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Sort the brackets out in pvp... I'm sick of facing classes that are 20 levels on my character. how can you even think it possible that a newly dinged 30 can face a 54 and have a chance of even considering a victory! he is at the top of the tree while the other person hasnt even done half of it!!!


if nothing is done of this issue i will be removing my subscription!!!!!


many thanks

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Sort the brackets out in pvp... I'm sick of facing classes that are 20 levels on my character. how can you even think it possible that a newly dinged 30 can face a 54 and have a chance of even considering a victory! he is at the top of the tree while the other person hasnt even done half of it!!!


if nothing is done of this issue i will be removing my subscription!!!!!


many thanks


You may not have realised that you, and everyone else, have your health and damage done buffed to level 55. It's a mechanic called "Bolster". The only advantage the level 54 has is access to abilities you don't at your level. They do not have any advantage in health or damage. Your abilites will be hitting as hard as his, and you can take as much damage.


The access to higher-level abilities does mean they have a small advantage, but lowbie warzones are just training anyway. Learn how to play your class in them and use that knowledge at level 55. Good luck.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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I agree, it discourages pvp in this bracket because of the sheer level, ability, talent and gear imbalance!


Lol it's called bolster in lowbies and I'm not really stepping out on a limb by saying it works better in lowbies. As far as the splits were you around when a level 10 was getting smashed by a 50 in full champion/battlemaster gear?


It's a lot better now by level 30 you have an almost complete rotation with core abilities.

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Seriously, people that complain about losing in lowbies have serious issues.

To be fair, if lowbies is all you know, then it probably feels quite important.


It isn't, and I'd wager OP hasn't realised he's on a pretty much even field as far as stats go, but I can understand someone inexperienced getting irate.


Just so long as he doesn't move on to blaming imaginary hacks, unfair faction abilities or premades, he'll be fine.

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What lowbies does is this :=


1)Everyone gets bolstered to 55.

2)There is an additional layer of armor added to lower level players to make up for the fact that they have no abilities.

3)Higher level players have the added advantage of augments and stims.


Note that classes, such as powertechs or sorcerer's have a lot of abilities that bypass armor. They do a disproportionate amount of damage relative to their survivability in the lower bracket which doesn't exist at 55.

Edited by JackNader
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Im trying to say that the brackets should be 10 - 29, 30 - 49 and 50 - 54 and so on, the advantages that 54 has over a 30 is nothing of a small order, better self buffs, procs and abilites. Im sure youve had pvp match when you start... you see everyone as a over 50, and the opposition is mainly under 40, you know you've won before its even started... yes you may say that the level 50s have more experience than the 40s but regardless the level 50s they still have better abilities and therefore they are genuinely going be the more powerful side.
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Im trying to say that the brackets should be 10 - 29, 30 - 49 and 50 - 54 and so on, the advantages that 54 has over a 30 is nothing of a small order, better self buffs, procs and abilites. Im sure youve had pvp match when you start... you see everyone as a over 50, and the opposition is mainly under 40, you know you've won before its even started... yes you may say that the level 50s have more experience than the 40s but regardless the level 50s they still have better abilities and therefore they are genuinely going be the more powerful side.


That's too many. Lowbies are for hoarding warzone medpacks and adrenals, getting your rotation down and capping commendations when you reach valor 40. The fact that you get experience through them for me is just a bonus Id do them just so I can have a huge leg up when dinging 55.

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Levels 51-54 get nerfed by crit mechanics. Level 55s have much lower chance to crit than 50s who still use pre-2.0 combat equations, and levels 51-54 step them between the two.


Also, splitting the pool of potential players = longer queue times. Not worth it for any possible, minimal, benefit.


Really, lowbies is for learning to play and getting some comms before hitting level 55, and it fulfills that function pretty well.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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From my experience, level 30 has a better chance to beat level 54 than level 10 has to beat level 29. At level 30, you already have at least some tools to fight back (stuns, slows, pulls, defensive cds, speed boosts, several abilities, procs...). Level 29s have almost the same tools as level 30s, and they are in the same bracket with level 10s, who basically have to spam 2-3 abilities until they run out of resources and then spam their basic attack until they get more resources. Level 10s pratically die at the second a level 29 even looks at them (assuming the level 29 knows what he's doing).


This probably partly explains why 30-54 can feel so hard when you first enter it. As a level 29, it's easy to be awesome in 10-29. As a level 30 in 30-54, you have to actually work for that. The change can be quite noticeable.


Anyway, OP, have you actually looked at the levels of the people who kill you? I remember one time when I just hit level 30 and was in a warzone where this one person kept killing me. I first thought "oh, he must be level 50+", but then I actually looked at his level and realized that he was just a skilled level 42.

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Im trying to say that the brackets should be 10 - 29, 30 - 49 and 50 - 54 and so on, the advantages that 54 has over a 30 is nothing of a small order, better self buffs, procs and abilites. Im sure youve had pvp match when you start... you see everyone as a over 50, and the opposition is mainly under 40, you know you've won before its even started... yes you may say that the level 50s have more experience than the 40s but regardless the level 50s they still have better abilities and therefore they are genuinely going be the more powerful side.


I really strongly disagree with this. The difference in available abilities for most classes is too small to swing a match. If the level 30's and 40's have close to level appropriate gear (causing them to bolster really well) and they are good players they are going to win. The real disadvantage most lowbies have is that they have not bothered to slot augments and this can give higher level players a big advantage. Use level appropriate stims and augments and the advantage goes away though. It's very possible to do and so there is no need to further fragment the population and slow the queue pops.

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I cheered when I got my interrupt, but seriously, try playing against lvl 50s in full PvP gear, with no bolster. One-shot city. With bolster, you have more than enough tools to beat higher level players after you get your interrupt..


Exactly imagine these guys at launch getting smashed by 50s in PvP gear, the qq would roll in waves. Everything is fine a good player can dominate at any level in the lowbies and particular classes and win matches by themselves depending on the WZ.


The bigger problem is people don't watch doors, call incs, target healers ect. Leveling my sniper in an arena 75% of my teammates can't understand target the Flame first, don't split up and don't break CCs on the other enemies. Do that stuff and you will be ahead of 75% of the levelers.

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Lol it's called bolster in lowbies and I'm not really stepping out on a limb by saying it works better in lowbies. As far as the splits were you around when a level 10 was getting smashed by a 50 in full champion/battlemaster gear?


It's a lot better now by level 30 you have an almost complete rotation with core abilities.


I remember this. The good ol' days!

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