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The community is now beyond toxic.


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OP, if this is the worst thing that happened to you in this game, then you are in good shape. Just ignore the jerk, If you want to free-up inventory space in the future, just put the stuff on the GTN. Then, you won't have to interact with the lucky person who buys it.


Simple solution for a non-problem.

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When I logged after the Christmas break, I saw I had 3 of the latest cartel packs in my inventory.


I offered to sell them for 5 000 credits (all three of them) to free up inventory.


The guy that I sold them to then loled and called me a retard.


Next time, I will delete them.


(Yes, I'm aware that this is a bit low for CP. I just don't care about fake cash)


"a bit low"??? That was a ridiculous price. If you don't care about fake cash (used to buy fake merchandise/fake repairs/fake everything required to play the fake game), then sell at a real price and give the money away to your guild bank.

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When I logged after the Christmas break, I saw I had 3 of the latest cartel packs in my inventory.


I offered to sell them for 5 000 credits (all three of them) to free up inventory.


The guy that I sold them to then loled and called me a retard.


Next time, I will delete them.


(Yes, I'm aware that this is a bit low for CP. I just don't care about fake cash)


wait, why didn't you just sell them on gtn, when I put expensive stuff there for only 1 credit, no one complains and I laugh at how fast it goes after I post it. Anyway, people ANYWHERE ON THE INTERNET REGARDLESS WHETHER THEY ARE FROM THE GAME OR NOT ARE GOING TO DO THAT, PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET ARE JERKS ACCEPT THAT!!

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The community isn't toxic in swtor. It's a rather tame and cute little community compared to the LoL community. Now that is a wild beast.




TOR has a rather accepting and friendly community, from what I've seen of it. Is it perfect? Nope. Are there bad apples? Oh yeah. In the end, the majority of TOR players are fairly nice and welcoming, though.


Perspective is a strange creature.

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I am amazed by how people are affected by the words of others. Geez ... for goodness sake, they are nothing but just noises. Why do you even attached meaning to those noises and suffer yourself?


The problem is not with those people saying things about you. It is your mind that fails to recognize it as just pure noise and identify the noise with meaning as part of you. Until you see that, you will continue to suffer (in other situations).

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He jumped around me trying to teabag me AFTER I sold him the packs for 5k.


He was probably 9 years old playing off his mommies credit card.


You should have gone to a starter planet, found a player, inspected their legacy, if they were new just mailed them the Cartel Packs.


I do this with random Cartel Market items I have and don't need and handed out a few premium CM items on Christmas. Freaks them the hell out when they get it in the mail and I love hearing them in /1 screaming with excitement.


People hanging around fleet and the GTN are often not new. I've inspected many players that claimed they were "noobs" and found them to be vets just wanting free stuff.

Edited by illgot
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I am amazed by how people are affected by the words of others. Geez ... for goodness sake, they are nothing but just noises. Why do you even attached meaning to those noises and suffer yourself?


The problem is not with those people saying things about you. It is your mind that fails to recognize it as just pure noise and identify the noise with meaning as part of you. Until you see that, you will continue to suffer (in other situations).


It's not just noise, it's not just the words, it's the intent and meaning behind them

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Yes, I must be the only person, ever, to have exagerrated on the internet.


I could not sell the Revan Mask at 500 k, and I made a typo once at ''50k'' in anger, and tried to defend my mistake instead of acknoledging it


Easy there... backpedaling like that could give you cramps if you have not stretched properly beforehand...

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It's not just noise, it's not just the words, it's the intent and meaning behind them


It is THEIR intent and meaning, not YOURs. No reason to get burnt yourselves. They will get burnt by their act but you should not. Recognize that and you are protected. Not being aware of it, you are just sucked into it and get burnt together.


The wise saying advised to always walk away from a agitated or potentially aggressive situation when you encountered one. This is the reason and wisdom in doing so.


Too many times we are just unconsciously sucked into such situation or our ego and pride gets in the way that prevent us from walking away. This gets many people killed when they engage in violence OVER SOMETHING SOME PEOPLE SAY OR NOT SAY. Your best protection is to be mindful of your ego and pride. These are the root of all troubles and suffering.

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It is THEIR intent and meaning, not YOURs. No reason to get burnt yourselves. They will get burnt by their act but you should not. Recognize that and you are protected. Not being aware of it, you are just sucked into it and get burnt together.


The wise saying advised to always walk away from a agitated or potentially aggressive situation when you encountered one. This is the reason and wisdom in doing so.


Too many times we are just unconsciously sucked into such situation or our ego and pride gets in the way that prevent us from walking away. This gets many people killed when they engage in violence OVER SOMETHING SOME PEOPLE SAY OR NOT SAY. Your best protection is to be mindful of your ego and pride. These are the root of all troubles and suffering.


So by your logic people are not allowed to be offended if someone says something hurtful intentionally and not a joke? Not everyone has unbreakable skins like you.

Edited by theUndead
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Op, I'm sorry that happened to you. That is screwed up and the guy was a total dbag. I've given stuff away... speeders during Christmas to random people and everyone in that instant was very appreciative but I know there are dbags out there that if given the opportunity would have done the same thing to me.


Now, I know that there are a lot of good, friendly people out there OP. I run into them all the time. But the exceptions spoil the bunch. Hard to get over some of the crap you see: scamming people for creds; calling people all sorts of names in chat; stealing stuff from guild banks. etc. etc. And the fact that they are anonymous gives them all the licence in the world. But... you have to know that these are the exceptions. That the majority are good people that are not like that. And that this behavior is not specific to any MMO. It is an endemic part of the internet because there are seemingly no consequences for their actions.


Best thing you can do when something like that happens is note their name and guild. Pass along the dbags name around to your friends and ignore. Technically, it could be categorized as griefing so you should report it as well. But most importantly, you move on. Let the dbag have his day because you reap what you sow. He will get his and soon. Just like the Derp Hacks who recently got outed, it was all fun and games until the real world hits them like a truck. Take comfort in the fact that it will happen.

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1) How did you even get 3 cartel packs? Did you not spend real money to buy them? Why would you delete them or give them away instead of OPENING them if you don't care about profits? This makes literally no sense.


2) There is no haggling involved if you just list on the GTN for cheap. Look up the current price, low ball it, bam, you're done, collect money and go about your day.


Considering that you need credits for literally everything in this game, there's no reason to waste real money and get no fake money (or items if you had opened the packs like they're made to be used) in return.


Sorry the person was not appreciative. I would have thanked you sincerely and then listed them for market value on the GTN. :p

Edited by Beltane
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When I logged after the Christmas break, I saw I had 3 of the latest cartel packs in my inventory.


I offered to sell them for 5 000 credits (all three of them) to free up inventory.


The guy that I sold them to then loled and called me a retard.


Next time, I will delete them.


(Yes, I'm aware that this is a bit low for CP. I just don't care about fake cash)


One idiot does not make a community toxic, there are toxic element to our communities but on the whole they are quite genuine and nice.

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1) How did you even get 3 cartel packs? Did you not spend real money to buy them? Why would you delete them or give them away instead of OPENING them if you don't care about profits? This makes literally no sense.


2) There is no haggling involved if you just list on the GTN for cheap. Look up the current price, low ball it, bam, you're done, collect money and go about your day.


Considering that you need credits for literally everything in this game, there's no reason to waste real money and get no fake money (or items if you had opened the packs like they're made to be used) in return.


Sorry the person was not appreciative. I would have thanked you sincerely and then listed them for market value on the GTN. :p


1)Subber stipend


2)I wanted 5 k to pay for repairs.

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I wouldn't say the community is toxic, there's a mix of good and bad, same as anywhere. Most people are at the very least polite. However, I have noticed an increase in unpleasant and rude players over the holidays. There are lots of children online at the moment, and the combination of immaturity and anonymity allows bad behaviour with few consequences.
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Gamers in general have become major buttholes. I blame Wil Wheaton.


Because everything that goes wrong in my is because of Wil Wheaton.




*shakes fist*


How dare you, sir, mock Ensign Wesley Crusher! I will not stand for it!




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