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Whose stupid idea was it....


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Funny thing actually.

I was doing those dialies on BOTH factions yesterday.

in both situations NO ONE tried to attack the other faction, in fact there were moments where people helped each other faction.


So, as you can see it is POSSIBLE to play it civilized way.


But surely there will be always some douchebags who stubbornly try to destroy others' game experience.

Those douchebags I do not dare to call "players".

Those are just......well, ya know, don't ya?


and for "the PVP Ubermensch" - I also do play PVP.

When I want, how I want.



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Yeah, I know right? Shocking for someone to actually want to PVE on a PVE server, right? :rolleyes:


Well you call people who enjoy PvP "PvP douchebags".... Sooooo yeah I'm glad they stomped your team lol. I wish that I was on your server, I'd be doing the exact same thing. Luckily I play on a PvP server, so I get to do all that no matter what.

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Exactly my point! :)


Why is it that always PVE'ers are expected to adapt their playstyle to the whims of PVP'ers? If people want to PVP, they should roll a toon on a PVP server. There they would have willing opponents and could play the game the way they like instead of griefing others. Unless of course, girefing others is their way of playing the game...




I've managed to avoid getting flagged so far, but there's definitely been a couple of instances where it seemed opposite faction players were trying to disrupt me/flag me. But it's apparently my fault, and I need to change how I play because of these griefers? Right. Why is it whenever morons act like morons it's up to everyone else to accommodate them? :rolleyes:

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Im a pvp person myself, but to run in other peoples AOEs while they are fighting PVE bosses with flag on, is despicable. I agree it is a stupid developer decision to put any open air missions into too restricted areas. Hutta bounty event mission springs into mind.. It was also hellish in the beginning, until bioware excluded high-levels from it.
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I guess I must just be lucky. Ran through the area twice yesterday, once with an imp and once with a Jedi.

I had people running through my AOE and not once did I flag. I had the same thing on Ilum. I only ever flagged when I accidentally targeted the yellow and cast the AOE directly on them. I've never yet had a flagged player run through an AOE targeted at a MOB and then been flagged myself - which is the way I'd always thought the mechanics worked anyway.

I've been flagged when I'm in a group, but that was down to the other team members - which is a fair mechanic.


Really don't know. See the same old "he stepped into my AOE" during the Gree event and now here and I'm still yet to experience it.

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Well you call people who enjoy PvP "PvP douchebags".... Sooooo yeah I'm glad they stomped your team lol. I wish that I was on your server, I'd be doing the exact same thing. Luckily I play on a PvP server, so I get to do all that no matter what.

Nope, I call people who force others into PVP by exploiting game mechanics "PVP douchebags"; I have no problem with people enjoying PVP with other PVP'ers. Or is it necessary for you to kill PVE'ers to be able to "enjoy PVP"? :rolleyes:


I would really love if they implemented a real flagging system where PVE'ers could manually (and not by accident) flag themselves for PVP (in a menu option), and as long as they have not done so neither their heals should heal nor their damage effects should damage other players currently flagged for PVP.

Edited by dermitni
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abusing game mechanics to force people into participation in something they don't wish to participate - not cool. unfortunately, at this time - just being more careful, is the only solution. I had someone griefing lower level players today in heroic 4 area. the way my group avoided it was by finding a corner for ourselves as far away from the griefer as possible, and then being very careful when starting the fights. also - (and this is something that's generally good idea in or out of event) disable auto targeting, so that you don't accidentally switch targets, becasue you queued up the ability and then the mob died before it could go off


that said... my suggestions would be:


1. implement bolster inside the caves, not just inside the ops boss instance. that way at least, high levels cannot one shot lowbies incessantly. they can come close, but not that close.

2. if possible - fix the mechanic where you can get accidentally flagged from non-targeted AoE.


but I do like the idea of pubs and imperials being in the same caves. while I mainly pve and wouldn't engage in vast majority of the cases, it does add a bit of flavor to the whole thing. it just sucks when you are alone.

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Except... it's not being forced. It's happening because some players are ignoring situational awareness and refusing to refrain from doing things (cough.. AoE.. cough) that will expose them to danger.


Except the people doing this are cloaking, following behind them, and all sort of tricks to make it happen. Situational awareness only goes so far, and is a very weak excuse. The Devs need to fix this issue once and for all, an opt out button in preferences would be ideal.

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Doesn't work. I was in a group Yesterday (on a PVE-RP server!), trying to do the H4. It was not possible due to some douchebag PVP'ers running in our AoE's while we were fighting the sub-bosses (to get the fungus). I was not flagged before that, but was of course after!


We were forced to abort the H4 and wait in the cantina for the flag to wear off; then we went back, tried again, got flagged and stomped again. After 3 failed attempts, we called it a night and forgot about the H4 alltogether.


7 instances full of PVP douchebags, wanting to ruin our PVE fun, on a PVE-RP server...


So I have to agree with the OP, it was a terrible idea to -once again- force people in a PVP situation for a PVE event, on PVE servers... In my opinion, they should deactivate the PVP mechanic on PVE servers alltogether to force PVP'ers to stay on their servers, but that's of course just my opinion.


Just my 2 credits,


When I was playing Rift there was a raid that tried to do the same when Volan (server boss, normally about 200 players killing it) was up. They were ripped apart :rak_03:


I know it won't work here, but just to say that mechanics isn't bad. Execution is.

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No just no.


care to explain? becasue right now, I go there on my lvl 41, pardon 42 now sentinel and even if i don't get flagged by pvpers, my chances of running into lvl 55 roaming champion mobs are still pretty high (I got relatively lucky, as one of them was already chasing someone else, when I turned the corner and ran right into it). higher than being flagged in fact. and then there's a matter of people summoning lvl 55 mobs while questing and same thing happening as flagging. caverns are relatively small. avoiding pvpers can be challenging enough, avoiding everyone? even more so


or are you thinking of the exploit that happened during gree event? well... that's easily fixable. you get only as much experience as you would have killing mobs of your own level, turning it quests of your own level. tada. no more power leveling.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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care to explain? becasue right now, I go there on my lvl 41, pardon 42 now sentinel and even if i don't get flagged by pvpers, my chances of running into lvl 55 roaming champion mobs are still pretty high (I got relatively lucky, as one of them was already chasing someone else, when I turned the corner and ran right into it). higher than being flagged in fact. and then there's a matter of people summoning lvl 55 mobs while questing and same thing happening as flagging. caverns are relatively small. avoiding pvpers can be challenging enough, avoiding everyone? even more so


or are you thinking of the exploit that happened during gree event? well... that's easily fixable. you get only as much experience as you would have killing mobs of your own level, turning it quests of your own level. tada. no more power leveling.



It is probably the exploit in IMO that has eliminated the bolster from the entire area. The problem was not just that they were getting level 50 xp at lowbie prices, but that someone could take a lowbie, park it there and essentially level to cap without going anywhere else. It wasn't the amount of xp per mob, but the overall xp over time by simply killing mobs not running quests.

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When has Bioware NOT been lazy when it comes to an event. I have very, very few complaints about this game. This is of them. Using mixed areas when they know well that most PvPers are waiting for any reason to kill PvEers is just plain stupid. I'm beginning to think they are trying to placate the PvP complainers to the detriment of PvEers. Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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Ok, so all the whine is concentrated around one bug that has yet to be fixed, namely the auto-flag problem.

The event itself is pretty fine, but this problem sucks out the enjoyment for PvE people. Now, I am not one of them, as I deliberately chose to play on PvP server, as I think it feels much more "realistic", with the galactic war going on and what not. But I realize it is a problem for people and it should be fixed.

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Even people on PvE servers ask for open world PvP. I'm in a guild on a PvE server that does take advantage of open world PvP when we can find it. Events are a good opportunity in fact, particularly since they are transient in nature.


And I personally do not see it as "punishment". I see it as a challenge mechanic to the event. People are getting really lazy these days IMO. Yeah.. it makes for more care and attention if you do not want to get sucked in to PvP.. but I see that as a challenge to overcome, not something to curl up in a ball over. Even on a PvE server... bring some friends teach the nuubs not to mess with you, OR... just be careful with those AoEs... and don't let your healers heal anyone out of group.


People just want to stomp everything. They don't like being challenged.


Ultimately, what's the difference between PvP attackery and a group of really difficult mobs? Not much. Just a challenge to overcome. The difference is, at least the PvP jerks will eventually leave.


Patience is a gift.

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When has Bioware NOT been lazy when it comes to an event. I have very, very few complaints about this game. This is of them. Using mixed areas when they know well that most PvPers are waiting for any reason to kill PvEers is just plain stupid. I'm beginning to think they are trying to placate the PvP complainers to the detriment of PvEers.


Might be cause people complained about the quest areas while leveling not crossing paths with the opposing faction Taris being a prime explain of this.

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Here is the problem my level 28 vanguard had in this event three times: I was trying to complete the event and was fighting an npc while low on health when some d*** sith warrior level 55 comes up behind me and kills me. So later I am fighting some other npc when a mob of 55 imps just comes through and murders me. Next I am fighting yet another npc when some sorcerer comes by and randomly kills me. And this was all during the Rakgouhl event yesterday. And no I was not provoking an attack.


I think all of what you other people were saying was about how to avoid getting killed by other players when your at a high level, not a low level like me.


So I repeat my earlier question, what idiot put imps and pubs in the same cave during an event? Did they think that we would all be one big happy family and not have the level 55s go around killing the low levels just for their own entertainment just to act like d***s?:confused:

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