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Why are capture zones so tiny?


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Why do you need to be so close to a satellite to capture it?


Granted it promotes a sort of piloting skill staying so close to the satellite which benefits scouts (which I mostly play). But it eliminates the reason to dogfight around the satellite.


What reason does a player have to dogfight in the airspace above a satellite when they are accomplishing nothing for their team?


IMO, it almost defeats the purpose of contesting a satellite to stop it from being taken or captured or to stop turrets from spawning. I just don't see the fun in aimlessly circling a satellite and doing nothing while enemy ships occupy their airspace around you. In addition, it makes no sense that I'm able to capture a satellite just because I humped it with my ship even though there are 5 enemy ships within 5000m of the satellite. If I want to closely orbit the satellite to keep better control on it (which I already often do) then I should be allowed to do that. But that should not be the only way to capture a satellite.


The way I think it should work is like this:

1. In order to capture a satellite, you need to get within 3000m of it. This is probably the same as it is now.

2. You cannot capture a satellite if a single enemy ship is within 10,000m of it.

3. Turrets cannot spawn if a single enemy ship is within 10,000m of the satellite.

4. In order for turrets to spawn, a friendly player must be uncontested and within 3000m of the satellite.


Also, on a slightly related note, am I the only one who finds capping rates to be inconsistent? Some times I'll leave a control zone for less than 3 seconds only for the satellite to fall neutral in that time. Other times I'll sneak in close to an enemy satellite and have to wait 30 seconds to go neutral even if there is no turrets or enemies in range.


To remove capture from a satellite you should have to fully drain all the red from it. Then to cap it you should have to fully fill it up green. But often times I see it instantly go from fully team controlled to instantly neutral. Is that some sort of bug or something?

Edited by Soul_of_Flames
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Also, on a slightly related note, am I the only one who finds capping rates to be inconsistent? Some times I'll leave a control zone for less than 3 seconds only for the satellite to fall neutral in that time. Other times I'll sneak in close to an enemy satellite and have to wait 30 seconds to go neutral even if there is no turrets or enemies in range.


To remove capture from a satellite you should have to fully drain all the red from it. Then to cap it you should have to fully fill it up green. But often times I see it instantly go from fully team controlled to instantly neutral. Is that some sort of bug or something?

It's possible that capture rates are tied to the number of ships actively capturing the node. More ships would lead to a quicker capture. I haven't played enough to say this for sure, but it makes some sense.


Actually, now that I think about it, I wouldn't be surprised if different ship classes had different rates of capture. Or even future upgrades that increase the rate for the ship on which they're installed.

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10,000m need to be cleared?! You realize that would mean with competitive teams that a cap would almost never occur?


As for cap times it seems it takes one ship 5 seconds to neutralize a satellite but if you interrupt this at say 4 seconds it only freezes the timer, so at that point I only have to get you out of the capture radius for a second to neutralize it.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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I don't know what ranges are right, but the problem right now is that you are in prime capping position while also in the most defensive/protected position (orbiting close to the satellite). This is why all the skilled players are forced to use Burst Laser Cannons now--they are the only weapons capable of clearing out satellite orbiters with any effectiveness.


I'd go so far as to say that if you are TOO close to the satellite, using it for cover and defense, then you aren't in capping position anymore. Capping should area should be near the satellite, but not too near.


And for those that think so--no numbers do not matter. An uncontested satellite will cap faster if more ships are present, but all it takes is one enemy to stop capping utterly.

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I don't have a problem with the system the way it is. The problem is with the players, not the system. Each faction only needs one person on the satellite. EVERYONE else can be farther away and kill the enemy on the satellite.


The problem is that too many people chase kills away from the satellite, so people that actually focus on objectives believe they have to stay on the satellite in order to compensate for the morons not killing the enemies on the node. This leads to too many people on the satellite and not enough at range killing from above or below it. If I know I can trust a friendly to stay on the satellite (rare) and that there are others engaging gunships and non node'rs (there always are), I have easy pickens at range killing enemy node weavers. I los the gunships and pick them off one at a time. EASY!


Also, the burst debate on nodes is about people lacking piloting skills who can't get and stay behind someone weaving. I use quad cannons, and I have no problem getting behind others and taking them out when node sitting.

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I'm happy with the way it is but if they made adjustments I'd probably be happy with those too. All in all, I like GSF so far and am looking forward to seeing what else they have in store.


With that in mind, I think it's too early to ask for changes to Domination mode until we've seen the various other game modes and how they all measure up.

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I would suggest it was designed this way, so that epic dogfights can happen around them, and they often do... I cant count how many times ive been chased by 2 or so fighters around the top and bottom part of the sattelite, or how many times ive chased them... I very much enjoy it.


Also, a percentage of ppl will hit the satelite while flying around it trying to dodge fire or hit their opponents, so the better your flight skills and spacial awareness, the better your chances at capture/defending.

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Naw. Works fine the way it is.


Not empty quoting.


The problem is that too many people chase kills away from the satellite, so people that actually focus on objectives believe they have to stay on the satellite in order to compensate for the morons not killing the enemies on the node. This leads to too many people on the satellite and not enough at range killing from above or below it. If I know I can trust a friendly to stay on the satellite (rare) and that there are others engaging gunships and non node'rs (there always are), I have easy pickens at range killing enemy node weavers. I los the gunships and pick them off one at a time. EASY!


Man, I want to live in a world where you have *too many* people on the satellite. Usually it's just me, myself, and I.

Edited by MCaliban
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In my experience it just means that a 1v1 fight for an objective takes a long time be decided - your ability to finish someone off at point-blank range around a satellite is very limited. As soon as an extra ship turns up for one side they can just let their team mate be the one staying in cap range and blow up the enemy from an effective distance.


If I'm the holding a satellite 1v1 and friendlies turn up, that's my cue to boost out to 5-6km, do a 180 and start blasting properly. I can also do that early, but it's a risk.


Oh, try stopping and strafing - works best with a gunship and slows your turn rate right down, but if you time it right you can get a few extra shots in.

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Why do you need to be so close to a satellite to capture it?


Because otherwise when im guarding Kuat Mesas objective A in my scout, it would never get captured. I would just lead the attackers on a neverending merry chase through the structure nearby.

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Because otherwise when im guarding Kuat Mesas objective A in my scout, it would never get captured. I would just lead the attackers on a neverending merry chase through the structure nearby.


I don't think anyone is seriously suggesting they be that big. But they could stand to be twice the size they are now. Right now they are pretty much a second skin around the satellite. Doubling or tripling that would allow for more free dogfighting without allowing people to hide away from the satellite and still hold it.

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Doubling or tripling.


It would be impossible to take a node once it has been captured. It is difficult now with a skilled pilot hugging the node, but not impossible because if you are that skilled pilot and dummies leave the node... then you can turn it. It is perfect the way it is.

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It would be impossible to take a node once it has been captured. It is difficult now with a skilled pilot hugging the node, but not impossible because if you are that skilled pilot and dummies leave the node... then you can turn it. It is perfect the way it is.


No, quite the opposite I think. If capture range is extended (not a huge amount, but a bit), then attackers and defenders alike (but especially attackers) can circle wide enough to actually get clear shots at any node-huggers without forfeiting their claim to the node. They can actually dogfight near the node without having to worry about sitting on it.


You only say it's perfect now because you are taking advantage of new, unskilled players. But that will only last so long.


The skilled vs. dummies scenario is not the problem, and the advantage you have in that scenario will vanish over time. It's the skilled vs. skilled issue that is the problem. If both pilots are skilled, neither will leave the node, so neither will get a clear shot, so it's a stalemate. And if they want any chance of killing the other without ceding control of the node, they have to be using Burst Laser Cannons, as I stated in my other thread.


You've pointed out that team coordination can end those stalemates, but GSF is just too hard to communicate in, which is why I made the other suggestion about adding the "ship is defending" indicator to the scoreboard. But either way, having slightly larger capture zones would make fighting more interesting and iconic to what Star Wars space combat is about--i.e. dogfighting.

Edited by Nemarus
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The capture radius is so small to deliberately make it so you can't attack people while capping just like you can't attack people while capping in ground pvp.


You can EASILY attack people while capping. I shoot people all the time as they rush toward a node to try and stop me from capping it--then once I have the node, if anyone manages to get close I just start orbiting--and then I win because they are trying in vain to shoot me while my team racks up points.


The issue is that people can't easily attack YOU while you are capping. It's exactly the perverse opposite of how capping works in warzones.

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I just don't see the fun in aimlessly circling a satellite and doing nothing while enemy ships occupy their airspace around you.

And why aren't these enemies firing at this ship? Who just lets someone circle a satellite without any attack whatsoever? Just circling a satellite sounds like gunship target practice.

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Let me clarify one thing about my original post, despite how I titled the thread I don't think that the zones you have to be in to capture a satellite should be increased. What needs to increase is the zone in which enemy players can stop your capture.


As of right now, the safest place when defending a satellite is hugging the underside of it and possibly weaving up and down through the wings. If you know what you're doing, it's hard for anyone to get a constant line of sight on you when you're constantly circling the underside of the satellite.


My main concern is how dumb it is that you can control a satellite when you clearly do not control its airspace.


Yes you need that one guy going close to start the capture sequence, but the people flying around the satellite trying to thin out the enemy numbers should be doing a job that's just as important.


But one detail you should be made aware of is that just as it is now, circling close to the satellite is the most viable way to take control of it. Even if the zone of control is extended, that won't change. All it would do is make actually capturing a satellite a bit harder and it would also give an actual game objective reason to chase enemies around the satellite itself.

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I agree that the zones need to be a bit larger say 5000m this would allow people attacking node humpers to attack the proper way by flying in from above to get a clear shot, as well as dog fight without being right on the node.


It would also give attacker and defender points to people helping try to take or defend a node which they don't get right now because they were too far away from the node since they were not the one circling right ontop of it.


For example you can right now be in the green beam of light above a node and be out of capture/defense range and not getting credit for objective points.

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I agree that the zones need to be a bit larger say 5000m this would allow people attacking node humpers to attack the proper way by flying in from above to get a clear shot, as well as dog fight without being right on the node.


It would also give attacker and defender points to people helping try to take or defend a node which they don't get right now because they were too far away from the node since they were not the one circling right ontop of it.


For example you can right now be in the green beam of light above a node and be out of capture/defense range and not getting credit for objective points.


All this.

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