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Life Day gear recycled from last year?! LAZY


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A few weeks ago life day stuff from last year were selling on the GTN for millions because they were SUPER RARE and UNOBTAINABLE and the people who had them could show everyone that they were there, that they were in the game since that time, that they participated in the event.


And now you've brought back the exact same stuff from last year? Complete and utter laziness. There is no excuse. Bioware had a full year to come up with something new for it. I'm sorry but this game has just turned into a cash grab. I wouldn't be surprised if they bring back that stupid pumpkin chamber and that womp rat thing.



And i'm expecting a lot of replies which say "special snowflake" obviously those people have never experienced what it's like to be unique before and would prefer to be boring and unoriginal.

Edited by Rileysoph
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The whole notion of life day sucks.


This subscriber would much rather they spend their time inventing new stuff instead of twerking last year's garbage into a slightly different scent of garbage this year. I mean, "Yay, it doesn't smell like rotting fish this year! Instead it smells like Miley Cyrus!" Oh... wait... :rolleyes:

Edited by DarthTHC
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A few weeks ago life day stuff from last year were selling on the GTN for millions because they were SUPER RARE and UNOBTAINABLE and the people who had them could show everyone that they were there, that they were in the game since that time, that they participated in the event.

They added the Special Snowflake legacy title just for them.


And now you've brought back the exact same stuff from last year? Complete and utter laziness. There is no excuse. Bioware had a full year to come up with something new for it. I'm sorry but this game has just turned into a cash grab.

It's a product/service intended to make a profit. If it's a "cash grab" now it always has been a "cash grab."


But seriously, if you don't like the way they are doing the life day stuff, don't participate.

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On topic, I don't really mind, as long as there's no 3rd round, that's a bit much.... At least they made an event this time.


Chances are this will be an annual event. They will probably recycle the same stuff year after year adding one or two new things each year.

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They added the Special Snowflake legacy title just for them.



It's a product/service intended to make a profit. If it's a "cash grab" now it always has been a "cash grab."


But seriously, if you don't like the way they are doing the life day stuff, don't participate.


Clearly you didn't read the small print. You are mocking me for wanting to be unique? I get my entertainment out of being unique. I wouldn't mock people who want to be boring and unoriginal, like you.


And again, I was expecting another "dont like it dont play it" response from people like you.

Edited by Rileysoph
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Clearly you didn't read the small print.

Small print is for lawyers.


And again, I was expecting another "dont like it dont play it" response from people like you.

Then you didn't leave disappointed, did you? But yeah, if you don't like it, don't do it.. It's a game meant to be played for fun. How does "recycling" the lifeday stuff reduced your fun? Clearly you just want to bash the game for no reason other than just bashing the game, which is fine, if that's what you like doing.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I keep hearing the same Christmas songs year after year too.

why would you expect to have them spend time introducing new items every year?


Here is a shocker...next year for halloween They'll repost the pumkin chamber as well. SHOCKING!!! totally unforseen at anypoint in time that they would do such a thing..since well there maybe people who didn't get the chance to get it last year and maybe would like to have access to those items.


Why is this so difficult to have foreseen and hard to understand? Is it actually that shocking and unexpected?

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How does "recycling" the lifeday stuff reduced your fun?


Because I felt unique in game when I had stuff that people could no longer obtain. I get some of my entertainment out of being unique, showing off my equipment etc...thats how it's reduced my fun. I don't want to be boring and unoriginal like you. I role play a lot and for me this has kinda ruined my experience

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A few weeks ago life day stuff from last year were selling on the GTN for millions because they were SUPER RARE and UNOBTAINABLE and the people who had them could show everyone that they were there, that they were in the game since that time, that they participated in the event.


And now you've brought back the exact same stuff from last year? Complete and utter laziness. There is no excuse. Bioware had a full year to come up with something new for it. I'm sorry but this game has just turned into a cash grab. I wouldn't be surprised if they bring back that stupid pumpkin chamber and that womp rat thing.



And i'm expecting a lot of replies which say "special snowflake" obviously those people have never experienced what it's like to be unique before and would prefer to be boring and unoriginal.


Hey Rileysoph,


We chose to bring back the Life Day items this year for a few reasons. Last year when we had the Life Day items, the Cartel Market was fairly new and so at the time, not a lot of people may have realized that these types of items can be limited. Also, we had not yet launched the Collections UI, which is especially helpful for items such as limited event items.


However, with that being said... It is our intention that after this run we will embargo the Life Day items and that they will not be returning again. Like all things, that is subject to change but currently our plan is that after this year these Life Day items will go into retirement!



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I keep hearing the same Christmas songs year after year too.

why would you expect to have them spend time introducing new items every year?



You can hear the christmas songs any time of the year, you can purchase christmas songs any time you want.


New christmas songs come out every year.


Try again.

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Last year when we had the Life Day items, the Cartel Market was fairly new and so at the time, not a lot of people may have realized that these types of items can be limited.


Exactly...cash grab.


You should have just labelled them 2013 and made the last years ones 2012, I would have been happy with that.


Also, bring back the rewards and everything from the first event, bring back the founder title, because "i wasnt there and i didnt get a chance to get them and the game was fairly new at the time". Oh wait it probably won't be brought back because you wont get any money from it.

Edited by Rileysoph
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Because I felt unique in game when I had stuff that people could no longer obtain



I sure hope you're not serious. I suspect you are just trolling.


I get some of my entertainment out of being unique, showing off my equipment etc

But no one else cares. The only person you are "impressing" is yourself.


.thats how it's reduced my fun. I don't want to be boring and unoriginal like you. I role play a lot and for me this has kinda ruined my experience

Form your tone, I can tell that you do not role play at all. RP is in the mind, not the pixels. What you (try to) do is Second Life in Star Wars, not RP. Which is OK with me, if that's what you want to do.

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A few weeks ago life day stuff from last year were selling on the GTN for millions because they were SUPER RARE and UNOBTAINABLE and the people who had them could show everyone that they were there, that they were in the game since that time, that they participated in the event.[/size]


When you can buy them on GTN seeing someone with them is no guarantee that, that person was there since last life day.

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I sure hope you're not serious. I suspect you are just trolling.


Because you can't comprehend the fact people ROLE PLAY. Go look up what role playing is.



But no one else cares. The only person you are "impressing" is yourself.


Source that no one cares? Thanks


Form your tone, I can tell that you do not role play at all. RP is in the mind, not the pixels. What you (try to) do is Second Life in Star Wars, not RP. Which is OK with me, if that's what you want to do.


From your tone i can tell you are very boring and unoriginal.

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Because you can't comprehend the fact people ROLE PLAY. Go look up what role playing is.

There is only 1 person between us who needs to look up role-playing, and his or her forum name has nothing to do with a food item. If (and I stress if) you think you need various pixels in order to RP in an MMO, you have much to learn about RP


From your tone i can tell you are very boring and unoriginal.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

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There is only 1 person between us who needs to look up role-playing, and his or her forum name has nothing to do with a food item. If (and I stress if) you think you need various pixels in order to RP in an MMO, you have much to learn about RP


So now you're dictating to people how to role play properly? How about you mind your own business and let people play the game how they want.


Obviously dictating to people and bullying people is an escape for you, but you know, whatever helps you sleep at night.

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I'm not telling you how to play the game. I'm telling you that if your "RP" is more about the pixels than your imagination, you are not RPing. But it's your sub, you can play the game however you want.


Any i'm telling you that my role playing is a combination of my character appearance and also my imagination, role playing for you may just be only imagination, and I never said it's more about pixels than imagination, so stop assuming. And exactly, i can play the game however i want.

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Hey Rileysoph,


We chose to bring back the Life Day items this year for a few reasons. Last year when we had the Life Day items, the Cartel Market was fairly new and so at the time, not a lot of people may have realized that these types of items can be limited. Also, we had not yet launched the Collections UI, which is especially helpful for items such as limited event items.


However, with that being said... It is our intention that after this run we will embargo the Life Day items and that they will not be returning again. Like all things, that is subject to change but currently our plan is that after this year these Life Day items will go into retirement!




Im dissapointed as well. Lazy is, as lazy does. This was lazy. You guys reskin EVERYTHING for resale, yet you decided not to even do that.

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I hardly feel it's a bad thing to have the same items come back during a holiday period.

I missed the chance to get these items last holiday season so looked forward to their return this year so I can purchase them again, the items will always be valuable for 11 months of the year because new players who were not around during the holiday period will sign up and buy them on the GTN.


New items are not a bad thing but the permanent removal of items which are listed in a collection screen is. Why would a player want to sign up to a game where he can never complete his collections because he was unlucky enough to sign up a month late.


Maybe I am wrong with how I feel but it seems that never bringing these items (or others from the Cartel Market) back in the future isn't a great way to make people want to join the game. I feel the same about the mini-pets which you can only obtain via buying Cartel Coins from Amazon.com, a site which wont let most people outside the US purchase form making it US only items.

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