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Breasts, Butts, Big Hair and Lightsabres?


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I'm guessing he means the long flowing hair that we got with the new hairstyles pack.


That's what I was assuming as well but it's literally the most backwards thing I've ever seen...


Hair is to be hidden or kept short or else it's a sign of being "easy"? That's never something I've heard of in western civilization. In fact, many of the super religious/conservative groups believe(d) long hair was a "woman's glory" and a sign of being pure and feminine.


So... I just can't put two and two together. I mean I have long hair IRL, I never knew it was sleazy. :rolleyes:

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These are the same arguments that are used to justify adult entertainment. If adult entertainment is what you want, then indulge yourself in it. There is plenty of it on the internet including adult MMOs. Star Wars has always been family and to some extend kid-friendly. In no way does the SW canon support "Breasts, butts, big hair and lightsabres". Again, I singed up to play Star Wars not Sleaze wars.


I have a question for you BioWare, is "Sleaze Wars" the future of Star Wars. If it is, me and my guild will move on. You opened pandora's box with this, where will it end?


Oh come on OP, where is the outrage, we need OUTRAGE!!!

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Oh come on OP, where is the outrage, we need OUTRAGE!!!


I am sure that you would like that. I just want to play the game from the movies, the ToR novels and graphic novels. I want to log in and go almost anywhere in the game and play Star Wars not Sleaze Wars. It is EA/BW's perogative to add adult entertainment to SWTOR. It is their game. If that is their intention, me and my guild will move on. For me its more about RP and sticking to the SW canon than it is about sleazy content.


For the record, I dont have a problem with the following game content or features:


Same sex companion/master relationships.

String-bikini wearing club dancers or even club dancer costumes as long as those costumes look like star wars costumes from the star wars canon.


I do have a problem with sleazy elements from pop culture being injected into SWTOR including big hair, jog bras, tube tops, string bikinis etc. I am not interested in playing some cheezy, teasing adult MMO. Those elements just demean a great game and canon. I want EA/BW to show some respect for the game.

Edited by Samaul
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Honestly, OP, if the outfits in this game bother you, your girlfriend and your guild so much, you should be playing Lotro or DDO, where the outfits are a lot more modest. Some would even say, too modest.


Bioware/EA is not going to remove something because a small minority finds a video game character's wardrobe offensive. I would love for you to videotape your reactions to playing, as was said above, Neverwinter Nights, or even playing the female Warden in Dragon Age: Origins and starting a romance with Leliana. Or the threesome/foursome/fvesome you can have with Isabella and your companions.


I'm 42. My fiancee is 36 (she would say 28 and holding, so don't tell her I said her real age) but when I made my new female Assassin the other day, with big purple hair, her first reaction wasn't "That is so offensive, you cannot look at that!" It was, "Wow, she's gorgeous! How did you get her lipstick so red and should I pick you up a Cartel Coin pack at while I'm out at Wal*Mart so you can get her something skimpier than that robe?"


That, is a healthy relationship. What you're describing is an immature, jealous partner who honestly probably needs to talk to someone because if a video game makes her that insecure, she has some deep seeded issues that need to be addressed before it becomes an even more serious.


By the way, some women and men are proud of their bodies, and like to show them off. I know girls who wear the type of clothes you're describing with pride. Clothing doesn't make a woman a ****. If you think it does, then the problem lies with you, a limited world-view and the ignorance that your moral compass is the only right one in the world, not with the other players or Bioware.


Honestly, this whole thread reminds me of an old one on a forum for Burnout: Takedown, where a single father was explaining how he played with his 12 year old son, and they both enjoyed the game, but he didn't like his son seeing the word "Damn" pop up (if you're not familiar with the game, if you wrecked into a van, you got a "Damn Van" across your screen). When it was pointed out that one of the major features of the game was to crash your car at top speed into intersections to do as much damage as possible, killing innocent motorists just for your profit, he quickly vanished from the forums.



Your wife sounds like my wife. Lol


OP,what you need to do is grow a set and check yo gal. If she's that insecure that pixels on a video game make her uncomfortable, then she has serious self esteem issues. I have a nice xxx movie collection some of which I'm starring in. And while she won't let me make any with her, she knows not to even suggest I get rid of them. I'm THE MAN in my house. I make the rules. And while I take her feelings into account, the final word is mine. And we have a motto that pretty much sums up this entire situation.


"It doesn't matter where you get your appetite from, as long as you're eating at home"

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These are the same arguments that are used to justify adult entertainment. If adult entertainment is what you want, then indulge yourself in it. There is plenty of it on the internet including adult MMOs. Star Wars has always been family and to some extend kid-friendly. In no way does the SW canon support "Breasts, butts, big hair and lightsabres". Again, I singed up to play Star Wars not Sleaze Wars.


Is this what we have come to, not debating the merits of the SWTOR game itself but the injection of adult entertainment into the game? Is sleaze what SWTOR is about now?


I have a question for you BioWare, is "Sleaze Wars" the future of Star Wars? If it is, me and my guild will move on. You opened pandora's box with adding more sleaze on top of sleaze, where will it end?


I like big...breasts/butts/hair/light sabers....and I cannot lie :)


But seriously OP...Star Wars canon doesn't support breasts and/or butts being accentuated? What about Princess Leia and the gold bikini? What about Darth Talan or the numerous other examples of "provocative" outfits?


Star Wars cannon does not support big hair? I give you Queen Amidala. Why your girlfriend would be offended by a hairstyle I cannot even begin to fathom though tbh...


Star Wars canon does not support light sabers? That does not even dignify a response :)


As others have said it sounds like your girlfriend has some issues if she gets this worked up over scantily clad women in a video game.....does she make you shut your eyes during the Jabba's palace / sail barge scenes in RoTJ too?



Edited by ImperialSun
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Go do a search for Darth Talon. I'll wait. Then tell me again how you obviously don't know the Star Wars universe very well and suck at roll playing.


oh no I googled this and then my wife walked in. divorce papers were drawn up, and my no no parts are still throbbing

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I am sure that you would like that. I just want to play the game from the movies, the ToR novels and graphic novels. I want to log in and go almost anywhere in the game and play Star Wars not Sleaze Wars. It is EA/BW's perogative to add adult entertainment to SWTOR. It is their game. If that is their intention, me and my guild will move on. For me its more about RP and sticking to the SW canon than it is about sleazy content.


For the record, I dont have a problem with the following game content or features:


Same sex companion/master relationships.

String-bikini wearing club dancers or even club dancer costumes as long as those costumes look like star wars costumes from the star wars canon.


I do have a problem with sleazy elements from pop culture being injected into SWTOR including big hair, jog bras, tube tops, string bikinis etc. I am not interested in playing some cheezy, teasing adult MMO. Those elements just demean a great game and canon. I want EA/BW to show some respect for the game.


You can do better than that, I believe in you.

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Breasts, Butts, Big Hair and Lightsabres?


I have you know my Knight does not have Big Hair, she is a pink Twi’lek and has no hair at all.


All my toons are female, none are running around in the dancers outfit, but none are dressed in fully covered armor either. Slinger wears Regal Apparel Miniskirt, Covert Belt and Bracers, Slave Girl Shoes and Sensuous Dress Top and gloves. She is fully covered and the only time she look a bit unlady like is in some of the chair emotes and riding the Dewback. Oh and my slinger has the big hair too and wears too much eye makeup, but I guess she is fine with you since she does not use a lightsaber. :D

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In no way does the SW canon support "Breasts, butts, big hair and lightsabres". Again, I singed up to play Star Wars not Sleaze Wars.


Plenty of chars from Star Wars literature have shown other wise.


Is this what we have come to, not debating the merits of the SWTOR game itself but the injection of adult entertainment into the game? Is sleaze what SWTOR is about now?


What I don't get is why the sensuality bothers but the violence, torture, and forcing people to do things against their will doesn't?


I have a question for you BioWare, is "Sleaze Wars" the future of Star Wars? If it is, me and my guild will move on. You opened pandora's box with adding more sleaze on top of sleaze, where will it end?


Move on then, don't need people more bothered by T-n-A than they are by violence, torture, and forcing people to do things against their will.

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Honestly, what the heck is "big hair", and why would quantity of hair be in any way associated with sleaziness? :confused:


I was thinking the same thing, are men with long hair sleezy? Are 10 year old girls with long hair sleezy????


These are all important questions.

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Plenty of chars from Star Wars literature have shown other wise.


What I don't get is why the sensuality bothers but the violence, torture, and forcing people to do things against their will doesn't?


Move on then, don't need people more bothered by T-n-A than they are by violence, torture, and forcing people to do things against their will.


Please show me in the Star Wars canon where the Jedi paraded around like some of the avatars I see now on Carrick station. I have read ALL of the ToR novels and graphic novels and I can tell you with assurance that the only characters who dressed like club dancers were in clubs, cantinas or the palaces of the Hutts.

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Please show me in the Star Wars canon where the Jedi paraded around like some of the avatars I see now on Carrick station. I have read ALL of the ToR novels and graphic novels and I can tell you with assurance that the only characters who dressed like club dancers were in clubs, cantinas or the palaces of the Hutts.


Why don't you read your own thread. They've already been posted.

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i hate how twi'leks look in the game, everyone should stop playing them. REMOVE TWI'LEK BIOWARE! STOP THE TWI'LEK PANDERING! their lekku aren't long enough and they just dangle behind their back like two *3**ses not to mention they clip through things in a weird way during cutscenes, that looks lewd, it insults my virginal eyes! no head bumps, head looks so skimpy! and where are the pointy teeth and claws? wow this is so insulting.
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Please show me in the Star Wars canon where the Jedi paraded around like some of the avatars I see now on Carrick station. I have read ALL of the ToR novels and graphic novels and I can tell you with assurance that the only characters who dressed like club dancers were in clubs, cantinas or the palaces of the Hutts.


Hey OP :)


Your assertion is that SW canon does not support provocative clothing, big hair and light sabers???


Despite many posters pointing out these things are supported in canon you have yet to provide any examples supporting your claims...the burden if proof lies with you :)


I can prove that provocative clothing, big hair AND light sabers are part of SW books, films and graphic novels. Where is your proof to the contrary?



Edited by ImperialSun
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the OP should realize (and maybe this is the root of the problem i don't know) that males aged 13+ are highly distracted by all things female, skin, and video games. Put those together and you have a wonderland of "what my future wife SHOULD or WILL look like". Now i agree it may or may not put a false sense of idealism into their heads but what commercial now days on TV doesn't. Yes i'm aware MANY people do not let their children watch tv for that very reason.


The above being said.... the OP should also realize that this game is FANTASY, and if it is one person's fantasy to have his/her jedi running around scantly clad then so be it.


Think of it this way. There are plenty of ways to make your toons sexy without wearing dancers outfits. (it might be prudent to inform the OP that many "men of drag" love the dancers outfits)


In my case i have my main, he's male, the REST of my toons are female, not one is in dancers outfit less the dancers gloves because i like the way they look. However, ALL MY female toons are in some sort of form-fitting clothing that shows off their assets, in my case a little mystery makes them that much hotter.


Now back to OP, your complaint is valid if you are only referring to lore.

Your complaint is invalid for an MMO where people are allowed to create as they choose.


IF... your toons reside on a RP server

THEN... your complaint has some warrant pushing along the lines of appropriate RP naming and behavior.


Otherwise, this topic is MOOT and is opinion based only.

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Clearly he's in his own world. He hasn't responded directly to a single post refuting his original claims, he hasn't responded to a single post in regards to why skin bothers him, but mass murder and slavery do not, and his girlfriend clearly runs his life so he's not his own person anyway. Let this die, or continue having fun with it, but don't expect anything rational in terms of replies from the OP.
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I do have a problem with sleazy elements from pop culture being injected into SWTOR including big hair, jog bras, tube tops, string bikinis etc. I am not interested in playing some cheezy, teasing adult MMO. Those elements just demean a great game and canon. I want EA/BW to show some respect for the game.




How are bikinis sleazy? I hope you don't go to a beach.

How are sports bras sleazy? I hope you don't go to gyms or live where people jog.




"Teasing adult MMO"? Yes, adult human beings do dress like this in real life. I guess life is teasing and adult?


You are harming society by believing that you somehow can't contain yourself when you see a woman's body. Women don't need to wear sacks to keep from 'teasing" or "tempting" you. You need to realize you are not a predatory animal and can control yourself. Do you feel "teased" when you see shirtless men? No? Why are women showing skin different, then?


Women aren't objects to be kept locked up or else they're up for grabs for anyone.

Stop being sexist.

Just stop.

A woman with long hair in a sports bra is not advertising for sex.



Edited by Beltane
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Clearly he's in his own world. He hasn't responded directly to a single post refuting his original claims, he hasn't responded to a single post in regards to why skin bothers him, but mass murder and slavery do not, and his girlfriend clearly runs his life so he's not his own person anyway. Let this die, or continue having fun with it, but don't expect anything rational in terms of replies from the OP.


yeah i had a buddy i used to game with who's girlfriend was the same way, she was very self-conscious to being compared to the beautiful perfect body type 2's of the swtor world. Even worse when relaxed jumpsuit jacket came into being, was the last straw for her. Glad i'm not that guy. No ammount of love or otherwise is worth that.

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I gues the big female hair does look a bit showy for a jedi woman, personly I would not use it for a jedi but to each their own. Personly I wouldnt use sabers with anything else than a white core either.


I'd find the fat bodytype far less appropriate for the game to be honest. It doesnt fit well with the energetic lifestyle the player classes have.


It could have been just a tad slimmer. Maybe something like the female type 4 body. Not slim but not fat either.

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