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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Official Armor Wishlist Thread

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I'm sure it's been suggested before this, and I am unsure of how the licensing might work, but the Force Unleashed games had a series of fantastic armor sets used by Starkiller. Any number of those, like the Sith Stalker armor in particular, would be excellent for SWToR.
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Considering we already have Jarael's outfit (though the clipping on it still needs the to be fixed!), can we also have her nemesis Chantique please?





Also Darth Talon! EDIT: And if it could somehow be made to work texture-wise to apply the body tattoos, that would even be more awesome. As the outfit doesn't include a headpiece, the tattoos could be made into a separate item that goes into the headslot.





And Celeste Morne!




Furthermore, there were some lovely outfits to choose from in Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy that could be ported over.

Edited by wolfyde
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Things I would love to see in the CM/packs:


- A set using the chest for the Stylish Dancer top model, but without the waist flaps! Pair it with a skirt, add the Republic Dancer sandals and hands, and make it unisex by simply removing the bikini top part on male characters.


- If the above is not possible, I'd love to at least see those sandals (or something very close) available in a set that males can wear too.


- An adaptive version of Muse Vestments. But without any shoulder pads or poofs or extraneous do-dads added, please!

Edited by Gwena
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So if you love the ideas from this thread, can I ask when are we going to get the Havoc Squad armor?

Been waiting over 3 years for it.


It looks like this, since you seem to have forgotten about it.



Every single trooper in the game would be wearing this.


I don't care. I'd rock it, too. BIOWARE! I CALL DIBS ON THIS ONE!

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Nice to know that you are following this thread.


Any chance that we could finally see the Jedi Knight character creation armour being added to the Cartel Market?


It is the only character creation armour that is *not* available, and the last one of those other armours was added over a year ago. It would be really nice to see the Jedi Knight character creation armour finally become a reality.


I second that. This armor alone brought me to this game. Even though it is just aesthetically a hood down version of the Jedi Battlelord armor set, I would pay the cartel coins to finally have it just like the character creation armors already released for the other classes.

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Why why WHY are there not more symmetrical cybernetic pieces? There's all these cool looking ones but they either only have one cyber arm or cyber leg. Why? Can we please get version of cyber armor that have BOTH limbs as cybernetic?
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I'm sure it's been suggested before this, and I am unsure of how the licensing might work, but the Force Unleashed games had a series of fantastic armor sets used by Starkiller. Any number of those, like the Sith Stalker armor in particular, would be excellent for SWToR.


Oh yes, those were absolutely fantastic. It would be great to get some hood down option for the adventurer robe, and of course, the magnificent Ceremonial Jedi Robes with the cowl being an actual head piece (it is a separate item, it's not a hood) .



http://s1133.photobucket.com/user/JediMM/media/TFU2%20Ref%20Photos/marekfull-1.png.html ---Ceremonial Jedi robes. Please make Cowl a head piece if you do decide to put them in. LORE FRIENDLY. Actual item description says they were present in the Jedi order since time immemorial.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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I've only seen this robe on one NPC in the whole game, Agent Carhart, quest giver for Black Hole. I think it's very Jedi like in its simplistic, laid back style:


Agent Carhart


Would love to have it :-)


The inquisitor starts in that chest. It's the only one that has that inner pattern, but you can find similar ones here. Go down to NMSC01.

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so.. with the new outfit designer element, would there might be a chance for a Darth Malgus armor, with both hood up, and down. Been waiting for this since the game came out. Please, we have so many other outfits from other characters. :)
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Since the champions of Trooper armor and traditional Jedi Robes are still very adamant in this thread or rather the forums in general, I'm just dropping in to say (again *g) that we could really use an adaptive version of Commander Jensyn's armor/robes - one of the only heavily armored sets that are still consistent with the 'typical Jedi look'.
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This may be a little off topic, but has anyone thought of putting schematics in the cartel packs instead of armor pieces?

I'm sure this would create an interesting dynamic since there would be no forced scarcity, but it'd give crafters something to do/sell.


I would welcome this, even if the schematics were limited use.

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I believe I have only seen this outfit on a Ziost NPC. I think it is EXTREMELY elegant, and it would benefit a lot from dye modules as well, even though its natural color is already fantastic. The whole set looks really neat, and it's already in the game so there will be very little effort to get it into a cartel pack.


Here it is: http://i.imgur.com/uf3hNbX.jpg

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I'd like to be able to buy a full set of any non-super-rare armor from older cartel shipments with 500cc. Cuz there's enough armor now to do that without shooting yourselves in the foot and it keeps subscribers coming back to check out the new armor they can pick up a full set of. There's not really much you can buy with the subscriber allowance other than rights to use a couple of your collection items across your account and while that's a nice option to have it's just not as exciting as having completely new look to fiddle with once a month.


Also, the grind of hustling the GTN for all your cartel gear (I've completed probably about 30% of armor now with credits) gets tiresome what with the speculators being a giant PITA. Like really? Ulic Qel-Droma's bracers are the must-have super-rare part? The armor is as low as 90k and the bracers I've never seen for less than half a million? I seriously don't think so. Nor do I believe people are excited about Shrewd Rascal's lame no-hair cowboy hat variant yet these are the items that sell for the most to people desperate to complete those collections. What is this, Eve? I came here to escape the soulless profiteering not relive it.


So seriously can we just buy some of the more common stuff as a set at least rather than having to gamble and hustle for absolutely everything? All the new aesthetic options bought me back to the game but the pay and hustle to get the really nice things factor is starting to get as old as all the unfun time sinks that got me to quit the game the first time. You guys lifted all the painfully slow travel options so you have the right ideas I think. So why not have your cartel market profit cake with plenty of buy-what-you-want options to keep people excited about the first day of their subs too? It did wonders for City of Heroes to always be able to buy a complete set of something once a month.

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ACtual armor and jedi robes from the movies....


Anikan and obi wans jedi robes from episode 3 or just real jedi robes in general.. tired the bath robe short sleeve ones



The Kreia and Exterminator robes are a step in the right direction


Darth Vaders armor


The Cultist robe the Emperor Wears


Boba Fetts ARmor


now that disney wants them to add more Canon stuff i could see this stuff maybe happening

Edited by Foreignobjects
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I know it's not canon but did you all see the Vader samurai pic floating around the internet?


http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sith_stalker_armor would be closest i guess but the Stalker armor would be epic. If it's already in game tell me where and i shall buy that right away, using Cartel Coins if need be.


Thats starkiller in the collectors edition when u turn on your friends at the end of the TFUL 1... vader makes u his assasin... so yea thats Starkiller. but that would be sweet to see that in game

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Darth Malgus armor set, with proper colors and cape.

I know, I am not the first one, and probably not the last one :)


It would also make sense for it to be in the new cartel packs, since it's called explorers pack, and Malgus was head of the expedition fleet :p

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