once kept whispering me for a few days every time I logged on as one pub character. I thought it was odd that they seemed to always be there whenever I logged on. I guess they added that character to their friend list.


Yup, yup, so I guess we both learned a couple of new things today. Even having been here since before launch, there are still things here and there that I'm picking up too.


I can imagine it must have felt odd for you, like being stalked or something, but that's exactly what I bet happened to you. :/

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Speaking of weird experiences, I was recruiting for and Ops group the other day. I had asked for one DPS and quickly received five replies. I accepted the first responder and then whispered to the other four very politely that the spot had been filled. I felt it was polite to respond to each person that asked to join. Once we went to enter the Operation, one of the DPS in the group realized that they were locked out. I then went to the second DPS that responded to invite them to join. Only I discovered that they had placed me on ignore. :p I thought it was the strangest thing since the only thing he accomplished was to prevent an invitation to the Operation that he wanted to join in the first place. The only thing I said to him prior to his ignoring me was, "Sorry, just filled".
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Speaking of weird experiences, I was recruiting for and Ops group the other day. I had asked for one DPS and quickly received five replies. I accepted the first responder and then whispered to the other four very politely that the spot had been filled. I felt it was polite to respond to each person that asked to join. Once we went to enter the Operation, one of the DPS in the group realized that they were locked out. I then went to the second DPS that responded to invite them to join. Only I discovered that they had placed me on ignore. :p I thought it was the strangest thing since the only thing he accomplished was to prevent an invitation to the Operation that he wanted to join in the first place. The only thing I said to him prior to his ignoring me was, "Sorry, just filled".


This is what the thread is about. I posted this thread not to point out anti-social people or question why you wouldn't want to group with someone, it was about this same thing right here. I'm gonna add that to the OP as an example of what the thread is about, because some people still seem to think it's about anti-social people.

Edited by Pingonaut
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I once got added to this player's ignore list, for pointing out he was using the wrong armor set bonuses.


He was a Commando and since I assume his english wasn't that great, he went for the Supercommando set bonuses. I politely pointed that out, only to receive a "TYVM )))", followed by "( player ) is ignoring you" once I whispered back "np ;)".


Since then, unless I'm doing an operation or flashpoint with people poorly equipped and / or using the WRONG gear, I don't even bother no more.

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I once got added to this player's ignore list, for pointing out he was using the wrong armor set bonuses.


He was a Commando and since I assume his english wasn't that great, he went for the Supercommando set bonuses. I politely pointed that out, only to receive a "TYVM )))", followed by "( player ) is ignoring you" once I whispered back "np ;)".


Since then, unless I'm doing an operation or flashpoint with people poorly equipped and / or using the WRONG gear, I don't even bother no more.


That falls into the line of what the thread's about. Just weird use of the ignore command.

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SOmething similar happened to me as the 2nd story in your post.


I got to one of the Heroic 4 quests in Makeb.


I posted a "LFG" post in general chat. I was instantly invited to a group and accepted, there were now 3 people in this group. Two people whispered me saying they will go. I responded to both of them and said that I had just been invited to a group and accepted. I told the group leader there were two people he could invite if he wished and he invited one of them. I whispered the odd man out and he replied "**** you" to which I sent a reply of "*** LOL" only to find out I had been ignored.


People have some really thin even online nowadays for ****'s sake.

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SOmething similar happened to me as the 2nd story in your post.


I got to one of the Heroic 4 quests in Makeb.


I posted a "LFG" post in general chat. I was instantly invited to a group and accepted, there were now 3 people in this group. Two people whispered me saying they will go. I responded to both of them and said that I had just been invited to a group and accepted. I told the group leader there were two people he could invite if he wished and he invited one of them. I whispered the odd man out and he replied "**** you" to which I sent a reply of "*** LOL" only to find out I had been ignored.


People have some really thin even online nowadays for ****'s sake.


There some yutts out thereJust the way it is.I find swearing offline really helps me with folks like that.Also cuts down on those play nice with other emails.

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Well people use the ignore command for some interesting reasons to be sure. Not to long ago I was on the fleet and someone in gen chat was complaining because they couldn't ignore anyone anymore. Apparently, they had hit the ignore cap whatever that is. Lol. Didn't even know there was such a thing.


Anyway, I'm sure I've been ignored at some point and just don't know it. I personally try not to use it because I frankly don't care what is said in gen chat or take offense to anything in game because... it is just a game. I have used it on some weird stalker type cases, but those are a very few and far between. Only one, maybe two.

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I rarely post on these forums, but I felt that given the nature of this thread I had to share an experience.

Several months ago I was leveling a Gunslinger toon, was around level 36-37ish on Quesh.

Was part of a guild, and some guy was raving to me in broken, nearly incomprehensible English as to why he had not been promoted from the rank of recruit to something more. He even complained that there were 55s still at recruit rank.

I said I'd talk to the Guild leader about it.

He started raving even more in broken English to me, starting to insult me.

Truth told it was really incomprehensible.

After a while he just added me on ignore rofl.

There are days that I wish we'd not be plagued by all round bads and clueless folk, lol.

Edited by Teraskas
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I usually like to solo as much as possible, but if I have tried soloing and find out I could use help, I ask for it in the general chat and wait for a response. If I don't get one, I move on and do something different and try later. Usually, though, I get a whisper from at least one person. I never go around directly asking if someone wants to group up. If someone asks me, I either say "no thanks", or "sure" and go from there. There are also times where I have asked for help and so many people say that they will that it is hard for me to type a response for all of them. Everyone I have done group work with is polite and help me to complete whatever I need help with and that makes it that much easier to do group required missions and Flashpoints.
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:rolleyes: I didn't know that the party invite window was so big that it could ruin a fight. Getting a party invite in the middle of a fight doesn't make it harder for me to fight. :eek:


Anyway, I don't invite people in the middle of a fight. So really, I don't see what is so annoying about it outside of fights.


Party invite also creates a second of lag. Plenty of time to miss an interrupt or fall off a railing on the fleet.

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That falls into the line of what the thread's about. Just weird use of the ignore command.


The use of /ignore in an MMO is at the sole discretion of the player making use of it. You don't have to agree with how any player does it, nor do you have to even understand it. However, being judgmental about how and when it is used is just silly, IMO. You are not the moral compass for player use of /ignore. But yes, your opinion is noted, again.


You need to let it go. You appear to be trying very hard here (for whatever reason) to keep discussion about this going so you can continue to tell us how weird you think it is that players use /ignore for reasons you do not agree with. This tells me you were offended by the action in the case you shared. Are you really going to continue to give some random player you do not even know that much power and influence over you?


Here's a thought.. complete with tin foil :p ------> maybe the player in question makes a point of putting people on /ignore over small stuff just to see if they get upset enough about it to post a thread in the forum. Maybe that's how he PvPs and the win flag is when he gets someone so worked up they post to complain about it and look for validation. ;) In other words.. the other player whipped your behind in a meta PvP encounter, and you continue to replay it in this thread for whatever reason. And to extend the tin foil further... maybe he's in here trolling you somewhere in the thread. :p /shrug.


Regardless..... calling what anyone else does in an MMO weird is judgmental and a waste of time IMO. However, it's a gaming forum, you are entitled to do both as long as you stay within the rules. :)

Edited by Andryah
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I think the issue was you blind invited them before getting their OK, and they maybe weren't in the mood to deal with it.


I will usually group up if asked, but I really don't like random invites, and will often just cancel them. That said I've never put a player on ignore, but might if they spam invited me.

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When I read the title to this thread, I was expecting something much more entertaining.


As to the actual occurrence, yeah, a bit weird, IMO, but, I see plenty of people posting on this forum who still treat this as a single player game. They were probably shocked one of the NPCs was trying to talk to them and invite them to a group.

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There are many reasons I usually don't group with other people while doing dailies (guildies included):


#1 - I want to go at my own pace. Sometimes I have to get up at the drop of a hat and I don't want to make someone else wait for me to get back.


#2 - I don't want to wait around for someone else to say "afk 2 min" and then come back 10 minutes later.


#3 - I don't want to wait while someone bios or scavenges every single thing we kill.


#4 - When I do dailies, I want to do them in my order. It's very annoying when you're doing your dailies in a group and, all of a sudden, you find yourself alone because your group members are off doing other parts or they're too far away when you click an objective and you then have to wait longer for them to get the objective.


However, putting you on ignore was a bit strange after only one message. Reading through the thread though I'm not sure if you also blind invited the person or not. If you did, I could see why he put you on ignore though.

Edited by Screaming_Ziva
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I would have been happy to group with you, because you actually ask for a group. I have had to auto-decline group requests in this game because people constantly keeps inviting me without a reason. But yeah, there are many rude people in this game. I have had so many moments where I attack some mobs that are guarding a chest and some jerk comes and steals it. If i say something, they just shout back insults and such.


But it is like this in most MMOs, but I have noticed it is much worse in this game than in other games I have played.


Agreed. OP I would also have been happy to group with you. It is just to me when i get randomly invited to a group without so much as a whisper I tend to get a little annoyed because I would like to actually be asked if I wanted to group or if I need help. See sometimes I do quest on my own and I am geared enough to solo almost anything but if a person wishes to group with me just ask do not assume. But you did the right thing as I said I would have been fine with grouping with you.

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He may have simply been being antisocial, there are other possibilities.

1) He might have been busy with a lot of private messages and guild chat or other-window stuff and been irritated by someone else opening up another conversation. That doesn't mean the blunt /ignore wasn't a little bit rude even so, but it would *explain* - if not justify- it.


2) Speaking from my own personal experience, social anxiety disorders can be quite mercurial. The "why don't you just play a single player game?" argument doesn't apply- since quite a bit of the time you *do* want company and to be sociable, with friends, or indeed random group members. Other times, though, you don't, and indeed find even the prospect of what might be an involved conversation with someone about *why* you don't want to group- remember, he didn't *know* that you weren't going to troll/pester (I'm not saying you did in the slightest), too much, and just not be able to cope, emotionally, with a conversation with a stranger. Those kinds of moods don't last that long- but an unexpected pop-up from a stranger - especially if stressed out in any way- can certainly trigger it off.


So, yeah, there are other explanations besides "he was an ewok with the social graces of Khem Val and the sophisticated suavity of Corso Riggs."

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