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Petition to BW: Let Cybertechs do their job.


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How do you lose money on a cybertech? Send a few companions out to craft 15 or so random blue armor/mods in the < char level 25 range, sell them for about 15K each (making well over 10K each). People who are leveling blow through this stuff like it was air. Don't make too many of the same type (stat/level), check to see which ones are out of stock first, and don't make purples (they cost more to make and stay on the shelf longer b/c people don't want to pay 2x the price of a blue for a couple of stat points they will outlevel in a few hours). But you can easily clear 100K/day just doing this. And if you have an alt, you should be making some 53G Droid parts to RE so that you can make & sell MK-9 kits at 70K each.


I currently have 5 55's. My armormech makes all of my augmentation kits that I sell on a daily basis. All of my characters are slicers, so I am swimming in thermal regulators for augmentations, and I think it wrong to sell low level items at exorbitant prices. Frankly, 100k a day is not even worth the effort.

Edited by Vinak
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I currently have 5 55's. My armormech makes all of my augmentation kits that I sell on a daily basis. All of my characters are slicers, so I am swimming in thermal regulators for augmentations, and I think it wrong to sell low level items at exorbitant prices. Frankly, 100k a day is not even worth the effort.


Hell, I can pull 200-300k a day just selling the mats I gather. Seems mats are worth more than the items they make nowadays.


And for those saying they make a good living off making mods, don't know how that is.


My system for getting around the 100 coms cap has usually been buying the mods and enhancements with coms for my character and companion, then buying armoring and barrels with creds. But the last few months, that system has gone the way of the dodo pretty much, at least on Harbinger, as I can almost never find a complete set of armoring ( or even a partial set in most cases ) on the GTN while leveling until I get toward the higher levels (45+) and even then they get scarce.

Edited by Zorvan
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So, I a bit tired of seeing all these cool 'Speeders' being sold on the CM and packs included. Cybertechs have a speeder section to craft yet, we have not had anything new since launch for speeders. This is not acceptable, Your greed just to make more cash from players is killing the in-game crafting. We should get new schems for speeders, if you need the money so bad sell the schems on the CM for Cybertechs. I also feel that Biotechs should be crafting the animal mounts as well.


BW please start doing something for the crafters.


Please sign if you want to see these changes for us.


Go talk to a Synthweaver or Armormech if you want to talk about crafters not being able to do their job. Cybertecs have stuff that will sell, synthweavers and Armormechs have augments and augment kits that is about it. Biochem has stuff as well that sells really well consistently. The profs that NEED help is synthweaving and Armormech.

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I currently have 5 55's. My armormech makes all of my augmentation kits that I sell on a daily basis. All of my characters are slicers, so I am swimming in thermal regulators for augmentations, and I think it wrong to sell low level items at exorbitant prices. Frankly, 100k a day is not even worth the effort.


100K/day is lowballing it because I'm lazy -- that's selling 10 lowbie mods at 10K profit average (mix of greens and blues), which is one run of 5 items for two companions (lol, not counting crits), which means about 10 mins of real time for me. I don't think the prices I quoted are exorbitant, at least not based on how fast they sell on my server. My strategy as a crafter/seller isn't to make a killing on any one item, but to pick high demand items and price them fairly enough that they sell on the first listing (which is why I indicated that I just do blues and greens).

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Go talk to a Synthweaver or Armormech if you want to talk about crafters not being able to do their job. Cybertecs have stuff that will sell, synthweavers and Armormechs have augments and augment kits that is about it. Biochem has stuff as well that sells really well consistently. The profs that NEED help is synthweaving and Armormech.


My armormech makes me MORE money than my Cybertech. I'm not sure why you are being dismissive about augments and augment kits, making an MK-9 augment kit is like pressing 'Print' on a picture of 50+ credits.


(Ofc, neither makes more, since it's a joint venture with my CT making the cheap augment kit components and the armortech actually crafting the kits).


The Craft that needs the most help is Artifice -- can't make augment kits and Enhancements/Hilts just not as big of a market as CT or Bio.

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I would love to see some more unique designs go to the crafters. It doesn't make anyone a special snowflake but it helps drive a more dynamic market.


Rare drop speeder recipes might be a nice start that only cyber techs can use and craft.

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Hell, I can pull 200-300k a day just selling the mats I gather. Seems mats are worth more than the items they make nowadays.


And for those saying they make a good living off making mods, don't know how that is.


My system for getting around the 100 coms cap has usually been buying the mods and enhancements with coms for my character and companion, then buying armoring and barrels with creds. But the last few months, that system has gone the way of the dodo pretty much, at least on Harbinger, as I can almost never find a complete set of armoring ( or even a partial set in most cases ) on the GTN while leveling until I get toward the higher levels (45+) and even then they get scarce.


Most big-ticket item crafters (e.g., 69P, 72P gear) only get profits from the crits. Even at the next step down (66P, which is where vendor schematics stop), I only sell at a profit because I gather the mats myself, I'd barely break even if I had to buy mats from the GTN.


I'm usually selling gear for lowbies (< level 25), so chars are gaining levels faster, and thus outleveling gear faster, so comms aren't always covering 9 mods + 9 enhancements (assuming people buy barrels/hilts with creds like you do). I'm pretty sure there are more cybertechs (selling mods) than artificers selling enhancements, so enhancements will cost more and be harder to find on the GTN, so best to use comms for those and then buy mods when the comms run out.


Overall, there is [lilely] more leveling in the lowbie levels per unit time, which means a larger demand for lowbie mods & armor, so more crafters will be targeting this segment as opposed to the 40s segment. This is probably why you don't see much for sale. What I'd recommend is find any armor/mos of the level you want on the GTN and take note of a few crafter names and then IGM them and ask if they will do a custom order (just say, "looking for X of armor type Y" and make an offer). I'd offer about what they are asking for (if same quality -- G/B/P) on the GTN) since it sounds like it's the availability, not the price, that's the issue. At least for green/blue (I don't bother REing for most purples unless I am making it for me, an alt, or a friend b/c it's usually not cost effective), most CTs should be able to do any stat/spec for you.

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So, I a bit tired of seeing all these cool 'Speeders' being sold on the CM and packs included. Cybertechs have a speeder section to craft yet, we have not had anything new since launch for speeders. This is not acceptable, Your greed just to make more cash from players is killing the in-game crafting. We should get new schems for speeders, if you need the money so bad sell the schems on the CM for Cybertechs. I also feel that Biotechs should be crafting the animal mounts as well.


BW please start doing something for the crafters.


Please sign if you want to see these changes for us.


Its not just the cybertechs its all the Crafting skills, we can't craft anything because its mostly nul and void because of all the updates to the game while crafting has gone un-updated in any good way (its all been updated in a bad way so far), another victim Artficie, Rackata relic now bound on pick up. what the hell?! bound on pick up from crafting?!?!!! What is the point of that?! there are a number of armours in the other crafting skills with the same problem Bound on pick up! what is the point of that?!? its one of the single most stupid changes I've seen yet, and that is STILL an understatement!

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Its not just the cybertechs its all the Crafting skills, we can't craft anything because its mostly nul and void because of all the updates to the game while crafting has gone un-updated in any good way (its all been updated in a bad way so far), another victim Artficie, Rackata relic now bound on pick up. what the hell?! bound on pick up from crafting?!?!!! What is the point of that?! there are a number of armours in the other crafting skills with the same problem Bound on pick up! what is the point of that?!? its one of the single most stupid changes I've seen yet, and that is STILL an understatement!


Armormech has a few BoP Rakata armorings, CT has the BoP reusable [Rakata] grenades, BioChem has the BoP reusable med-packs...I assume Armstech and Synthweaving have something BoP as well. It seems to *have been* a goal to let each crafting skill make something that just the crafter could use; personally, I think it's one of those things that looks good on paper, but doesn't work well in practice. BW doesn't appear to be adding new schematics for BoP items, I rarely if ever hear people ask for *more* BoP items, and the existing ones are no longer BiS, so it appears to be a moot point at this time.


Like many people have said, I don't think tossing in a few new items to the existing system will suddenly make it fun. The current system is *serviceable*, and can make crafters lots of money, but it's not *fun*.

Edited by eartharioch
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Crafting all but died when BW realised that making cash for their company was more important than characters making in-game credits. -A shame -but that's business.


Having said that, being a master-crafter can make money - you just have to supply the things you can't buy from the cartel market, and expect profits in the tens of thousands per day, not millions.


When you can buy all colours of dye, re-usable or BiS items, augment kits etc. on the CM then crafting will be dead and gone.


OTOH I kinda like my characters wielding kit and wearing armour that my legacy have made. -They are not better, but there is a sense of pride. Spotting something you made long ago that someone else is still using - priceless!

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Crafting all but died when BW realised that making cash for their company was more important than characters making in-game credits. -A shame -but that's business.


Having said that, being a master-crafter can make money - you just have to supply the things you can't buy from the cartel market, and expect profits in the tens of thousands per day, not millions.


The crafting system was "boring" before the CM, so blaming the CM is just wrong. And we can easily make hundreds of K per day, not *just* tens of thousands. From a purely financial status, the crafting system is perfectly fine.


It's not that cratfers can't make money, making money by cratfing is about as hard as pressing the Print button on a picture of a pile of credits. The problem is that it's not much more fun than that either.

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added some new text


It might help if you specify which text is new. In your OP, you have the line, "We know the CM killed crafting, this just shows that this game is all about the CM and how much it can make BW/EA."


I 100% disagree with that. I think crafting is EXACTLY as good as it was before the CM came into being. And that's not a compliment.

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100K/day is lowballing it because I'm lazy -- that's selling 10 lowbie mods at 10K profit average (mix of greens and blues), which is one run of 5 items for two companions (lol, not counting crits), which means about 10 mins of real time for me. I don't think the prices I quoted are exorbitant, at least not based on how fast they sell on my server. My strategy as a crafter/seller isn't to make a killing on any one item, but to pick high demand items and price them fairly enough that they sell on the first listing (which is why I indicated that I just do blues and greens).


Not that you are technically wrong, but...


- Getting crafting up to high levels is not a money making operation. If you aren't rich before you start, it will take you a very long time. Far more play time than to max your character level.


- Mats required to make blues and purples are fairly rare to extremely rare, and the missions to obtain them take a long time, and a lot of credits. Underworld Trading missions for level 30-40 materials take about an hour and 2k credits each to run, if memory serves.


- Profit margins are only decent if you farm your own materials, if you buy them, it's not nearly as profitable.


- Crafting vs play time is grossly out of balance. By that I mean... the time required to make a round of "mods" for a level 35 will be far longer than it will take to level to 37.

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It might help if you specify which text is new. In your OP, you have the line, "We know the CM killed crafting, this just shows that this game is all about the CM and how much it can make BW/EA."


I 100% disagree with that. I think crafting is EXACTLY as good as it was before the CM came into being. And that's not a compliment.


/Agree with eartharioch on this.

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One of the primary problems with the other crafts is the fact that crits only result in augmentation...which is complete and utterly useless these days. Something needs to be done about that.


That is incorrect.


Artifice crits on hilts, crystals, and enhancements give an extra item, not a slot.

Armstech/Armortech/Synthweaving crits on augment kits and augments give an extra item, not a slot

I don't know about Biotech off hand, but I thought that med-packs and stims could crit.

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All the crafting profs have been made mostly, or even completely, useless. Who actually crafts crystals any more when the cash shop ones are BIS? Who's going to craft armor when the cash shop ones are better? Biochem might as well be renamed "Medpack" because that's about the only real use for it.


Quoted for truth. Any more I use the gathering skills to make money off of people who want to craft and that's it.

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I agree with the OP , but for different reasons. I still make a good amount of money with cybertech (level 10-40 armours, mods and earpieces sell well, even the greens as i mark the price down on them to empty cargohold space), but I do struggle to sell ship parts and speeders. Droid parts have started to do well , but that tends to be players who just got HK-51.

I would like more schematics for speeders, for earpieces, for droid parts etc and maybe even a section for cosmetic schematics (mouse droid, mini probe droid and other vanity pets perhaps?) not because CM is a threat to my "livelihood", but simply because it's ABOUT TIME!!!


Similarly, synthweaving, armormech etc are fun to level, but ultimately result in a hold full of junk, vendoring crafted goods for peanuts (and way less than the mats value) or ignoring the armours completely and focusing on augments, enhancements etc ...


Give us a few "crafter only" skins or sets please. Random drop schematics, re-only schematics.. whatever, just give us something that people may want and a reason for us to get excited about this stuff please!!

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I agree with the OP , but for different reasons. I still make a good amount of money with cybertech (level 10-40 armours, mods and earpieces sell well, even the greens as i mark the price down on them to empty cargohold space), but I do struggle to sell ship parts and speeders. Droid parts have started to do well , but that tends to be players who just got HK-51.

I would like more schematics for speeders, for earpieces, for droid parts etc and maybe even a section for cosmetic schematics (mouse droid, mini probe droid and other vanity pets perhaps?) not because CM is a threat to my "livelihood", but simply because it's ABOUT TIME!!!


Similarly, synthweaving, armormech etc are fun to level, but ultimately result in a hold full of junk, vendoring crafted goods for peanuts (and way less than the mats value) or ignoring the armours completely and focusing on augments, enhancements etc ...


Give us a few "crafter only" skins or sets please. Random drop schematics, re-only schematics.. whatever, just give us something that people may want and a reason for us to get excited about this stuff please!!


I do like the idea of making mini pets as well. Making droids as a pet and mabe use them as another form of storage? hhmm sounds like,,,,, we can only hope.


I would have thought a dev would have jumped in on this thread and gave us something. Oh well, we all know where we stand.

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