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Balance needs to happen in GSF


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no you dont, all you seem to want is people that agree with you otherwise everyone else are exploiters.


Not true! It seems judging from the many new posts on the same topics that I have been posting about that a lot of people DO agree with my views. Then again some disagree and that's fine. Some do exploit and that's not fine. You seem to identify with those that exploit. I would try being a better person.

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Not true! It seems judging from the many new posts on the same topics that I have been posting about that a lot of people DO agree with my views. Then again some disagree and that's fine. Some do exploit and that's not fine. You seem to identify with those that exploit. I would try being a better person.


If it wasn't for your religious necro'ing these threads would be on page ten by now. You see two people that agree with you and unconsciously gloss over all the people that don't.


Besides fi you have to constantly necro the threads then obviously very few people care about it.

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  • 3 months later...
This really doesn't even seem to be about premade teams versus PUGs, or different skill levels. GSF game balance is completely skewed by putting just everyone into one pile and saying "go for it." Basically, what do you think would happen if, in warzones, they put 1st level characters in with 55s? It'd be a slaughter. Same with GSF and putting fully geared people in fully geared ships up against people who have just started GSF. Its really quite simple: make up some sort of gear check and put similarly geared pilots up against each other. It'll really jack up the queues, but it'll be more fun than getting blown up a couple dozen times in a single match. And before you say that I'm a crappy pilot. I do quite well at flight sims, and was a demon on SWG in piloting PvP. Its not awfully different if you can think three dimensionally. Edited by SeraphJohn
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This really doesn't even seem to be about premade teams versus PUGs, or different skill levels. GSF game balance is completely skewed by putting just everyone into one pile and saying "go for it." Basically, what do you think would happen if, in warzones, they put 1st level characters in with 55s? It'd be a slaughter. Same with GSF and putting fully geared people in fully geared ships up against people who have just started GSF. Its really quite simple: make up some sort of gear check and put similarly geared pilots up against each other. It'll really jack up the queues, but it'll be more fun than getting blown up a couple dozen times in a single match. And before you say that I'm a crappy pilot. I do quite well at flight sims, and was a demon on SWG in piloting PvP. Its not awfully different if you can think three dimensionally.


Here let me help with what this forums replies always are.

Gear doesn't matter.

Get Gud.

QQ more.

Pay Bioware so you can get the gear faster.

The game isn't broken you are.

You don't exist you are not part of the great majority of people that find the game broken.


Well those out of the way,

Bottom line is yes, the overwhelming majority of matches are bad. It is especially true if you solo queue. Not only does the game put ungeared people up against maximally geared people, it also lets them cheat by making certain that maximally geared people join matches as groups so they can beat harder on under geared people.

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Here let me help with what this forums replies always are.

Gear doesn't matter.

Get Gud.

QQ more.

Pay Bioware so you can get the gear faster.

The game isn't broken you are.

You don't exist you are not part of the great majority of people that find the game broken.


Well those out of the way,

Bottom line is yes, the overwhelming majority of matches are bad. It is especially true if you solo queue. Not only does the game put ungeared people up against maximally geared people, it also lets them cheat by making certain that maximally geared people join matches as groups so they can beat harder on under geared people.


hehe well... in order

Gear doesn't matter = ********

"Get Gud"? What does that mean? Is it some internet slang that I generally am unaware of or don't pay attention to?

QQ more = I think, if QQ means what I think it means, I'm doing that.

Pay Bioware = Already subbed, mate.

The game isn't broken, you are. ... uhm, yeah. Because whomever would say that knows me SO WELL. :D

Whatever that last one was ... grammatical mess that was.... urm no idea what you're talking about.


Well, there is an easy solution for this geared vs ungeared people problem. Set up a gear check system. I've noticed that when my team wins, we get more req. If you have teams of evenly matched fighters, skill becomes a more decisive factor, and more capability for good pilots to get req even more quickly and come up to play with the big boys.

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Something needs to happen and soon. Slaughtering the enemies with shiptype you normally dont touch is no fun at all. And those poor guys from the other side - most of them will be gone within day and never touch GSF again.


And that is the main issue of a vicious circle that put us where we are now. The root being horrible matchmaking.


How matchmaking seems to work right now is as follows...

A match need 4 or 6 squads, these squads are formed separately in an attempt to balance, This means each squad in itself will have comparable average per ship investments.

That part doesn't have to be wrong, but it may be the cause of long wait times while matches are still going, which does turn people away from queuing.

Next the teams are formed, which seems to be matching the balanced squads together in a balanced way if possible, so you get 8 or 12 people of similar load-out if available.

Next the real problem comes...

The matchmaking tries to form a match, trying to pick up 2 balanced teams, which rarely exist, in case of a same faction match it's pretty much never.

If it's against the other faction you might get lucky with 4 better and 4 worse on both sides because there's trouble making teams, or you might get even more lucky and have enough comparable people in the queue on both sides.


Meanwhile people don't get matched in a squad because they are alone in some load-out specification, while replacing someone else could mean a more balanced match.


I'm curious- what do you expect them to do about one side stomping another?


They can't guarantee it, but at this point I'd say they'd make it a lot better if they made matchmaking use a FIFO rule. (First In First Out - First 8/12 people to queue on each faction play, or 16/24 on one faction).


FIFO means the fairest waiting times at the cost of no control of who gets matched with and against who. But I say matches can't get worse because of it.

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This really doesn't even seem to be about premade teams versus PUGs, or different skill levels. GSF game balance is completely skewed by putting just everyone into one pile and saying "go for it." Basically, what do you think would happen if, in warzones, they put 1st level characters in with 55s? It'd be a slaughter. Same with GSF and putting fully geared people in fully geared ships up against people who have just started GSF. Its really quite simple: make up some sort of gear check and put similarly geared pilots up against each other. It'll really jack up the queues, but it'll be more fun than getting blown up a couple dozen times in a single match. And before you say that I'm a crappy pilot. I do quite well at flight sims, and was a demon on SWG in piloting PvP. Its not awfully different if you can think three dimensionally.


Its more like qeueing for warzones at 55 with no gear, which is a slaughter (the same as it is in GSF) I don't really see the difference, if u want the gear gotta put in the time (there is no way around this)


matchmaking is piss poor because player base is piss poor, how can there be any balance on a server with 1 game going?


And yes there are heavy handed matches, but despite this, in those matches there are things people could have done to help themselves, instead likely they did the same thing over and over until frustrated never really learning anything (I see this every day in ground PvP and GSF, people ignore tactics and do whatever they want..... and fail at it)


I find little to no excuse for a 0 to 50 DM, I was in one stomp earlier and got 10 kills of the 12 on my team..... am I exploiting or are the other people doing the wrong things? You decide.....

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And yes there are heavy handed matches, but despite this, in those matches there are things people could have done to help themselves, instead likely they did the same thing over and over until frustrated never really learning anything (I see this every day in ground PvP and GSF, people ignore tactics and do whatever they want..... and fail at it)


Sadly this is also still true, and it's also one of the reasons people don't queue as much. Well, the people getting annoyed or worse stop, the ones wanting to get carried stay it seems.


I have taken PvP breaks myself because it got too frustrating to try and teach the basics to brain-dead lemmings & headless chickens.


So getting tired again of those Lemmings in Domination "Scouting A, please someone scout B & C" Maybe add a "Maybe 1 person join me, but no more"... Guess what, they all follow you, if you're lucky 3 follow you and the rest go to the opposite side. And if you then turn to B because it's miraculously not capped yet, they all follow you and lose the one you might have before you even get there.


"I'm a proud lemming" is the response I even got from one of them. Really no idea why these people even queue.

At least I get an occasional player that wants to listen and does the tutorial after that first match.


But this again speaks in favor of going FIFO, get some more chance for decent people instead of this one sided mess. I can't see how anyone would really enjoy being on either side of the one-sided matches. Better to lose with fun than win like that.


Another thing that might help is making the ignore list work there too, though queue times would increase more, would be good if those that sabotaged matches could be boycotted. Question is, if that is done, will there be enough people in the queue?

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