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***SPOILERS*** So is the emperor dead or isnt he..??


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If you played a Sith Warrior toon, you would know the answer. He does eventually die, of course. lol



The Emperor's Voice dies as a result of the collapsing building and wounds inflicted by the Knight, but it is revealed in a message to Sith Warrior players that the Emperor's essence survived and returned to another body, where he entered a deep sleep under the care of his Hand to recover his strength. However, the 2012 novel Star Wars: Darth Plagueis reveals that the Sith Emperor did in fact die a final time at some point before the book's events, 3,600 years after the events of The Old Republic. In the novel, which explains the backstories of the Sith Lords Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious, Plagueis muses about Vitiate's accomplishments during the Muun Sith Lord's own research on immortality.


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If you played a Sith Warrior toon, you would know the answer. He does eventually die, of course. lol



The Emperor's Voice dies as a result of the collapsing building and wounds inflicted by the Knight, but it is revealed in a message to Sith Warrior players that the Emperor's essence survived and returned to another body, where he entered a deep sleep under the care of his Hand to recover his strength. However, the 2012 novel Star Wars: Darth Plagueis reveals that the Sith Emperor did in fact die a final time at some point before the book's events, 3,600 years after the events of The Old Republic. In the novel, which explains the backstories of the Sith Lords Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious, Plagueis muses about Vitiate's accomplishments during the Muun Sith Lord's own research on immortality.


I've had this argument many times as people seem to take everything they hear in-game as fact, even though it's no more so than with any other conversation. Also to mention, I play both sides randomly, so I have no bias towards the republic whatsoever and in fact, started out solely playing empire.



However... what proof do you have that the hands are not in fact lying to you? Little to nothing is known about them, it's entirely possible that they are using you for some end that has nothing at all to do with the Emperor himself and indeed, even them being controlled by the Dread Masters isn't outside the realm of possibility. The *only* fact is the fact that you were told he isn't by Sith. Now, tell me, how often in-game do the Sith lie? A lot.


So, to claim one way or another is rather narrow minded. We do not know.


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We do know. People just conveniently overlook, ignore or just state that someone is lying, when whatever hypothesis doesn't fit their theory.


Again, what the game states is crystal clear; The fact some may have an issue with it is not the game's or other people's concern, not to mention that...


Having the Emperor killed at the end of a class storyline.


Would be silly to say the least. In the end, it comes down to this...


Scourge implies that we may have not seen the end of the Emperor, not to mention that Suri and other Children can still listen to his voice.


The Emperor's Hand, at the end of the SW storyline, just confirms what the Scourge suggests aboard the Valiant, plus Suri.




Move along with it already.

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We do know. People just conveniently overlook, ignore or just state that someone is lying, when whatever hypothesis doesn't fit their theory.


Again, what the game states is crystal clear; The fact some may have an issue with it is not the game's or other people's concern, not to mention that...


Having the Emperor killed at the end of a class storyline.


Would be silly to say the least. In the end, it comes down to this...


Scourge implies that we may have not seen the end of the Emperor, not to mention that Suri and other Children can still listen to his voice.


The Emperor's Hand, at the end of the SW storyline, just confirms what the Scourge suggests aboard the Valiant, plus Suri.




Move along with it already.


The point you are missing entirely is that "the game" doesn't state it, characters in it do. When Thanaton wants to help you in the Inq story, he is telling the truth? No, he tries to kill you. Zash? How many times does she lie to you?


More importantly, how does saying "I don't know, and neither do you" constitute as a theory?


I know you're not going to answer and just spew hyperbole back, it's all you people ever do.

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To be honest i feel that if the JK story line would see the end it would be stupid just by the fact that without the emperor there is little to no empire and secondly i still have my doubts having played the entire JK line that 1 class out off all the classes would get to see the end of the most feared and dreaded person in the galaxy.


If that was the case the warrior should end with the death of the JK instead of barras in my opinion

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To be honest i feel that if the JK story line would see the end it would be stupid just by the fact that without the emperor there is little to no empire and secondly i still have my doubts having played the entire JK line that 1 class out off all the classes would get to see the end of the most feared and dreaded person in the galaxy.


If that was the case the warrior should end with the death of the JK instead of barras in my opinion


When a Emperor dies, a new one takes his/her place. So even if the Emperor did die, the Empire wouldn't collapse so easily (Even in the expanded universe, when the Emperor was killed the Empire was still around a long time afterwards. Although they were very small in comparison to their rule of the galaxy).

However, the cliffhanger for the Warrior shows that the Emperor may still be in the shadows regardless of the Knights actions. So it keeps the story open for more to develop. ;)


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Let's be realistic here, Bioware have designed it in such a way that

there are enough hints that he's alive to allow them to bring him back if they want, but if they choose not to then they can simply say he's already dead. You can argue all day about in-game logic and who's lying about what, but it just boils down to Bioware keeping their options open.

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The point you are missing entirely is that "the game" doesn't state it, characters in it do. When Thanaton wants to help you in the Inq story, he is telling the truth? No, he tries to kill you. Zash? How many times does she lie to you?


The fundamental difference being that thus far, the Emperor's Hand has shown no ill will towards you, unlike the characters you mentioned.


Having that in mind, since no one is above suspicion, I can assume that Grand Master Satele will want to kill my Jedi Knight eventually, because in the end, everybody lies and have ulterior motives.


More importantly, how does saying "I don't know, and neither do you" constitute as a theory?


The difference is that some of us do know, as that game clearly states over and over again that the Emperor is not dead... The issue is here that some people either refuse to acknowledge it or choose to sound like a total loon, going so far as to say that the game - or the characters, whatever you prefer - are lying.


Even when the storyline where you - supposedly - kill him clearly implies otherwise in at least two(!!!) separate occasions. The other one - namely the SW one - merely confirms what the former implies.


I know you're not going to answer and just spew hyperbole back, it's all you people ever do.


You must be confusing me with somebody else.

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The fundamental difference being that thus far, the Emperor's Hand has shown no ill will towards you, unlike the characters you mentioned.


Which doesn't equate to them telling the truth.


Sith Warrior endgame spoilers:


If we want to look for possible evidence that they may, in fact, be lying to the Warrior:

  1. They claim that Darth Baras is a false Voice
  2. Baras tells the Warrior that the Hand is lying to him/her, and that he is the true Voice.
  3. When the Warrior fights Baras, one of his powers is 'Voice of the Emperor'. If he's a false Voice, how does he have this power?
  4. He could in fact be the true Voice.
  5. This would mean the Hand is lying.
  6. If the Hand could be lying about this, then why can't they be lying about the state of the Emperor?

It makes complete sense for the Hand to lie about this. Admitting the Emperor is dead openly acknowledges a power vacuum--one Malgus has already tried to fill. It throws the Sith into chaos. As it is, they're the only ones who claim to have access to the Emperor, and by lying and saying the Emperor is still alive--even if he isn't--whatever they say will be taken as the word of the Emperor.


Sweet deal for them.



I'm not saying that the Hand is lying, but that neither source of information is a reliable narrator.

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Which doesn't equate to them telling the truth.


Sith Warrior endgame spoilers:


If we want to look for possible evidence that they may, in fact, be lying to the Warrior:

  1. They claim that Darth Baras is a false Voice
  2. Baras tells the Warrior that the Hand is lying to him/her, and that he is the true Voice.
  3. When the Warrior fights Baras, one of his powers is 'Voice of the Emperor'. If he's a false Voice, how does he have this power?
  4. He could in fact be the true Voice.
  5. This would mean the Hand is lying.
  6. If the Hand could be lying about this, then why can't they be lying about the state of the Emperor?

It makes complete sense for the Hand to lie about this. Admitting the Emperor is dead openly acknowledges a power vacuum--one Malgus has already tried to fill. It throws the Sith into chaos. As it is, they're the only ones who claim to have access to the Emperor, and by lying and saying the Emperor is still alive--even if he isn't--whatever they say will be taken as the word of the Emperor.


Sweet deal for them.



I'm not saying that the Hand is lying, but that neither source of information is a reliable narrator.



I do find it odd that in the process, you completely FAIL to mention that you meet up with the TRUE Voice of the Emperor on Voss, which is being held hostage - so to speak - by Sel-Makor. :rolleyes:



In other words, what you've said is completely made IRRELEVANT by what is shown above.



Either way, only goes to show what I've been saying for some time now: Some people in this forum, whenever there's something inconvenient, deliberately overlook(!) or even ignore(!!!) stuff shown in the game itself.


And here's yet another kicker...



And this was released AFTER, I say again, AFTER Hall Hood was ALREADY the Lead Writer for this game, as someone pointed out in some other thread.

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I....I killed him. He's dead...every single body and not just the Voices, but the real one too. He's an animal and I slaughtered him like an animal! I HATE HIM!


No but really, the Empire seems to actually be doing fine still even without Vitiate. I mean really...he doesn't seem to be involved much anyway, he just hides around and has his own selfish goals so....why have him around?


The Dark Council are the guys who run the Empire really and they seem to be doing a better job.

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I....I killed him. He's dead...every single body and not just the Voices, but the real one too. He's an animal and I slaughtered him like an animal! I HATE HIM!


I LOL'ed. Also, concerning the link between...


Darth Baras and Sel-Makor and how it is implied in JK storyline, that he was planning the whole thing for decades, even before the Empire officially rediscovered Voss...



Not that hard to assume who the Sith, greater than Fulminiss, was.


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The Hero of Tython defeated the Emperor in a duel, but didn't kill him.


The Emperor has managed to extend his lifespan by using some arcane ritual to transfer his consciousness into host bodies known as Voices. It is implied that when the Jedi Knight struck down the Emepror, that particular host body died, but somehow the Emperor managed to preserve his consciousness. Basically the Emperor is doing something similar to what Darth Zash had wanted to do, although perhaps Zash's ritual was more primitive.


Eventually of course the Emperor is going to end up permadead, but it is probably going to involve someone figuring out how to block him from that using that handy respawn ability. :cool:

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Let's be realistic here, Bioware have designed it in such a way that

there are enough hints that he's alive to allow them to bring him back if they want, but if they choose not to then they can simply say he's already dead. You can argue all day about in-game logic and who's lying about what, but it just boils down to Bioware keeping their options open.



This should have closed the argument, lol. I agree. Bioware is just keeping their options open. If they decide to listen to the fans and create an expansion where everyone has to unite to kill him, then they'll go down that road. If they decide that they don't want to pursue that, then yeah, the JK killed him. End of Story.


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You are forgetting one important thing... real Emperor as he was described in Revan is Pure blooded Sith...and who did you kill in JK last fight? Muman male...his voice, Emperor is not dead, he is weak now, but not dead
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You are forgetting one important thing... real Emperor as he was described in Revan is Pure blooded Sith...and who did you kill in JK last fight? Muman male...his voice, Emperor is not dead, he is weak now, but not dead


Pretty much.


Remember that Scourge probably didn't have the Emperor in his line of sight when he called you near the end of A3.

He didn't visually ID the Emperor, he just felt his presence.


When we first meet the Emperor his face is covered by a "brainmask." When we meet him on DK he has no brainmask, thus we assume that the face we see is his real one. But the Emperor is described in Revan as having become a new species, his own species (due to eating a freaking planet).


The Emperor Lives, You Will See Him Soon.

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You are forgetting one important thing... real Emperor as he was described in Revan is Pure blooded Sith...and who did you kill in JK last fight? Muman male...his voice, Emperor is not dead, he is weak now, but not dead


Hall Hood actually said that the JK killed the emperors real body.

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Well as someone already stated, it is pointless to argue because BW left the entire thing in a such state that they can either bring him back or make him dead.



To me he is dead. First, if he wasn't dead then the entire JK storyline is pointless, as well as Exile's death and Scourge's storyline. And who cares if someone hears his voice in his head. Luke was hearing Obi-Wan's voice in his head yet Obi-Wan was dead.


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Either way, only goes to show what I've been saying for some time now: Some people in this forum, whenever there's something inconvenient, deliberately overlook(!) or even ignore(!!!) stuff shown in the game itself.


I think this is too harsh to say, since the info on the emperor is (probably) intentionally contradictory and vague.

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You'll all look dumb when the Peter Capaldi emperor comes back in the next expansion.

The Emperor's Law:


If some [idiot] can [screw] something up, that [idiot] will pick the worst possible time to [freaking] [screw] up because that [idiot]'s an [idiot].


He's got a little hologram of that one in his wallet.

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I think this is too harsh to say, since the info on the emperor is (probably) intentionally contradictory and vague.


Not really, since the Emperor's Hand have a direct connection to the Emperor. I assume Governor Saresh, the SiS and the Jedi don't, not to mention what I said already in another comment, concerning Suri and the other Children.


Again, the game clearly states that the Emperor is not dead, at the end of the SW storyline and RoTHC, if you play - yet again - with a SW. People just choose to ignore it, like they choose to ignore everything they find inconvenient, whenever they come up with something they find "cool".

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it is my understanding that the Emperor can not ever truely die.


Also, Darth Marr says at the end of the Makeb story line that he is in fact not dead and will therefore not be mourned. Again, he could be lying to you, but why would he? he has no reason to lie. The truth serves him way better or, if he wanted to lie, he could just say, the emperor is dead and therefore I must rule the empire. But he doesn't do that.


Quote Darth Marr: "They speak truth, the Emperor is gone, dying is not dead, no matter what propagandas say, he will not be mourned". So you can say, he's in a coma or behaving like someone in a coma.

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