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Were plans to make "Same sex companion romances" canned?


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I remember a while back before rise of the hutt cartel ToR had plans to give same sex companion romance options to your characters.


Meaning a female Jedi knight could romance Kira, a Male JK could romance Doc. etc etc.


I know that Rise of the hutt cartel did have that girl/girl kiss... and that the bounty missions allow same sex flirting but that's nothing.

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They have said all along that IF any same gender companion romances were to be added, they would be with NEW companions and not existing ones.


I suppose that you could romance Treek if you really wanted to.

Edited by Rankyn
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Yes... and no.


The plans were to make same gender romance available through the usual quest NPC romances.


They never planned to make existing companions SGR. Only quest NPC's from RotHC onwards can be SGR'd.


So while any plans to make existing companions may have been scrapped. They did add SGR.

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I think it's safe to say all future story content is canned....


Also remember all the promises we got from Bioware was from employees that no longer work for Bioware... They pretty much all jumped shipped along with the original owners of Bioware...


The talent that made Bioware so great is no longer here, EA pretty much gutted Bioware and only uses it's name, it will toss the Bioware name once they milk it for everything they can, and then EA will look for the next company to buy so they can do the same thing all over again...

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I remember a while back before rise of the hutt cartel ToR had plans to give same sex companion romance options to your characters.


Meaning a female Jedi knight could romance Kira, a Male JK could romance Doc. etc etc.


I know that Rise of the hutt cartel did have that girl/girl kiss... and that the bounty missions allow same sex flirting but that's nothing.


Yeah I'm 99% sure that they specifically said any same-gender companion romance would be with new companions, if at all (not holding my breath). There were a bunch of excuses like something about how difficult it would be to go back and re-code all of the existing companions, etc. It was pretty lame imo, not sure why it is so hard to flip a switch in code that simply ignores the gender of the character, never really bought the "it would be too difficult" excuse since the dialog exists for both genders already. They essentially said it's not going to happen for existing companions though; really just a way of kicking the can down the road. And then when we were supposed to get same-gender romance with RotHC, all we got was SG flirting for a certain gender on either side (was it M/M on imp side and F/F on republic side?). I'm sure it's prejudicial or biased somehow but i can't quite put my finger on it (imps = evil therefore M/M = evil or something like that; you decide, but the decision to do it the way they did makes no sense). anyway, i highly doubt we will ever get anything more than what we have right now :/

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There were a bunch of excuses like something about how difficult it would be to go back and re-code all of the existing companions, etc. It was pretty lame imo, not sure why it is so hard to flip a switch in code that simply ignores the gender of the character, never really bought the "it would be too difficult" excuse since the dialog exists for both genders already.
If programming MMO's were that easy, everyone would be doing it.


IF playerGender = companionGender THEN romanceStoryOptions = true ELSE romanceStoryOptions = true


There ya go.

I fixed the game.

All the devs have to do now is copy/paste that into the .ini file for each romance-able companion.

Edited by Rankyn
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If programming MMO's were that easy, everyone would be doing it.


IF playerGender = companionGender THEN romanceStoryOptions = true ELSE romanceStoryOptions = true


Actually, in this case, it might be in fact that simple. When you get beyond dialog specifics, whether or not a companion is romanceable is a bit flag. (Look at how Dragon Age did it, for example. In testing those games, that's often what we did: flip bits at the code level and try out options. The same applied to Mass Effect.)


So the question is: do people just want the romance option to be there or do they want actual dialogue that changes based on whether the relationship is same sex? Do they want "different" animations somehow?


If they want that, then it's a bit of a tougher consideration since you clearly would have to add in more content. But if someone just wants the pleasure of seeing a textured toon that happens to be female -- going through the same animations as a male would -- to romance another female, well that actually would not be terribly hard.

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I would want it only because some of the gits you receive are those extremely rare companion gifts only obtained through romancing your companion.


Plus, some of the companions (for female characters only) have a status of 'Like' for any gift unless you are a male and or romancing them in which case they go Favorite.


It became pretty expensive for me to max a couple of my companions since all my characters are female.

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Im tending to side with it got canned same as more class storys and companions which is a real shame so much potential for this game beyond the cartel market

If they added more class companions which had same sex options , more class stories, even companion storylines im sure they would be a resurgence in the player base .. even old players to check new content


adding of guild ships , you could get starfighter like guild vs guild battles and move onto a black talon pvp instance where you defend your guild ships from the starfighter attackers boarding


More playable races Togruta etc hell i would be happy just to see more Twilek customization at this point


there are so many options this game can have to be even greater hopefully its a sign of good faith with the recently added content

Edited by gurneyslabb
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Yeah I'm 99% sure that they specifically said any same-gender companion romance would be with new companions, if at all (not holding my breath). There were a bunch of excuses like something about how difficult it would be to go back and re-code all of the existing companions, etc. It was pretty lame imo, not sure why it is so hard to flip a switch in code that simply ignores the gender of the character, never really bought the "it would be too difficult" excuse since the dialog exists for both genders already. They essentially said it's not going to happen for existing companions though; really just a way of kicking the can down the road. And then when we were supposed to get same-gender romance with RotHC, all we got was SG flirting for a certain gender on either side (was it M/M on imp side and F/F on republic side?). I'm sure it's prejudicial or biased somehow but i can't quite put my finger on it (imps = evil therefore M/M = evil or something like that; you decide, but the decision to do it the way they did makes no sense). anyway, i highly doubt we will ever get anything more than what we have right now :/


its not excuse, and no flipping a switch is not hard.


what IS hard is


1. rewriting some of the interactions and making sure they are gender neutral rather than gender specific like they are right now (no the dialogue DOESN"T exactly exist for both genders, with very few exceptions that I'm guessing happened becasue lines were neutral enough that they didn't separate them when given to voice actor rather then any romantic intentions. they didn't start using computerized scripts until mass effect 3, so anything recorded before that would have an overlap, as it takes longer to go through lines then it does to just record them and then not use and even in ME3, they still got some extraneous stuff... like Jennifer hail recording both friendship and romance interactions with Steve during Earth convo, found that out when I was messing around with flags, and was surprised as hell, when Jenn started speaking instead of just subtitles and silence - and I think we can all agree that Steve wasn't intended to be anything, but gay). LI's specifically referred to player character in gendered terms multiple times and there exists no alternative for both genders on a side of LI's, just opposite one.


2. re recording all the voice overs for aforementioned conversations


3. figuring out how the hell to fix this for people who may have already finished all the conversations with all their companions and therefore missed out on the romance they may have enjoyed with their same sex companion without making re rolling their only option (oh wait, did you forget about all the people who didn't hold back on leveling their characters, who may have been playing since early access but still would love same gender romances? or they don't count and should just reroll abandoning the character they have grown attached to?), all the while not resetting it for people who are content with their companion relationships as they stand


and they would have to do that for 8 stories 16 player character voice overs and a minimum of 16 companions


it IS QUITE a bit more involved than you make it out to be, which is most likely why they elected to add it to future content only. (and to your question for what people would like, I don't know, not to be referred to as a lady, when I'm playing a guy maybe? or if I'm romancing a girl with a girl, she calls my character a girl, not a guy? things like that. romances are not currently written gender neutral, not in their entirety)

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So in closing, like any subject on the forums

If you personally are not into it or like it, be it pvp, pve, companions, its not worth developer time because its not what other players like, even if other players like it.

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The sad part about this game is that all these romance options or companions in general are pointless. Companions are not really utilized at all, there is next to no story involving them except from a short comment from time to time. Compared to other Bioware games, the companions in this game are weak and lacks depth. Sure it is an MMO, and there are lots of companions so they can't be as deep as companions in Mass Effect.


But it is just sad that Bioware has just abandoned everything that made this game unique among other MMOs, which is story and the companions system.

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The sad part about this game is that all these romance options or companions in general are pointless. Companions are not really utilized at all, there is next to no story involving them except from a short comment from time to time. Compared to other Bioware games, the companions in this game are weak and lacks depth. Sure it is an MMO, and there are lots of companions so they can't be as deep as companions in Mass Effect.


But it is just sad that Bioware has just abandoned everything that made this game unique among other MMOs, which is story and the companions system.

On behalf of Jaesa Willsaam, whose acquisition as a companion comprises portions of a Sith Warrior class story that stretch across 2 chapters and 4 planets ... and presents some intriguing light side/dark side conundrums along the way ... I disagree. My wife & I have ours geared and are doing HMs with them. Companions have become such an integral part of the SWTOR playing experience that other MMOs are imitating it.


Having said that, I too would like to see class stories continued through the level expansions, and would pay full retail price for each annual expansion that focused on 5 additional levels of story arcs for all classes.


As far as romancing a cartoon is concerned ... it's just a cartoon. How seriously some people take this is almost scary.


On topic ... SGR "plans" were ever made to my knowledge, so there was nothing to can. Dev responding to requests with "we are looking into it" or "we are considering it" or whatever is not stating a plan. Though I'm sure some wish so hard for such a plan to be officially announced that they've tricked themselves into believing one actually exists.

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The sad part about this game is that all these romance options or companions in general are pointless. Companions are not really utilized at all, there is next to no story involving them except from a short comment from time to time. Compared to other Bioware games, the companions in this game are weak and lacks depth. Sure it is an MMO, and there are lots of companions so they can't be as deep as companions in Mass Effect.


But it is just sad that Bioware has just abandoned everything that made this game unique among other MMOs, which is story and the companions system.


aside from Jaessa mentioned above.


nearly every single story half revolve around at least one companion (the only exception I can think of is Trooper, and even then Aric Jorgen could arguably fit the mould). unfortunately, only story that I felt integrated companion interactions with each other - was Agent. but even then, companions and their stories, are crucial to the development of each individual class story. moreover - your milleage may vary, naturally, but I found SWTOR companions to have a lot more depth than most mass effect companions.

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I have always suspected that at the very foundation of the game's companions, same gender romance was in - at least for some of the companions. If you're a male, I've noticed that some companions like Corso and Torian do in fact accept courting gifts. Non romanceable companions like Blizz or Bowdaar or Gault don't. And then there's Talos Drellik, who DOES accept courting if you're a male Warrior, but if you're a female he does NOT. How's that work? Well, my guess is these are code remnants of something that was there initially but was taken out. If I recall companions were radically different in the Beta anyway, so it's definitely possible.
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