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The Official Armor Wishlist Thread

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Every single piece of armor and clothing already in game that has attachments (like the buttflaps, shoulderpads, collars, etc) WITHOUT said attachments.

Sometimes less is more.


More sleeveless shirts. I'd love to see a sudden burst of "sleeveless" versions of existing gear like how we're currently getting "revealing" versions.

Infact, can we just agree that any future "revealing" sets are not to contain hoods or sleeves?


More headgear that isnt helmets. Things like tiaras, ribbons, headphones, bandanas, goggles, glasses, and eyepatches.


And lastly, versions of existing gear that isnt glitchy. There is already a huge amount of super awesome looking gear in the game... That nobody wants to use because it glitches horribly! D:

Edited by Ershiin
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are we ever going to see the Columi/Rakata armor for Warriors the way it was originally designed? I wanted this armor so bad when the game launched I remember it in almost all of the class videos for juggs and then boom big honking eyesore shoulders, please can we get the original design?




i remember the second link armor . from not too long ago.. but the first i dont remember.

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Really? u like that stuff.. i never could get into it.. i still have it on my launch sorcerer , and i always hated it . but everyone has the styles they like and dislike


i want a standard jedi robe like these

1st and 2nd link are just the standard padawan and knight robes. third and fourth are basically the same with cloaks over them i just want one with the hood up in swtor , or the option to put the hood up or down



Anakins Robe without Cloak


Jedi Knight/Master robe with Robe hood down


Anakin or sith / dark jedi Knight Robe with Cloak hood Down






There is an obvious and high demand for traditional Jedi robes. Please, Bioware. Why won't you add them?

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Hey! I didn't see this thread before I posted my own, but my idea is - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=813727


So I really like both these armour sets, but I have a peeve on both of them.


The Eradicators Armour set: I love the length of these robes. the fact that they're long but they still display your equipped gloves, even ones that go up to the elbow.


What I don't like about Eradicators: I don't like the brownish stripes around the arm..


The Exterminators Armour set: I love the colour of this one, and the way it creases, it gives it a more realistic look, I do also like the length of the sleeves.


What I don't like about Exterminators: The sleeve is slightly too long (yes I realize I just mentioned I like the length) but it does a weird thing to your glove armour, and basically turns them invisible..


The new armour set that I'd love:



Exterminator's colour theme.


Eradicator's length, maybe slightly longer sleeves that go right to the elbow.


Slightly thicker leg/chest plating with some spikes on the toecap of the boots & possibly on the heel too.


That is all.


EDIT: possibly add some shoulder pads too! spikey ones!



Edited by Berronaxftw
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The 2 armour sets I would like to see are:-


1) A armour set that is "exactly" like Commander Tavus, I am surprised that this is not already in the game since all of the other craft able armour in the game is obtainable from flashpoints in a orange colour except tempered Laminoid type chestpiece.


2) We have one of the mandalorian sets from the cartel market but not the one that also has the jet-pack on the back.

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The Havok armor in the intro movie for troopers, this armor is without a doubt the best looking in this game for a trooper yet it is not available in game to get, it needs to be added asap Edited by Moonraker
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A poncho in game would be most excellent aswell for gunslingers, we have the brim hat so why not the poncho to go with it too!


Also the Malek Kriya armour set of course.

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Wish they'd just release armor from packs on the CM when the packs are removed, or at least soon after. With the packs removed, the armor slowly becomes impossible to track down, and once you do track it down, it costs ridiculous amounts of credits.


More specifically, I wish the Galvanized Infantry and Energized Infantry armor sets were made available on the CM, because it's impossible to gather a full set on the most populated European server without spending 20+ million credits and weeks of camping the GTN.

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So if you love the ideas from this thread, can I ask when are we going to get the Havoc Squad armor?

Been waiting over 3 years for it.


It looks like this, since you seem to have forgotten about it.




Seen a lot of people asking for this set, hope it gets seen and added soon.

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