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Suggestion: Medal System is all Messed Up! Fix


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:sy_starship:The problem with the Medal System:sy_starship:



My team of four members join a battle and lay waste to all three satellites with help of other Scrotes (players). We beat the other team 1000 to 150 and each of us get 3-6 kills 0 deaths. Whatever great we did good versus an unskilled/unorganized team. We only get 5-6 medals and lowered amount of fleet reqs for this awesome job we did. Now, normally I would say, "play better." but we simply can't raise our stats high enough quick enough when we win so quickly.



Like the PvP Warzones, give extra medals when you finish a round faster then intended for superior success.


I believe this solution to be self explanatory but I will gladly explain more in detail if needed.



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My thought is that... medals are irrelevant to requisition rewards. Yes, giving some bonus requisition for ending a match more quickly would be nice since most of your requisition comes out of longer matches because you spend more time attacking/defending/killing.


So you are basically asking for the wrong thing. Medals are merely there to give some notice on what you were actually doing during the match. The number of medals is meaningless. A person with a boatload of medals for hunting down a bunch of people very possibly will earn less requisition than someone with less medals who spent the time capturing and guarding nodes.


So bonus medals, no. Bonus requisition for a quick game would be nice to actually feel like a victory means anything. Either that or overhaul the medal system a bit so it is more reflective of rewards than of e-peen.

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: we simply can't raise our stats high enough quick enough when we win so quickly.



It is the time factor that is relevant there. You will receive similar Req and medals over the same play time because you will be able to play 2 or 3 totally dominant games in the same time it takes to play one close game.

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On Medals from a "Star Ship Switcher"



I often switch ships mid battle (or use too)



Has anyone else noticed that this messes up medal gains? I want to say its like it resets the counter for things done (like damage, kills, turret destroyed. . .)

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You clearly don't know how to get reqs. Instead of 3 caping let the other team get a node with 1-2 turrets then take it, dog fight untill they take another node then take that and so on.


That way, together with kills, assists & damage I get easily 1000+ reqs each match.

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Medals mean nothing. They are there purely to boost your ego. They have no effect on anything in the game.


You don't know what you are talking about. More medals=more reqs.

You guys all have weird logic.


Quick Win Match in PvP = More Comms (over long time) compared to non quick wins (if not able to gain medals fast enough)

Quick Win Match in GSF = Same Reqs (over time) compaired to non quick wins (if not able to gain medals fast enough)


There needs to be an incentive to capping more satellites instead of flying around to pad my numbers. Argument is simple: awesome team work = Good solo work

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They are there to inflate your ego. Nothing more.


I think he's reached the cap on that stat!


@Emberz: The Devs have stated that Req is not tied to medals. They have stated that they are only there for you to show off. Req is rewarded by the actions you take and initiate in play, and is tied to the ship that you do them in. Imaslicer has the right of it when it comes to maximizing req.

Edited by Svarthrafn
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No, we know perfectly well what we're talking about.


Someone with 15 medals may not get as much req as someone with 8 medals might have gotten. Why? The guy with 15 probably got a lot of combat medals for damage and kills while ignoring objectives. The guy with 8 might have spent the whole match capturing nodes and blowing up turrets. Capturing a satellite node gives a pretty hefty requisition bonus. Sure, someone with a lot of medals may very well have a lot of requisition earned for the battle, but we're saying that the number of medals does not directly translate into the amount of requisition you earn.


It's the quality of your actions, not just the quantity that determine your awards. I'd be much happier if they just hosed the entire medal subsection of the board to make room for more descriptive objective areas, such as 'assault', 'defense' and 'combat'


As I said before, you're asking for the wrong thing. Bonus medals for a quick game doesn't mean anything. You should be asking for bonus requisition for a quick game.

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Is there a list somewhere about what gives what kind of requisition gain?


I've been searching and not found anything concrete, however this is my observations. A well distributed medal accomplishment goes a long way, and some are weighted more than others.


Heavy weight: Capturing nodes / Defending Nodes Medals

(I've lost before, but had 4 Nodes Captured, 2 nodes defending and got over 1000 req (without bonus req)


Medium Weight: Turret Destroying / Damage Done Medals


Light Weight/No Weight: Kills/Assists Medals


Please Note, this is only my personal observations. I've been watching my req gains when I aquire certain medals. The medals themselves don't give the REQ, but the actions for getting the medals and the actions for getting the REQ seem to be the same for certain actions

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I've been searching and not found anything concrete, however this is my observations. A well distributed medal accomplishment goes a long way, and some are weighted more than others.


Heavy weight: Capturing nodes / Defending Nodes Medals

(I've lost before, but had 4 Nodes Captured, 2 nodes defending and got over 1000 req (without bonus req)


Medium Weight: Turret Destroying / Damage Done Medals


Light Weight/No Weight: Kills/Assists Medals


Please Note, this is only my personal observations. I've been watching my req gains when I aquire certain medals. The medals themselves don't give the REQ, but the actions for getting the medals and the actions for getting the REQ seem to be the same for certain actions


Thank you for sharing your observations, I appreciate it!

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I'm seriously trying to like this game, but I have a major issue with the rewards system. I can spend the whole match defending a satellite, pushing away would-be attackers, making sure that, if an enemy does get close to the satellite, he won't stay there too long. And what do I get to show for it? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.


More often than not, I don't get kills (or very few), because it's too damn easy for any target to evade death, especially if I'm not chasing. You can simply outrun/outmaneuver and afterburn away. Most kills in this game are kill steals anyway, it seem to me (or the result of e-z mode gunship spam). There's very little skill that goes into padding your kill score. It's very rare that you take an enemy down to zero yourself--that is, unless you're playing an e-z mode gunship, of course. So, you get no kills if you defend.


In addition to this, you get no medals. I can sit on a satellite all game, defending it, giving our team a win. And I can end the game with ZERO medals? LoL. Seriously, BioWare? I do my job. I don't chase. I defend the satellite and push away attackers, and I don't even get a measly medal or two? Gee, yeah. That really makes me want to play this game. /sarcasm


The more I play GSF, the more it seems to me that Gunship owners have the clear advantage. They can rack up kills like crazy, without even trying. In addition, people who chase kills all over the map also do well. This is because: Unless you get kills, you get nothing. Sure, you can attack satellites, maybe even try to shoot some turrets down--but, more often than not, you'll get ram-rodded while doing it--which means you'll be spending a lot more time respawning.


It's funny to me that most strategy guides talk about 'taking satellites' as the main goal. And, yes, you can get a few medals this way, even get a win for your team--but it doesn't mean anything when you can just fly around and kill-steal other people's hard-fought targets, or simply sit in a gunship, sniping unsuspecting people who don't have a chance to defend themselves. This is why people don't defend, why they don't take and hold the satellites they win. They have learned that to defend, or play the game as a take-and-hold scenario, is a sucker's deal. You get nothing for it. You're much better off just flying around, KSing, and only taking satellites when they change color ... and then let the enemy take the satellite again, so you can flip it back again for more points. Which is, of course, incredibly lame.


The medals system is screwed up. The rewards system is a joke. And the very nature of the take-and-hold goal of this game is, at its core, broken. It's not "incentivized" to play it that way. I don't care how many times people rage about lack of teamwork. Why should I sit there, defending a satellite, when I can earn a metric ton more req/medals just flying around, KS'ing people? This is what people do all day in this game. No one defends. People only attack satellites when they can dog-pile them (because the turret defense system is lame as hell).


Anyway ... seriously losing interest in GSF. I gave it an honest go, but the medals/rewards/take-and-hold systems are just too stupid for words.

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In addition to this, you get no medals. I can sit on a satellite all game, defending it, giving our team a win. And I can end the game with ZERO medals?


A) The amount of Req you get at the end of the fight is not determined by how many medals you earn. You earn Req based on what actions you do. Many of the actions that earn you Req will also earn you medals.


B) Defending a satellite earns you Req. You need to be relatively close to the Satellite for it to count you as a Defender. Not as close as it takes to claim one, but you won't get it if you are 15k away.


C) Defending also earn you medals. You get one at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 minutes.

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Unless you get kills, you get nothing.


I'm not certain that kills earn any Req at all. If they do, it is a tiny amount. You do get a Req reward for doing Damage, but it isn't weighted very high.


I have earned 1800 Req in a single match (where I was not earning x2 Req), and I had 0 kills for that match. I spent the entire match either claiming satellites or defending. (I have been unable to get that high since the first patch after release. I'm not certain if that is because the amount of Req earned from claiming was reduced, or if people just got better at defending.)

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I got a 1400 req match last night without the bonus. 0 kills, 7 assists. Sat on the node defending the whole time.


It is worth noting that if you share kills, assists, captures, and defense with your wingmates, you get much improved req from those actions. Your wingmates are the players highlighted with you on the start screen.

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There isn't an issue with the way req is earned via domination mode. Your objectives for the match are to capture and protect your satellites, hence capping a satellite will give the most requisition. If you have 3-4 caps in a match you are almost certain to break 1000. I'm sure requisition distribution will vary by game mode once new modes will be released, but since its only domination for now, do your best to dominate. The only issue is if you are too good, your opponents can't uncap your satellites, costing you precious capture medals
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0 kills, 6 caps, 16 turret kills + bonus req = 2100 req

Haven't been able to match that score since.

Closest I ever got after that was around 1800 for 1 cap, 8 min defense


On my high kill runs I got 29 kills (15 solo), 9 assists with only 800 req (including bonus)


These numbers are all from using the gunship and the clue is to not just snipe as a gunship but cap and guard the objectives :D

Medals have no bearing on the height of the req gains, and kills outside the range of sattelites only grant a small amount of req, while kills inside the range of one grant significantly more in my experience.

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