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Hood up armor?


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Looks like a reskinned version of the Marauder PVP Champion set. They appear to have the same preview icons. The chest is especially obvious on that.


Then again, it could just be the developers recycling an icon.



Edit: If you rolled Marauder for robes then you rolled the wrong class. That was always the Inquisitor thing. Warriors were the Knight analogue, who at the end game have plenty of opportunities to go around with a mix of a cloak, hood optional, and trooper armor.


Even the previews showed the Marauders with the gear that Juggernauts get. Comparing our 40 PVP tier set with theirs is such a downer.


They get the entire Sith Warrior ensemble. Hood, light looking armor under the black robes, and everything else. Marauders get either a clingy shirt and skirt, or a tube top and skirt depending on gender. Which is actually a recolor of the old place-holder for missing armor assets back in beta. :(

Edited by Radiatonia
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Can this type of body armor even be found in the game? I think it's basically what the Jedi Knights are wearing, but do the Sith get them too? I know there's at least a similar robe in the game.


Yes it can. But it's juggernaught armor and the masks you cannot wear with the hood so you still look like a gimp.

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I haven't posted on the plethora of these threads before, but I just want to add my voice to say I'm furious they gave the set out of our progression video to Juggs. Watching that video did leave a huge impression on me and greatly contributed to me final decision. Now I love my class, and I don't feel underpowered, but I do get to watch Juggs run around in their heavy armor ROBE while I cling to my only option out of BT.


If they just didn't include that set in the game yet I wouldn't be as mad. The fact that they made it heavy armor is just a slap in the face.

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Looks like a reskinned version of the Marauder PVP Champion set. They appear to have the same preview icons. The chest is especially obvious on that.


Then again, it could just be the developers recycling an icon.



Edit: If you rolled Marauder for robes then you rolled the wrong class. That was always the Inquisitor thing. Warriors were the Knight analogue, who at the end game have plenty of opportunities to go around with a mix of a cloak, hood optional, and trooper armor.


Even the previews showed the Marauders with the gear that Juggernauts get. Comparing our 40 PVP tier set with theirs is such a downer.


They get the entire Sith Warrior ensemble. Hood, light looking armor under the black robes, and everything else. Marauders get either a clingy shirt and skirt, or a tube top and skirt depending on gender. Which is actually a recolor of the old place-holder for missing armor assets back in beta. :(


Um wrong..

in beta the graphics were the other way around.. the Mars had the robed look just as the sentinal does..


and the Jugg had the bionic robot look..


EVERY preview showed the Mar in the armor the juggs ended up with for some reason.

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Acknowledgement from BW that Marauder gear got screwed up would be nice...


I'm okay not having the Darth Vader outfit (armor + cape) because that seems like it should be only for juggs. But we get that outfit, for some reason. And lots of it.


But the black robes, which seem more for marauder than juggernaut, are juggernaut exclusive. How does that make sense?


Level 40 pvp has exactly the armor I want, but I can't wear it cuz its heavy.


With item mods, is there even a point to having armor classes? Maybe the armor should just take on the class of whoever's wearing it? It seems unrealistic, but I'll take a tiny bit of unrealism for a TON more customization options.




I am seriously wearing light inquisitor armor right now because I can't stand the robocop armor. But even this doesn't look right, its the sorcerer dress, which is close, but its not the robes. Open at the front, armor underneath... Why must you taunt us? :(:confused:

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I am gonna post this again since no one said anything about it, has anyone seen Masterblade's Vest? It is supposed to be a zone drop in the Foundry that is a medium-hooded chest piece.


I just hit 34, gonna run Foundry ASAP over and over till that drops.

Dunno what it looks like yet.

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I am gonna post this again since no one said anything about it, has anyone seen Masterblade's Vest? It is supposed to be a zone drop in the Foundry that is a medium-hooded chest piece.


I have gotten the Masterblade's Vest quite a few times farming for Sith blademaster's vest.

The item pic shown on torhead and all other sites of this item are wrong. It has no hood its a light red color almost pinkish with white and has the backpack type thing with antennas on the back it is really ugly. If you search sith blademaster vest on torhead that is the real item pic for Masterblade's. I think the item pics got mixed up with Masterblade's and Sith blademaster's on all of these database sites somehow. Or they were correct but were changed in release.

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I haven't posted on the plethora of these threads before, but I just want to add my voice to say I'm furious they gave the set out of our progression video to Juggs. Watching that video did leave a huge impression on me and greatly contributed to me final decision. Now I love my class, and I don't feel underpowered, but I do get to watch Juggs run around in their heavy armor ROBE while I cling to my only option out of BT.


If they just didn't include that set in the game yet I wouldn't be as mad. The fact that they made it heavy armor is just a slap in the face.



THIS. AGREE 100%. Story of my (virtual) life...


I'm trying to roleplay this char from Dragon Quest Dai no daibouken manga:




And it's impossible with the crappy looks we get to wear :(


The fact that the only medium armor that is "wearable" is the Black Talon Marauder's robe and NOTHING ELSE SIMILAR AVAILABLE later on is depressing...


The endgame PVE sets look fugly as hell (ROBOCOP POWA) :eek:


/sad puppy

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I hope this helps you all feel better.


As I stated in another thread:


Toggle off "Display Helmet" under Social Options, then equip one of the following pieces of chest armor:









If you're keeping track, that is every single endgame chest piece for both PvE and PvP.


They all have hoods.

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I have gotten the Masterblade's Vest quite a few times farming for Sith blademaster's vest.

The item pic shown on torhead and all other sites of this item are wrong. It has no hood its a light red color almost pinkish with white and has the backpack type thing with antennas on the back it is really ugly. If you search sith blademaster vest on torhead that is the real item pic for Masterblade's. I think the item pics got mixed up with Masterblade's and Sith blademaster's on all of these database sites somehow. Or they were correct but were changed in release.


It's because they look like that, but ON THE EMPIRE SIDE only. If you pick up the same item and wear it as a jedi, it will look like a jedi robe.

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I hope this helps you all feel better.


As I stated in another thread:


Toggle off "Display Helmet" under Social Options, then equip one of the following pieces of chest armor:









If you're keeping track, that is every single endgame chest piece for both PvE and PvP.


They all have hoods.


And look nothing like black sith robes ! Thanks anyway.


I use this armor myself: (LV 20 pvp light armor)

Dark Zealot's Cloak


look during cutscenes:



BUT IT'S NOT LIKE the one we were promised and gifted to heavy armor users (juggernauts)


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Can't as does all the PvP gear. Can't believe there is a thread this long on this. Think beyond your nose people.


Er, you mean that if you wear the pvp helmet, and disabled the "show helmet" setting, IT STILL WON'T SHOW THE HOOD ? :confused::eek::eek:


If it's like this, it's sick :mad:

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I am gonna post this again since no one said anything about it, has anyone seen Masterblade's Vest? It is supposed to be a zone drop in the Foundry that is a medium-hooded chest piece.


I can confirm it is NOT hooded nor a robe.


It is a armored Bikini on my char.. same as the L40 PVP gear..


very disappointing.

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And look nothing like black sith robes ! Thanks anyway.


I use this armor myself: (LV 20 pvp light armor)

Dark Zealot's Cloak


look during cutscenes:



BUT IT'S NOT LIKE the one we were promised and gifted to heavy armor users (juggernauts)



Looks better than my Enshrouding, where did you get that?

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I hope this helps you all feel better.


As I stated in another thread:


Toggle off "Display Helmet" under Social Options, then equip one of the following pieces of chest armor:









If you're keeping track, that is every single endgame chest piece for both PvE and PvP.


They all have hoods.



and every single one looks like CRAP..


who wants all the spikes and crap hanging off your armor?

we are a medium armored class that is supposed to be acrobatic..

can you imagine fighting in that crap?


It is also not in the SW Lore for a DW saber user to be burdoned with all that crap..


and the funny part is.. BW has it right in ALL the promotional material and all the cutscenes..

there are TONS of Mar NPCs wearing it..


as well as the annoying fact that in 80% of the cutscenes we are using ICONIC Force abilities that we dont have and SHOULD.

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