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Tired of getting my head kicked in


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In theory, GSF seems like an awesome idea.


However getting beat over and over again isn't fun. It's obvious that players have wayyyy more experience playing this that me. Their ships are wayyyy more upgraded than mine. If I have played 50 battles, the Empire has lost 49 of them because there has only been one time I have won a match.


We did come very close on another match losing by maybe 4 or 5 points. That was a lot of fun.


I don't think GSF is for me. Seems that it is very unfriendly to new players.

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GSF seems to have a bad case of WoW syndrome. That being Horde always winning, and Alliance always losing (unless they've got a great premade). Horde being, in this case, the Pubs.


What can we do to combat this? The only thing I can suggest is roll with some friends, converge on one target, and have great communication. One thing I've noticed playing both of these games is that the pubs are more vocal during PvP matches. Imps are quiet, but usually know what's going on. This needs to change, start communicating little sith!

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In theory, GSF seems like an awesome idea.


However getting beat over and over again isn't fun. It's obvious that players have wayyyy more experience playing this that me. Their ships are wayyyy more upgraded than mine. If I have played 50 battles, the Empire has lost 49 of them because there has only been one time I have won a match.


We did come very close on another match losing by maybe 4 or 5 points. That was a lot of fun.


I don't think GSF is for me. Seems that it is very unfriendly to new players.


Do the daily every day, and use CC to send all the currency to one ship. Now you have upgrades too.

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The matchmaking is a bit skewed right now. I was doing crappy till I started getting upgrades, and not using CC to transfer ship req to fleet req has made upgrading a slow process.


Just got to hang in there and earn to req to upgrade. I recommend picking your favorite ship and just focus on getting tier 3 on weapons and defense. Worry about sensors later. That'll make it feel like you're at least doing more even if your team loses.


Luckily on my server pub side seems to win more often and I'm currently playing pub side. So I have a different experience. But every now and then it'll be pub v pub and I get crushed by those fully upgraded guys that must be playing a lot and using CC to get upgrades. It is frustrating, but hang in there, it'll even out eventually

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Or maybe Republic pilots are better than Imperial? :p To me its the opposite way around; my main is on the Rep side and 95% of the time, I'm playing the game on the Rep side. We used to get beat down almost everytime in ground PvP, then GSF came along and the situation reversed. I love giving those Imp scum what they deserve :D


Okay, back on topic. Im pretty sure that GSF scales people to around the same area. For example; people with fully upgraded ships will be fighting other people with fully upgraded ships. While on the other hand, people who just started playing with no upgrades will be grouped with other people with no upgrades.


So, I highly doubt you're losing because of upgrades the opposing team has. Its most likely because the imps aren't as good at GSF compared to the Republic? Or maybe the matchmaking isn't working correctly atm?

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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I disagree - I like the Pub ships soo much better.


I definitely love the looks of Imperial scouts, but Rep Strikers/Gunship certainly take the cake. Scouts aren't bad either.


As for the OP - upgrades aren't the deciding factor, but experience definitely is. Might want to just chill, fly and observe what others do and learn from them. Travel in packs, assist teammates by shooting down enemies that are tailing them. This should be enough.


Have fun :)

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...* Their ships are wayyyy more upgraded than mine...


Even if they are maxed and you haven't spent 1 single point, it's only a moderate difference.


However, those later upgrades are extremely expensive, so few are maxed. Early upgrades however are super cheap. You can get absolutely everything on a ship to tier 1 for less than the cost of a single tier 4 upgrade. Again, you can get all tier 2 for less than the cost of a single tier 5 upgrade. That exponential cost helps very quickly close the already small gear gap. Weeklies and dailies even help you upgrade ships you are not flying.

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Well, I'd say that 80% of the performances relies on the player, not on the upgrades, they're just a nice-to-have. I don't care if you guys agree or not, but players with a lot of experiences in ego-shooters will have the advantage there as like as I'm playing pilot in battlefield too. I know when and what I've to do in some situations and so on whereas only-MMO-gamers and casual gamers have a hard time getting into the space combat.


Just my 2 cents.

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If you want to win in any halfway decent multiplayer combat flight sim style game you NEED to communicate and to fly as a team.


True scouts, ones that are doing recon and AFAC (airborne forward air control) are the only ones that should EVER fly alone. Everyone else should be in at least a 2 ship element, though usually 4 would be better.


Ideally you should all be using some sort of VOIP with an easy to reach Push to Talk key. If there isn't "radio" chatter on a regular basis, you almost certainly aren't communicating enough.


The way things stand right now, having 2-4 people working as an effective team is usually enough to enable a crushing victory for their side, regardless of differences in upgrades.


It doesn't hurt to get a PDF manual from a serious PC flight combat sim (you can usually tell a serious sim based on the size of the manual, 150 to 800 pages is pretty normal depending on how well avionics are modelled) and read the chapter(s) on basic air combat maneuvering and on working with wingmen and/or joint strike packages. Or use other sources to learn about how to conduct effective air combat.


Failing to cooperate in Galactic Starfighter is just as disasterous as trying to run a nightmare mode operation where the DPS are running ahead to pull the boss and the tanks and healers are single target dpsing the adds and trash mobs.


The solution (use teamwork and communicate) is simple, but may not be easy to implement in a groupfinder based group.

Edited by Ramalina
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Even if they are maxed and you haven't spent 1 single point, it's only a moderate difference.


Hmmmmmm. I'm not too sure about that. When I first unlocked Flashfire I felt the struggle of being in an under geared ship. And it wasn't learning a new ship. While there are differences between the Nova and Flash, they aren't enough to turn me back into super noob.


When I unlocked tier 3 on weapons and DMG capacitors my game vastly improved. Those blaster bolts that seemed ineffectual started cutting through gunship defenses. Almost to the point where if I was within 10k I have zero issues going head to head because I can close, pop evasion for their blasters and shoot through their defenses before they even get a railgun shot off.

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In theory, GSF seems like an awesome idea.


However getting beat over and over again isn't fun. It's obvious that players have wayyyy more experience playing this that me. Their ships are wayyyy more upgraded than mine. If I have played 50 battles, the Empire has lost 49 of them because there has only been one time I have won a match.


We did come very close on another match losing by maybe 4 or 5 points. That was a lot of fun.


I don't think GSF is for me. Seems that it is very unfriendly to new players.


Ask questions, practice, experiment. Gear is probably not the problem. The empire has been getting stomped on the harbinger since Gsf released., didn't have anything to do with gear.


But they do need X-server here. If theres going to be a chance for this gear based matchmaking system to work.

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First off, as someone told me after I did nothing but suck and die in my first match, it takes several matches to start not sucking.


Second of all I think the aesthetic argument has some serious merit. Let's face it, outside of GSF the overall Imperial aesthetic has ALWAYS been better than the pub side. There were a few instances where a pub ability would look cooler than it's imp counterpart but those instances were the exception not the rule.


Now in GSF, I think the main consensus (which isn't to say that everyone agrees, but most agree) is that outside the base Imp scout, all the Imp ships look really dumb. It's kind of funny. The clear homage to X-wings, A-wings, even Z-95s and Y-wings is very obvious. The pub ships just plain look good. Imp side on the other hand I think the only ship I actually like the look of is the base scout. The flashfire mirror also looks ok. Not TIE interceptor awesome, but ok. The rest just look horrendous. And since you can enter GSF from any level (or possibly level 10? Not like that takes long), and since GSF provides no benefit to you outside of GSF, there's nothing stopping all the imps from coming pub side and playing in the cool ships.


That's why not only does pub seem to crush imp every time we actually get a cross faction match, but I also see a TON of same faction matches pub side (much like I see way way WAY more same faction PVP matches on Imp side).


While a tad funny that the aesthetic shoe is on the other foot, I really wish they'd redesign some of the imp ships to be more reminiscent of the awesome looking TIE fighters just like they did for the pub side ships. Getting kind of old going against other PUBs the majority of the time.

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GSF seems to have a bad case of WoW syndrome. That being Horde always winning, and Alliance always losing (unless they've got a great premade). Horde being, in this case, the Pubs.


What can we do to combat this? The only thing I can suggest is roll with some friends, converge on one target, and have great communication. One thing I've noticed playing both of these games is that the pubs are more vocal during PvP matches. Imps are quiet, but usually know what's going on. This needs to change, start communicating little sith!


No, it's not a "one side always wins." People lose because they do not follow the main objective: to capture the satellites. Players go off trying to rack up high damage and kill numbers. They capture a node and then leave it undefended. No one calls incoming attacks.


It's that kind of behavior that loses you the game. These are not single player campaigns. If you do not work as a team, you will lose.


It is frustrating. To say the least.

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I think I've only lost one match so far, but as of late, I've pretty much given up on it, thanks to the rotten ping times.


It also doesn't help that most of these matches are pretty uneventful, only to get suddenly scrapped at the end by someone you didn't even see.


It is not fun to get your ship cut down to almost dead in five seconds, do everything you can to get out of their crossfire, and just ten seconds later, when you're sure that you're safe, get blasted again.

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I play on the Bastion. First fights, We stomped the Imps into the ground. Then I upgraded my ship a few too many times and got bumped up into the higher bracket, where apparently all the people who know how to play really well are. Then we got stomped into the ground.


Played two matches yesterday for the daily, and on both, it was very close until the Imps came from behind and won by a hair.


It's stabilizing.


Oh, and all Republic ships look better than all Imp ships. All the galaxy's fashion designers went to the dark side, but all the good engineers work for the Republic. :D

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