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DERP strikes SWTOR Login Servers


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DERP is safe targeting login servers, if they get the Government they have problems with Government, if they attack The Bank Where EA stores its money, half the FBI will be on their tail, and SOPA will make the world record for fastest passed legislation. so mostly EA is motivated by money, and the government as well cause of EA lobbyist, they really dont give a screw about us, and DERP knows it, if we all paid EA for nothing in return, they would think nothing of it. unless you tried to Sue them, and they likely have more than enough lawyers to win.
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And here we are adding fuel the fire. Popularity and recognition is what gives them their power. Just accept what's happening, and let them fall to the wayside, where the feds will later take them down and throw the book at them behind close doors with no cameras or lawyers present. I have no patience or respect for any of this, especially when someone with this kind of power would use it for little more than very annoying pranks, rather than targetting real and actual threats to humanity as a whole. I mean, game servers? Really? That's the best you can come up with? THAT'S what you want to do with your abilities? Edited by DimmuJanKaarl
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whats sad is they could be making tons of money working for companies or the government, instead of being wanted felons.

Not hardly. People like this don't last a day in corporate (I've been a programmer for about 18 years).... that's providing they could even get a job.


The skill it takes to do this is miniscule compared to skills required to "make money".

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I hope the authorities catch these ***** bastards and lock them up forever. Throw away the key and NEVER let them see the light of day again. They have no right ruining my nights fun. Damn freeloaders.


Holy **** it has been a long time since I heard someone THAT entitled. In what universe are "Ruined a nights fun" and "lock them up forever" considered equal?


These guys are ******es and I hope they get caught and put in jail for breaking the law, but man have some sense.

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Holy **** it has been a long time since I heard someone THAT entitled. In what universe are "Ruined a nights fun" and "lock them up forever" considered equal?


These guys are ******es and I hope they get caught and put in jail for breaking the law, but man have some sense.


im fine with a few *** ******s by bubba and felon status

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Hackers or not, I just hope none of our players that live in the Northeast or New New England do not lose power during the winter storm that is currently hitting there. Just be safe and do not go outside unless it is necessary.
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Hackers or not, I just hope none of our players that live in the Northeast or New New England do not lose power during the winter storm that is currently hitting there. Just be safe and do not go outside unless it is necessary.


You hope that none of the players don't lose power?

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I don't get it. I mean, I don't agree with Anonymous, but at least they think they have a cause.


These guys aren't hurting EA or any other company, I mean we're still paying our subs and next time we can log in we'll still buy whatever we were gonna buy from the cartel market. And these things are common enough that no one really blames the company for not being able to stop it.


So the only people being hurt right now are us. I don't get that. Surely there are better targets out there?? Or, you know, don't commit crime?? Maybe they should try just playing SWTOR instead??

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I'm so glad these DERP trollers realize how great this country is. They are afforded the safety to do this from the comfort of their homes, or coffee shops, or whatever. If they were in a beautiful place like, Somalia, Ni-ger, or Uganda to name a few, they might have a harder time living through the night, let alone DDOSing for literally no reason. Edited by Sykotik_Hunter
Country name editted out....
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I don't get it. I mean, I don't agree with Anonymous, but at least they think they have a cause.


These guys aren't hurting EA or any other company, I mean we're still paying our subs and next time we can log in we'll still buy whatever we were gonna buy from the cartel market. And these things are common enough that no one really blames the company for not being able to stop it.


So the only people being hurt right now are us. I don't get that. Surely there are better targets out there?? Or, you know, don't commit crime?? Maybe they should try just playing SWTOR instead??


For some reason I don't think actual logic comes into play with Derptrolling.

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