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  1. Well since heals and tanks are both spoken for right now, I can join on my marauder or sniper. Praecctiel is my mara and Zrekrchon is my sniper.
  2. I'd like to join, wouldn't really be able to raid though with you guys due to my work schedule.
  3. Master Boudyn's robes. He's in the Republic Storyline on Ilum. http://i.imgur.com/i3sGIdU.png
  4. Can't send in-game mail atm because I'm not home. I'm interested in joining though, how active is a guild atm? Are there any roles that are really needed? Thinking about joining on a gunslinger or scoundrel, or possiblyas a vanguard or shadow for a tank(haven't really tanked since RotHC though, and don't have the greatest confidence in my tanking abilities).
  5. I'll play with you. Been mostly messing around on my 70 powertech, but have been kinda wanting to play a healer recently, so I might level my merc or operative instead. How can I contact you?
  6. For Old Republic era movies, I'd absolutely love to see a Darth Bane trilogy.
  7. I would absolutely love to have a Basilisk War Droid as a mount. http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/9/92/Basilisk.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20061103130258
  8. We do already have Acklay and Nexu mounts in-game, all we need is a Reek. Wouldn't be that hard.
  9. They are not stupid, if they could protect themselves as easily as you claim they could, then they would do it, anything to help them in combat, to survive and protect the Republic. Order 66 would've failed and Palpatine would have some explaining to do. Numbers do matter, as several Jedi masters were killed by a squad or two of troopers, mainly due to the element of surprise, but a few managed to raise their sabers to try and intercept the blaster bolts, but they still fell as they couldn't stop them all. They are not all powerful, there were a few among them that had grown exceptionally strong, but they had grown weak from their centuries of peace, with the Order constantly losing more and more members in the Clone Wars. Yoda, one of the most powerful Jedi at the time, survived because he was on Kashyyyk, with only two troopers near him when Order 66 was given. Sensing their intentions, he quickly beheaded them and made his escape. Had he been at the temple, or in the midst of battle with several squads of troopers at his back, he too would eventually have been overwhelmed and killed.
  10. Did you forget that the "hundreds of Jedi" were killed by troopers? Sure, Anakin was there and probably took down the majority of them, but the clones far outnumbered the Jedi. They'd dispatch the Jedi that tried to interfere and then take some shots at Obi-wan. Many of the Jedi wouldn't have even been engaging the clones, they'd be trying to help the Padawans and younglings escape the Temple. They'd be guiding them and trying to avoid the clones. If anything, they might let Obi-wan and the others fight the clones so they could save as many as possible while the clones are "distracted".
  11. Dasaed

    COD Scam

    Haven't seen any or heard about any of this yet, how recently did it start happening?
  12. Anyone know if it's still like this? I've just recently come back to the game, and would like to start playing Pub side again
  13. Same as OP, would prefer a Pub-side one though. A casual player but would like to work towards Endgame content.
  14. No, the level 60 tokens don't let your character do any of the previous story missions. Such as Chapters 1-4, SoR, and planet story arcs.
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