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The hardships of hitting 55 as a PvPer.


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So I'm not sure if this has been brought up before or not, but I'll ask for the opinion of the community. Take note that this is not a QQ thread nor a L2P or Premades are bad thread. I simply require the opinion of any PvPer who wants to share it.


As soon as you hit 55 and want to PvP, you will endure a period of hardships due to the gear lacking expertise and putting you on a severe disadvantage. Even if you have stacked commendations all the way to 55 (4500 ranked and 2750 non ranked) you still won't be able to jump into a full Conqueror gear regardless, so you're pretty much forced to endure pain till you've finished grinding.


Now there are 3 things I can think of that can be implemented in order to improve this:

1. Lower the cost of the Conqueror gear so if you've taken the time and did the grind for coms in order to be as ready as you can be for 55 PvP, you may purchase a full set of Conqueror.

2. Increase the commendation limit so that one person may grind out even more commendations(in the lowbie bracket) so he may purchase a full set of Conqueror gear as soon as he dings 55.

3. Reinstate the "recruit gear," or at least an improved version of it. Give it for free or for credits, either is good. If you really want to be geared as well as you can be, you will buy it.


Why I think this is necessary, because I normally play a Vanguard, and an operative(concealment, believe it or not), and I can say that it's fine when you're geared, but a couple of days ago I dinged my Marauder to 55, and I've really had a series of games where I felt I was personally getting smashed, and as an individual player I wasn't exactly doing as good as I could be doing, given fair odds and a full set of Conqueror. Please don't say it's L2P, because it's not the case. Not this time.

Please comment on which one you think would be better, or if you think it's necessary at all.


A second thing I would like to bring up, is Valor. Now as things stand right now, Valor is only useful for 2 things:

1. Nominate the group leader in a warzone, which is often buggy.

2. Allows you to wear gear such as the old Battlemaster and War Hero, which has a Valor requirement.


In all honesty, I believe Valor should be Legacy wide, and all your characters should benefit from the same Valor level, after-all, Valor does not provide damage, healing or defensive bonuses, it simply represents how experienced you are, as a player(not class), in PvP.


Only thing that would be affected by this change would be the prerequisite of buying Ranked Commendations(requires Valor 40) but that could always be changed to require Level 40 instead, which is technically the same thing.


So, oh so very friendly PvP community, may I have your 2 cents?



PS: Nerf operatives.

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Personally, and I know this will be an unpopular opinion, I think the amount of comms needs to be lowered for gear in general, not just for PVP. The main reason being I am not a "hardcore" player by any means, but I also don't suck at PVP and I enjoy playing it. However, for a person like me who can only play a handful of hours a week, it's darn near impossible to grind enough comms to get any kind of meaningful gear. Not to mention now that arenas have been put into the playlist for PVP que, I honestly find myself playing less and less, so comms are scarce for me.
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I'm all for allowing players to buy PvP gear pre-55 and/or significally raising the comm caps and I really want them to get rid of the absolutely idiotic valor 40 requirement on ranked comms.


That said, there is nothing to complain about at 55. You can have 28K HP and decent stats without buying a single piece of PvP gear the second you ding 55 and if you're rich and willing to aug green grear, while you work on "real" PvP gear", you won't be far from Obroan. Personally I think it's silly how easy it is to gear up and I cannot understand how anyone possibly could complain about it. I've said this numerous times and I'll say it again, the rate of which you gear up is in relation to the games you play just as fast for someone who's playing two games per week as it is for someone who plays 20 games per day. It's actually faster for the former because all his games will go toward dailies and weeklies. So there's no unfairness, there's only entitlement and it's the same entitlement that kills games, due to the fact that those who play a decent amount reach the goal too fast and stop playing.


Also, the com caps on PvE comms need to be significally raised too. I cap out on ultimate and elite comms every week before I've even cleared half of the content (if you count both HM/NiM and SM)

Edited by MidichIorian
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I said it in WoW and I say it again, those gear grinds are idiotic beyond measure when it comes to PvP. It just gets more and more frustrating for casual players and those who just started because they get more and more heavily abused and quite often not even by better players, but skill cannot compensate limitlessly against gear differences.

At some point the gear difference is so big that skill cannot compensate at all for it and this is one of the major frustrations, when you die so fast that you cannot even start to improve your skill.


I know some will now cry "but we had to go through it too" to which I can only respond:


1.) Two wrongs do not make a right.

2.) You probably still had it easier because the gear difference at that point was not as big.


I'm all for allowing players to buy PvP gear pre-55 and/or significally raising the comm caps and I really want to them to get rid of the absolutely idiotic valor 40 requirement on ranked comms.


That said, there is nothing to complain about at 55. You can have 28K HP and decent stats without buying a single piece of PvP gear the second you ding 55 and if you're rich and willing to aug green grear, while you work on "real" PvP gear", you won't be far from Obroan. Personally I think it's silly how easy it is to gear up and I cannot understand how anyone possibly could complain about it. I've said this numerous times and I'll say it again, the rate of which you gear up is in relation to the games you play just as fast for someone who's playing two games per week as it is for someone who plays 20 games per day. It's actually faster for the former because all his games will go toward dailies and weeklies. So there's no unfairness, there's only entitlement and it's the same entitlement that kills games, due to the fact that those who play a decent amount reach the goal too fast and stop playing.


Real PvPers do not give a **** about gear. The whole gear grind is stupid regardless how easy or hard it is and I have been countless of times through it in WoW already. It's boring and doesn't add anything to PvP. At all.

In fact it substracts from the experience because there is neither fun in stopming undergeared players nor is it fun to get stomped. It also gives a false impresion of skill or false impression of lack of skill.

Edited by Vales
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I dont think it takes too long to get gear.


Im very busy and barely played since the launch of arenas and the release of the new gear sets, and I got 2 characters min-maxed with 2 conqueror sets each (thats 4 gear sets total) in less than a 2 months of very little play, Im talking playing about 1, maybe 2 night a week. Thats a fully min-maxed set in 2 weeks of very light play.


Playing hardcore, you could easily have a character fully geared in the lower PVP set and min-maxed in a week or less.


It doesn't take that long and its not that bad if your wearing the old set of PVP gear. Even on a fresh max level character, bolster is enough to not get totally blown up. And you can easily have over half your set before you hit 55 if you save comms and PVP a lot.


In short - there's no gear problem, its not that bad, even for light players.

Edited by Z-ToXiN
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I'm all for allowing players to buy PvP gear pre-55 and/or significally raising the comm caps and I really want to them to get rid of the absolutely idiotic valor 40 requirement on ranked comms.


That said, there is nothing to complain about at 55. You can have 28K HP and decent stats without buying a single piece of PvP gear the second you ding 55 and if you're rich and willing to aug green grear, while you work on "real" PvP gear", you won't be far from Obroan. Personally I think it's silly how easy it is to gear up and I cannot understand how anyone possibly could complain about it. I've said this numerous times and I'll say it again, the rate of which you gear up is in relation to the games you play just as fast for someone who's playing two games per week as it is for someone who plays 20 games per day. It's actually faster for the former because all his games will go toward dailies and weeklies. So there's no unfairness, there's only entitlement and it's the same entitlement that kills games, due to the fact that those who play a decent amount reach the goal too fast and stop playing.


Also, the com caps on PvE comms need to be significally raised too. I cap out on ultimate and elite comms every week before I've even cleared half of the content (if you count both HM/NiM and SM)


"That said, there is nothing to complain about at 55. You can have 28K HP and decent stats without buying a single piece of PvP gear the second you ding 55 and if you're rich and willing to aug green grear,"

But then that brings the issue of being stomped by people with 2018 expertise. That's what I'm saying, that if you've spent level 40 to 55 grinding out Warzone Coms so that you can be the best you can be at lvl 55, they should at least allow you to buy a full set of 55, and not have the expertise handicap.

As for the PvE, I cannot comment, since I do not PvP.

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"That said, there is nothing to complain about at 55. You can have 28K HP and decent stats without buying a single piece of PvP gear the second you ding 55 and if you're rich and willing to aug green grear,"

But then that brings the issue of being stomped by people with 2018 expertise. That's what I'm saying, that if you've spent level 40 to 55 grinding out Warzone Coms so that you can be the best you can be at lvl 55, they should at least allow you to buy a full set of 55, and not have the expertise handicap.

As for the PvE, I cannot comment, since I do not PvP.


But you can have a full set by the time you hit 55...

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But then that brings the issue of being stomped by people with 2018 expertise. That's what I'm saying, that if you've spent level 40 to 55 grinding out Warzone Coms so that you can be the best you can be at lvl 55, they should at least allow you to buy a full set of 55, and not have the expertise handicap.

As for the PvE, I cannot comment, since I do not PvP.

You will have full expertise in low level gear. This is me in the lowest level/cheapest greens I could find on GTN Most of it are in the level 5 range, give or take pieces you can't buy until later levels (implants, relics etc), and I didnt spend more than 30K for all of it. Could have been cheaper if I had bought it over time but those were the only ones available when I tried to prove a point. Those stats are better than what many are running around in on their Conq sets. Edited by MidichIorian
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But you can have a full set by the time you hit 55...


No, you can't.


A full set of Conqueror is: 12500


What you can store up to lvl 55: 7250


Meaning you still need to grind 5250 coms to complete a Conqueror set.

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I had low number of comms when I reached 55, so what I did? Checked bolster topics, got me a gear which gave me max expertise. Problem solved. :rak_03:


People who have problem with this system just don't want to put any effort to understand it. They just want to hit 55 and play warzones on the same level as people who are playing mainly PvP. Guess what, you can't.

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You will have full expertise in low level gear. This is me in the lowest level/cheapest greens I could find on GTN Most of it are in the level 5 range, give or take pieces you can't buy until later levels (implants, relics etc), and I didnt spend more than 30K for all of it. Could have been cheaper if I had bought it over time but those were the only ones available when I tried to prove a point. Those stats are better than what many are running around in on their Conq sets.


I am definitely trying this. Something doesn't entirely feel right here.

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No it's perfectly legit. I can confirm i've done/am doing the same thing. It has been working this way since 2.0 with the implementation of Bolster. To get 2018 expertise, you need to fill every armor slot (implants, earpiece, relics too) and wear anything but the highest 2 tiers of PvE gear (level 66+ mods I think I saw someone mention). That's exactly what bolster is supposed to do - give everyone conqueror level stats to even the playing field. Bolster also affects level 55s, not just lowbies. There are essentially 2 levels of PvP geared players - Oboroan geared players, and everyone else.
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I know some will now cry "but we had to go through it too" to which I can only respond:


1.) Two wrongs do not make a right.

2.) You probably still had it easier because the gear difference at that point was not as big.





In answer to your point no 2. The gear gap in pvp has never been as small as it is now.


The devs have made the game too easy if anything.


If people cannot cope with the current setup, they most certainly would not of coped when the rest of us were grinding our centurion, champion and battle master pieces.

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I'm all for allowing players to buy PvP gear pre-55 and/or significally raising the comm caps and I really want them to get rid of the absolutely idiotic valor 40 requirement on ranked comms.


That said, there is nothing to complain about at 55. You can have 28K HP and decent stats without buying a single piece of PvP gear the second you ding 55 and if you're rich and willing to aug green grear, while you work on "real" PvP gear", you won't be far from Obroan. Personally I think it's silly how easy it is to gear up and I cannot understand how anyone possibly could complain about it. I've said this numerous times and I'll say it again, the rate of which you gear up is in relation to the games you play just as fast for someone who's playing two games per week as it is for someone who plays 20 games per day. It's actually faster for the former because all his games will go toward dailies and weeklies. So there's no unfairness, there's only entitlement and it's the same entitlement that kills games, due to the fact that those who play a decent amount reach the goal too fast and stop playing.


Also, the com caps on PvE comms need to be significally raised too. I cap out on ultimate and elite comms every week before I've even cleared half of the content (if you count both HM/NiM and SM)


Be an Imperial on Harbinger and PvP at 55 with no gear and tell me how easy it is to grind out Obroan gear. On the Republic side where they've got healers and more competent players it goes faster because you win more often than not. But on the Imperial side you can be the most awesome PvP'er and still get the shaft because you'll usually lose arenas and most warzones. It takes significantly longer to do your dailies / weekly quests as a result requiring a lot more time to grind out gear.


Not every server may have this issue, but Harbinger sure as hell does.

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I currently have a level 54 Powertech with 60 pvp sabres in his inventory waiting to hit 55 where I will have effectively 54,000 warzone comms saved to buy and min/max a set on conq armour and add in some Oboron stuff



Simple the sabres from the pvp vendor have a 2hour refund time limt so by carefully refunding/buying them back I've been levelling and storing comms since about level 20.


Also as people have mentioned bolster at 55 works great for PVE gear as long as its not really good PVE gear. You're really only screwed at 55 if you're wearing old pvp gear with expertise stats such as Battlemaster or too much current top end PVE gear.


Finally augmenting all your gear makes a big difference as well.

Edited by TrigPt
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Yeah like some people said gear is so easy to get if you save weapons.


Op hit 55 and had half obroan and rest min/max conq.

Guardian hit 55 and had ful min/max conq.


Legacy gear also makes it easy to finish off gearing alts.


The hard part is affording augments because pvpers get no money ^_^

Edited by Rynis
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No, you can't.


Yes you can. Max out Ranked 4500. Max out Regular 2750. Start buying PVP weapons for 900 comms each. Their buy-back timer is 2 hours. So, with every hour of gameplay, buy and sell the PVP weapons so your rolling total of comms is over the "Maximum." When you hit 55, with 4500RWZ, 2750WZ, and 9 pvp weapons to sell back, you have a full set of Conq. just dont forget to keep buying and exchanging those PVP weapons. If their 2 hour timer passes, you're stuck with it and can't sell back for comms. I had 5 PVP weapons plus maxed comms when I hit 55. I was a few pieces short, but it didn't take long to gear up fully. Best of luck!

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So I'm not sure if this has been brought up before or not, but I'll ask for the opinion of the community. Take note that this is not a QQ thread nor a L2P or Premades are bad thread. I simply require the opinion of any PvPer who wants to share it.


As soon as you hit 55 and want to PvP, you will endure a period of hardships due to the gear lacking expertise and putting you on a severe disadvantage. Even if you have stacked commendations all the way to 55 (4500 ranked and 2750 non ranked) you still won't be able to jump into a full Conqueror gear regardless, so you're pretty much forced to endure pain till you've finished grinding.


Now there are 3 things I can think of that can be implemented in order to improve this:

1. Lower the cost of the Conqueror gear so if you've taken the time and did the grind for coms in order to be as ready as you can be for 55 PvP, you may purchase a full set of Conqueror.

2. Increase the commendation limit so that one person may grind out even more commendations(in the lowbie bracket) so he may purchase a full set of Conqueror gear as soon as he dings 55.

3. Reinstate the "recruit gear," or at least an improved version of it. Give it for free or for credits, either is good. If you really want to be geared as well as you can be, you will buy it.


Why I think this is necessary, because I normally play a Vanguard, and an operative(concealment, believe it or not), and I can say that it's fine when you're geared, but a couple of days ago I dinged my Marauder to 55, and I've really had a series of games where I felt I was personally getting smashed, and as an individual player I wasn't exactly doing as good as I could be doing, given fair odds and a full set of Conqueror. Please don't say it's L2P, because it's not the case. Not this time.

Please comment on which one you think would be better, or if you think it's necessary at all.


A second thing I would like to bring up, is Valor. Now as things stand right now, Valor is only useful for 2 things:

1. Nominate the group leader in a warzone, which is often buggy.

2. Allows you to wear gear such as the old Battlemaster and War Hero, which has a Valor requirement.


In all honesty, I believe Valor should be Legacy wide, and all your characters should benefit from the same Valor level, after-all, Valor does not provide damage, healing or defensive bonuses, it simply represents how experienced you are, as a player(not class), in PvP.


Only thing that would be affected by this change would be the prerequisite of buying Ranked Commendations(requires Valor 40) but that could always be changed to require Level 40 instead, which is technically the same thing.


So, oh so very friendly PvP community, may I have your 2 cents?



PS: Nerf operatives.


Your thread would have been correct pre 2.0. Now it isn't. If you have the comms do the following:


1- Buy Obroan relics.

2- Buy Obroan earpiece.


Now that you used all your PvP comms do the following next:


3- Buy crafted purp 54 ear pieces or 53 blue ones. These give comparable stats to conquer (purp 54 is better than conqueror and can be auged).

4- Get modable gear you want and aug it for all 9 pieces and aug relics and ear piece.

5- Insert PvE mods in gear and make sure when you add the levels in the gear it stays at 193 or below (example 66 hilt/armoring, 66 mod and 61 enhancement is 66+66+61=193).

6- Buy lvl 52 stims.


You should be running around 29.5K HP about 4-5% of max possible damage and other stats potential with full expertise. If you can't be competitive with all of the above it is not a gear issue and gear won't help you.

Edited by Ottoattack
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I currently have a level 54 Powertech with 60 pvp sabres in his inventory waiting to hit 55 where I will have effectively 54,000 warzone comms saved to buy and min/max a set on conq armour and add in some Oboron stuff



Simple the sabres from the pvp vendor have a 2hour refund time limt so by carefully refunding/buying them back I've been levelling and storing comms since about level 20.


Also as people have mentioned bolster at 55 works great for PVE gear as long as its not really good PVE gear. You're really only screwed at 55 if you're wearing old pvp gear with expertise stats such as Battlemaster or too much current top end PVE gear.


Finally augmenting all your gear makes a big difference as well.


Ding ding we have a winner. Thats what I was referring to when I said you can have full PVP gear by the time you hit 55.


I didnt want to say it outright because I dont want BW to change this, but its not like they read these threads anyway or care enough to do something about it.

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I would like to add to this thread even though I'm not a "hard core" PvP'r in terms of gearing - but that's exactly why. I don't really even try when I ding 55 to have the best possible gear out there. I max out ranked and regular comms, but I don't do the weapon-swap trick to get more than that. I buy what Conq I can, and wear the rest of whatever PvE gear I happen to have when I dinged. All that said, I still have 19XX (like 1980 or 1990 or so) expertise, and decent stats. Definitely don't feel like I'm getting blown up (except by players who are better than me - of which there seem to be way too many :) ).


So even though all these experts are giving you really good advice, it's not like you even need to be all that careful to get decent stats at 55 with bolster. Just don't put on any "partial PvP" gear, or uber-high-end-PvE (I guess, I don't have any of that) and you're fine gear wise.


At least, in my experience.

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So I'm not sure if this has been brought up before or not, but I'll ask for the opinion of the community. Take note that this is not a QQ thread nor a L2P or Premades are bad thread. I simply require the opinion of any PvPer who wants to share it.


As soon as you hit 55 and want to PvP, you will endure a period of hardships due to the gear lacking expertise and putting you on a severe disadvantage. Even if you have stacked commendations all the way to 55 (4500 ranked and 2750 non ranked) you still won't be able to jump into a full Conqueror gear regardless, so you're pretty much forced to endure pain till you've finished grinding.


Now there are 3 things I can think of that can be implemented in order to improve this:

1. Lower the cost of the Conqueror gear so if you've taken the time and did the grind for coms in order to be as ready as you can be for 55 PvP, you may purchase a full set of Conqueror.

2. Increase the commendation limit so that one person may grind out even more commendations(in the lowbie bracket) so he may purchase a full set of Conqueror gear as soon as he dings 55.

3. Reinstate the "recruit gear," or at least an improved version of it. Give it for free or for credits, either is good. If you really want to be geared as well as you can be, you will buy it.


Why I think this is necessary, because I normally play a Vanguard, and an operative(concealment, believe it or not), and I can say that it's fine when you're geared, but a couple of days ago I dinged my Marauder to 55, and I've really had a series of games where I felt I was personally getting smashed, and as an individual player I wasn't exactly doing as good as I could be doing, given fair odds and a full set of Conqueror. Please don't say it's L2P, because it's not the case. Not this time.

Please comment on which one you think would be better, or if you think it's necessary at all.


A second thing I would like to bring up, is Valor. Now as things stand right now, Valor is only useful for 2 things:

1. Nominate the group leader in a warzone, which is often buggy.

2. Allows you to wear gear such as the old Battlemaster and War Hero, which has a Valor requirement.


In all honesty, I believe Valor should be Legacy wide, and all your characters should benefit from the same Valor level, after-all, Valor does not provide damage, healing or defensive bonuses, it simply represents how experienced you are, as a player(not class), in PvP.


Only thing that would be affected by this change would be the prerequisite of buying Ranked Commendations(requires Valor 40) but that could always be changed to require Level 40 instead, which is technically the same thing.


So, oh so very friendly PvP community, may I have your 2 cents?



PS: Nerf operatives.



I will make it really easy for you.

I had 22k hp when I hit 55, YET I had 31.5k hp in warzones. Fully bolstered 2018expertise with apparently obroan-ish gear.

How did I do it? Augment every piece of gear you have with purple 28 augments.


Just augment yourself and youre fully bolstered with high hp, no need to cry about being too weak

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