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Just reposted this for the new flyers hope it helps



There seems to be a fair amount of "concern" about learning GSF, O kills, Hacks, and premades. So maybe my opinion will help those who question or struggle. Again this is just my opinion. My toon name is Bettynight, maybe you know me or maybe you don't, but I believe that I do know what I am writing about. I have won more GSF than I have lost, I normally am at the top of the charts, and I have pretty much all the achievements. I am considered one of the best pilots on the Bastion server by both IMPS and PUBS; and I am targeted regularly to be taken out of the game. Ok enough blowing my own horn, lets look at the concerns.


1) Learning GSF


The only way to learn GSF is to play GSF. New players show up all the time and they end up paying. However the more they show up the better they become. My advise is watch what the good flyer's do. Then try to mimic it, ask questions. Builds do help but practice is what makes good flyers. I open up our teamspeak to anyone who wants to learn and folks regularly come in to talk about builds, crew and flying. The most important part of GSF is always fly with a WINGMAN. USE vent, teamspeak or mumble for communication, fly together and don't get chased off nodes or chase folks across the map. Some folks believe that GSF is about kills, it is not, it is about winning. I have seen players with 31 kills and their stats look good but they loose the match. Point being teamwork wins matches not kills. Communicate, communicate and oh yeah communicate. Call out targets, ask your wingman to clear your six, target gunships nonstop and protect the nodes.


2) 0 Kills


Everyone needs to learn so there are time when 0 kills happen and that is fine, however set goals for yourself as a flyer and try to improve. It will come just practice, and don't fly in straight lines unless you know your six is clear. Assist are just as good as kills and don't overlook those. Having zero kills is fine but having zero straight across your line is not acceptable. If you fly to a node you can get points, if you shoot your lazer and hit a target you get points, etc etc etc. The people who just come in to sit at the spawn point to get dailies done, you know who you are and you know this is wrong but whatever. The game is about flying and participating, having fun and learning. The only title you will ever earn from your peers is probably not polite to mention and that is your real achievement. If you don't know what to do ask someone most if not all will be glad to help you.


3) Hacks


I have seen some very questionable things in GSF but at this time I am not ready to cry "Hack". I have seen pilots take incredible amounts of damage and somehow survive even after I am hammering them. I have seen pilots turn and 1 shot me, I have seen lag queens who lag at just the right time, I have seen zippers who are at B suddenly show at A. The point I am trying to make in all this is if you have the right crew with the right action buttons, IE evade, hrydro, proton missiles, telemetry and etc etc etc. You can be able to survive and repair, flip on a dime (x) button lock on and one shot. Lag queens do exist and it isn't on purpose. Zippers are just bugs in the game. I for one honestly do not believe the HACKS are invading GSF. I instead believe that as pilots get better they are understanding the game more and utilizing the mechanics to make themselves better pilots. I know pilots who stack evade and are very tough to kill, I also know pilots who use directional shields and seem untouchable. I see pilots use the "S" or "X" commands perfectly and then one shot you because you broke one of the golden rules, DO NOT FLY IN A STRAIGHT LINE. 3 second or 4 second lock-on timers can be reduced by upgrades and in the heat of battle it is possible for pilots to become so focused they lose track of what time feels like so hence one shot.


4) Premade


Premade are simply folks who like to fly together and play GSF at the same time. Are they better than you? No not necessarily they just employ better tactics than you. In all case they obey the rules of GSF so maybe you need to be reminded what the rules are so that you too can be called a premade


a) Fly the ship you enjoy not the flavor of the month

b) Always Fly with a wingman

c) Have some sort of voice communication

d) Communicate, communicate communicate


f) Ask questions of your peers

g) Practice, practice, practice

h) Be aware of your surroundings

I) Don't chase runners

j) learn that in defeat comes strength



These are my opinions and my views on GSF, hopefully I wrote something which makes you think. :rak_02:





Red Mist Fighter Wing

Edited by relicsurf
For the New Flyers
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Well said, while I think there are a few abilities out there that need subtle tweeks downwards, I agree there may not be all that many hacks, out there. As for lag queens I think that's game optimization, where if you target someone the math get powered up and issues that were always there are simply noticeable because the game is forced to focus on them. Kind of like how you can get all glitchy when your the ball carrier in hutt ball because every one is focused one you.


That said you said this:

you broke one of the golden rules, DO NOT FLY IN A STRAIGHT LINE.


I have to bring some debate to anyone who says that. Unless someone out there is able to explain how to attack without locking in a fairly straight and even course, then you can't really call that a golden rule. Yes if your in "I'm really trying to net get kill by this guy" mode then yes don't fly straight. You really need to take a risk though to deal any significant DPS that's just how it works, otherwise your taking random pot shots at their recharging shields.


If you are Talking evasion only then here are my Golden Rules to Evasion.

1. Speed is Life

2. Do not fly in a straight Line

3. Use Cover

4. Never be Predictable


However these evasion practices make for very poor attack. Attack will always be a risk, but no risk no reward.


Edit: P.S. Which Server are you on? You mentioned open Teamspeak policy to gab about GSF.

Edited by mr_sim
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My advice is watch what the good flyer's do. ..ask questions. Builds do help but practice is what makes good flyers. ...don't get chased off nodes or chase folks across the map. Some folks believe that GSF is about kills, it is not, it is about winning. I have seen players with 31 kills and their stats look good but they loose the match. ...protect the nodes.


I snipped some of what you posted and left what I felt were really important tidbits of information. Here's a good way to beat half the "premade" teams:


1) Fly under a satellite.

2) Capture it and defend it yourself or have another player defend it.

3) Fly under another satellite.

3) Capture it and defend it yourself or have another player defend it.


Repeat as needed. No, seriously. Many premades are just a bunch of glory hounds banded together that will fly to the nearest tab target and unload whatever they can on you. Don't play their game, play Domination. I've won countless games against smaller "premades" because the only thing they're focused on is killing people in the middle of nowhere, not playing objectives. Capture and defend, it's what gives you the most requisition anyway. Don't bother worrying about kills, targets will come near objectives or lose the match.


It will come just practice, and don't fly in straight lines unless you know your six is clear. Having zero kills is fine but having zero straight across your line is not acceptable. If you fly to a node you can get points, if you shoot your laser and hit a target you get points, etc etc etc.


This. Be useful, even if you're running a stock ship and have little experience you can still be a very useful player to the team. No amount of upgrades is going to allow a Flashfire to cap a node if you're running loops around it out of his line of sight. If you need tips or have questions, there are lots of experienced players that are ready to help and are interested in creating a community.


Overall, nice post.

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You have brought up a good point on "Do NOT fly in a straight line" and you are correct. When I stated that as a golden rule it was implied in my mind that defensively you should never fly in a straight line. Offensively you need to judge the risk VRS the reward, however if you obey the golden rule of "wing man" the reward will always be better than the risk, whether you are the lead pilot or the wing man always be "aware of your surroundings", another golden rule.
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You have brought up a good point on "Do NOT fly in a straight line" and you are correct. When I stated that as a golden rule it was implied in my mind that defensively you should never fly in a straight line. Offensively you need to judge the risk VRS the reward, however if you obey the golden rule of "wing man" the reward will always be better than the risk, whether you are the lead pilot or the wing man always be "aware of your surroundings", another golden rule.


Wingman are nice but I think some skill development needs to still occur for that to become more popular.


I kind of vaguely hint at Know your Surroundings with use cover, which is fair as Know your surroundings is defiantly a general rule attack or defense and I was focused on Evasion.

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a) Fly the ship you enjoy not the flavor of the month

b) Always Fly with a wingman

c) Have some sort of voice communication

d) Communicate, communicate communicate


f) Ask questions of your peers

g) Practice, practice, practice

h) Be aware of your surroundings

I) Don't chase runners

j) learn that in defeat comes strength


A.) Yes, always

B/C.) its more fun but its not REQUIRED

D.) Yes. Try to get some kind of plan pre-match. Its better than the headless chicken approach. But no plan survives the first 5 minutes of battle anyways.

E.) Overall a good rule but its situational sometimes.

F.) Yup. Most people will sit down and BS with ya about loadouts, flying tips, tricks, etc. Just ask! The worse they can do is say no or ignore you.

G.) Thats the only way to truely get better!

H.) The main difference between a good PvPer and a bad one is situational awareness.

I.) The only one I 100% disagree with! Its just personal but if you attack me and run away, and I know my node is safe, I WILL hunt you down on principle lol.

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I snipped some of what you posted and left what I felt were really important tidbits of information. Here's a good way to beat half the "premade" teams:


1) Fly under a satellite.

2) Capture it and defend it yourself or have another player defend it.

3) Fly under another satellite.

3) Capture it and defend it yourself or have another player defend it.


Repeat as needed. No, seriously. Many premades are just a bunch of glory hounds banded together that will fly to the nearest tab target and unload whatever they can on you. Don't play their game, play Domination. I've won countless games against smaller "premades" because the only thing they're focused on is killing people in the middle of nowhere, not playing objectives. Capture and defend, it's what gives you the most requisition anyway. Don't bother worrying about kills, targets will come near objectives or lose the match.




This. Be useful, even if you're running a stock ship and have little experience you can still be a very useful player to the team. No amount of upgrades is going to allow a Flashfire to cap a node if you're running loops around it out of his line of sight. If you need tips or have questions, there are lots of experienced players that are ready to help and are interested in creating a community.


Overall, nice post.


Ana as always you are insightful. Folks if your wondering who is in the top 5 if not the top 2 on bastion, this gentleman is.

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I.) The only one I 100% disagree with! Its just personal but if you attack me and run away, and I know my node is safe, I WILL hunt you down on principle lol.


LMAO this is so true and I do this at times also but sometimes my mother receives a telegram that says "We regret to inform you your son died in GSF cause he was stupid and forgot the golden rules":rak_03:

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I snipped some of what you posted and left what I felt were really important tidbits of information. Here's a good way to beat half the "premade" teams:


1) Fly under a satellite.

2) Capture it and defend it yourself or have another player defend it.

3) Fly under another satellite.

3) Capture it and defend it yourself or have another player defend it.


Repeat as needed. No, seriously. Many premades are just a bunch of glory hounds banded together that will fly to the nearest tab target and unload whatever they can on you. Don't play their game, play Domination. I've won countless games against smaller "premades" because the only thing they're focused on is killing people in the middle of nowhere, not playing objectives. Capture and defend, it's what gives you the most requisition anyway. Don't bother worrying about kills, targets will come near objectives or lose the match.




This. Be useful, even if you're running a stock ship and have little experience you can still be a very useful player to the team. No amount of upgrades is going to allow a Flashfire to cap a node if you're running loops around it out of his line of sight. If you need tips or have questions, there are lots of experienced players that are ready to help and are interested in creating a community.


Overall, nice post.


im glad you say SOME premade teams, because any premade with half a brain can easily counter those points.

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im glad you say SOME premade teams, because any premade with half a brain can easily counter those points.


I agree, which is why I chose the words I did in my reply. I don't think encouraging everyone to be in a premade all the time is a legitimate tactic, either. Some players want to play early mornings or nights when others aren't on. Some players don't want to use voice communication. Other players prefer not to group at all. These things are all fine, but you can't just throw your hands up in the air if you face a premade team and pretend it's always going to be an instant loss.


As I mentioned, there's plenty of times I have solo queued into players I know are grouped on the other side and still handed them a loss. The same idea applies with facing certain players on the opposing team. Some premades don't know any better. Just like in regular Warzones, there's glory hounds who don't even play objectively. Play to win and learn from the skilled opponents, don't avoid them.


Regardless of upgrade level, a player who knows what they are doing and focuses on objective assault and defense can make a difference, and many times that can be against a premade stacking up on Stings/Flashfires.

Edited by TrinityLyre
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I would agree that 1 good, pilot dosent even have to be a great pilot can make or break a game.Because when the others in the match even 1 or 2 see you doing it and seeing it work will naturally start following suit


The biggest thing is watching your hud. Your mini map says a lot in there positiong with the red dots if you watch the zerg , you can avoid it and atleast prep a cap by flying in and taking out the turrets.If you take the turret out wile ther not wtching some of them, will flow out to you and by then its yours and you just got to catch them as they are single filieing in to you like lemmings.

Edited by Lytewraith
miss spell
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  • 2 weeks later...
I've seen a few examples of "opportunistic lagging" also. Most notably was in the atmospheric map a few nights ago. I was guarding A in my Pike like usual and a scout came screaming in........started trying to get a lock and he just starts skipping all over the place. A couple of us give chase and we all noticed it was like he was phasing in and out or something and eventually he crashed into one of the mesas. This same player attacked the node a few more times and the same thing happened....if he was really laggy but the other players weren't would he still behave this way or was it a possible attempt at lag exploiting?
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It's easy to give yourself lag. just run a p2p program until it lags out. However, people dont realise that for all its faults, this game has very good client sync detection. So the game knows when someone's lagging and is trying to sync back up. thats why they all end up crashing.
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It's easy to give yourself lag. just run a p2p program until it lags out. However, people dont realise that for all its faults, this game has very good client sync detection. So the game knows when someone's lagging and is trying to sync back up. thats why they all end up crashing.


That makes sense because we never shot that guy down..........he crashed every time.


However, he never accomplished anything so what is the point of even doing that? Trolling just for fun?

Edited by Kain_Turinbar
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Don't you think, that there's something totally wrong with the core design, if the player has high chances to give up on his first fight? If it brings frustration, and not fun?


It's damn good to see so many people trying to fix things, but it's not their job to encourage players to keep on flying and playing the game. Community support is vital, as it had always been. But when one needs to read forums in order just to try?..


To make it clear - I'm not whining about 'dreadful premades'(I know, that organized group is better than random, that's how the life is). I was never looking forward to get top lines on my first run. However, there ARE big issues with learning curve. The main one is that it's not actually that curvy, it's a steep vertical jump. One can either handle it, or not. Well, of course, some just keep on jumping with some hope to improve one day...


One can't adjust difficulty(unlike pve space missions), one can't even have a proper practice session with bots. Tutorial barely gives a very basic idea of controls (and it's not too good at it, according to my own experience and according to what many other people say).


Another issue (well, for me it is) - heavily restricted playstyles. Imagine each and every char in the galaxy has to enter normal PvP only with troopers and gunslingers. And _may be_ if they fight hard enough, they will be given options to unlock something sneaky, supportive etc. In normal PvP even with lack of experience and gear, you, at least, fight with your preferred class and style.

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Don't you think, that there's something totally wrong with the core design, if the player has high chances to give up on his first fight? If it brings frustration, and not fun?


Not really. I don't think many players give up as quickly as you say because most gamers are used to being owned when they are new at something. I really don't get this idea that your first time playing you should jump in and think you'll be competitive against experienced players. What do you think happens in CoD or virtually any other multiplayer game the first time you try it...you end up getting destroyed. And the learning curve in GSF is, in my opinion, not as steep as you seem to think.

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I've been playing GSF on and off since last month and I have thought about giving up...oh, pretty much after every match. I take a break, come back a week later and try some more, but I don't feel like I'm getting much better, even though I read the boards, read Dulfy's guides, watched a few videos, etc.


I really really want to like GSF. I plan to at least try the bomber when it comes out. But the learning curve is higher than any game I have ever played and I'm frustrated because I still don't know exactly what I'm doing wrong. I guess the most frustrating part was that GSF had barely been out 3 days when I began to see a significant jump between my abilities compared to the others around me, which has me thinking that there's some major skill I'm lacking or not getting. And now I'm lagging way behind.


I played last night and I had the bad feeling that at least one player had already pegged me as one of the "noobs" because he started targeting me after every death, even to the point that he was waiting for me when I respawned and actually chased me back to the capital ship trying to kill me again. :eek:


I may not be cut out for PVP, who knows. Right now I'm trying to decide if I should call it a loss and give up or of it's worth it to keep at it some more.

Edited by CloudCastle
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I haven't seen anything I would consider a "hack", but the problem of people starting the match early seems to be back.


In one match this morning I went to the B node on the space map right away (barrel roll and afterburner on a scout). There were already 4 enemy ships there and 1 turret spawned. I hadn't seen this problem for about a month.

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I played last night and I had the bad feeling that at least one player had already pegged me as one of the "noobs" because he started targeting me after every death, even to the point that he was waiting for me when I respawned and actually chased me back to the capital ship trying to kill me again. :eek:


I may not be cut out for PVP, who knows. Right now I'm trying to decide if I should call it a loss and give up or of it's worth it to keep at it some more.


It pains me to read this. If your perception was correct, keep in mind you were dealing with a Bad Person, and hopefully those are not representative of the community as a whole.


Indeed, last night most matches where we went up against new players, we tried to take it easy on them. It didn't always work, sadly, but we tried. :)

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