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Why does Sentinel/Marauder attract idiots?


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Serious question.


Whenever I find someone who is just plain stupid and has to have their hand held through EVERYTHING without thinking for themselves, 9 times out of 10 its a Sentinel/Marauder.


I want to know why so many of them are attracted to this class.

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Mauraders (and to a lesser degree, snipers) have a lower initial skill threshold. This isn't a bad thing...to get really good results from both classes you stil need to really focus and optimize your skill. but since the threshold is lower, it's easier for those who don't wish to put in the effort of complete optimization to get "satisfactory" numbers from them.


Add to that the simple attraction of big number classes (big boom fun!), and add to that the nature of FotM players to funnel to whatever is reputed to do the most damage....and you tend to get alot of players who are there because someone told them it was a good class.


Interestingly enough, I tend to base my opinion of the FotM classes by how many players ask for advice in fleet ("can anyone tell me what spec is best for damage?" is common). right now, the two classes that i see that the most for are mara's and bounty hunters.


Mara is also one of the only two AC"s that are pure DPS. again, attracts those who otherwise don't want to have to think beyond mashing a few buttons for pretty numbers on the screen. This in no way discredits those who seek perfection of their class...I've seen some downright wicked mara's and snipers. but that's the price you pay for being an easy to get teh basics down DPS class.

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Mauraders (and to a lesser degree, snipers) have a lower initial skill threshold. This isn't a bad thing...to get really good results from both classes you stil need to really focus and optimize your skill. but since the threshold is lower, it's easier for those who don't wish to put in the effort of complete optimization to get "satisfactory" numbers from them.


Add to that the simple attraction of big number classes (big boom fun!), and add to that the nature of FotM players to funnel to whatever is reputed to do the most damage....and you tend to get alot of players who are there because someone told them it was a good class.


Interestingly enough, I tend to base my opinion of the FotM classes by how many players ask for advice in fleet ("can anyone tell me what spec is best for damage?" is common). right now, the two classes that i see that the most for are mara's and bounty hunters.


Mara is also one of the only two AC"s that are pure DPS. again, attracts those who otherwise don't want to have to think beyond mashing a few buttons for pretty numbers on the screen. This in no way discredits those who seek perfection of their class...I've seen some downright wicked mara's and snipers. but that's the price you pay for being an easy to get teh basics down DPS class.


Actually the pure DPS aspect long deterred me from rolling one, because i just really like switching roles. But Sent/Maras have two very interesting trees that are quite challenging to play reasonably good and are great fun as well and one rather boring one, that is way to effective pvp wise. I think it is harder pve wise to play combat right than to play Lightning/TK on sorc. Watchman as is harder to do well than say madness/balance. But is like one of the funniest things when you manage to steal aggro from your tanks and you can hear them whine:P

I think despite Smash and being one of the best damage dealing classes in game (with two viable DPS trees for both kinds of content), i think it is because the AC is kind of the iconic warrior class, that like an idiot jumps fearlessly into the battle and produces some real carnage. How can one not like that :p

and yeah double lightsaber ftw !!!

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Serious question.


Whenever I find someone who is just plain stupid and has to have their hand held through EVERYTHING without thinking for themselves, 9 times out of 10 its a Sentinel/Marauder.


I want to know why so many of them are attracted to this class.


I´ll take it as constructive criticism and not as one of that fuc*** whiner´s threads.:D

You haven t come here to sing this old song, have you?


So, like you, I´m quiet surprised how many sents are out there not being able to put their class to its max.:D


They´re dds.

As such they have to deliver max pressure.

They´re supposed to do that, aren´t they. (Not being completely blind to objectives, though)

I´m playing watchman for some days now. Just to try it out since the 2.5 changes.


Actually I think no one wants to see a watchman nowadays...nice numbers...but...I do not provide the same amount of brutal force like a focus-sent.

In focus stance I can deliver much more pain.


But as a watchman or combat sent I get the real fun out of this class.

Actually I´m using my LS to deal the main damage and not an aoe attack.

But it is at is...BW has designed this class that way....an autocritting aoe-attack deals the highest damage within the shortest time.


Eventually I´ve to ask me "With which one am I going to help my group out the best in every wz/ arena?"

Edited by EilahFinn
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There are indeed a lot of idiot sents/maras, though that can be said of any class.


in PVE, watchmen and especially combat specs have a higher skill cap than other dps. It's rare to see one who really knows their stuff. And lots of players, whether they are MMO newbies or veterans, are still getting used to keybinds and mouse turning so they have less attention to spare on things like group mechanics and boss abilities.

Edited by Projawa
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At the end of the day, tanks get mad at bad sents in group finder for pulling trash mobs and stuff in fp but tbh we actually do have the tools to tank them for a fair amount of time if the healer is decent and the sent is good enough to know when to use cds. Rebuke and saber ward is quite tanky.. Well geared sentinel could tank most hm fps tbh. Also one that has a rough idea how to play holds aggro like a champ!


In GF where gear levels vary alot a sentinel may be much higher gear then the tank and the tank won't be able to hold much aggro so the sent will be tanking most of it anyway..

Edited by AngusFTW
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and this ignorant mentallity is so insightful lmao


-Says ignorant to imply uneducated

-spells following word wrong


You must be the type of player I was referring to!


This actually DOES happen, quite a lot, with some people in my experience. Learn to accept not everyone who plays your class is smart, and you'll get along well. The idea of 'two sabers lol' has been spoken of by more than me in this thread. If you have better reasoning for why, out of all classes, so many of the least talented players grab this archetype of Warrior/Knight, let's hear. Till then, 'Lol double lightsabers!' it is. I don't understand how the experiences people have makes them ignorant for having had it.


Im not sure if thats really correct assumption, there are plenty senti/mara players that are very good. Plenty of people play all classes.


And do notice how OP never said otherwise.

Edited by RayceUlrand
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Don't get me wrong I try to improve where ever I can, but I mostly solo and do story content. So my bad play only hinders me. If time permits and I get a chance to start grouping up I will be reading more and more on how to improve. I have no intention of letting my mistakes ruin someones night, its bad enough my mistakes sometimes ruin my night ;)


As for picking the class, well I created him my sentinel at launch, I played the Guardian in beta and got sick of being a tank. Main tanked in EQ1 and EQ2 in a raid guild for years. I knew I was only going to casually play this game so when the game went live I made a sentinel. Story was a blast and Still having fun exploring and getting myself into trouble. So I am one of those dummy's that does not know how to play a sentinel to its fullest, but I am smart enough to make sure I am not causing headache to other players

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This is the reason I find idiots pick up Sent/Marauder. "Two sabers is better than one." mentality, rushing headfirst into things without a tank, etc


Two weapons are better then one, can't argue with that. Gunslinger's base damage is higer then Sniper even though they're mirror classes.

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Two weapons are better then one, can't argue with that. Gunslinger's base damage is higer then Sniper even though they're mirror classes.


I know Sentinel's are generally superior to Guardian's and so forth, but my point is that a portion of the community may not pick Sentinel for that reason, they may just pick it because 'it looks cool' and that's about it. Playing a Sentinel often lets you get away with rushing headfirst into fights, I do it plenty in solo PvE content, but the problem is that players carry that mentality into FP's where the same rules don't always apply. In the middle of leveling a Sentinel, I can see, easily, why many of the players I've encountered rush headlong into a fight.

Edited by RayceUlrand
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Serious question.


Whenever I find someone who is just plain stupid and has to have their hand held through EVERYTHING without thinking for themselves, 9 times out of 10 its a Sentinel/Marauder.


I want to know why so many of them are attracted to this class.


That's not incendiary at all, now is it? Maybe you should puzzle that out yourself--wouldn't want to hold your hand through this conundrum.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't speak for the other idiots, but for myself, I play the sentinel because Star Wars for me was always about the Jedi. I never had any desire to play anything else until I came back and was so godawful bad that I decided to roll a bunch of alts to try and figure out how to counter some of the other classes. Unfortunately for everyone else who queues with me in WZs, I enjoy the sentinel so much that I stopped with the alts after only playing a couple. Fwiw, I've played two sentinels to 55, one sentinel to 35, and a mara to 23 because I've tried my best to get more practice in at the lower levels, but I've also done a fair chunk of the PvE stuff as well, so it hasn't been all PvP.


Personally, I don't think of myself as an "idiot," but otoh, my guess would be that if you played a 55 WZ with me, you might very well think so. I have read the forums pretty extensively, and have researched all this on other sites such as Noxxic, Fanatical Swordsman, Dulfy, MMO-Mechanics, etc., and I know at least the basic and intermediate strategies behind warzones. I know how to call inc, how to visually gauge how many enemy are in a location and either stay to help or leave to help another node, how to pass in Huttball and (usually) how to not interrupt someone else's CC if the enemy is stunned while a teammate is capping.


However... I'm still extremely new to PvP. I played at launch, but left after taking my first (and only) toon to 50, and never did PvP anywhere for more than five minutes in any game, until coming back a few months ago and deciding I wanted to try it. As I said earlier, I did my best to avoid the endgame so that I'd have at least a modicum of skill before entering 55 PvP, but I'm still significantly worse than the average player and routinely get the bottom spot (or very close to it).


I don't have years of PvP experience in other games. I have four months of casual PvP (maybe an hour or two a night). I'm also 46, with terrible reflexes, not the greatest memory, and I'm also learning for the first time a lot of things that most players in their teens and 20s take for granted. In a recent warzone, I had a team member complain about "the combat sentinel who didn't throw trans." I had to ask what in the heck "trans" was, and was quite embarrassed when he explained, but I started using it after that. Not well, though, and I still got complaints afterwards, and honestly... I can tell you it's because I am only guessing at when it would be the most useful. Pop it immediately upon entering combat? Wait until we're defending against an enemy ball carrier in Huttball? Heck if I know, and that's just one example; there are dozens of other situations like that.


Having said all that, though, I will say that SWTOR is the first time I've ever actually enjoyed PvP enough to stick with it, learn it, and get better. SWTOR allows the total noob to jump into PvP in a controlled fashion, suck for a while, and (hopefully) gradually get better to the point where he starts to contribute and stops sucking so godawful bad.


And the twin lightsaber thing looks really cool! :p

Edited by georgemattson
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Tank can't hold agro? Tank's fault, not the dps.


But back on topic. My very first character was an assassin, because I wanted to be like darth maul.

Second character was a marauder, because it had 2 lightsabers.

Third a sniper, because of the sniper.


New people to any MMO will just pick something that looks cool most of the time.

And admit it, 2 lightsabers does look cool :p

Edited by Whojoo
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I find this thread to be very offensive. First off calling all people that play Sentinel's and Marauder's idiots is just plain rude. Secondly if that player that is playing that Sentinel/Marauder knows how to play there class then they will be very effective damage dealers. Finally I Play both A Sentinel and Marauder and 9 times out of 10 I find I have to baby sit the tank's and Healers. Oh And Surprise the Tank's and the Healer's Are always the first ones to die in Operations/Flashpoints/Warzone/Arenas....
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if the sent fails at popping thread drops and the tank is a baddie.


if everyone knows how to play i barely use guard...

Its not even about the tank being a baddie or a sent not using threat drop, i'm talking about gear gap. gl being a fresh undergeared 55 tank keeping aggro from full 78 sentinel who knows how to play which does tend to happen in GF.. but as i said.. sents can take a little bit of punishment with cds anyway its not really a problem for a sent that knows how to use them.

Edited by AngusFTW
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