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Breasts, Butts, Big Hair and Lightsabres?


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You didn't watch "Return Of The Jedi", then ?


By the way, men were wewaring Big Hair in the 80s as well ... Are you too young, that you can't remember it ?


Yeah. Vince Neil, Tom Keifer, Mike Tramp, Jon Bon Jovi, Stephen Pearcy and Steven Tyler, among others. The Amazing 80s, when men with epic hair made epic music. :D

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You are aware that the 80s ended pretty much exactly 24 years ago, right? ;)


Crap, I knew I overlooked something important. You mean all the shoulder pads in SW:TOR aren't really "in" anymore?


Next thing you'll tell me Whitesnake ain't cool anymore.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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Don't say that man! Don't even joke about that!

Whitesnake forever!



Remember the 80's! Don't let them fade.


Now as to the title of the thread, got no problems with any of those things, so long as you don't start combining them together, then we might have problems.

Edited by ikinai
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Sleaze was my second choice of words, my first was **** but that gets filtered out by the forums profanity filter. Isn't is hypocritical to filter out the word slu** and to put nearly naked, big-haired avatars in the game but i cant say slu** in the forums?


Big hair hasn't been sexy for about 25 years. All your doing is telling us what you dig and trying to kick off a smut thread in this family-friendly forum. You're despicable OP.

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I have been following this thread which I started. I never expected it to go viral. My OP was a bit tounge in cheek and meant to entertain and inform but not to troll. I have watched as one poster after another has attempted to rewrite the lore and canon of the Jedi order, implying that the are secretly or openly involved in all sorts of sexual liaisons with those of the opposite sex, same sex etc. You have furthermore implied that female and even male Jedi prance about half-naked in all manner of sexually suggestive clothing. For most Jedi, their attire was conservative to the point of being monsatic, even for female twileks. All of this talk of jedi dressing like they just stepped off of the stage in a strip club or off of a curb in the redlight district is absolutely, categorically false according to the canon and lore of the Old Republic.


I have read every ToR novel and graphic novel. Jedi were forbidden to have sexual relationships and to marry. You must understand why the Jedi Order was so strict about such matters. The reputation of the Jedi Order was everything in the Old Republic. The Jedi had to be seen as virtuous knights and gaurdians of the republic. I have read every shred of lore I can get on the Jedi in ToR period and nowhere are Jedi allowed to parade about dressed up like club dancers or behave like barflies or male and female prostitutes. Any such ideas are pure fantasy, falsehoods or outright lies by some posters in this thread. The best analogy of the Jedi to our modern society and culture is that the Jedi would be light-side force nuns and monks or the Order of the Knights Templar, all dedicated to God and sworn to celibacy. In rare cases, marriage was allowed for Jedi but both spouses had to be carefully vetted and approved by the Jedi council. There are two examples of marriage or affairs involving Jedi in ToR period and they are Sateele Shan and Jace Malcom and Revan and Bastila Shan. In one case, the relationship was kept secret, in the second, they were married and it was kept quiet. In both cases, children were produced.


Of course the Sith were very different but even they tended to eschew on-going relationships with the opposite sex. I can think of no example in ToR lore where female Sith paraded about dressed up like a club dancer or behaved like a prostitute. Darth Malgus acually murdered his twilek slave who he loved to keep himself focused in the dark side of the force. An example of a beautiful sith was Darth Bane's apprentice Zannah who was both blond and beautiful. However, she did not dress up like a club dancer or temple prostitute. A sure way to lose body parts would have been to address Zannah as a mere sex object. I will admit that beautiful female sith including Zannah were not above using their beauty to gain advantage but their would be suitors usually ended up becoming one with the force. In fact, in the second Darth Bane novel, a hapless worker at a spaceport who made crude sexual advances towards Zannah ended up being cut in two by her. Suffice it to say, making sexual advances towards a female sith could be hazardous to one's health.


Let's just dispense with Breasts, Butts, Big hair and Jedi carrying lightsabres being compatible with one another. To dress in sexually suggestive clothing and openly engage in sexual relationships would be contrary to everything a Jedi stood for and would likely cause them to be severely disciplined or exiled from the order.

Edited by Samaul
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Its a GAME. **** with the lorehead. You can enforce your RP guild. don't deign to enforce the rest of us.


Freedom is the right of all sentient beings, even if they wear stripper outfits.


So **** and take a pill. People like you are the reasons why wars start in real life, cause they have pretentious and control freakish attitudes about matters that don't involve them.

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