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Anti social much?


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3.In a heartbeat.


You say that now.


Ok, whereabouts you from? Don't have to be specific here, it's just to narrow down a sponsorship company for you and a nautical college suitable.


This job is extremely dangerous. It is extremely unorthodox. You will be tired, a lot. You will live with the very real threat of death. You will have astounding amounts of responsibility on your shoulders.


The training is hard and so are the people. Your instructors don't dick around and don't suffer fools. When you are sea as a cadet your learning is your own responsibility, people will not hold your hand and you will be getting your hands dirty.


That's my disclaimer.


There are two paths. Deck and Engineering. Deck is bridge and cargowork, Engineering is massive machinery and a complete lack of sunlight.


You will get an understanding of both no matter which path you choose but whichever you choose will determine what part of the ship you spend most of your time in.


Beyond that you basically have four options:


1. Cruise Ships: high living, but a lot of the 'yes sir, no sir'. You will be expected to be in rig at all times. You need to be more people centric for this. But they have dancers onboard who dig the whole 'officer and a gentleman' thing.


2. Cargo Ships: this is very broad and you could end up anywhere but you can choose to specialise if you so wish. More dangerous that cruise ships, but more relaxed. You can turn up to your watch naked and nobody would bat an eyelid. You are busier due to quicker port turnarounds though.


3. Mercenaries: Private security firms are always looking for navigators and engineers for their ships. The work is hands down the most highly paid, but the danger level is off the charts. It's grim work, but if you can stomach it, money will never be a worry again.


4. Military: if you want you can pimp yourself out as a specialist sub contractor to the military. Lucrative, but you have to put up with the *******ery and snobbery inherent in the system, and you have to be immaculate at all time. And polite.


Edit: Sent you a PM.

Edited by theonetruebleed
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I am pretty social on our guilds teamspeak.


I see absolutely no need to chat with strangers about soccer results, politics, the newest movies or latest gossip, or "jokes" .... especially no on a general channel. So most things I say on open channels will be related to grouping or to helping out another player with their questions.


^ This.


I barely ever use gen chat for "socializing" (outside the fleet). I use custom chat channels to talk to friends, guild channel or TS3 to chat with guildies and party chat when talking to the people I'm grouped with. I'm plenty socializing without saying even one word in gen chat.


Just because you don't see or hear them talking, doesn't mean people are not talking. It's just not randomly in gen chat but with selected people in a restricted/protected environment.


If you're looking for a chatty, social experience I have to repeat another poster's suggestion: join a large, social guild. Because that's where the people are who are looking for a chatty, social MMO experience (and prefer it to be in a moderated, safe environment).

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^ This.


I barely ever use gen chat for "socializing" (outside the fleet). I use custom chat channels to talk to friends, guild channel or TS3 to chat with guildies and party chat when talking to the people I'm grouped with. I'm plenty socializing without saying even one word in gen chat.


Just because you don't see or hear them talking, doesn't mean people are not talking. It's just not randomly in gen chat but with selected people in a restricted/protected environment.


If you're looking for a chatty, social experience I have to repeat another poster's suggestion: join a large, social guild. Because that's where the people are who are looking for a chatty, social MMO experience (and prefer it to be in a moderated, safe environment).


I just want to say that the Enigma song you in your sig is one my favorite and most beloved songs and reading it kinda made my day.

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It always amazes me how many people can be anti-social in an MMORPG, when the very nature of the game is to be immersed in an online experience with other people. I don't know if this is every server, but it blows my mind when you can be on a planet that has 60-90 players currently there, yet chat is absolutely vacant for hours on end.

Back when I played WoW, I was on a high pop PvP server, and chat was always going, no matter which zone you were in. You could be in Icecrown with 10 people and everyone is chatting, yet it's definitely not like this in TOR. It bugs me a little, as part of the reason I play MMO's is for the social aspect of it, and when a game doesn't have that, I get discouraged.


Anyways my point is, you're playing an MMO, be social, be active, don't be a hermit.


Let me get this right, you complain because you got no-one to chat with? :confused:

If so, then this is just lol epic whine.

You do know, that you can join a guild and have loads of people to chat with right? No? Then go into the game and type this in your general chat: LF a Social Guild.


If you didnt mean chatting, then you should really change your text, this game is made so you as a player are Not forced to play the game from start to end in groups, it has the options for group quest and thats a + :)


Just because you wanna do one of the group quest, does not mean everyone else HAS to give up everything they are doing and help you do that quest.


Also, if your one of those that sends out group invites to random people without asking them first, then that could be a reason why people "ignore" you.

Edited by Neptunius
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I used to be more social in general chat... but gradually it deteriorated into too much trolling vs interesting conversation, especially on the fleet, so I have general chat disabled on most of my characters and forget to turn it back on when I'm on planets.

and like others mentioned, there's always guildchat (I only hop into teamspeak when I'm doing dailies, or something like that, when leveling, I like the quiet so that I could watch cutscenes uninterrupted)


that said... its definitely been an unfortunate trend across multiples of MMO's, not just TOR. and that includes WoW. back when I first started playing it (WoW) years ago - sure there was Barrens chat, but even that could get hillarious rather than "ugg" . when I played last, there's either silence, someone forming a group for a world boss, or the trolling and bullcrap in major cities that's just... the only reason you'd even keep it running was to get in on a world boss group (and you don't even need to do that anymore, since its faction locked, not raid locked nowadays)


its sad. I miss lore discussions and books and TV show talks I used to have back when SWTOR just came out.

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Anyways my point is, you're playing an MMO, be social, be active, don't be a hermit.


I'll play the way I like to play, thank you very much :)


I'm here for the stories and GSF. I will communicate in GSF itself as it is a team effort and an organized team is a thing of beauty to behold. But otherwise I don't feel the need to be social.


Don't get me wrong, if someone asks for help I'll be happy to lend a hand, and if someone asks a question that I know I can answer I will do so. But games tend to be my "alone time", therefore I keep to myself. Honestly I'm not really an MMO guy, but TOR has some things I enjoy so I play it - or rather returned to it.

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This isn't SWG, but EA/Bioware should take note of how much ppl were socializing in Pre-NGE where ppl had to get their Mind healed by going to a Cantina. Cantinas was where anybody that wanted to socialize, or just relaxe from stress could go and have a good time, true their were a lot of idiots in some Cantinas, but were usually kicked out by people, or were /ignored. For the most part ppl had fun in these Cantinas, and I don't know why Bioware bothered to make Cantinas, even with storylines, if ppl can't relax and Socialize if they want to.


I think the Devs thought ppl would be using Cantinas to socialize, but that didn't happen, and I think the biggest reason is that in this game you don't have to visit a Cantina heal ur Mind. But I think this game should have dancers as a profession still, and help heal the mind. That way ppl would socialize more, but then again most ppl want to grind very fast and get to 55 asap to.

Edited by MandFlurry
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It always amazes me how many people can be anti-social in an MMORPG, when the very nature of the game is to be immersed in an online experience with other people. I don't know if this is every server, but it blows my mind when you can be on a planet that has 60-90 players currently there, yet chat is absolutely vacant for hours on end.

Back when I played WoW, I was on a high pop PvP server, and chat was always going, no matter which zone you were in. You could be in Icecrown with 10 people and everyone is chatting, yet it's definitely not like this in TOR. It bugs me a little, as part of the reason I play MMO's is for the social aspect of it, and when a game doesn't have that, I get discouraged.


Anyways my point is, you're playing an MMO, be social, be active, don't be a hermit.


Um, sometimes we don't have anything to say, or are focusing on the game, sorry, but it's a fact of gaming life.

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Not "anti-social" but anti idiot/jerk/griefer/troll etc...although this is not the only factor involved.


I must give away my age here in saying that I have been around longer than computer gaming and PCs. Video/computer games always intrigued me, and when MMORPGs evolved I had to get involved. How would table top, d20 rpgs translate to the computer?


So multiplayer and PVP gaming drew me in, for many years.


But I went full circle when it comes to online gaming. There are simply far too many "low lifes" who get as much or more enjoyment out of ruining things for others, than actually playing a given game (ruining things for others IS playing the game for these types). One could indeed create a paradise, and it would surely be ruined by people.


The sad fact (widely known; I realize this is no revelation for most people) is that the internet basically enables the lowest of the low, the worst of the worst. It attracts them in disproportionate numbers. I tolerated it for MANY years, hoping that somehow it would improve via moderation. But this has not been the case, and now if I find an MMO that holds something of interest for me, I play it as a single player. Absolutely no group content or PvP at all. It just makes life easier, the game more enjoyable


And, I find it more enjoyable to play at my own pace, and do what I want, when I want.


A friend of mine used to play swtor and invited me to what was a very nice guild ( I was skeptical but gave it try on his word). This was a happy exception. But the guild is long gone and my friend moved on to another game, so I am strictly solo again.



Another thing: chat has not worked in game for me for a very long time. Whatever bug it is, has not been addressed or fixed. Long ago I found I could not use /whisper. Eventually I found it was ALL chat. So even if I wanted to, group play is pretty much out.

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This isn't SWG, but EA/Bioware should take note of how much ppl were socializing in Pre-NGE where ppl had to get their Mind healed by going to a Cantina. Cantinas was where anybody that wanted to socialize, or just relaxe from stress could go and have a good time, true their were a lot of idiots in some Cantinas, but were usually kicked out by people, or were /ignored. For the most part ppl had fun in these Cantinas, and I don't know why Bioware bothered to make Cantinas, even with storylines, if ppl can't relax and Socialize if they want to.


I think the Devs thought ppl would be using Cantinas to socialize, but that didn't happen, and I think the biggest reason is that in this game you don't have to visit a Cantina heal ur Mind. But I think this game should have dancers as a profession still, and help heal the mind. That way ppl would socialize more, but then again most ppl want to grind very fast and get to 55 asap to.


They don't have it because death penalties became extremely unpopular, and forcing "downtime" on people with the whole "heal your mind" thing is exactly that.

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It always amazes me how many people can be anti-social in an MMORPG, when the very nature of the game is to be immersed in an online experience with other people.


Yes, but none of that presumes the level of interactivity with those other people. I can be immersed in a world with lots of people running around, and never interact with many of them. It's akin to my daily walk to work in the city, where I interact with very few people yet I'm immersed in city life for that time, I guess.


Yes, I know it's a game. Yes, I know it's an MMO. But that doesn't automatically mean everyone wants to interact with everyone at all times. If I'm in a group, I'm interacting. If I'm not in a group, I rarely need too much interacting.


I don't know if this is every server, but it blows my mind when you can be on a planet that has 60-90 players currently there, yet chat is absolutely vacant for hours on end.


I love when General Chat is quiet, personally, but I say that only because most of the time what is being chatted about bores me to tears. I do like when actual substantive discussions start but all too often there's one or two people that drag the discussion down.


Plus, if I want to talk to human beings, I'll probably actually go out and do so outside of a game, whether that be online or not. When I play a game, I generally want to play the game. If I'm spending time watching people chat and responding to chats, I'm probably not in my game mode, as it were.


It bugs me a little, as part of the reason I play MMO's is for the social aspect of it, and when a game doesn't have that, I get discouraged.


I can understand that. It doesn't bother me but I can certainly see why it would you, given your focus. And, to be sure, your focus makes sense given that this is an MMO. I think many people -- perhaps like me -- do play this game a bit as KoToR 3 (which many of us wish it was).


I will note I am probably someone you would classify as anti-social in this game ... and you would probably be accurate to classify me that way. So I fully admit that my viewpoint here is biased.

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Social people find other social people inside the game,

Personally I like to chat, so when I find social people as well

we just add each other to friend list and do some heroics or

quest lines together.. And you can always find a guild called

"social something" that there are nice people there..


I was getting offended a lot by that, someone even told me

that if I want to get into Ops groups I should talk less on the chat,

but that's not true...


Anyhow find other social people in-game and play with them

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There are a couple of reasons you're experiencing this. #1: Cutscenes. Most people are probably watching a cutscene during their quest chains. #2: People tend to ignore chat due to the insane amount of trolls. For instance, if anyone asks a question they'll get one of three answers: First, Alt-F4; second, Google it you lazy <insert expletive here>; and third, hurr durr newb, ****.


Due to this issue, people tend to avoid speaking in chat.


Yeah. Frankly, I don't want to see another racist/homophobic/misogynist (or all three, wrapped up in a giant shell of hate) jokes in the chat box, just because Bioware can't be bothered to moderate their own servers.


I turn Gen-Chat off. PvP-chat... I don't PvP anyway, so there's no point. No one ever uses Trade, so that's turned off by default.


Oh no, wanting to avoid a toxic environment by turning off Gen-Chat? I'm so anti-social :(


Maybe if the OP wants a more social gaming experience, they should be attacking the people who attack others and make an hostile environment, not those of us who want to avoid it.

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I payed for the game and sub, I'll be a "hermit" if I so please. Not everyone is an extrovert sir.


Maybe if the intelligence and subject matter on Gen Chat (especially fleet) wasn't that of used toilet paper I'd be a bit more social. The amount of filth and idiotic talk is ridiculous and frankly I think Bioware needs a Chat monitor and start putting the hammer down on all this crap. Until then, good luck ever having a decent discussion in Gen chat. :mad: I'd be embarrassed if I worked at Bioware reading the stuff people say in Gen Chat all day long. KIDS play this game, and filth is still there even with filtering on. It's disgusting. The amount of constant insulting and harassing is ridiculous. It just turns people off ever wanting to chat. And, there are a few people I could name right now that are prevalent in this problem constantly doing this crap in gen chat who NEVER get punished.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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You all claim to hate being social, yet here you are talking to people on a forum....




and this...





is one reason i usually ignore chat in game. people like you that are rude. when i play i usually only have guild chat active, i find general chat a distraction and annoying, if i wanted to hear a bunch of 12 year olds calling each other *** or some other bad name i would go to the dollar movies or mall and hang out there.

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I hate going to fleet and starter planets because of general chat. Too many people trying to be "funny".


I'm not antisocial, but I am unsociable. 99% of the time I'm just going along playing my game and there just happen to be other people there. In 2 years there have probably been about 5 occasions there's actually been some kind of a decent chat going that I've got involved in.

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SO. The internet then. I play swtor because I like Star Wars. I like the immersion, and I have found that it is simply better to avoid contact with people in-game, because eventually you run out of things to say to each other, and it gets a bit awkward - especially if that person is following you around like a lost sheep. Forums, on the other hand, well, you can walk the **** away from those any time you want and not have the same social awkwardness that you would have in game if you simply decided to stop talking because you realise that, actually, you'd rather just be left alone, yet the anonymity remains, you don't know me, and I don't know you, and that suits me just fine; we're not getting to know each other here, sweetheart, I don't want to take you out to dinner, but i'm happy enough to temporarily engage you in some conversation on a forum.


This is scary. That's more or less how I think.


Though, I think I'd still be more or less social, at least by the standards of the OP. If there's a conversation going on the general chat, I might as well participate. If someone says hello at the start of a warzone or flashpoint, I say hello to them. If I have a good day and you are chatty in a flashpoint, I might be chatty with you. But most of the time, that's all I'm interested in. 99% of the time, I'm not interested in befriending the people I'm talking to, I just want to joke with them during the flashpoint and that's it. I don't want someone " following me around like a lost sheep". And fortunately, that happens to me quite rarely. It's pretty similiar to what theonetruebleed, expect that I feel that about the game, too.


Probably tells something that I've played this game for almost 2 years, and I still have 0 in-game friends I don't know irl.

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OP, I think it has been covered here.


Gen chat can be vile. In fact, I would go as far as to argue that the trolls and spammers on gen chat are antisocial. No need to engage them.


Next, there are many ways to be social in an MMO and this game. You have guild chat, VoIP, group chat, private channels, etc. etc. You don't need to participate in gen chat to prove you are social.


Last, Quesh is a bad example. The planet is sparse when it comes to quests compared to other planets and is certainly not an attractive place to be. In fact, I will generalize and say that most people going through Quesh are powering through with due diligence to get off that ugly rock. There is less of a desire to spend time on gen chat on Quesh because: 1. You aren't there long. 2. The planet is not an inviting place to hang out.


I, personally, will socialize in gen chat on occasion. I don't hang out there for the reasons already stated. That does not make me or anyone else antisocial.

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This is a singleplayer game with a multiplayer component. Kinda like Diablo 3, just fill the gtn with stuff for me to buy and we've interacted more than necessary already.


This is only true, if the person wishes it to be. I dont play SWTOR as a single player game, but thats my preference. What is awesome though is that SWTOR can be played either way. They found a good balance IMO. Most MMO's struggle with this issue, but SWTOR handles it quite nicely.

Edited by Klarick
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It always amazes me how many people can be anti-social in an MMORPG, when the very nature of the game is to be immersed in an online experience with other people.

No, the "very nature" of the game is to have fun. We all have fun differently.


Back when I played WoW, I was on a high pop PvP server, and chat was always going, no matter which zone you were in. You could be in Icecrown with 10 people and everyone is chatting, yet it's definitely not like this in TOR. It bugs me a little, as part of the reason I play MMO's is for the social aspect of it, and when a game doesn't have that, I get discouraged.

Then play WoW/.


Anyways my point is, you're playing an MMO, be social, be active, don't be a hermit.

The point is, it's my (or his or her) game, not yours. If I (or he or she) want(s) to be a hermit, I (or he pr she) will be a hermit.

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