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The tactics of GSF


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27) The Gandalf - Whether by skill, circumstance, or just plain old luck, this guy somehow manages to stay alive to defend his satellite against all odds, preventing takeover for far longer than should be possible. Not to be confused with The Hummingbird, this tenacious fellow actively attempts to shoot down his attackers, with varying degrees of success.


28) The Federale - The Federale is often first to volunteer to serve his team by taking up node protection duty. Unfortunately the quality of this protection is suspect. Soon the lure of requisition tempts him away from his node in search of easy kills and a quick payday, leaving the node ripe for conquest by enemy scouts.

Edited by Svarthrafn
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Actually, a Scout armed with a 100% ArPen weapon (be it burst-fire, or rocket pods) can be a *very* effective at Don Quixoting. With just 1 Distortion, he can clear all 3 turrets VERY quickly and capture the turret, if nobody's watching it. Done that many times, and this is a very efficient strategy - not a comical fayl archetype.


Of course, when you succeed it's called The Ronin. You only pull The Don Quixote when you fail.

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Is there a title for the guy who constantly barks orders in chat is inevitably one of the worst players?


He's all like 'Defend the SATS!!' and then you see him dying to capital ship turrets because he chased a ship back to its base.

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Is there a title for the guy who constantly barks orders in chat is inevitably one of the worst players?


He's all like 'Defend the SATS!!' and then you see him dying to capital ship turrets because he chased a ship back to its base.


How about The Ahab one who follows his obsession into certain death, despite his well reasoned chat tactics

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How about The Ahab one who follows his obsession into certain death, despite his well reasoned chat tactics


I think something like The Chihuahua is more appropiate for the situation he asked. Basicly someone barking a lot of orders on chat, acting like a powerful big dog... but in the end is only a small dog with a crappy attitude and lack of power

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The Retro guy: The retro thrusters armed guy that is completely invincible except when he reverses into that foot-wide girder that randomly sticks out of the wall where you never expect it.


Lol. I've committed so many Faux Kevorkians due to this.

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28) The Federale - The Federale is often first to volunteer to serve his team by taking up node protection duty. Unfortunately the quality of this protection is suspect. Soon the lure of requisition tempts him away from his node in search of easy kills and a quick payday, leaving the node ripe for conquest by enemy scouts.


Guilty as charged. In my case it's also always preluded by "Screw this! It's just a game" self-rationalization.


Another one is:

The Fatalist - starts a GSF match without bothering to play the tutorial first. Gets his *** handed to him, spends the next hour spamming Fleet general how terrible GSF is and that SWTOR is dying.

Edited by Kozor
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I have a few others in the theme of Star Wars:


The Han Solo - This combines the original movie, A New Hope, and the spoof done by Family Guy. In A New Hope the Falcon has left Mos Eisley and is being pursued by Imperial warships and Han mentions he knows a few maneuvers and he will lose them. Well to everyone the maneuver is a slow left turn, Chris mentions "That is your big maneuver, a slow drifting left turn?" Now how this applies in GSF is you have used your defensive and repair cooldowns, have no rear shields and three scouts on your tail, about all you can do is a slow left turn and then respawn.


The Darth Vader - The B satelite in Kuat Mesas is surrounded by a rock formation on all sides, kinda like a tunnel. I cruise way above B, much higher than most will look, set to full engine power, when an enemy comes over the top of the B I swoop down like Darth Vader in A New Hope and destroy the ships trying to take out the turrets on B, just like Vader in the trench leading to the exhaust port.


The "Stay on Target" - For this all you need to do is lock onto a turret or a gunship sitting still and no matter who or what is shooting at you, you stay on target and keep firing no matter what to destroy it. Tends to set you up for The Darth Vader.


The Porkins - Sometimes this can happen to you if you get a bug and are flying full throttle to a satellite and for some reason you "can't hold it" and you fly into it and explode.

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The Han Solo - This combines the original movie, A New Hope, and the spoof done by Family Guy. In A New Hope the Falcon has left Mos Eisley and is being pursued by Imperial warships and Han mentions he knows a few maneuvers and he will lose them. Well to everyone the maneuver is a slow left turn, Chris mentions "That is your big maneuver, a slow drifting left turn?" Now how this applies in GSF is you have used your defensive and repair cooldowns, have no rear shields and three scouts on your tail, about all you can do is a slow left turn and then respawn.


The Porkins - Sometimes this can happen to you if you get a bug and are flying full throttle to a satellite and for some reason you "can't hold it" and you fly into it and explode.


I've done that Han Solo move far too often when dogfighting 1v1 with someone that is probably only about 500m from my own ship. The fact we are both doing it tends to mean we either orbit each other forever, wait for someone else to come along and poke one of us, or someone gets fed up, peels off and tries another approach.


Also seen quite a few SDs that would be similar to Porkins. AFAIK the ship doesnt clip anything, it just explodes. :jawa_confused:

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The Retro guy: The retro thrusters armed guy that is completely invincible except when he reverses into that foot-wide girder that randomly sticks out of the wall where you never expect it.


...Yeah. This. Also when I jerk the mouse just a little too much before pushing the button and go off at a somewhat different angle than I was intending to. There's that terrifying second of realization...and then the boost of shame back to the point.

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6) The humming bird. The tactic of circling tightly around a satellite to get cover and make it nearly impossible to get a missle lock.


27) The Gandalf - Whether by skill, circumstance, or just plain old luck, this guy somehow manages to stay alive to defend his satellite against all odds, preventing takeover for far longer than should be possible. Not to be confused with The Hummingbird, this tenacious fellow actively attempts to shoot down his attackers, with varying degrees of success.


I generally try for the Gandalf but if all else fails I go for the hummingbird to deny it to the enemy for as long as possible.



17) The Evel Knievel. Pilot who tries stupidly risky maneuvers and sometimes smacks in that girder he was sure he'd baaaaarely miss.


The Darth Vader - The B satelite in Kuat Mesas is surrounded by a rock formation on all sides, kinda like a tunnel. I cruise way above B, much higher than most will look, set to full engine power, when an enemy comes over the top of the B I swoop down like Darth Vader in A New Hope and destroy the ships trying to take out the turrets on B, just like Vader in the trench leading to the exhaust port.


The "Stay on Target" - For this all you need to do is lock onto a turret or a gunship sitting still and no matter who or what is shooting at you, you stay on target and keep firing no matter what to destroy it. Tends to set you up for The Darth Vader.


Definitely done all of these. I suggest a variation of The "Stay on Target":


The Arvel Crynyd Like Arvel Crynyd during the Battle of Endor (he flies his A-Wing into the bridge of the Super Star Destroyer) after suffering critical damage during an attack run you devote your final moments to successfully taking out the largest threat within range (either the original target or an additional target of opportunity). While tunnel vision may lead The "Stay on Target" pilot to be unaware of impending death until it is too late The Arvel Crynyd pilot is fully aware that they are going to die, embraced that fact, resolved to take the largest threat in the area down with them, and will stay alive long enough to destroy this target.


And a variant of The Team Player:

The Wedge Antilles - Like Wedge in the movies through a combination of luck and skill they manage to survive all but the most catastrophic damage to continue the fight. Their ability to survive compliments their team play tactics often makes the difference between holding the line and having an objective fall to the enemy. This makes them among the most valuable of the elite few practitioners of The Team Player.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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Did you have to call it "Gunship Bukkake"???


I used to work in a video store back in the teen years, and sadly it was fully equipped with an adult section, and even more sadly, that term is reminding me why I bottom-shelved any video with the horrific "B" name.



Couldn't we just call it Gunship Mafia or something???


The flashbacks of those movie covers are KILLING me man!



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Did you have to call it "Gunship Bukkake"???


I used to work in a video store back in the teen years, and sadly it was fully equipped with an adult section, and even more sadly, that term is reminding me why I bottom-shelved any video with the horrific "B" name.



Couldn't we just call it Gunship Mafia or something???


The flashbacks of those movie covers are KILLING me man!




Haha... sorry D... This happens alot of Shadowlands... where a 1/3 (that would be 4 gunships on each side on a full 12 v 12) )of the ships on the field are playing gunships, with everyone else in the middle getting hit... No fun to be had there. I share your disgust, but its appropriate for that disgusting situation.


So.. If you are stuck in a gunship bukakke... immediately stop. Wait for an hour.... and go wash your hands... :eek:

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Haha... sorry D... This happens alot of Shadowlands... where a 1/3 (that would be 4 gunships on each side on a full 12 v 12) )of the ships on the field are playing gunships, with everyone else in the middle getting hit... No fun to be had there. I share your disgust, but its appropriate for that disgusting situation.


So.. If you are stuck in a gunship bukakke... immediately stop. Wait for an hour.... and go wash your hands... :eek:


I wouldnt say 1/3 because you can get 4,5 gunships on an 8 man team. *cough* Pub side *cough*. But yes, the name is adequate considering that is what usually happens on The Shadowlands (And another warning, sometimes people use Flashfires/Stings with cluster missiles to do the same)

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I was speaking of a 12 vs 12 fight with at least 8 on the field total.. 4 on each side. The republic side favors this. Its the kind of fight I hate the most no matter which side I am on. Even if you avoid getting #!%^@ on, they steal all your kills.


Like I said... I just drop GSF for a while. In about an hour its usually fine.

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:rak_03:The updated GSF tactics list as of 03JAN2014:rak_03:


1) The Tick. The tick likes to go hull down in a location that is really hard to get them out of. Usually a favored tactic of gunships, but every class likes to nuzzle up under a satellite.


2) The Sumo. When a fighter sits stationary on top of the satellite and dares anyone to knock him over. Almost always done with a gunship, but I have seen it done with a pike before as well. All the turrets are usually out and very similar to the pr1ck, but they are pretty visible where the pr1ck just likes to hide behind something.


3) The Grover Dill/Bait Fish . Perhaps I have watched “A Christmas Story” one too many times. Grover Dill was a bully that hung out with the biggest bully “Scut Farkis”. When someone fought back, the very last thing you see of him in that movie is him running off yelling “I’m going to get my Dad!” So, what I have termed “The Grover Dill” is when someone is getting smacked around, tucks their tail between their legs and runs to their base ship. When it is done intentionally, than it’s a bait fish instead.


4) The Scut Farkis. See above for etymology of the name. The Scut Farkis isn’t really a tactic, but more of a situation when a gunship snipes the wrong guy, who then chases him around the board for the rest of the game.


5) The pr1ck. A gunship that hides behind a turret. They don’t want to play the game, they just want to shoot people.


6) The humming bird. The tactic of circling tightly around a satellite to get cover and make it nearly impossible to get a missle lock.


7) Gunship Bukkake. Yeah, I know the title is a bit gross… It’s when there are a total of 6 or more gunships on the playing field. That’s all the description I am going to give on that one. Everyone here can figure it out from there. Personally, when I see this happen, I stop GSF for at least 4 hours.


8) The Vulture: A player, usually in a scout, who zooms around the map finishing off wounded enemies and stealing everyone else's kills.


9) Miles Gloriosus This guy zooms all over the map in search of kills. Any help you receive capturing or defending an objective is merely coincidental with him happening to be in the same place at the right time. Doesn't care if his team wins or loses, so long as he can get his name at the top of the scoreboard, and be the "best" loser. Often flies Flashfire or Sting, but may also choose Blackbolt/Novadive.


10) The Team Player: This is a very rare specimen, but when found, you'll have a high chance to win the game, as they are the pros of GSF. They know when to guard, when to chase and when to support. They care about their teammates, as they know that 2 pilots are usually better than one.


11) The AFK'er: The most dreaded of them all... Yep, it's the AFK'er. The player flies out to get 1 medal, and then flies back to his capital ship/suicides back there, and then sits there the entire game. And when their team inevitably loses due to having X amount of missing players (there might be more than 1 AFK'er on a team, mind you), he'll just queue up again to get his daily done.


12) Dr. Kevorkian The Dr. likes to intentionally suicide to either rob someone of a kill, esp. when being focused by a Swarm or in order to reload missiles.


13) The Swarm That cluster of 3-5 scouts seemingly always on your 6.


14) The Faux Kevorkian This guy may appear to have suicided himself to deny someone else a kill. In reality, he is just not a very good pilot in tight spaces.


15) The Fat Finger This hapless fellow has a habit of accidentally hitting his barrel roll button while trying to activate something else. Usually this occurs at the most inopportune times, sending him careening into obstacles.


16) The Copycat: After this kind of player dies against you, immedately picks the mirror ship you used (like Sting/Flashfire), and does every single move you did against him thinking that it will be a success, which usually ends up as a backfire.


17) The Evel Knievel. Pilot who tries stupidly risky maneuvers and sometimes smacks in that girder he was sure he'd baaaaarely miss.


18) Pack Animal - This player only follows the heard. He'll never stay at an objective, never seek enemy targets and is oblivious to what the 3 dots represent. He's not a wing man nor an asset, as his only job seems to be following the largest group of green dots around the map.


19) The sightseer - This type of player is often found wandering off by himself, flying low or high, taking in the beauty of his surroundings, oblivious to both enemies and objectives.


20) The *****hole: a variant of the tick. He hides his scout all the way in a corner of a satellite, but additionally puts a sensor beacon in front of him. You can only approach him facing directly into his guns, and you have to destroy his beacon first before you can damage him.


21) The Ronin/ Don Quixote - goes off to try to single cap the furthest away enemy held sat without any friendly support, you know, the one with three turrets up. If you win.. You’re a ****** ronin. If you lose you’re a silly Don Quixote


22) Spinney Susan- Where a scout pilot is often lost due to constantly out-running/maneuvering missile locks that he looses all orientation of where the hell went. He lives to fight on but it takes him a minute to find the satellite he was attacking/defending....


23) The attack dog/ The Ahab/ The "Stay on Target"/ The Arvel Crynyd – Someone who gets so focused on one particular enemy, they start doing stupid things… like standing still while they are obviously getting 3 or 4 lock ons. Going nose to nose, at range, with a gunship because its less than 20% health. Easily one who follows his obsession into certain death, despite his well- reasoned chat tactics. The Arvel is a variation of this, but just intentionally suicidal.


24) The deer - One who is instantly spooked by a lock on tone, hits their thrust, and runs into a rock or unintentionally runs into traffic.


25) The Homer/ The Porkins - Similar to the deer, the fat fingered and the faux Kavorkian, but just gets so caught up in a fight they accidentally self destruct to the surprise of the pilot who often yells out "Doh!"


26) The Gandalf - Whether by skill, circumstance, or just plain old luck, this guy somehow manages to stay alive to defend his satellite against all odds, preventing takeover for far longer than should be possible. Not to be confused with The Hummingbird, this tenacious fellow actively attempts to shoot down his attackers, with varying degrees of success.


27) The Federale - The Federale is often first to volunteer to serve his team by taking up node protection duty. Unfortunately the quality of this protection is suspect. Soon the lure of requisition tempts him away from his node in search of easy kills and a quick payday, leaving the node ripe for conquest by enemy scouts.


28) The Retro guy: The retro thrusters armed guy that is completely invincible except when he reverses into that foot-wide girder that randomly sticks out of the wall where you never expect it.


29) The Chihuahua is Basically someone barking a lot of orders on chat, acting like a powerful big dog... but in the end is only a small dog with a crappy attitude and lack of power.


30) The Fatalist - starts a GSF match without bothering to play the tutorial first. Gets his *** handed to him, spends the next hour spamming Fleet general how terrible GSF is and that SWTOR is dying.


31) The Han Solo - This combines the original movie, A New Hope, and the spoof done by Family Guy. In A New Hope the Falcon has left Mos Eisley and is being pursued by Imperial warships and Han mentions he knows a few maneuvers and he will lose them. Well to everyone the maneuver is a slow left turn, Chris mentions "That is your big maneuver, a slow drifting left turn?" Now how this applies in GSF is you have used your defensive and repair cooldowns, have no rear shields and three scouts on your tail, about all you can do is a slow left turn and then respawn.


32) The Darth Vader - The B satelite in Kuat Mesas is surrounded by a rock formation on all sides, kinda like a tunnel. I cruise way above B, much higher than most will look, set to full engine power, when an enemy comes over the top of the B I swoop down like Darth Vader in A New Hope and destroy the ships trying to take out the turrets on B, just like Vader in the trench leading to the exhaust port.


33) Farmer Brown – Farmer brown is the player that sees some inexperienced players on the field and farms them. Farmer Brown usually over farms, and you never see that person on GSF again. That and/or they become AFKers for the rest of the match.

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Guilty as charged of the Arvel... I charged a gunship because I know it would go down while killing me... and I had 3 strikers on my 6. Also guilty of the Darth Vader and a unintentional Ronin. Actually, can we have that?


Unintentional Ronin: goes along with the plan to send most of the fighters to a sat, then finds out that he was the only one to follow orders, and dies alone.

Edited by Caprindo
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There one tactic I didn't find a good listing for yet. The open space manned turret scout.


Everyone sees a motionless target, comes screaming towards me like they're going to kill a gunship... but I'm not a gunship, I'm a scout with quad cannons, cluster missiles, and attitude.

Edited by Jobeleca
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There one tactic I didn't find a good listing for yet. The open space manned turret scout.


Everyone sees a motionless target, comes screaming towards me like they're going to kill a gunship... but I'm not a gunship, I'm a scout with quad cannons, cluster missiles, and attitude.


How about The Laser Buoy?


What do you call the tactic when he has to hightail it out of there with an engine ability because someone lobbed a proton at him from 10k out?

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I am personally a combination of the Gandalf and Darth Vader most of the time, especially on my Strike Fighter. Staying back to defend. The Vader especially can basically be done in Scouts and Strike Fighters around any satellite really. It just depends on being the patient kind who waits for an enemy to get close and then get the jump behind them, instead of being the kind that flies head first into battle to try and get a few shots in as early as possible.


How about this one:


The Shadow/Assassin: That one scout who constantly jumps from cover to cover to get behind the gunships before killing them. Wasting way too much time on being in the middle of nowhere but, when played well, does keep the enemy gunships from getting any kills.


The Leeroy: The Scout who flies head-to-head towards a gunship, hoping to out shoot him. Can be succesful with Evasion cooldowns.

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