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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rakghoul Event is Forced


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I don't like this event at all, and I don't understand why people are white knighting all the negative aspects of it.


My main is level 25 so not everyone is a super bored veteran with 30 alts, why do I have to avoid my class trainer, GTN, and even all the portals at fleet for an entire week just because people want to be able to do a troll daily as easily as possible? And why do I have to spend 2k to avoid this? Sorry, but 2k is still a bit of money for my level. And several times now phasing into a different zone has lost my debuff anyyways within the first hour. The hell is the point then?


At the end of the day, this **** just doesn't belong on Fleet. I don't care if you think I'm a whiny crybaby, it's not fun to have people cluster infecting me while I'm trying to check my mail, auctions, purchase mods, or even just go to my freaking hanger.

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I don't like this event at all, and I don't understand why people are white knighting all the negative aspects of it.


My main is level 25 so not everyone is a super bored veteran with 30 alts, why do I have to avoid my class trainer, GTN, and even all the portals at fleet for an entire week just because people want to be able to do a troll daily as easily as possible? And why do I have to spend 2k to avoid this? Sorry, but 2k is still a bit of money for my level. And several times now phasing into a different zone has lost my debuff anyyways within the first hour. The hell is the point then?


At the end of the day, this **** just doesn't belong on Fleet. I don't care if you think I'm a whiny crybaby, it's not fun to have people cluster infecting me while I'm trying to check my mail, auctions, purchase mods, or even just go to my freaking hanger.


You can easily notice people about to explode (glowing eyes and green fumes all around them). You cane easily see by looking the their debuff timer when will they explode. And on level 25, you should be able to gather 2k for 6 hours of uninterrupted gameplay quite easily (if not, you are probably doing something wrong).

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Really? So a disease spreading like a wildfire is not an epidemic? Really? I wouldn't mind allowing players to attack the infected, in fact I have been suggesting something like that since the event began. But seriously, that doesn't make it any less of an epidmeic.


Oh, and you stated "I have no sympathy for griefers". How are they griefing you? It's near impossible to kill someone with an infection. If you are slow enough that you don't vaccinate for 20 frikking minutes, only then will the infection kill you. I repeat, 20 minutes. You can walk barefoot across Tatooine in that long.


If anything, by vaccinating, YOU are griefing them. They have a quest with a daily reward to infect as many people as they can. By vaccinating, you make sure they can't complete it. They should be the ones complaining, they have to die again and again in hopes that someone isn't vaccinated, while 2k creds gives you 6 hours of immunity.


"I have no sympathy for griefers." Bioware, the above player is ruining my game for me, can you remove all vaccines from all vendors? I threaten to unsub if you don't. :D


As I said on another thread: Griefing is griefing and should be called out wherever it occurs. A griefer is defined as "(in an online game or community) a person who harasses or deliberately provokes other players or members in order to spoil their enjoyment". That is exactly what is happening on the Fleet as part of the Rakghoul event. Griefers know full well what they are doing and that they are imposing a cost, inconvenience and a nasty repetitive and frequent stun/interrupt effect on other players thereby spoiling their enjoyment of the game. And your notion that people who do not want to participate in the Event are therefore griefing the griefers is just plain silly. That is just like saying someone who prevents someone bashing someone else is stopping their 'enjoyment'.


The basic premise of SWTOR's own Rules of Conduct is to prevent people from interfering in other people's game play in an unwanted manner. The Rakghoul Event allows for this to happen. In that way it trashes the "spirit" of the Rules of Conduct. It is self-defeating game design which annoys many of its subscribers. After all why stop with 4 second freezes every 15 secs or so and the spewing of green bile. Why not include violent diarrhea and events that incapacitate other players for days on end preventing all access to mail boxes, the GTN and cargo holds, perhaps combined with trials and years in SWTOR jails for the perpetrators. After all that would be more realistic. But it would all still just be bad game design and in the end self defeating for a commercial operation.


There are also other problems with this whole epidemic business. It does not reflect what happens in epidemics. Where is the quarantine that is supposed to be around Alderaan?. Why do NPCs on Fleet not quarantine or kill plague spreaders on sight? Why can plague spreaders target other players but other players can not target plague spreaders? Why do people suffering the plague not turn into Rakghouls? Why do people suffering the plague explode - that is not a feature of any epidemic ever. Why do victims suffer from "freeze, cough, cough". but plague spreaders don't? There is so much fail in this Event.

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You can easily notice people about to explode (glowing eyes and green fumes all around them). You cane easily see by looking the their debuff timer when will they explode. And on level 25, you should be able to gather 2k for 6 hours of uninterrupted gameplay quite easily (if not, you are probably doing something wrong).


Sorry, but 2k is a lot for my level. I happen to enjoy playing the GTN but the 4 vaccines I've had to buy so far is about 5% of my total funds. If I spent more time questing than doing that it would be more along the lines of 20% or more. All in the name of avoiding having to participate in a forced event...


The only price I am willing to accept to not participate in this is FREE. Nobody should have to spend their credits on this crap, I don't care if it's freaking 5 credits and available at every vendor. It's the principle of the thing.


Why is this the only argument people have for anyone who complains? "lol newb 2k is nothing quit complaining." Ugh.


I'll tell you, I lived through the zombie plague prior to Wrath and at least that event was interesting, made sense with lore, and was only a one time world event due to an upcoming relevant expansion. This just feels sprung on me, annoying, and I'm not even at a level where I'm able to fully take advantage of any of the positive aspects. I can only be taken advantage OF by the negatives.

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Sorry, but 2k is a lot for my level. I happen to enjoy playing the GTN but the 4 vaccines I've had to buy so far is about 5% of my total funds. If I spent more time questing than doing that it would be more along the lines of 20% or more. All in the name of avoiding having to participate in a forced event...


The only price I am willing to accept to not participate in this is FREE. Nobody should have to spend their credits on this crap, I don't care if it's freaking 5 credits and available at every vendor. It's the principle of the thing.


Why is this the only argument people have for anyone who complains? "lol newb 2k is nothing quit complaining." Ugh.


I'll tell you, I lived through the zombie plague prior to Wrath and at least that event was interesting, made sense with lore, and was only a one time world event due to an upcoming relevant expansion. This just feels sprung on me, annoying, and I'm not even at a level where I'm able to fully take advantage of any of the positive aspects. I can only be taken advantage OF by the negatives.


If you enjoy playing GTN as you say, 2000 is next to nothing. Even if you did not play GTN and just quested around, it is still nothing. And the vaccine only needs to be applied every 6 hours. Or you could simply run away when you see someone convulsing next to you, the visual clues are really hard to miss.

And people use that response because it is true, 2000 credits is extremely easy even on low levels.

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As I said on another thread: Griefing is griefing and should be called out wherever it occurs. A griefer is defined as "(in an online game or community) a person who harasses or deliberately provokes other players or members in order to spoil their enjoyment". That is exactly what is happening on the Fleet as part of the Rakghoul event. Griefers know full well what they are doing and that they are imposing a cost, inconvenience and a nasty repetitive and frequent stun/interrupt effect on other players thereby spoiling their enjoyment of the game. And your notion that people who do not want to participate in the Event are therefore griefing the griefers is just plain silly. That is just like saying someone who prevents someone bashing someone else is stopping their 'enjoyment'.


The basic premise of SWTOR's own Rules of Conduct is to prevent people from interfering in other people's game play in an unwanted manner. The Rakghoul Event allows for this to happen. In that way it trashes the "spirit" of the Rules of Conduct. It is self-defeating game design which annoys many of its subscribers. After all why stop with 4 second freezes every 15 secs or so and the spewing of green bile. Why not include violent diarrhea and events that incapacitate other players for days on end preventing all access to mail boxes, the GTN and cargo holds, perhaps combined with trials and years in SWTOR jails for the perpetrators. After all that would be more realistic. But it would all still just be bad game design and in the end self defeating for a commercial operation.


There are also other problems with this whole epidemic business. It does not reflect what happens in epidemics. Where is the quarantine that is supposed to be around Alderaan?. Why do NPCs on Fleet not quarantine or kill plague spreaders on sight? Why can plague spreaders target other players but other players can not target plague spreaders? Why do people suffering the plague not turn into Rakghouls? Why do people suffering the plague explode - that is not a feature of any epidemic ever. Why do victims suffer from "freeze, cough, cough". but plague spreaders don't? There is so much fail in this Event.


Except, their "griefing" doesn't do anything except give you a reason to use 2k credits. On the other hand, everytime you vaccinate yourself, you are willingly spoiling someone else's gameplay by not letting them finish their dailies. I'm reporting you for it right nao. :D


Hint hint: I'm not


And are you kidding me? To infect you, they went through a full 15 minutes of "wheeze, cough, cough, cough, wheeze, vomit, BOOM!". And why don't we turn into Rakghouls? Okay Bioware, introduce permadeath into this game this instant.

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If you enjoy playing GTN as you say, 2000 is next to nothing. Even if you did not play GTN and just quested around, it is still nothing. And the vaccine only needs to be applied every 6 hours. Or you could simply run away when you see someone convulsing next to you, the visual clues are really hard to miss.

And people use that response because it is true, 2000 credits is extremely easy even on low levels.


A nonsense answer. Why does anyone not participating in the event have to pay anything. I would like the game to transfer the bank accounts of plague spreaders to their victims as compensation for the death and injury they cause. But hey that is not allowed. But plague spreaders are allowed to impose financial costs on their victims. Go figure.

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Except, their "griefing" doesn't do anything except give you a reason to use 2k credits. On the other hand, everytime you vaccinate yourself, you are willingly spoiling someone else's gameplay by not letting them finish their dailies.


A silly answer. All you are saying is that your enjoyment of the game is more important than anyone else's and you don't care if it is at the expense of other players enjoyment of the game.

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A silly answer. All you are saying is that your enjoyment of the game is more important than anyone else's and you don't care if it is at the expense of other players enjoyment of the game.


Don't you get that your complaining implies the exact same about you?

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Don't you get that your complaining implies the exact same about you?


Not at all. This is not the game. These are forums on which people can express their opinions about the game. Expressing opinions does not affect the game play of anyone.


I believe everyone should play the game in whatever way they think fit and let everyone else do the same. That is how SWTOR was set up. No part of the game was compelled, PvE was separate from PvP, no one was forced to group etc. That was one of its big attractions - no forced play. No one was forced to play Events. No one was made a victim of anyone else's game play. If you wanted to play some part of the game, you could. If you didn't want to , you didn't have to.


The Rakghoul Event is the first departure that I am aware of from that approach. While you are not forced to play through the Alderaan Event, they introduced this dumb game mechanic whereby everyone was subject to attack (but could not attack back) from plague spreaders anywhere, anytime at the expense of their victims in cost, convenience and a nasty, random and frequent interrupt/ stun. Contrary to the spirit of the Rules of Conduct players were given a mechanism to adversely affect the game play of non-Event participants. But it was not reciprocal, victims were unable to hinder the game play of plague spreaders. So no, I can not adversely affect anyone else's game play, but they can adversely affect mine.


I am assuming it is a stuff-up and will be fixed next time round. If it is not, I and I suspect many others will be departing. I don't play dumb events or dumb games. Till now I thought SWTOR was not in that category. Time will tell.

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Not at all. This is not the game. These are forums on which people can express their opinions about the game. Expressing opinions does not affect the game play of anyone.


I believe everyone should play the game in whatever way they think fit and let everyone else do the same. That is how SWTOR was set up. No part of the game was compelled, PvE was separate from PvP, no one was forced to group etc. That was one of its big attractions - no forced play. No one was forced to play Events. No one was made a victim of anyone else's game play. If you wanted to play some part of the game, you could. If you didn't want to , you didn't have to.


The Rakghoul Event is the first departure that I am aware of from that approach. While you are not forced to play through the Alderaan Event, they introduced this dumb game mechanic whereby everyone was subject to attack (but could not attack back) from plague spreaders anywhere, anytime at the expense of their victims in cost, convenience and a nasty, random and frequent interrupt/ stun. Contrary to the spirit of the Rules of Conduct players were given a mechanism to adversely affect the game play of non-Event participants. But it was not reciprocal, victims were unable to hinder the game play of plague spreaders. So no, I can not adversely affect anyone else's game play, but they can adversely affect mine.


I am assuming it is a stuff-up and will be fixed next time round. If it is not, I and I suspect many others will be departing. I don't play dumb events or dumb games. Till now I thought SWTOR was not in that category. Time will tell.


See, I don't think you're getting my point. Them exploding causes you a minor inconvenience, you vaccinating yourself prevents them from finishing their quests. How is it fair that you can interrupt their gameplay, yet complain if a single one of them infects you? Do you see my point? If not, you are exactly what you are accusing people of being. A person who cares only about their own gameplay and not others.


So yeah, you can hinder their gameplay. Why are they not all over the forums complaining about it?

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See, I don't think you're getting my point. Them exploding causes you a minor inconvenience, you vaccinating yourself prevents them from finishing their quests. How is it fair that you can interrupt their gameplay, yet complain if a single one of them infects you? Do you see my point? If not, you are exactly what you are accusing people of being. A person who cares only about their own gameplay and not others.


So yeah, you can hinder their gameplay. Why are they not all over the forums complaining about it?


It is not a minor inconvenience to me to be interrupted and stunned when I have chosen not to participate in this dumb event. My opting out causes no inconvenience to anyone else, they can just go find another victim. I don't stun them, I don't cause them cost or inconvenience. What inconvenience they suffer is a result of their choosing to take the quest - it's a self imposed one. And the argument, which has often been made on these forums, that griefers are entitled to easy victims to get their achievements faster and to hell with how the victims feel about it has no merit whatsoever.

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It is not a minor inconvenience to me to be interrupted and stunned when I have chosen not to participate in this dumb event. My opting out causes no inconvenience to anyone else, they can just go find another victim. I don't stun them, I don't cause them cost or inconvenience. What inconvenience they suffer is a result of their choosing to take the quest - it's a self imposed one. And the argument, which has often been made on these forums, that griefers are entitled to easy victims to get their achievements faster and to hell with how the victims feel about it has no merit whatsoever.


What stun? The one that costs 2k creds to remove for 6 hours straight?


They can find another victim? You can stop parking your butt next to infected players for 20 minutes straight.


It costs you 2k creds for 6 hours immunity? That's 8k creds for 24 hours. It costs them 10k creds in credit rewards they would have gotten if you hadn't stopped them.


Self-imposed punishment? You parked your butt next to them. You have brought it upon yourself.


Sorry, but if you think this infection is a major concern, you need to rethink your gameplay. This event is so easy to avoid, it's not even funny.

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What stun? The one that costs 2k creds to remove for 6 hours straight?


They can find another victim? You can stop parking your butt next to infected players for 20 minutes straight.


It costs you 2k creds for 6 hours immunity? That's 8k creds for 24 hours. It costs them 10k creds in credit rewards they would have gotten if you hadn't stopped them.


Self-imposed punishment? You parked your butt next to them. You have brought it upon yourself.


Sorry, but if you think this infection is a major concern, you need to rethink your gameplay. This event is so easy to avoid, it's not even funny.


I do not play the game for your convenience or for anyone else's convenience. I play the game for my own convenience and, within the rules of the game, do not have to account to you or to anyone else. That is one of the positive aspects of SWTOR (or has been). I have answered your question. I see little point in pursuing this any further.

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you consider 2k for a vaccine alot? Bahahahahahahah.


Yes I do. Why? Because its a vaccine that shouldn't be needed in the first place. The whole event is disruptive to gameplay


This is the best event ever, and I hope BioWare won't listen to whiners.


Whiners? Oh you mean like you? What part of the terms 'griefing' and 'paying customers' don't you understand?


just because you don't want to get infected?? That is half the fun! Get infected then run around and see if you can infect others.


That is harassment, griefing and i'm sure a few other words fit as well



Thats funny, last time I was there it had a single instance and less than 20 people


I love this event. it is not forced


Except that it is forced, very blatantly.


Because fleet is 8 - 55.....depending on how quickly you get off the starter planet (see gold farmers) and anyone who is infected can easily fleet pass back to fleet and start a vicious cycle of propagating the plague! Quit trying to be Mr. Smarty Rear End Hole.


Yes and that is called very bad design


There's something in game that will make the grief go away and takes little to no effort to acquire, you're simply looking for a reason to whine. Grow up.


He stated a fact, you became abusive, called him a whiner and told him to grow up. Keep your mouth shut, you have nothing to say. You are just trying to justify bad design and griefer abuse


The groups taking the virus to the starting planets and watching people learn the game panic and die is priceless.


Priceless? No, its the definition of harassment.


The Developers wanted this to take place or else the plague would be designed so once you leave Alderan the plaque would drop as to not effect the gameplay of those not choosing to do the event


No. Its called bad design. Remember that corrupted blood plague in wow? The devs didn't think through that one either and look what happened


Griefing the the starter planets is where I am with a lounge chair. You should see the new people who chose to play the game quit the game because they have no idea what is hitting them Good Job Dev team. Love the grief ability you built in to this..... Now off to Hutta lol. So many newbs to annoy and watch them rage quit not to return


If someone does this to me I will have them banned. Period. I have absolutely zero tolerance for harassment in any form. Let alone in a service I am paying for.


You arn't forced to buy anything. It's your fault for not paying attention to where you go afk.


Yes you are forced to buy something. No it isn't our fault. Stop blaming the victim. You are a griefer.


No one on the starting planets can get infected, this has been confirmed so stop trying to spread lies.


Except they can and have been. I've seen it myself


Secondly it's called situational awareness. If you can't pay attention to your surroundings as you do stuff, then you deserve to be infected.


I swear some people just refuse to adapt and would rather just cry.


Are you stupid or something? That is the most ignorant and idiotic thing i've heard in weeks


Considering there is a quest for infecting 3 people every day, people infecting others aren't griefing...they are questing


No, they are griefing


It isn't griefing, nor is it jerks. Infecting 3 people is a DAILY.


Except that it is griefing. Don't play semantics. infecting people against their will is griefing. Period.


You can easily notice people about to explode (glowing eyes and green fumes all around them). You cane easily see by looking the their debuff timer when will they explode. And on level 25, you should be able to gather 2k for 6 hours of uninterrupted gameplay quite easily (if not, you are probably doing something wrong).


In other words you're making excuses and telling him to shut up and deal with it. What is going on is unacceptable. Period


If you enjoy playing GTN as you say, 2000 is next to nothing. Even if you did not play GTN and just quested around, it is still nothing. And the vaccine only needs to be applied every 6 hours. Or you could simply run away when you see someone convulsing next to you, the visual clues are really hard to miss.

And people use that response because it is true, 2000 credits is extremely easy even on low levels.


You are a liar and an apologist. Go to the starter planets and say that.


Except, their "griefing" doesn't do anything except give you a reason to use 2k credits.


Except that it makes you A) spend money many don't have, B) is disruptive in the extreme and C) is harassment


I say just wait till the event ends on the 28th which is this Tuesday. Problem solved.


So its 'problem solved' in that allows paying customers to be harassed? But of course thats ok because its only temporary.


What stun? The one that costs 2k creds to remove for 6 hours straight?


They can find another victim? You can stop parking your butt next to infected players for 20 minutes straight.


It costs you 2k creds for 6 hours immunity? That's 8k creds for 24 hours. It costs them 10k creds in credit rewards they would have gotten if you hadn't stopped them.


2k that has to be spent with each death. 2k that shouldn't need to be spent to opt out of anything, period.


Self-imposed punishment? You parked your butt next to them. You have brought it upon yourself.


Sorry, but if you think this infection is a major concern, you need to rethink your gameplay. This event is so easy to avoid, it's not even funny.


Tell that to the people being harassed on any of the starter planets or at the fleet. You're making excuses

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If someone does this to me I will have them banned. Period. I have absolutely zero tolerance for harassment in any form. Let alone in a service I am paying for.


Except that it is griefing. Don't play semantics. infecting people against their will is griefing. Period.


Except that it makes you A) spend money many don't have, B) is disruptive in the extreme and C) is harassment


Oh i wish we were on the same server and i knew your alt names so i could blow my load all over your alts faces.


On a side note you do know there is an "achievement" AND a "quests" that gives you (a) rep token (b) about 18.9k exp and © about 17k credits…all you have to do is give people a money shot…unsuspecting lowbies are just easier to get this quest done due to the fact that (a) most don't know what it is yet and (b) don't have the vaccine on hand to stop it. Though best part of my day is giving some lowbie a money shot and watch then cry about what just got in their eye in chat.:D :D :D


But no seriously its not griefing, the Gree even where i used to heal the droid in the Grey Secant so republic toons namely <WOOK> hackers couldn't kill it….THAT is griefing. however that guild is known for hacking so i felt like F***ing with them. I said to them, " hack your way out of this A$Sholes and kept the droid at 100% then about 20 of them showed up all flagged for PvP and started taunting me like I'm dumb enough o flag so they can kill me lol next patch they fixed that…no more griefing there though you can still kill people trying to get the pylon quest but thats an achievement so thats not really griefing.

Edited by Jamalzero
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Oh i wish we were on the same server and i knew your alt names so i could blow my load all over your alts faces.


On a side note you do know there is an "achievement" AND a "quests" that gives you (a) rep token (b) about 18.9k exp and © about 17k credits…all you have to do is give people a money shot…unsuspecting lowbies are just easier to get this quest done due to the fact that (a) most don't know what it is yet and (b) don't have the vaccine on hand to stop it. Though best part of my day is giving some lowbie a money shot and watch then cry about what just got in their eye in chat.:D :D :D


But no seriously its not griefing, the Gree even where i used to heal the droid in the Grey Secant so republic toons namely <WOOK> hackers couldn't kill it….THAT is griefing. however that guild is known for hacking so i felt like F***ing with them. I said to them, " hack your way out of this A$Sholes and kept the droid at 100% then about 20 of them showed up all flagged for PvP and started taunting me like I'm dumb enough o flag so they can kill me lol next patch they fixed that…no more griefing there though you can still kill people trying to get the pylon quest but thats an achievement so thats not really griefing.


Dude, you're just digging a bigger hole for yourself. The "infect 3 other players" quest is truly a classic griefing scenario the way you want to play it. There are plenty of ways around this, including not supporting a very bad quest. Oh and just because the dev. team failed utterly to think things through, does not suddenly make it okay to violate the ToS rules.


EA and Bioware owe us all a big apology for this aspect of what is otherwise a fun diversion. This is what always seems to happen when special event mechanics don't get tested on the PTS or some other real-world test before being unleashed.

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A nonsense answer. Why does anyone not participating in the event have to pay anything. I would like the game to transfer the bank accounts of plague spreaders to their victims as compensation for the death and injury they cause. But hey that is not allowed. But plague spreaders are allowed to impose financial costs on their victims. Go figure.


You are paying the price for not paying attention to your surrounding. Seriously, the infected players in stage 2 are VERY visible (glowing eyes, green fumes everywhere, coughing fits), and even more before they explode, giving you ample time to move your butt away from them.

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Honestly if they don't disable the infection during warzones/arenas and if they don't change the vaccine to where it persists through death (it currently does not which is stupid) then I will probably quit the game the next time the event comes through.


I don't care how petty anyone finds that. I find this event to be extremely annoying and its practically forced onto players and it completely disrupts pvp for me, especially in ranked arenas where people can't be bothered to get the vaccine or queue for ranked on purpose with the infection with the intent of ruining a match for someone. Sorry but **** that. PvP gets **** on enough as is.

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Why aren't the complainers here using the method of getting a clicky relic that functions as a reuseable vaccine? All you have to do is switch it out which takes a second...and getting newcomer status should be a walk in the park for anyone.


You don't pvp much do you? Even if you don't, the real question is, why should I have to go do a bunch of dailies to get an item to avoid an event mechanic that I wanted nothing to do with to begin with?

Edited by Raansu
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You don't pvp much do you? Even if you don't, the real question is, why should I have to go do a bunch of dailies to get an item to avoid an event mechanic that I wanted nothing to do with to begin with?


I don't pvp at all. But I imagine if you had the relic you could activate it and switch back your power relic before you enter a warzone, so you'd always enter one vaccinated. Then if you die, either do the switch-click-switch again OR have a field day with whomever was going to infect you in the first place since the coughing reportedly interrups everything...hence the outcries, right?


Still not seeing the problem. And why wouldn't you try out some of the new dailies?

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You don't pvp much do you? Even if you don't, the real question is, why should I have to go do a bunch of dailies to get an item to avoid an event mechanic that I wanted nothing to do with to begin with?


what does pvp have to do with it? unless you are playing on pvp server - rep quests are not going to flag you. that relic has a cooldown of 6 seconds, so you can use it over and over AND they are all legacy bound so you can mail them between alts, so pvp deaths are negated. and you don't need to do a bunch of dailies. but they are an option if you are looking for once and for all solution. it would be nicer if rep requirement was lower, or if vaccine persisted through death. however. you are given options. you are refusing them. you are now dealing with consequences of that choice. mmo's being mmos - events happen. the game is not revolving around your personal preferences.

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