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Skilled pilots? PFAH...TEAMWORK wins the match


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I've seen tons of posts and replies about "skilled pilots", from both factions, and I gotta say...bunk. Geared up ship? Also bunk.

I've played enough solo matches to know pre-made groups by names when I see them, and they always roll. One on one? I've killed every "Board Topper" other-faction player out there on my server at least once if not multiple times. But so what? When a group works together they win the match.

Case in point...today, I played a match grouped with one guy as my wingman (who is much better than me, by the way, I'm flattered he groups with me) There was another name I knew on our team, and the rest were 3-ship players that I'd never seen (and there aren't that many players on my server currently, so I know a lot of them, especially the ones that regularly play at the same times I do). On the other side was a partial pre-made- four names that I ALWAYS see together, and I recognized most of the others. Experienced, "skilled" pilots.

We rolled 'em. Took two points, defended them well, gunships and strikes and scouts all doing what they do best. We won.

The other side started out cocky, then got frustrated and started "grudge chasing" our players (who didn't fall for it, coming back to the points and back-up, bless 'em), and then they just started chasing kills.

SAME EXACT SCENARIO, an hour later...SAME pre-made 4, and a group of players on the other side that I fear. Except this time, we GOT rolled...we took 2 points, and then all the strikes ran off hunting kills, leaving our gunships hanging in the breeze and the points undefended. The other side, meanwhile, played together brilliantly...scouts to draw cover off, strikes to kick butt, gunships to defend and cover. Solid team playing, and we lost.

I applaud "skilled pilots". Sniper, dogfighter, missileer, gunship strike or scout, whatever you are, you should be proud of your ability

But credit where credit is due, please...12 pilots out to "top the board", no matter how good they are, do not guarantee a win.

So I doff my hat to the great team players out there. Nice work.

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what's your server, just curious as you've said it lacks GSF players.


you do want to have a couple blood thirsty killers on your team but you are correct that you don't want the whole team.


unfortunately those blood thirsty killers are too well rewarded for their blood lust with a heap of medals.


there should be a medal(s) for shrugging of lots of damage or as the PvEers call it tanking

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There should be medals for any of the play that actually wins games.


Enemies take A, your team takes C. B is in enemy hands almost- it's almost all red. But you circle that bastard hard. Five bandits come, but you and one other guy hump that sat like a dog before his appointment for fixin. The two of you CC five bandits this way, and then suddenly A goes neutral in large part because your actions guaranteed numbers over there. The bandits split, and you get reinforce. Eventually you get both B and C, and the points start rolling in.


Up until this point, you got the same credit that the guy tabbed out jackjacking to Princess Peach has got. The guys over at A get all the credit for beating up all those enemies that you weakened by taking their support. That's a pretty big flaw in the reward system.


Unless, of course, you're Princess Peach.


Who always wins anyway.

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You took B because of no enemy gunship was there to take you down. Instead they brought 5 fighters to dance around the sattelite with you. '2 guys CC 5' is a bad example of bad teamplay and team composition at all. Edited by Akfourtys
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They see me rollin', they hatin'. 1600-2k req in a losing match as lonewolf "ace-hole". On a Blackbolt, no less :)


But yes, I definitely agree that teamwork is king, as far as winning matches (which doesn't always translate into better requisition gain, or even fun on a personal level) is concerned. Even a good pilot in an upgraded ship can only do so much. Covering your buddy's tail can go a long way, as well as successful management of objectives. Properly coordinated teams of 2 can hold/deny a satellite for a considerable amount of time - and well-played 4s can practically win matches almost on their own.

Edited by Helig
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OP is correct.


The "good" pilots out there aren't as good as they think. The gap between "good" pilots, and everybody else is really quite small, and pushed a little wider by gear. But if they all stick together and always engage at numerical advantage, they will pwn people.


Most of the "good" pilots very rarely engage in 1 on 1's, or engage outnumbered, because that's just a stupid way to play this game.


Sad thing is that it goes to their heads and they think they have some god-given uber-skillz or something. Teamwork wins fights.

Edited by Svarthrafn
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It is a combination of alot of stuff.


A premade can be made of 4 people who is not really that good and still you go in there single handed dealing with each one of them.


Team work + good piloting skills = what really make the day, just flocking something shooting in random directions doesn't help anything.


Often been in situations where my team left me alone at some spot and some premade group comes in trying to take my rock....pew pew pew... there goes one.... lock onthe other he panicks flying away engaging the one other person... pew pew pew.. hes dead.... the panicking guy comes back for more... then is chased down and killed... resuming quiet guard duty... 3 turrets are up... you go an help your friends taking the last satelite having them all... and then just fly to whereever you are losing a turret.

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Your right teamwork is the way to win.


I Q up solo every day, not because I have no friends or a small guild. But simply because I have more characters doing the dailies that the others in my guild and I can tell when I am in trouble before the match even starts. When you see your team list fill up slowly, while the other side is almost full and there is 60 seconds before you launch. That normally means they have groups and you don't. When I see our side select all Gunships and fighters to begin with and I'm the only guy in a scout ship. To me that means we have no balance and they will have most of the sat's from the start. It's uphill all the way then.


It's all about teamwork, ship balance and defending the sat's you have captured. Although not impossible for a team that does not know each other to win. Stick four on voice comms together and they will make a huge difference.

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PvP requires all three, folks. Teamwork, skill, gear. If you've got two, you're doing alright. If you've got a team full of 2-and-3-shippers, probably not. Because it isn't just your gear and skill, it's everyone else on your side. I've sat there topping the chart, gold medal at the end, accounting for half of my side's total medals. Obviously, it's a loss. One person, no matter how good, cannot carry an entire match. What they can do is tip the balance of the fight. And most of the time, that's all that's needed.
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well put rcs being good or haveing upgrades or ships it really boils down to how well atleast 6 people play togther because 6 or even 5 players working together can do miricals in a match but it takes work


anyone can win you just have to play smart and we dont allways do that even i am guilty of it

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It's all about teamwork, ship balance and defending the sat's you have captured. Although not impossible for a team that does not know each other to win. Stick four on voice comms together and they will make a huge difference.


Oh yeah. It isn't IMPOSSIBLE for a pick-up team to beat a pre-made, I've been on teams that have done it, but BOY, is it hard. 12 on 12, if 4 on the other side are a group that flies together all the time, you have your work cut out for you.

Even a small group on Skype or Murmur or whatever becomes terrifying.

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Team work is definitely important.


However, you throw in a squad of ace pilots and team work is no longer necessary when they keep the enemy team pinned down at their mothership.


Source: Our premade does this 9/10 matches.The rest of the pugs on our team just fly circles waiting for it to end.

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Team work is definitely important.


However, you throw in a squad of ace pilots and team work is no longer necessary when they keep the enemy team pinned down at their mothership.


Source: Our premade does this 9/10 matches.The rest of the pugs on our team just fly circles waiting for it to end.


You know, I've been wondering about using this as a tactic...I only tried it once, heading to the enemy spawn point to kill 'em before they were ready, and it seemed to work. It seemed to really throw the other side, and we won the match. So you're saying that your premade keeps the enemy pinned just inside the spawn area? Interesting. Cool idea.

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You know, I've been wondering about using this as a tactic...I only tried it once, heading to the enemy spawn point to kill 'em before they were ready, and it seemed to work. It seemed to really throw the other side, and we won the match. So you're saying that your premade keeps the enemy pinned just inside the spawn area? Interesting. Cool idea.


You won the match, but you wouldnt get much req for it. Though i guess fast wins would sort of compensate for it.

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You won the match, but you wouldnt get much req for it. Though i guess fast wins would sort of compensate for it.


I was thinking of it as more of a tactic for the Dailies/Weekly...just hitting ships as they come back on the field wouldn't get much req, that's true.

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I was thinking of it as more of a tactic for the Dailies/Weekly...just hitting ships as they come back on the field wouldn't get much req, that's true.


Perfect tactic for the daily and weekly, but i would prefer to max out as much req as possible in the match due to the double rewards.


Normally when i pick up the daily and weekly on a tuesday, i can easily come out with 20-30k req, if not more. It just depends on how my team is playing.

Edited by renegadeimp
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Normally when i pick up the daily and weekly on a tuesday, i can easily come out with 20-30k req, if not more. It just depends on how my team is playing.


I've had good Tuesdays and bad ones...I think being on a PVE server might be a hindrance, too...sometimes I wait a loooong time in Q.

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I've had good Tuesdays and bad ones...I think being on a PVE server might be a hindrance, too...sometimes I wait a loooong time in Q.


It's even worse on a pvp server. on ToFN, queues are normally pretty long because people get their rocks off on ground pvp instead, where FOTM classes > all. Since GSF actually takes skill, no matter which ship you fly, they just dont want to play it. They make excuses such as " its a terrible simulator", "controls are bad" " nerf gunships. A fully mastered gunship should never be able to one shot my brand new ship".

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It's even worse on a pvp server. on ToFN, queues are normally pretty long because people get their rocks off on ground pvp instead, where FOTM classes > all. Since GSF actually takes skill, no matter which ship you fly, they just dont want to play it. They make excuses such as " its a terrible simulator", "controls are bad" " nerf gunships. A fully mastered gunship should never be able to one shot my brand new ship".


Oh, I love the "controls are bad" one. That seems like such a cop-out...so if they sucked at Street Fighter back in the day, did they say there were "too many button combos"? I used to play a PC game called "Starsiege" back in the early 90's, which required a joystick and ALMOST EVERY KEY to play. Oh, and there was an option to use joystick AND mouse. At first I could barely move from point a to point b. (and even when I got the hang of it, I looked like a spastic octopus or something, hands all over the place).

If these folks think THESE controls are bad, they must be youngsters who never played a game with REALLY weird controls.

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Perfect tactic for the daily and weekly, but i would prefer to max out as much req as possible in the match due to the double rewards.


Normally when i pick up the daily and weekly on a tuesday, i can easily come out with 20-30k req, if not more. It just depends on how my team is playing.


Just a small reminder: It's not double rewards. It's 500 bonus req




I guess you could call it "Double" rewards, if you got 500 or less req in a match =p

Edited by Cashal
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To be fair, there are a few issues with controls, but nowhere near as bad as the complainers make it out to be. They are simply using it as an excuse because they just arent instantly good at GSF.


I freely admit, there is indeed a learning curve on the controls, and they aren't perfect by any means, I get the occasional "finger strain" trying to 2, E, F1, S all at the same time. :)

Still, with practice, I HARDLY EVER self-destruct anymore. :rolleyes:

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Just a small reminder: It's not double rewards. It's 500 bonus req




I guess you could call it "Double" rewards, if you got 500 or less req in a match =p


The average req for a win, if you are just dogfighting ( the majority of players do this ) is around 500-700.


I simply call it double because thats what everyone calls it, due to the 'x2' on the ship.

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I freely admit, there is indeed a learning curve on the controls, and they aren't perfect by any means, I get the occasional "finger strain" trying to 2, E, F1, S all at the same time. :)

Still, with practice, I HARDLY EVER self-destruct anymore. :rolleyes:


why don't you change your keys/abilities/buttons? I've moved the power to weapons/power to engine abilities to mouse and it works wonders and cuts down on fingering problems

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why don't you change your keys/abilities/buttons? I've moved the power to weapons/power to engine abilities to mouse and it works wonders and cuts down on fingering problems


WHAT?! After all the mini-yoga and stretching exercises I've been doing on my left hand?! I swear, I think if I keep it up I'll develop an ADDITIONAL JOINT on those fingers! :p

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