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Everything posted by Caprindo

  1. Guilty as charged of the Arvel... I charged a gunship because I know it would go down while killing me... and I had 3 strikers on my 6. Also guilty of the Darth Vader and a unintentional Ronin. Actually, can we have that? Unintentional Ronin: goes along with the plan to send most of the fighters to a sat, then finds out that he was the only one to follow orders, and dies alone.
  2. Yep. Yes I know. I was simply saying you have a different view on the subject mister Pot5 imp. Don't want to sound like a bantha about it, just saying. Something tells me most of these people are playing on average servers. Just speculating.
  3. Yeah, that could be bad. I think giving scouts or strikes some sort of EMP to deal with drones would be useful... or perhaps making mines (mostly) minor damage and small ranged. Perhaps a limit, like the demo's stick bombs in TF2. Although, I will say, i have no problem with gunships once I get on the ball about avoiding flying directly towards them, so I imagine bombers may have some form of that as well, where they have a crippling weakness if you can make use of it.
  4. Going to start this out by saying this is just my opinion. You play on the POT5 server, which means you most likely play with "Hardcore" pilots most of the time. Just like the difference between a Hobby gamer and a full-on gamer, you most likely experience every opportune moment of slight imbalance, one way or another. So, more people will be willing to simply just pay to get the best ship, as everyone will be grinding that particular aspect a lot more than in a normal server. Meanwhile, in the normal server, people will be simply getting to that point by playing, not paying. So, the people who pay will most likely be at a skill disadvantage, which in a game like this, is about half of the total value of a player. Furthermore, you will most likely see that on a normal server, players have everything in moderation, as it is not devoted to this. You are arguing two completely different points, from two completely different perspectives. If you want to simplify this, think of a wine connoisseur vs. a person who drinks wine on Fridays.
  5. I have played most of the Imperial classes to level 20 or above. I found that my Inquisitor and Warrior were very interesting, the Bounty Hunter was a bit of a Duke-nukem. (Its time to be a jerk and kick butt. rinse repeat) My Imperial Agent was just plain cool. He had some interesting light side/ darkside choices.
  6. If they made them one and the same, then people on both sides would be complaining. In either way, if we had 2 of the same ability, people would say that its only worth playing through 1, as the after affect would be the same. This also goes for Warrior/Knight.
  7. 8/10. Isn't Callisto a moon or a mis-pronunciation of Kaliyo? (Great name either way.) Caprindak. No legacy. (Every char. I make is caprin- something. Unless someone steals my names.)
  8. My poor spleen takes a beating if I try to guard dps. I do tank extraordinarily well though, so I don't think its me.
  9. Meh... Immortal can provide alot learning room.
  10. It heavily depends on how your playing. Flashpoints will favor Tanks and healers due to rarity, but general pve will want dps. That said, tanking with a healing companion will let you spend little downtime and a little maneuvering room in terms of L2P. Experience rules all though.
  11. Meh. it would be good to see some friendly snipers here and there. Seen like, 5, and they are all fully geared and have the "Uber-cool" attitude...
  12. Is there a way to make a not-so-discreet hint towards a slight reward for a role-played capture or some-such scenario?
  13. My guild, the Dark Brotherhood, is as you say. We don't do ops (at least that I know of), but that can be remedied with a few more players who are willing to do stuff other than rp. (I apologize for not knowing the status having patcher problems. ) Contact Necsys for an invite. (I may also be on in 2-4 days, Caprindak.)
  14. well, to put this in complete perspective, it's a complete gameplay style thing. Some people (not me) like to be able to turn the tide of a battle by themselves, I call these "gloryhounds". Avoid games with them. I perfer to be as a queen in chess, holding the line, and then dancing on the corpses of my enemies, my loyal pocket medic calling for a pair of bongos.
  15. Somewhat useful thread. Remember, back in the starting period, sniper was simply a bunch of people like "DPSDPSDPSDPS LARGE SHOTGUN DPS" and then realizing that it wasn't all that great, and rerolling. Good to know they improved.
  16. Interrupts are important. I think, somewhere in the immortal tree, there is also a skill that gives you 2 second invulribility when saberward is cast. I cheesed off'd a marauder with that one so many times.
  17. I, from a game-play point of view, say you should play Marauder. Unless you have the extra char slots, or plan to just PL legacy, the refreshing taste of blood will be nice. I, from a logical point of view, say you should play Juggernaut. You have experience with said class, and two words: tank=missle. (Unless you count = as a word. In that case, you may be a meatbag.) I, from a personal point of view, scream Jugg. BACKHAND AND FORCE PUSH<DOUBLE LIGHTSABERS. EVEN IN RAIDS. Sorry about that.
  18. Awwww.... my immortal was doing so poorly in pvp to. On a happier note, this means that as juggs, we will be better at soloing if we go hybrid. And flashpoints won't be as bad if both BH and Warrior turn up tank.
  19. This is definitely a good advice thread. For my 1 cent: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101GMGzudrdszZfMM.2 That is what has been getting my level 27 around so far. Only had a problem taking Rathari, and I solved that by screaming, hitting call on force accidently, and then wiping the spittle off my screen. Would be free to constructive criticism still. or E-cookies.
  20. Perhaps the guardians are unsure of their grip on the sword. Good thing the Sith are sure or dead. (Giggle)
  21. Excuse the 2-day necropost, but I think foci, in general, have higher starter stats, so they are better before you mod them. (Don't have a side-by-side, but a foci generally has higher strength then endurance, meaning higher maxed stats for said skill)
  22. Love my Jug day in and day out. That aside, some play styles/players/ combos/rotations/ specs are better than others. My personal PVE spec will be linked. However a powertech may be better playing with a sniper, or any other ranged dps/healing, due to the aoe. This can and should be negated by the raid/group following orders and focusing on the correct targets. (Like blaming the healer, but on the more expensive player) My jug has beaten a powertech 3-2 levels above him in single combat though.I was level 24-ish at the time, and had no stims or buffs. (Aside from just beening on the racial for warriors.) http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101GMGzudrdszZfMM.2
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