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Were plans to make "Same sex companion romances" canned?


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Mmm, I'd rather they put it in and then have people pay to keep it out. :rak_03:


Well, there's already an option to not get involved in a romance. Don't hit the [Flirt] button. If you seriously mash space bar and hit random numbers when you're in a conversation, the romance won't matter anyway, as you won't see it. And you'll get free random crap at the end.

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Well, there's already an option to not get involved in a romance. Don't hit the [Flirt] button. If you seriously mash space bar and hit random numbers when you're in a conversation, the romance won't matter anyway, as you won't see it. And you'll get free random crap at the end.


Oh I know, I just made that post to stick it to all the haters and whiners. This is a Bioware game, there should be SGR in it.

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Oh I know, I just made that post to stick it to all the haters and whiners. This is a Bioware game, there should be SGR in it.


Well, there kind of is (there's, like, infinity percent more than there was at launch, that's for sure) but it's not at the point of being companion stuff (I hesitate to say "meaningful", because Bioware screwed up with the ORGA companion stuff, as after the whole "yay, let's get married!" conversation nothing happens. Ever) - yet. Hopefully yet. Hopefully we'll see companion SGRA content before the servers get unplugged.


Also, it's been said by Bioware that a) story content isn't going on the Cartel Market and b) we won't have to pay "extra" for the SGR/A content. So an expansion solely based on my Agent getting to have emotionally intimate conversations with Vector and a kiss won't be one I'd have to pay for. Likewise my Trooper and Elara.

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The most likely time for them to add out fully fleshed companions(with some passable resemblance to a human, no Trandoshan, Dashade, or Jawa romances according to Bioware policy) would be an expansion.


Treek and HK-51 weren't options for obvious reasons.


If you're to make a push for SGR companions being added to the game now would be the time. Maybe a few months earlier might've been optimal but its probably still worth asking.




After all CE owners still get an update once or twice a year. Gotta wonder if someone was trying to be funny with the statue naming though.

Edited by Vandicus
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This topic still pisses me off.


They should have been working on fixing the lack of SGR as soon as they got so much backlash for leaving it out. Not think of every excuse they could to keep it out.


Now it's literally been years and we still don't have any SGR companions.

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If you're to make a push for SGR companions being added to the game now would be the time. Maybe a few months earlier might've been optimal but its probably still worth asking.


Um, the topics for asking for SGRA companions have existed since before launch. It's been an on-going topic for nearly three years now. Bioware are fully aware it's something that a good portion of the player base wants (and that players have left over not having it) and yet have done very little, and what they have done has been half-arsed. I mean, back when Makeb launched and we all commented that the division of "lesbians are Republic" and "gay men are Imperial" was questionable at best, all they could say was "Oh sorry, didn't realise you wouldn't like it that way." As if the notion that women might exist in the Empire or me within the Republic was new to them.

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No, they checked a box, in the smallest possible way they could, so that defenders would say, "see, they added it, now shut up".


Yea, a flirt here and there with NPCs that you'll never see again doesn't count.


Says who? What do you think happens with the "OGRA" already in game? A flirt here and there and you never hear from them again. There is no continuous reciprocation of affection, the "romance" scenes consist of maybe an exchange of "I love you." and a fade to black. Then... no further interaction ever ever.


People have been putting entirely too much weight on this non-issue for as far back as I can remember (the sgra thread before the forum wipes was a true spectacle to behold), and they did. in fact. add them.

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Says who? What do you think happens with the "OGRA" already in game? A flirt here and there and you never hear from them again. There is no continuous reciprocation of affection, the "romance" scenes consist of maybe an exchange of "I love you." and a fade to black. Then... no further interaction ever ever.


Um, actually, Mr. Gonzalez (and I believe Mr. Musco continues this trend) differentiated between SGR and SGRA terms - SGR refers to what you're talking about, the one off [Flirt]s and the short "mini-mances" wherein one gets a fade-to-black after a certain number of conversations with an NPC. SGRA is used for long standing romances, specifically those with companions, or those which are continued over multiple conversations (Sergeant Jaxo from the Trooper line might be an example of a non-companion OGRA.)


We have a small amount of SGR content, not comparable in terms of numbers to the current OGR content, and certainly nothing on pure preferences break-down to what straight-male characters get (the highest over all in planetary story, class story and companion story, with two classes having two fully fleshed out romance-and-marry lines.) Basically all that's been asked for is to have exactly the same amount options as what the straight-male characters have, because even straight-female characters don't have the same amount of options. It varies based on class, yes, but even with them the disparity is obvious.


It's never been about having "more", but about having the same.

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This topic still pisses me off.


They should have been working on fixing the lack of SGR as soon as they got so much backlash for leaving it out. Not think of every excuse they could to keep it out.


Now it's literally been years and we still don't have any SGR companions.


This is because we don't have any new companions, not real ones. Blame the abandonment of class stories, not developer intent. If they had the resources, we'd likely have both. That being said, EA is making a ton of cash on this game now. It's time to bring back the class stories. IMO, it's unrealistic to expect them to change past content when those same resources could be making new content.

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Um, actually, Mr. Gonzalez (and I believe Mr. Musco continues this trend) differentiated between SGR and SGRA terms - SGR refers to what you're talking about, the one off [Flirt]s and the short "mini-mances" wherein one gets a fade-to-black after a certain number of conversations with an NPC. SGRA is used for long standing romances, specifically those with companions, or those which are continued over multiple conversations (Sergeant Jaxo from the Trooper line might be an example of a non-companion OGRA.)


We have a small amount of SGR content, not comparable in terms of numbers to the current OGR content, and certainly nothing on pure preferences break-down to what straight-male characters get (the highest over all in planetary story, class story and companion story, with two classes having two fully fleshed out romance-and-marry lines.) Basically all that's been asked for is to have exactly the same amount options as what the straight-male characters have, because even straight-female characters don't have the same amount of options. It varies based on class, yes, but even with them the disparity is obvious.


It's never been about having "more", but about having the same.


Wouldn't you all be better off just ERPing with other people who could interact as at least a step up from a set of pre-programmed canned responses with some lines of code? Just gonna throw that out there for perspective.


The "standard arcs" are not long-standing by any means; they consist of 10-15ish conversations with a [Flirt] option and that is all. An easy example: my sniper hasn't talked to Kaliyo since 2/2012 they supposedly got "married" but there was no ceremony, there was no exchange of vows or anything else that you're suggesting. In other words, you're not missing out on anything to begin with. Seriously. This topic is far beyond trite at this point.


And in that same fashion on makeb they did give 2 SGRAs, you can have more than one conversation where you can flirt with a simulated character of the same "gender" (let's face it, these characters are not anatomically correct so yet again /boggle at the need for this but... i digress) that then abruptly ends and is over with. Juuuuuuuuust like all of the aforementioned "male character romance arcs" currently in the game.

Edited by mokkh
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The romances in this game are a joke as it is. Flirt>Flirt>Kiss>Flirt>Kiss>Lay Down By The Fire>Kiss> THE END


It would honestly be an incredible waste of even a single employee to take the time to implement SGR.

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Wouldn't you all be better off just ERPing with other people who could interact as at least a step up from a set of pre-programmed canned responses with some lines of code? Just gonna throw that out there for perspective.


The "standard arcs" are not long-standing by any means; they consist of 10-15ish conversations with a [Flirt] option and that is all. An easy example: my sniper hasn't talked to Kaliyo since 2/2012 they supposedly got "married" but there was no ceremony, there was no exchange of vows or anything else that you're suggesting. In other words, you're not missing out on anything to begin with. Seriously. This topic is far beyond trite at this point.


And in that same fashion on makeb they did give 2 SGRAs, you can have more than one conversation where you can flirt with a simulated character of the same "gender" (let's face it, these characters are not anatomically correct so yet again /boggle at the need for this but... i digress) that then abruptly ends and is over with. Juuuuuuuuust like all of the aforementioned "male character romance arcs" currently in the game.


Well, if it's so meaningless, why does it bother you if it's put in the game? Some of us just want character interactions. Besides, any roleplayer knows that class-story interactions and IC interactions are different things. I mean, ICly, my Agent isn't an Imperial Intelligence operative, just a lieutenant on an Imperial transport vessel, he's even married to one of my other characters, which I do write somewhat extensively about. Likewise, neither of my Bounty Hunters engaged in the Great Hunt ICly, or had anything to do with the Bounty Hunter story line. Didn't stop me from doing the Torian romance on them.


I should hope, that if Bioware did implement SGRA with companions - either old or new - they would also add continuing conversations to the existing companions, not only following on from the romance, but covering all the over adventures that have been happening post-50. The unnatural silence of the companions has also been something commented on routinely.


I realise that it's not something you consider important - I'm not telling you to consider it important. You play the game how you want to play, and I should hope that you can extend the same courtesy to people who would like to experience the game how they want. Adding in SGRA does not detract from any "real" content, ala PvP warzones or PvE operations. The story writers aren't programmers, after all, and neither are the voice actors. I would be quite worried if they were.


PvP'ers are currently upset over their Season 2 rewards, and PvE'ers over the current lack of new Operation content, but - while they are being told to suck it up and wait - no one's telling them to "pretend" they have the appropriate and relevant content. Besides, Bioware have known about this issue for three years - it's hardly a new concept.

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Um, the topics for asking for SGRA companions have existed since before launch. It's been an on-going topic for nearly three years now. Bioware are fully aware it's something that a good portion of the player base wants (and that players have left over not having it) and yet have done very little, and what they have done has been half-arsed. I mean, back when Makeb launched and we all commented that the division of "lesbians are Republic" and "gay men are Imperial" was questionable at best, all they could say was "Oh sorry, didn't realise you wouldn't like it that way." As if the notion that women might exist in the Empire or me within the Republic was new to them.


Haven't seen them too much recently. Just thought repeatedly reminding them(like a portion of the CE owners do) might encourage them to prioritize it a little more.

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Well, if it's so meaningless, why does it bother you if it's put in the game? Some of us just want character interactions. Besides, any roleplayer knows that class-story interactions and IC interactions are different things. I mean, ICly, my Agent isn't an Imperial Intelligence operative, just a lieutenant on an Imperial transport vessel, he's even married to one of my other characters, which I do write somewhat extensively about. Likewise, neither of my Bounty Hunters engaged in the Great Hunt ICly, or had anything to do with the Bounty Hunter story line. Didn't stop me from doing the Torian romance on them.


I should hope, that if Bioware did implement SGRA with companions - either old or new - they would also add continuing conversations to the existing companions, not only following on from the romance, but covering all the over adventures that have been happening post-50. The unnatural silence of the companions has also been something commented on routinely.


I realise that it's not something you consider important - I'm not telling you to consider it important. You play the game how you want to play, and I should hope that you can extend the same courtesy to people who would like to experience the game how they want. Adding in SGRA does not detract from any "real" content, ala PvP warzones or PvE operations. The story writers aren't programmers, after all, and neither are the voice actors. I would be quite worried if they were.


PvP'ers are currently upset over their Season 2 rewards, and PvE'ers over the current lack of new Operation content, but - while they are being told to suck it up and wait - no one's telling them to "pretend" they have the appropriate and relevant content. Besides, Bioware have known about this issue for three years - it's hardly a new concept.


See, your problem is that you think it bothers me. It doesn't. I couldn't care less. You've based your belief system on assumption without justification. And... it is in the game. Right now. I know, because I saw numerous [Flirt] convo options pop up every single time I had to talk to that sith. But as others have said,"That doesn't count." and "It's not good enough." These are the same type of things people have said about GSF and are now saying about GSH. as you mentioned PVPer and PVEers all want to be exclusively catered to more than people like myself who play all aspects of the game. You want to be specifically catered to as a niche subset of the PVE crowd.


What I have a problem with is the abject waste of resources to retcon a part of the game that is as I mentioned... totally meaningless in terms of gameplay or mechanics. It is social window dressing used as placation for a ridiculously vocal minority who are incapable of letting something exist as it does and not what they want it to be.


It's as though non-inclusion is tacit to condemnation in the minds of people who are (seemingly) trying to justify their real life choices by simulating those same choices in a virtual setting. Since they are unable to... it is portrayed as a direct affront to their very existence, and it's not. It's a video game.


There are not going to be any new additions to single-player class stories, this has been all but set in stone at this point. I can let that go and continue to play the game for what it is and not let what it isn't bog me down emotionally. There are posters in this thread who say things like,"This topic still pisses me off." Reality check gang, this is a video game; no one should be affected that emotionally by what's not in a video game. Ever. I read that and thought,"Someone's overdue for counseling."


In short: I wish you and any other SGRA zealots the very best of luck on this crusade of climbing Mt. Mole Hill and welcome the day you see you're already at its zenith. So if you want to carry on the convo about lack of in-game convo choices, go for it. This necro thread deserves to be put back in its grave and I have nothing further to say.

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If programming MMO's were that easy, everyone would be doing it.


IF playerGender = companionGender THEN romanceStoryOptions = true ELSE romanceStoryOptions = true


There ya go.

I fixed the game.

All the devs have to do now is copy/paste that into the .ini file for each romance-able companion.


Hold on dude you forgot your brackets and semi colons..actual KotOR 2 style syntax here..


void main() {


If ((GetPlayerGender) && (GetCompGender)) == 0 || 1 {

return 1;


else {

return 1;




See what I did there? I made it return true no matter what. There ya go. Fixed. :rolleyes:

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Sound like that. No romantic content or any other content involving the companions was expanded. By the look of it, we are not getting anything same or opposite gender, not even friendships/quests continuations. All we get are tiny area interjections.


As if the notion that women might exist in the Empire or me within the Republic was new to them.


Bio vaguely suspects females do exist, but they rarely remember it... Form the look of their option distribution. Oh, well. Nothing new there.

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Do you think that now Disney own the Star Wars franchise might have something to do with it been canned?


Please note I am just asking the question, not saying that Disney has or has not had any influence on this in any way.


As all this same sex stuff would happen in cut scenes with your companion I don't see the problem, I must admit though that this would not be my personal choice for Bioware to spend there time on. I would like new companions all the same, so as said not my personal choice but guess would not object as I would assume your own character would have the option to accept or refuse the advances.

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Do you think that now Disney own the Star Wars franchise might have something to do with it been canned?


Please note I am just asking the question, not saying that Disney has or has not had any influence on this in any way.


Ha! You clearly haven't paid much attention to Disney then... They have LGBT days at Disney World, you think they'd can this? They would support it!


I was actually at Disney World back in May of this year, on Friday afternoon a banner tow plane was flying over the area with a banner saying, "Boycott Disney, LGBT Day tomorrow, Saturday!"


I kid you not, the closed minded fools actually paid for a plane to fly around with that 17th century nonsense thinking...

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Ha! You clearly haven't paid much attention to Disney then... They have LGBT days at Disney World, you think they'd can this? They would support it!


I was actually at Disney World back in May of this year, on Friday afternoon a banner tow plane was flying over the area with a banner saying, "Boycott Disney, LGBT Day tomorrow, Saturday!"


I kid you not, the closed minded fools actually paid for a plane to fly around with that 17th century nonsense thinking...



Now why would I? I don't live in the US and before you ask no that did not make the news where I live. In-fact other than the marvel films and that they brought the star wars franchise we see little news on Disney here. Sure I guess its all on line but why would I go looking as it does not hold any interest for me.


However I accept what you have said and take it as no influence by Disney .

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I think its a waste of resources and its not something I think their team is willing to work for extensively with little economic gain. If they won't even do continuation of class stories because they don't see it yielding as more resources than that is put into , its a fat chance in hell they will continue with something like this.


OGR hasn't been that great anyway beyond the release of the game. What there is, I enjoy a little, (a sap for romance I suppose), but beyond that, there are better ways to invest back into the game.


Bioware can do what it wants of course.

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They have said all along that IF any same gender companion romances were to be added, they would be with NEW companions and not existing ones.


I suppose that you could romance Treek if you really wanted to.

I'm when I was doing missions on makeb my male bounty hunter had flirt options with the Sith Lord dude... Not that I hate peole like that but its not my cup of tea. I quit playing mekab after I saved him and it have me the option to kiss him... Yeah it ruined the rothc expan for me

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I'm starting to wonder whether Theron and Lana won't be becoming companions after all in the new expansion later this year. I originally dismissed them because of Theron being a character from the novels and comics, but that hasn't really stopped Bioware before. (Scourge being a good example, and just about every Dragon Age character) :p


I noticed my male Shadow had the option to flirt with Theron, so I'm guessing female characters will get to do the same with Lana.

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