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Bioware Made One Huge Mistake with Galactic Starfighter...


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You troll... I was about to get in here and go all "BW made one huge mistake with allowing you to play the game" on you, since I like GSF so much, and than you trolled me, well played sir, well played... ok back to my strike fighter.
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Don't know about ONLY playing GS, you have a tremendous amount of patience haha. It's what it was designed to be, a fun, nice distraction (though the elitist abusive *****s who think they know EVERYTHING have started to creep in, spamming chat with pointless insults instead of actually taking part). That's hardly biowares fault though.


So, yeah, it's a fun distraction and has opened up odd opportunities as far as RPs concerned, so that's nice if your into that. I just hope they have the resources to dedicate to both it and the game proper.

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Ya, they definitely made that mistake. Why'd they have to make it so darn addictive and fun.. I agree though with others that the sensitivity of the controls is a bit high. I have 2 monitors and sometimes I end up off the screen and out of combat cause I've moved the mouse into my second monitor.
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You guys need to calm down.


Pretty sure this is like the honeymoon feeling. In the next few days, the forums will be back to their usual with new complaints about less maps, no game modes and what not. It's good no doubt but play it for a good amount of time before jumping to conclusions.

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i just like on the rare occasion you see someone in chat say....


"space sucks, i die all the time, i'm going back to warzones where i can survive"


"i'm back in space, i hate this place, nobody ques for pvp now"


"bw gsf sucks, i can't pvp and i die all the time in space, i never died before till now"


I don't feel this way, it just makes me snicker a little when i read things like this in Gen Chat.

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id enjoy it alot more if i could control the thing.

controls are way too sensitive for me lol


Which controls are too sensitive? It feels the opposite to me, like I'm turning way too slowly. Maybe I'm doing something wrong!

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You guys need to calm down.


Pretty sure this is like the honeymoon feeling. In the next few days, the forums will be back to their usual with new complaints about less maps, no game modes and what not. It's good no doubt but play it for a good amount of time before jumping to conclusions.


Getting the hives from all this enthusiastic positive talk?

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Tried it twice, bored the hell out of me. Give me X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter, or even a Jump to Lightspeed clone. A clone of SOE's Clone Wars space missions in their browser game ( which itself is a clone of StarFox ) is still a boring on-rails clickfest, regardless of how many can play together or how wide you make the rails.
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They made GS way too fun. I don't even play the regular game now. Bioware did a really good job with GS-almost too good...


I agree with you, GS is so fun its the only thing I do in the game. It brings back all of the wonderful memories that I had with tie fighter / xwing CD. I have never enjoyed SWTOR as much as I do when playing GS. the DEVS did a wonderful job on it.

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It's pretty much what I expected. I don't hate it, I can actually "somewhat" enjoy a game once in a blue moon, but it's not my go-to content, I would never play several games in a row and I still don't understand why we even have it in this game. Had I been genuinely interested in playing a space shooter I would have simply bought a proper one instead. Then again, had they implemented a pod racer similar to the Wipeout series I probably would have played a good deal of that so it's down to personal preferences.


So that said, I sincerely hope that upcoming patches arent going to target GSF fans specifically. If that starts happening I'm gone for good.

Edited by MidichIorian
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It's pretty much what I expected. I don't hate it, I can actually "somewhat" enjoy a game once in a blue moon, but it's not my go-to content, I would never play several games in a row and I still don't understand why we even have it in this game. Had I been genuinely interested in playing a space shooter I would have simply bought a proper one instead. Then again, had they implemented a pod racer similar to the Wipeout series I probably would have played a good deal of that so it's down to personal preferences.


So that said, I sincerely hope that upcoming patches arent going to target GSF fans specifically. If that starts happening I'm gone for good.




I'm sure some patches will, just as some patches target PVP some target raids, and some target dalies etc.

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I haven't played the ground game since it came out, I've just been chain queuing GSF.


On the bright side, I was a bit worried at how quickly my alts were levelling and that I would run out of class stories to experience, so I suppose that's a good thing ^.^


Can't wait for the full release with more maps and stuff.

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