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40,000 credits??!!


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That's a @$@#%^!@ outrage!


1. The amount is simply ridiculous and way too high.


2. With #1 being kept firmly in mind; SOME FREAKING WARNING WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE - maybe could have saved for it, instead of recently shelling out 20,000 credits for an extra row of baggage space.


I just hit 25 for the first time and the game's just gone from being fun for the story and play's sake, to whoring for credits. Great job, Bioware. What really pisses me off as an old school gamer is knowing that the absurdity of this will sink into some thick producer's skull sometime down the line and the price will be lowered...


lotta good that does the rest of us now.


#1 lol@wowplayers


#2 The skill is listed in the window at your skill trainer. I'm sure you looked at the entire list of skills you can learn from him? You had warning.


#3 As an "old school" gamer you should be well aware that this game is no where near a currency whore as games from the early MMO times(i.e. RO, UO, FFXI, EQ, RS among others).

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it is fairly expensive


i've been working on my Crew Skills and have taken my Armormech to level 210 which is consistent for my player level of 25 where i can create armor and etc for my appropiate level but I am seriously regretting it now as I can't even get a mount


that nice purple shiny STAP is just sitting in my inventory...


maybe you shouldn't have spent so much money levelling a crafting skill to 210 before level 25 then? you can't even use the stuff you make at 210, you're too low level.

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That's a @$@#%^!@ outrage!


1. The amount is simply ridiculous and way too high.


2. With #1 being kept firmly in mind; SOME FREAKING WARNING WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE - maybe could have saved for it, instead of recently shelling out 20,000 credits for an extra row of baggage space.


I just hit 25 for the first time and the game's just gone from being fun for the story and play's sake, to whoring for credits. Great job, Bioware. What really pisses me off as an old school gamer is knowing that the absurdity of this will sink into some thick producer's skull sometime down the line and the price will be lowered...


lotta good that does the rest of us now.


seriously..... NOBODY said ANYTHING in general or in guild chat about the price of the mount, or you werent at least curious as to the price of it?


And how is this anyones fault other than your own?

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If you go slicing you'll have a few hundred thousand credits by the time your lvl 25. Its very overpowered in credit making.


I don't know if you're joking or what. I'm a slicer and it's definitely NOT overpowered. At level 30 I have barely 30K; and no, I don't buy everything at every vendor. Most profitable slicing missions return less than two hundred credits profit, many fail completely and even more lose credits.


Slicing was OP during the first few days, but it's gone way underpowered since the second patch during EGA.

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Take slicing and don't craft til 50. I'm guessing OP was a prolific crafter too, I only was barely able to afford to buy speeder am now a slicer as I got just 6k credits at lvl28, too much FP and pvp.


you don't need slicing. I would have more then enough if I never crafted. But crafting isn't suppose to be end game only. So crafters have a choice, no crafting or no vehicle. Thanks bioware thats really crappy design

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Pssh the price is fine.


I didnt even have to farm for it. I had 48k at 25 no problem. I did have the common sense to find out how much id need tho.


I remember in wow when the mount at 40 cost 90 gold. and I had to spend like a whole day killing these little *********** scorpions and **** just to get enough cash.


So heres a PRO TIP for playing MMOs: Check ahead to see how much the mounts are going to be, and PLAN ACCORDINGLY.

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1 - Stupid to throw away your money on the second expansion option on your bags at 20k - stupid!


2 - You get a warning at level 20 to START SAVING for mount - HOW Much clearer can it be??


3 - 40k is easy at level 25 unless you are clueless as to how to play MMOs.


4 - Kids want it all for free nowaday - SWTOR is easy mode already not moan about making noobish errors to.

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lol, i wasted all my money for crafting till lvl 22. then i started to collect credits and bought my speeder with lvl25.


This is what I have been doing. It's amazing how many credits you go through with Underworld Trading, only to reverse engineer your craft. It's just throwing money away. I'm 21 now, and I think I am going to start saving to 40k.

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No, it's not.




You got a warning when you hit level 20. Unfortunately, it was a tutorial and anyone who turned off tutorials probably didn't see it.


Oh, got it... That's why I did not see the stated warning.


I am at Lvl 22, and have been spending pretty freely, and I only have about 12K. I have made 40K, 50K easy... I figure, though, at the rate creds are increasing, 40K will not be an issue by 25.


However, while I don't think we need to be as dramatic as the OP, I also don't think you should *have* to read the forums to play the game. (Don't get me wrong, I love the forums, but they should be "extra", not "integral".)


The 40K creds for vehicles represents a massive jump in skill cost relative to what the player has seen thus far at that point. It should be made pretty obvious that it's coming, not buried in a tutorial that anyone who has ever played an MMO turns off immediately.

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That's a @$@#%^!@ outrage!


1. The amount is simply ridiculous and way too high.


2. With #1 being kept firmly in mind; SOME FREAKING WARNING WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE - maybe could have saved for it, instead of recently shelling out 20,000 credits for an extra row of baggage space.


I just hit 25 for the first time and the game's just gone from being fun for the story and play's sake, to whoring for credits. Great job, Bioware. What really pisses me off as an old school gamer is knowing that the absurdity of this will sink into some thick producer's skull sometime down the line and the price will be lowered...


lotta good that does the rest of us now.


I honestly thought so too, until I reached 25. I had to hold off on spending from level 23 or so but I had the money before I new it, and I've used the AH less than 10 times so far.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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I'd really like to hear peoples strategies here. As I said: My slicer had a lot of money since that's what slicing does. With my Juggernaut I can barely keep aboive 20k because all the money I make from questing flows into buying new skills. So, essentially, "how I mine for creds"?


Edit: Granted that all those amazing "lol I had 235346346 credits at lvl 9" types aren't, ya know, talking out of their behinds.

Edited by FerrusPA
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It is relative; it is a substantial investment for some, and for others, it is pocket change. Just save up, and do some side quests, some PvP, or even do a space mission or two. Getting the credits is not overly hard, it all depends on how much effort you put into it.
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