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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Official Armor Wishlist Thread

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We need a full mandalorian armor , the blue one with jetpack etc..

Like this :http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/051/d/e/ms_paint_mandalorian_swtor_retrocrusader_by_jarokrieg-d779gkd.png

A lot of NPC in the Mandalorian Embassy on Dromund Kaas have it , as well as many NPC near Rennar Outpost On Tatooine , even the heavy armor vendor have a full blue mandalorian armor.

It's as symbolic as the Eradicator or Jedi set from de CM.


You already have it in the game. Easy to do. Easy to make people happy.

Put it in the Cartel Market you'll make money. :)

There's some screens of a full Blue Mandalorian Armor with jetpack , shoulders pads and else.

He's Thron and he say "Hi".




Just do it , we've waited enough.....

Edited by AOrdo
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Vokk's armor from the Esseless PLEASE :)

The model is already in game ^^








I know we have Thana Vesh's armor, but a version with the hood up would be the best thing ever since sliced bread!

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We need a full mandalorian armor , the blue one with jetpack etc..

Like this :http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/051/d/e/ms_paint_mandalorian_swtor_retrocrusader_by_jarokrieg-d779gkd.png

A lot of NPC in the Mandalorian Embassy on Dromund Kaas have it , as well as many NPC near Rennar Outpost On Tatooine , even the heavy armor vendor have a full blue mandalorian armor.

It's as symbolic as the Eradicator or Jedi set from de CM.


You already have it in the game. Easy to do. Easy to make people happy.

Put it in the Cartel Market you'll make money. :)

There's some screens of a full Blue Mandalorian Armor with jetpack , shoulders pads and else.

He's Thron and he say "Hi".




Just do it , we've waited enough.....


yea..... that armor is awesome

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Time of the Day to say it :

We need a full mandalorian armor , the blue one with jetpack etc..

Like this :http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/051/d/e/ms_paint_mandalorian_swtor_retrocrusader_by_jarokrieg-d779gkd.png

A lot of NPC in the Mandalorian Embassy on Dromund Kaas have it , as well as many NPC near Rennar Outpost On Tatooine , even the heavy armor vendor have a full blue mandalorian armor.

It's as symbolic as the Eradicator or Jedi set from de CM.


You already have it in the game. Easy to do. Easy to make people happy.

Put it in the Cartel Market you'll make money. :)

There's some screens of a full Blue Mandalorian Armor with jetpack , shoulders pads and else.

He's Thron and he say "Hi".



Edited by AOrdo
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Time of the Day to say it :

We need a full mandalorian armor , the blue one with jetpack etc..

Like this :http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/051/d/e/ms_paint_mandalorian_swtor_retrocrusader_by_jarokrieg-d779gkd.png

A lot of NPC in the Mandalorian Embassy on Dromund Kaas have it , as well as many NPC near Rennar Outpost On Tatooine , even the heavy armor vendor have a full blue mandalorian armor.

It's as symbolic as the Eradicator or Jedi set from de CM.


You already have it in the game. Easy to do. Easy to make people happy.

Put it in the Cartel Market you'll make money. :)

There's some screens of a full Blue Mandalorian Armor with jetpack , shoulders pads and else.

He's Thron and he say "Hi".




Have you seen the Mandalorian Hunters armor set ?It's quite similar except it doesn't have a jetpack.

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Have you seen the Mandalorian Hunters armor set ?It's quite similar except it doesn't have a jetpack.


Yeah I know , but NPCs have a lot of different armor based on this model (with shoulder pads/without , heavier helmet , jetpack , heavy belt ...)

This is clearly frustrating not having the jetpack so I will ask every day about it.

Don't tell me it's difficult to bring it ....all the models are already on the game it's wanting or not. :)

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My Wishlist:


More Jetpacks on your Technical Armors... Like, way more. The only Jetpacks I see anymore are the ones specifically designed for Bounty Hunters. Rocket Boosting from my boots doesn't tickle my fancy and most of the Jetpack sets I have seen are very... Bleh.

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Time of the Day to say it :

We need a full mandalorian armor , the blue one with jetpack etc..

Like this :http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/051/d/e/ms_paint_mandalorian_swtor_retrocrusader_by_jarokrieg-d779gkd.png

A lot of NPC in the Mandalorian Embassy on Dromund Kaas have it , as well as many NPC near Rennar Outpost On Tatooine , even the heavy armor vendor have a full blue mandalorian armor.

It's as symbolic as the Eradicator or Jedi set from de CM.


You already have it in the game. Easy to do. Easy to make people happy.

Put it in the Cartel Market you'll make money. :)

There's some screens of a full Blue Mandalorian Armor with jetpack , shoulders pads and else.

He's Thron and he say "Hi".




A repost of my post from a different thread:

It's hard to believe this armor is not available in game considering how many times it was suggested. The model is already in game in various versions such as:



Vorten Fett's armor

Jos Beroya's armor


Also as seen here the armor sets available in game aren't the same as the armor seen on mando npcs so the look can't be recreated with OD.

Edited by Grolar
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A repost of my post from a different thread:

It's hard to believe this armor is not available in game considering how many times it was suggested. The model is already in game in various versions such as:



Vorten Fett's armor

Jos Beroya's armor


Also as seen here the armor sets available in game aren't the same as the armor seen on mando npcs so the look can't be recreated with OD.


^this 100%, i belive the npc's that use them are called "Mandalorian Ranger" in Blood Hunt Flashpoint

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Since the champions of Trooper armor and traditional Jedi Robes are still very adamant in this thread or rather the forums in general, I'm just dropping in to say (again *g) that we could really use an adaptive version of Commander Jensyn's armor/robes - one of the only heavily armored sets that are still consistent with the 'typical Jedi look'.
Yes please
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Wouldn't mind having the Imperial and Republic battle droid cybernetics. Would go into the Series-xxx armor sets. They would resemble the customization's for HK that you get after doing some of the Revan story.


For Reference:




Edited by ironkevin
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I would have to go with this SITH outfit courtesy of Kotaku and a Cos player called MissSinister (who is depicted in it) because its awesome, add the hairstyle too :)


From Front



From Side


Edited by NeoWolf
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I was trying to dress up my female smuggler the other day, and realized my lack of options. So Im hoping for armorset of Kee. Unfortunately it cant be added by name because she is from far future (SW Legacy), but I would want something reminiscent of it.


Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4


In other words, a smuggler vest over a slightly too small t-shirt, but not pure bikini like what we have currently. Goggles that are up on the forehead would be cool too :p


Oh and Cargopants. :D Thing that annoys me with several clothes, is how they look too skintight (ie. just a graphic skin)

And go easy on them damn shoulderpads... I would be fine without any.

Edited by Karkais
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i know there are those energy w/e gloves that make it looke like u dont have gloves on. but there should be an option to have gloves hidden. just like the helmet... or makeit easier to get those energy gloves. cause there so rare. well they are on my server all i ever see is the chest
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The Yavin 4 planetside class vendor agent armor, can I please get a version of this that isn't bind on pick up? It's the perfect armor for my pirate smuggler but the bind on pick up prevents me from getting it for her since she can't purchase it herself being a pub and all. It's the one with the long captain's looking jacket and the raised armor plate on the right shoulder. It's the only one of that kind available that doesn't have an open jacket or actual armor for the torso part.
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