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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BW, when is the next orchestra recording session?


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I guess everyone noticed the new music present in 2.5 is done with sample instruments, not a real orchestra.


So BW are you just waiting until more music is composed and will you record all at once and replace the sample tracks?


Or are the times for new live musician music over?

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Budget cutbacks or not, the new music from dread war and gsf SUCKS. Tries to imitate motifs from TOR but does it poorly. Really poorly. New music has no balls (if you get me) and Star Wars vibe whatsoever. Can't remember a single tune from the new sounds.


If they won't get someone better (Jeremy Soule!) to compose computer-generated music that sounds properly, they should really stick to classic Star Wars themes. The game is heavy on and it loops way too much tracks from the EP 1 - 3. 4-6 is what we need to hear.


How many of you would prefer to hear this in GSF?!



Asteroid Field ftw!

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(Jeremy Soule!)


oh please, can he do anything but rip off John Williams (badly.)?

Don´t remember any Jeremy Soule tune which didn´t remind me of someone else´s work. I really wonder how he got so overhyped, must have a good agent or something.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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agreed, the music quality is wimpy and lacks passion. BUT, given the circumstances i understand why it sounds this way.


A simple solution would have been to insert a tube preamp (for the SOLE purpose of warming up the sound) into the post recording. Vocalists do this all the time, it doesn't make it distorted, just warms it up a little, 5db+- can do wonders for digitized tracks. Any mesa, presonus, or ART Pro works great.


Another trick, use a BBE processor on the master recording. It will re-create the impression of harmonic balance in the keyboard created strings and horns. Unless money is no object you can get the 150 dollar version and you'll be set for life. FYI all musicians who do ANY recording need to use the BBE process.


IN FACT, if BW wanted to have a studio tech sit down for a few hours and re-master those new tracks with the above listed items it would make a WORLD of difference.

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I don't know why they even bother with original stuff, they should cannibalize previous SW games for tunes, like they did the kotor series for some planets. I love it when one of the old franchise classics starts playing in the background.


On topic of hypothetical appropriate soundtracks for GS... Strike suit zero = awesome OST. You can tell it was done by the guy that did the Homeworld games tracks.

Edited by aeterno
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I guess everyone noticed the new music present in 2.5 is done with sample instruments, not a real orchestra.


So BW are you just waiting until more music is composed and will you record all at once and replace the sample tracks?


Or are the times for new live musician music over?


Meh....I'd really rather have more electronicy and spacey music.....The same "Star Wars" themes over and over get lame after hearing them for the last 37 years.....

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Meh....I'd really rather have more electronicy and spacey music.....The same "Star Wars" themes over and over get lame after hearing them for the last 37 years.....


Then you're obviously playing the wrong game.


As to the music, yes, I noticed it as well and it sounds terrible. Hope this won't be the new standard in the future... :(

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oh please, can he do anything but rip off John Williams (badly.)?

Don´t remember any Jeremy Soule tune which didn´t remind me of someone else´s work. I really wonder how he got so overhyped, must have a good agent or something.


Wow. Soule's style is nothing like Williams'... Gee! :/


Btw guys, Jeremy Soule is who composed music for KotOR. It sounded nothing like Williams but really had that something about it which made it Star Wars!

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I have no problems with any of the new music. Mostly I was just glad they finally added new music in the new operations because I was so sick of hearing the same track in most of the instances for so long.


Having full orchestra 100% of the time is really expensive and time consuming - Even Clone Wars didn't do that.

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Can't let this be the last comment in this thread. The new music is terrible and really does take away from the immersion. They should at the very least limit to GSF, and not sprinkle it in on OPS and daily areas. It's one of the reasons I can't really get into GSF believe it or not. Hopefully this is not a sign of things to come.. what's next, no more voice acting?
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Can I just pop in again and ask if they could PLEASE update/change the Cantina music in this game while they're re-recording stuff? Seriously, I can't listen to the cantina music that plays on the fleet anymore. And I've taken some pretty long breaks from the game, don't people get sick of the same tracks playing over and over? It's not even Star Wars-y.


Seriously, I have to mute the game when I'm doing GTN shopping, it's just that annoying! :mad:

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I really like some of the music on some of the planet's such as Balmorra, Alderane, Hoth, and Belsavis. But the music in GSF doesn't quite feel that...Star warsish. I sure wouldn't mind if they put it the music soundtrack from Revenge of the Sith when Obi-wan and Skywalker were fighting on Mustafar being that was one of my favorite tracts in Star Wars. Just a thought.
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If we have to start reusing themes from the OT and PT OSTs, it's not a good sign regarding the scoring for the game. I mean, the themes from the movies (and to a lesser degree KOTOR I and II) conjure certain images and feelings that usually are totally separate from what's going on in TOR.
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I agree with the OP, the way I get around it is through Spotify, since its free I just load up a playlist with all my fav SW tunes, put it on random, mute the in game music and carry-on. It sucks to have a work around but its a nice solution for the time being. Edited by Jojogunne
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