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How do you think your character eventually died?


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Calm down Noblespec


as for my current ones:


Jedi Knight and Companions:


The first companion to die is Lord Scourge. After the initial attempt against Darth Vitiate, he sends the new Wrath after the Hero of Tython and Scourge. Both Scourge and Jaesa Willsam are killed in the battle, and the wrath is driven back. The hero of Tython uses this momentum to his advantage and attacks the Emperor directly this time. After finally killing the Sith Emperor (this time the actual emperor, not his voice), this time backed up by both HK51 and T701, the Hero of Tython suffers incredible physical damage. Despite making it out in one piece, T7 and HK51 weren't so lucky. The knight dies from injuries sustained in the fight. As for the other guys? Sgt Rusk sacrifices himself in order to allow the rest of the knights crew to get off dromund kaas, and Kira leaves the order and goes on to remarry, this time to Doc, and they settle down on Dantooine, both dieing of old age.



Sith Warrior and Companions:



The first member of the Emperors wraths crew to die is Jaesa, killed in the confrontation with the Jedi Knight mentioned earlier. The rage that the Warrior goes through from Jaesa's death makes him swear revenge on every single jedi. He makes the stupid decision to fly his ship to Tython, and kill every Jedi he can. Vette manages to escape the carnage, but the rest of his crew are killed in the suicide run Thousands of young jedi are killed before the Jedi Council teams up to stop him, and he is killed in the following battle. Vette later tracks down Rishaa Drayden and they keep in touch for the rest of Vettes life. She dies of old age.



Bounty Hunter (Light) and Companions:



The Dark Council orders a hit on the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, for killing Darth Tormen. As a result, those same hunters that were originally fighting alongside the Hunter were now against her. Mandalore disowns her, and she has to defect to the republic for her safety. She is eventually made the target of the next great hunt, and is killed by the next champion.


The rest of the crew? Gault ends up annoying the hutt cartel again and also gets killed, this time the guy who killed him was personally cheated out of a lot of money and as such didn't accept any bargains. Skadge gets 'lost' in the airlock. Blizz explores the galaxy and dies from old age, and Mako joins the bounty hunter in her defection, and accepts the offer into the SIS she got while in the glory days. She dies of old age as well. Torian Cadera was disappointed by the bounty hunters decision to leave the mandalorian clans, and ends up leaving the crew. He manages to live past the end of the second great war, and becomes the next Mandalore, reforming the mandolorians as Mandalore the Preserver had done before.


Edited by TACeMossie
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As the Sith Empire fell, the Sith Warrior lamented the loss of all the innocents within it, as her, Jaesa, Malavai, and their child fled.


Despite their leanings to the Light, Jaesa remains viewed as a traitor, and the Council eventually tracks down and slays the three, adopting the Pureblooded child. This child goes on to become a Jedi Historian/Archeologist, specializing in the unearthing of Empire relics for proper containment. She eventually found a record of her mother's teachings, vindicating herself and teaching the Council an important lesson.



That's horrible. The most Un-Jedi type thing since the massacre at the end of the Great Hyperspace War.


No, you're forgetting the Jedi Covenant.

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A lot of people enjoy tragedy, it seems. Out of curiosity, why so?


There is something about tragedy that gives things a more powerful and emotional grand finale. Tragedies can be overused though since everyone wants their character to go out in the most epic way possible, which is why only two out of the four character endings I thought up were truly tragic (and neither of them died in battle).


The first was simply an inevitable end for his character, not really a tragedy, and I decided to go for a peaceful end for the second since there is emotion in the happy endings as well as the sad. :)


In the end I guess I would say people are drawn to tragedy because of what I said above, as well as the rise of the anit-hero phenomenon that says to keep things dark and sad. As I also said before this gets overused, to the point where it is almost expected for people to say their character would go out in a blaze of glory or be a martyr. I did make one of mine die for a cause, but it was to show a point instead of being needlessly epic.

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According to my Legacy family tree, my Assassin has a daughter who is becoming a Jedi. She was smuggled out of the Empire and raised away from her parents, in the hope that she would be able to have a better life.


So I figure my Assassin will probably die in a somewhat hackneyed act of redemption, pitching the electrified Emperor off a catwalk into a bottomless pit of some sort to save her.



Either that or...



Go out Malgus-style, baby.


Khem: Nox, what do you want to do tonight?

Assassin: The same thing we do every night, Khemy - try to take over the Empire!

Edited by PLynkes
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I think the preference for epic tragedy is the avoidance of aging. Even the most epic sommersaulting saber-twirler and lightning-thrower either dies comparatively young or has to find a calmer and less dangerous occupation, once the reflexes slow down and the bones become brittle.


Granted, the Barsen'thor probably gets a force-powered hover rocking chair instead of the mundane version, but unless you are an immortal sith-lich or a 900 years old frog, the time for flashy heroics is rather limited.

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Tragedy is awesome. Have you ever seen Walking Dead or Game of Thrones?
No, and I don't want to.


Off topic, but why not?


On topic:


I want all my characters to die like in DS9 Dax told O'Brien he would: live to a ripe old age, and die in bed surrounded by family and friends. Boring I know, but when you consider that we play "major characters" in the story of SWTOR, and the overwhelming majority of "major characters" in the SWEU retire and die of old age...it makes sense. Yes, in the EU most of the "secondary characters" die tragically, so all our companions will so die :).

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Some really interesting stories here, thanks all for sharing. (Except for NobleSpec's stories which were not so nice.)


I have background stories for all my 16 chars, however, I never thought one second about their deaths. And I'm not sure I want to. ;)

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As the Sith Empire fell, the Sith Warrior lamented the loss of all the innocents within it, as her, Jaesa, Malavai, and their child fled.


Despite their leanings to the Light, Jaesa remains viewed as a traitor, and the Council eventually tracks down and slays the three, adopting the Pureblooded child. This child goes on to become a Jedi Historian/Archeologist, specializing in the unearthing of Empire relics for proper containment. She eventually found a record of her mother's teachings, vindicating herself and teaching the Council an important lesson.



That's horrible. The most Un-Jedi type thing since the massacre at the end of the Great Hyperspace War.


And actually supported by the game, as the Jedi Council refuses to hear about you being 'good' even when you prove you are - you're a corrupting influence and after the jedi strike team that plans to kill you falls to the darkside to try and kill you, you get mail confirming that the Council blames you for it.


The Jedi are pretty prejudiced, especially as the Sith Warrior wouldn't likely go quietly - their whole plan involves



Hiding in the empire to change it, gaining political clout and personal power



The idea that the Jedi Council wouldn't kill the Emperor's Wrath is more amusing :p

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Best-case scenario, my Agent will survive the destruction of the Sith Empire and go into 'hiding' as an SIS Operative secretly in contact with the remnants of Imperial Intelligence. He will work on the inside to troll the Republic at every opportunity and train another Agent to continue his work. Edited by BradTheImpaler
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Decides to continue to enforce the Emperor's will, he lives a long time fighting the enemies of the Empire both internally and externally. As he grows older he hears less and less from the Emperors hands and comes to believe that the Emperor is never going to return. As he takes more and more battle damage and has organs and limbs replaced by cybernetics he draws deeper and deeper into the dark side. He decides that with the Emperor dead and the dark council ineffectual that the Emperor would want him to reform the ruling body. He kills most of them before he's destroyed





As he gathers more and more power to himself and rises in the Dark Council he becomes fascinated by the Emperor and dives deep into researching the missing leader. He stumbles across the rumored ritual of immortality and decides to pursue it discovering the Emperor's desolated home world and following a trail into the unknown regions searching for ultimate power and immortality. The SI is never seen again





Has a long and successful life hunting down bounties living by the credo, its just a job. He retires to Alderaan and moves to a small town where he changes his identity and becomes a honest law law enforcement official. Best known for burning out the corruption in House Organa. He eventually hung up his gun and became a fishing guide





Nobody knows what happened to the IA, however his name is circled by whispered rumors, one of the biggest ones is that the respected senator from Ord Mantell who came out of nowhere seems to be gathering a great deal of power in the committee circles and is making a strong push for supreme chancellor. the old political joke about knowing where the bodies are buried might be a reality.





The most famous Jedi Knight in the universe eventually became disenfranchised with the Jedi Order and its hypocrisy. He put down his light saber and returned home to Coruscant where he wrote the two most famous books in history "Yes I am the guy that killed the Emperor" and "Make love like a Jedi"





Became a highly respected member of the Jedi Council and lived a long life until accidentally crushing himself with a boulder while sitting in the refresher when he pushed a little too hard






Eventually reached the rank of Brigadier General but was rotated to Military Command to take on the role of head of logistics. Looking for one last thrill he demanded to take part in the liberation of Drummond Kaas at the end of the war. He lead the invasion force and supervised the sacking of the capital. He went to the Temple where he was killed by the Emperors loyal guards.





abandoned by his friends he searched for adventure in the outer ring, but began to drink heavily. Lost an eye when he didn't shoot first and ended up spending 10 years in the bottle. One day he was saved and dried out and found god. He founded the fleet of the Lord and went from planet to planet preaching the gospel. With the Lord at his back and his blaster at his side he ended up converting thousands and relieving them of the burden of money. Now hideously rich and several dozen pounds over weight he was caught in a sex scandal with his HK-51 security droid and is now asking the lord for forgiveness on a channel near you.


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In the end I guess I would say people are drawn to tragedy because of what I said above, as well as the rise of the anit-hero phenomenon that says to keep things dark and sad. As I also said before this gets overused, to the point where it is almost expected for people to say their character would go out in a blaze of glory or be a martyr. I did make one of mine die for a cause, but it was to show a point instead of being needlessly epic.

Understandable; maybe that's just not my thing. I just hate sad endings, as a rule.


I think the preference for epic tragedy is the avoidance of aging. Even the most epic sommersaulting saber-twirler and lightning-thrower either dies comparatively young or has to find a calmer and less dangerous occupation, once the reflexes slow down and the bones become brittle.


Granted, the Barsen'thor probably gets a force-powered hover rocking chair instead of the mundane version, but unless you are an immortal sith-lich or a 900 years old frog, the time for flashy heroics is rather limited.

I disagree. For one thing, teaching the younger generation how to become heroes is just as good as being a hero yourself, and you can do a lot of that when you're older. For another, aside from the example of Yoda, Count Dooku was in his 80s and still a lethal combatant; the window for Force-sensitives is quite a bit wider.


Off topic, but why not?

They seem dark and horrible and pointless.


As for my own characters... I haven't finished any class stories yet, so I can't say.

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Sith Warrior



The Wrath continues to serve the Empire as the Wrath, slaying the enemies of the Empire, and working with Darth Marr, Darth Vowrawn, and Darth Nox to strengthen and unify the Empire. He becomes a highly controversial figure in the Empire, to some, he is a hero, the future of the Empire, and a symbol of unity, to others, he is an insurmountable obstacle to their advancement. Eventually, he has children with his wife, Jeassa, and when they come of age, he raises them in the only way he knows how, by forging them in the heat of battle. Over the years, age, and injuries begin to take their toll on the Wrath, and he is eventually slain leading the Empire to victory in the conquest of an important world. However, before his death, he uses his connection to ensure that his most cunning offspring got a seat on the Dark Council, while his strongest took his position as the Wrath. Even in death, the Wrath's work continues.


Edited by LordGarmaZabi
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I disagree. For one thing, teaching the younger generation how to become heroes is just as good as being a hero yourself, and you can do a lot of that when you're older. For another, aside from the example of Yoda, Count Dooku was in his 80s and still a lethal combatant; the window for Force-sensitives is quite a bit wider.


Qui-Gon Jinn on the other hand had problems with his age against Maul and Obi-Wan fought delaying action despite his former apprentice's handicaps. It must be the Serrano-genetics. :)


No, seriously. I know a nearly 80 years old Aikido-Yudansha, and he is amazingly economic in his movements. The best anyone can make him do is dignified rolls and somehow he manages to rest in the little pauses between forms. I have seen him tire out younger people this way. So economy admittedly goes a long way in sports, but if it comes to real fighting, reflexes and speed usually count more.


As for being a teacher: It is a worthy occupation and a necessary one, but rarely glorious and heroic.

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Qui-Gon Jinn on the other hand had problems with his age against Maul and Obi-Wan fought delaying action despite his former apprentice's handicaps. It must be the Serrano-genetics. :)

Part of this may be because of dueling practice. The Jedi at the time of TPM were really only trained specifically to deflect blaster bolts with their lightsabers, and the fine art of lightsaber dueling wasn't emphasized all that much. Darth Maul was drilled endlessly in it and Count Dooku was an avid duelist even before he became Sith and likely redoubled his training. As for Obi-Wan vs. Darth Vader... well, that was before lightsaber fight choreography was invented, that's all I can really say. But then, Obi-Wan had been sitting around on Tatooine for almost twenty years, and he can make the local bad guys run away just by screaming, so I doubt he had much practice in that time either.



As for being a teacher: It is a worthy occupation and a necessary one, but rarely glorious and heroic.

Maybe not in that way, but it being worthy is good enough for me. You don't need to be heroic your whole life, even if you're a fictional character, just when other people are watching; when the cameras are off, you can live more ordinarily.

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Jedi Knight



After Scourge left the group for Korriban to record his story in a holocron and to take over the position of headmaster of the academy. The Knight along with Kira, Doc and Rusk take it upon themself to purge and seal as many Sith Tombs.

With the disappearance of so many Dark Nexuses, they had caught the attention of the Sith.

The Sith leaked intel about a tomb to the Jedi Council and would set a trap there.

When the Knight entered the tomb he sensed his end had come.

knowing she wouldn't listen, he mind tricked Kira and ordered Doc to take her back to Tython to report back to the council. He and Rusk would hold back the Sith and their beasts.

"Chances of survivability: 0.00%. It was an honour serving with you."

"May the Force be with you, Rusk."


After the battle the Knight's lightsabers were taken to Korriban as the spoils of war and brought to Lord Scourge.

Two weeks later Master Carsen receives a package, two lightsabers and a letter of condolence.







Under the motto: I make my own luck.

She spend 2 years aiding Master Sumalee with Republic business. When she gave her resignation, the Jedi Master begged her to change her mind. She decided to remain part-time in return for one small favour.

With the the fortune she aquired over the years made a bet with 2 wealthy Hutts about the outcome of the civil war on Dubrillion.


The war ended, now Risha sits on the throne and on the palace grounds stands a large mansion where the smuggler can plan cons with Guss, wrestle with Bowdaar and "wrestle" with Corso.

She died at an old age, perhaps not in gunfight or while being chased by law enforcers like she always thought.

But with a mischievous smile nonetheless. Her last words were: "I hid 50 gold bars in the palace..."

Only 49 were ever found.


The two Hutts who lost still wonder why a Togruta would lead a small group of Jedi to help take back Dubrillion and were speechless when a newly formed Mandalorian clan also helped in order to prove themselves




Sith Inquisitor



Sharing her body with other spirits brought her mind to the edge of sanity, never to return. While most of the group was worried, Lord Xalek saw an opportunity to kill his Master and his rival Ashara.


Xalek's first attempt failed and he fled his only kill that day was Andronikos.

With his second attempt he died himself, being taught a final lesson by Darth Nox

"Not all passion will bring you strength. Passion, when diluted with arrogance, blinds you with rage and will only lead to death."


She now understood the greatest lie of the Jedi. She thought to herself:

"The Jedi are passionate, all of them. But they who master their passion and find serenity in doing so without arrogance are one with force. Maybe I should try to master my own passions. What am I passionate about?

Uncovering ancient secrets, playing Dejarik with..."


A blaster bolt, shot through her chest, ended her live. One of Xalek's followers couldn't admit his lord's defeat.

Immediately Ashara jumped upon him with her lightsaber drawn, beheading him.


"... Talos or Ashara." Darth Nox stopped and looked at her body lying on the floor. She had become a spirit.

Together with the spirits of the other Sith she bound to her, she watched her attacker fall to the ground.

Horak-Mul: " You just said bind rage would lead to ones death."

Kalatosh Zavros: "She must have loved you, embracing the dark side to avenge you."

Andru: "Serves him right, the filthy snake, attacking someone from behind."

Ergast: "Come child, we have much to discuss."




Those three are the only storylines I finished playing.

If I should guess for the others, I would think the Trooper and the Warrior would die in battle, my consular becoming a teacher on Tython and die of old age, the Bounty Hunter dies of old age along with Mako and the Imperial Agent gets assassinated by an Imperial.

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Warning: I'm gonna break some canon here





After killing the Emperor with his nephew's (my Knight) help, J'mpok Mogh fled to his family's powerbase on Corellia, raised an army, and marched on Dromund Kaas, killing the entire Council except Venegan, Marr, and Nox (his brother). He was killed by an assassin nearly a century later.






Obbisek was hailed as a hero of both the Republic and the Empire for killing the Emperor before he was able to enact his midnight snack of doom. Unfortunately, he was eventually the midnight snack of an army of Dashades with the munchies.






Apparently making love to a Wookiee is not the safest thing a Twi'lek woman can do.....






Like a true ******, Thrawrn flew into a temporal rift with his Phantom, which contained all his surviving family, and wasn't seen again until he landed his ship on Yavin 4 50,000 years later and his family used the accumulated bank interest from his savings account to buy much of the planet.






Shinzonn just kept killing things until a thing killed him at the ripe old age of 150




Inquisitor (Assassin)


Was assassinated by an assassin....and was very surprised.






Killed by Darth Psy's evil Skrillex Cannon.





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I'd bet my Inquisitor would put himself in stasis, after leaving a cryptic and somewhat nonsensical series of clues (all of which would involve jam) so that his heirs could find him and wake him up in the future. He would train his heirs in everything he knows, then have them kill him. they would then bind his ghost as he taught them. However, because he taught them a flawed version of the ritual, he would then possess them.


My Warrior would try to stop my Inquisitor's power plays and be killed. He would then bond her ghost to himself.


My Knight would sacrifice herself to protect complete strangers.


My Smuggler would probably get killed in a gang war.


My bounty hunter would be killed by my smuggler when he tries to collect the bounty on her.


My agent would just vanish, and for decades rumors of his survival would exist.


My Consular would just be killed trying to stop my Inquisitor.


My Trooper would probably be killed by my Warrior.

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All of my characters strangely suffer the same fate....



they all die at the ripe old age of 172 due to a viagra overdose.......except for the Jedi Consular....who dies next Tuesday after being thrown out the airlock of his ship by all aboard because he's SUCH A BORING BUZZKILL!


I LOL'ed. :cool:

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Driven mad by the Emperor's whispers, butchered the Hand in an effort to reach the Emperor's location to finally silence of him. Hounded by the vengeful Sith Council, he tried to seek refuge in his home planet Korriban. Unfortunately for him, the phrase: "this is not the sith you're looking for.", did not work very well for the star destroyer sent after him. He was promptly dispatched with heavy orbital bombardment.





Drunk as he was, lost a poker game to Skadge and proceeded to kick him out of the airlock on their way to Corellia. Enraged by his inebriation and bad fortunes, he tried to abuse Mako and punch Blizz. Through his drunken stupor, the last thing he saw was a familiar Devaronian face and a gun barrel pointed towards his nose. Never finishing the hunt, his name was soon forgotten.





As a Rattataki member of the Dark Council, he became interested in other species than sith and humans as a potential slave recruits for the academy in Korriban. After years of hard toiling and research, he had compiled a list of suitable new species and quotas to collect from around the Imperial space and affiliates. His proposal to execute these plans were met with approving nods in the council chamber. In the next morning however he was found at the doorstep of his suite with a vibroknife stuck deep in his bald white head and the list was nowhere to be found.





The young ruthless Chiss rose like a comet through the hierarchy and as an accomplished fleet intelligence officer attained the rank of Admiral in the Imperial Fleet. Years later he disappeared mysteriously after the murder of a certain Sith Inquisitor and council member. Some foul-mouthed propagandists insisted that all along he'd been a double agent for the Ascendancy, sent into Imperial service to subvert any threat it might pose for the Chiss systems. The matter was quickly swept under the rug in the halls of Imperial power.


Edited by DirtyMardi
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Scoundrel, Marauder, Sorcerer, Juggernaut and Sage, all in one.



Revered as a hero by the Republic and feared as a Crime Lord by his rivals, Seven lived a brilliant life, barring one dark stain: when he was twenty-two, he was on a smuggling run with his then copilot Monty. They landed deep inside the jungles of Dromund Kaas, and snuck into Kaas City, seeking to steal important documents and artifacts. They successfully infiltrated the Citadel, but were intercepted on their way out by Darth Solate, a Sith Sorcerer who would later be consumed by his immense power and cease to exist. Anyway, Solate turned Monty into a Sith, seeing the Force within him. Seven escaped, and worried for Monty for decades. They would later be reunited, and start up a crime spree, mainly targeted at Imperial Allies, unprecedented by any other. But this got the Empire on Seven's back, and Monty was murdered after a day-long duel with Solate's old apprentice Kosmaro (who himself would only fall to the conflicting light and dark within him). Kosmaro would hound Seven back to Dromund Kaas, and they would confront each other on the edge of the galaxy's largest waterfall. Seven wrapped his coat around himself, shot Kosmaro's shoulder, and leapt fearlessly, at the age of 55, off the edge of the falls. His body was never retrieved, but people continued to see his visage in tacos for long after. His XS Stock Light Freighter mysteriously disappeared from the hangar. Meanwhile, Seven's brother, Ascot, a Jedi Sage, tripped on a mouse droid, clumsily activating his lightsaber, and running himself through. Pretty much sums up my opinion of Consulars in general.


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Served the order for the rest of the war, eventually returned to Talas and became a noble and member of Corellia's ruling council before dieing of old age, Had 3 children with Kira, one of who was eventually trained as a Green Jedi and became grand master of their order.





After facing off against many Jedi and Sith together Jessa once again tried to make the Wrath love her, but his love was always for Vette, angry Jessa tried to kill both of them manipulating Quinn to help her , after a brutal battle Quinn was dead and Vette was greatly injured in anger he went mad causing the ship to crash into belsavis. fleeing with Vette Jessa spent the next year hunting them both, during that time the warrior saw what the dark side had brought him and embraced the light, finally deciding to fase what he had done to the once young jedi he faced Jessa and was forced to kill her. after he went with Vette to kill the emperor and wasn't seen again.





Remained as a member of the Jedi Council and trained many future Jedi, as the war came to an end he decided to head into chiss space and try to convince his people to become allies with the republic, wasn't seen again.





Married Risha and became Prince, despite giving up his smuggling days he always knew how to get things that were hard to come by, eventually he had 2 kids with Risha and died at a old age Bowdaar watched over both his and Risha children and future grandchildren and although he never officially swore a life debt he followed its ways just the same.






Became a well respected mando, eventually united their people to return to Mandalor and abandon their alliance with the sith, eventually helped rebuild the great city's before dieing in a great hunt.






eventually she learned how to tap into the power surrounding the dark temple, and became the most powerful sith lord that ever lived, but all that power destroyed both her and much of Dromund kass only the temple survived and her spirit trapped inside forever being mocked by other sith.






Nothing was ever known of him records of his life were erased but rumors that a chiss family being his descendents waa told throughout chiss history.





Left the service and married Elara died of old age on Corellia in his brothers (knight) manor.


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