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Are assassins terrible ?


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So ive messed around with quite a few chars in both beta + live, and I keep finding the assassin to simply be the worst class around.


Compared to BH or Juggernauts theyre an absolute joke in tanking (both pvp and pve), as a dps class they seem inferior to an operative in almost every way and dont even come close to other dps classes, I really just find this to be such a crappy class.


Am I missing something, do they drastically change around in the 40s/50s (ive played it into the late 20s).


It seems their idea to make a class a light armor / caster / tank hybrid is just absurd, and in execution it turns out poorly.


Dont get me wrong im sure that there are some players out there who are good as this class, but comparitvely it seems like it by FARRR needs the most work of any class out there come SWTOR's first patch.

your doing it wrong! Scoot over!
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So ive messed around with quite a few chars in both beta + live, and I keep finding the assassin to simply be the worst class around.


Compared to BH or Juggernauts theyre an absolute joke in tanking (both pvp and pve), as a dps class they seem inferior to an operative in almost every way and dont even come close to other dps classes, I really just find this to be such a crappy class.


Am I missing something, do they drastically change around in the 40s/50s (ive played it into the late 20s).


It seems their idea to make a class a light armor / caster / tank hybrid is just absurd, and in execution it turns out poorly.


Dont get me wrong im sure that there are some players out there who are good as this class, but comparitvely it seems like it by FARRR needs the most work of any class out there come SWTOR's first patch.


Every time I hear someone say this, I smile. That's fine, I hope everyone thinks this. Keep my class away from the nerf bat. Honestly though, no. I consider myself a well played assassin (not top tier) and i have no trouble topping damage and medals in pvp. There isn't really a time where i'm outmatched 1v1.

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Get to 50, the class is a late bloomer.


Which is really sad if completely true.

I have a powertech I created, originally wasn't even going to touch the bounty hunter class. And with the BH, I breeze through content that I die repeatedly on with the darkness spec assassin.


Both are around level 35/36. While part of the problem may be the lack of a healing companion, the extra dps should allow me to finish the fight quicker and thus lose less health. It's not working that way.


Assassin tanking was not well thought out or tested. It feels like a terrible afterthought.

I was having trouble with class quests, most of which seem designed for the sorcerer.


They need more built in passive mitigation and less RNG. Dark ward needs an internal timer on charge loss to prevent it from being stripped by a sustained autofire type ability. Even the 'other' game gets that concept with their bone-shield ability.

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Yea the boss fights are tough since they're all stupid casters.


Oh well. Go blizz (oops! I mean Bioware lol...forgot which company i was hating on <3) for assuming that since you were playing the "caster" base class that you're obviously going to be a ranged class.


It gets muuuuch easier with talos. I kill golds at 90% health. It also gets much easier with Raze. Probably much easier if you went FL instead, too.


I chain pull mobs that would usually just decimate me easily now. I can handle packs of a couple of strongs, or an elite with 1 or 2 strongs.

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My guilds top tank right now is an assassin. We've done all the flashpoints up to the forge without an issue. I'm a healing merc, and he and I did all the heroics on hoth with just the two of us without an issue. So yeah, assassins area great at tanking, it's just early on can be a pain.


I've since made an assassin for my tanking/pvp class.

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Assassins are by far one of the strongest classes in the game.. Get past level 15. On my server there is a 50 Assassin who runs in TANK stance ( Dunno about spec ) the entire game. He usually has 175-200k damage, 15+ KBs, 5+ solos, and absorbs 35k-50k damage... He can CC like crazy, vanish, do a lot of damage, taunt, sprint away, kill you at ranged... There isn't anything that this class can't do.


lol , this post made me laugh , you seen an assassin run by you who is tough and can do everything ? , lol yes your an expert in the class.

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maybe your just bad assassin tank?


I can tank perfectly fine, you have to pay attention with dark ward a little bit more than you do of the other tank classes.


I love it, i do great in pvp as a darkness tank and great in pve.



Agro management is pretty bad early on from what i've seen, but once u get wither it's really really easy to hold agro. especially if you put guard on ur hardest hitter so he generates less agro.


Assassin DEFINITELY is not an EARLY LEVEL tank.


This, a lot of guilds I know use assassins as their endgame tank because assassins are great at endgame tanking

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I'm at lvl 38 and thorougly enjoy playing my Deception Assassin. I played a fury warrior in WoW and was planning on playing a Sith Maruader due to the similarities in the two, but played a Jedi Shadow to 25 during Beta and LOVED it! Force Cloak is great for survivability and the CC works great when using Khem Val and turning off his AoE's. I rarely have any problems soloing content and can usually solo Heroic 2+ quests with Khem Val. It has been nice to finally get gear with alot more Crit stats as Crit is SUPER important to Deception Assassins. Maul works great IMHO. So far, Deception Assassin is a win for me.
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50 madness assassin here, the only class I can't beat (presuming good player, same level and gear) is healer 1 v 1 or sometimes imperial agent/smuggler - they are a pretty b4dass class at high levels, you just need to time your abilities and cc well. Edited by Manigma
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I'm a 50 assassin tank, class quite literally is a late bloomer however at 50 i have the same if not higher armor than an equally geared jugger, typically higher base defense and shield chance and a higher absorb rating, add in dark ward and self healing to that and i really have no issues. Plus given that we're the more offensive of the tanking classes no threat issues as well.


Then again i'm constantly switching between full darkness and a dark/madness hybrid spec.


Side note, Absorption Rating is absolutely amazing on a sin tank.

Edited by Saithe
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Well, your problem is you're looking at their tanking side. In PvP they're great, in their non-tanking spec


I play both DPS and Tank sin, they are incredible.


In my tank spec i can go 3v1 and win easily and i finish every warzone with 10 medals

in DPS spec obviously i can kill healers 1v1 which u cannot do in tank spec but are squishy.


also in PVE they are the best AOE tanks from what i've experienced sure they dont have any real mitigation skills but that comes from gear

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Have you seen the damage of Maul? It's pitiful. Especially compared to things like Power Shot which does more damage, and from range. It's not like a rogue from WoW where it'll do massive crit damage. Plus, our stealth is pretty useless. The only opening-from-stealth move we have has a knockdown (endgame useless) that wears off before the global cooldown finishes.


Quoted for the truth! They are some glaring issues what this class. I am only speaking from a pre-50 point since I've just hit 40.


Maul is not that great, especially since it's suppose to be our opener, I was browsing the spell list of other classes and the sniper (I believe) get a backstab and a true opener from stealth. Why don't sin's have the same thing?


I was really looking forward to getting assassinate when I read the tooltip orignally but why does this move have to go through the whole animation before the damage occurs? (Maul does this as well) They might as well remove the cooldown on it if you got to wait 2 secs for the damage to take place. If you factor in server lag/latency, you have an even bigger issue.


Also, I am not impressed by the damage migration of this class, I don't play any of the other tank classes so I can't make any comparisons but with dark charge up and dark ward activate I talk a buttload of damage. For example I was finishing some old quest up on tattooine (Thanks Bioware for not letting me delete my old quests) and I was taking way too much damage as a 36 sin vs 27-28 strong mobs. The only thing that was making me feel somewhat better is that Ashara and to a lesser degree Khem was getting their butt whooped as well, so that gives me an indication that armor/defense is better broken across the board.


Additionally the healing offered in the trees are laughable, deathfield does awesome damage but the healing isn't even noticeable.Healing from Dark charge and Harnessed Darkness needs to be reworked as well.


Me and my toons gears are average and I hall of the weapons from the Taris dealer I like to try and stay no more -3 level on my gear as I know gear is important but this scares me as I level I hope that this either balances out at 50 or I need to wait till the patch these issues.

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Believe it or not your opener is not supposed to be maul idk what ever gave you that idea... maul is great during combat but as your opener leaves you with 60 Force at the beginning of the fight which is not ideal... i know that most assassins start with spike since it has a small resolve build up which is great to start...


idk who told you that but if you think really hard why would it be worth it to use a 50 energy attack and hope its crit when you can just start with a spike and 2 VS or even some basic attacks and get your exploit weakness up.. Maul is not ideal to open in pvp specailly in the situations assassins are put in spike is perfect for putting someone down remember its a hard knock down which is a perfect CC go ahead and use low slash into that rotation and the resolve bar still wont be all the way to full and then you could use an electrocute which then would make the target unccable but they time that happens your assassin should have done already nearly his whole damage..


Maul should always be used when EW is up and EW is never up at the begin right out of stealth which isnt the smartest thing to open with so Spike is the most ideal and if that isnt up use VS or Basic attack but wait to use maul until you know you HAVE EW up so you never force starve yourself.

Edited by Kuroii
Typos and repetition LOL
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Believe it or not your opener is not supposed to be maul idk what ever gave you that idea... maul is great during combat but as your opener leaves you with 60 Force at the beginning of the fight which is not ideal... i know that most assassins start with spike since it has a small resolve build up which is great to start...


idk who told you that but if you think really hard why would it be worth it to use a 50 energy attack and hope its crit when you can just start with a spike and 2 VS or even some basic attacks and get your exploit weakness up.. Maul is not ideal to open in pvp specailly in the situations assassins are put in spike is perfect for putting someone down remember its a hard knock down which is a perfect CC go ahead and use low slash into that rotation and the resolve bar still wont be all the way to full and then you could use an electrocute which then would make the target unccable but they time that happens your assassin should have done already nearly his whole damage..


Maul should always be used when EW is up and EW is never up at the begin right out of stealth which isnt the smartest thing to open with so Spike is the most ideal and if that isnt up use VS or Basic attack but wait to use maul until you know you HAVE EW up so you never force starve yourself.


I was speaking mostly from a PvE perspective but regardless, what are you suppose to open with pre-spike?

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Believe it or not your opener is not supposed to be maul idk what ever gave you that idea... maul is great during combat but as your opener leaves you with 60 Force at the beginning of the fight which is not ideal... i know that most assassins start with spike since it has a small resolve build up which is great to start...


idk who told you that but if you think really hard why would it be worth it to use a 50 energy attack and hope its crit when you can just start with a spike and 2 VS or even some basic attacks and get your exploit weakness up.. Maul is not ideal to open in pvp specailly in the situations assassins are put in spike is perfect for putting someone down remember its a hard knock down which is a perfect CC go ahead and use low slash into that rotation and the resolve bar still wont be all the way to full and then you could use an electrocute which then would make the target unccable but they time that happens your assassin should have done already nearly his whole damage..


Maul should always be used when EW is up and EW is never up at the begin right out of stealth which isnt the smartest thing to open with so Spike is the most ideal and if that isnt up use VS or Basic attack but wait to use maul until you know you HAVE EW up so you never force starve yourself.


what is spike? what level do you get that?

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I was speaking mostly from a PvE perspective but regardless, what are you suppose to open with pre-spike?


Even from a PvE perspective you shouldnt open with maul it still leaves with 60 Force if you are doing a assassin tank or even DPS start with a VS (voltiac slash) or it would be wither or a lower force cost ability so dont think basic attacks are out of the question... remember your trying to do the most damage but you have to be able to keep your force to do that damage force starving yourself from the begin is bad ...


Pre-spike i would use a thrash or even shock or basic attack maul is good when you have EW and its not being used for 50 force basicallly you have to think about why would i leave myself with 50 force at the begin of the fight then use another ability and leave myself starved and waiting for my force to regen while they attack you


and what level you get spike is i think at like mid 30s or 40s i forget check it out on torhead.com they show most abilities

Edited by Kuroii
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Well, seeing as there are buttloads of Assassins EVERYWHERE, I can only assume they aren't so terrible as you make them out to be.


It's by far the most common class I see on a daily basis.



That's only because it has the word "assassin" in the name. Anything involving the word "assassin" is pretty much going to be the most popular thing. I'll be more impressed if I start seeing that many at higher levels.

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No idea how it stacks up vs the other classes.


Just know that it is rediculous fun to play, so I will continue.


Edit: I'd argue that if you're playing it based on relative power, you're doing it wrong, and need to ask yourself some questions.

Edited by Chado_
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Aww. Reading these garbage posts about Assassin tanks being weak is making my head hurt. In the hands of an experienced player, Assassin tanks are fun and get the job done. Hell, in the hands of an inexperienced player who isn't stupid, Assassin tanks are fun and get the job done.


All these tools who want to aoe splatter through everything without using their brains and get their tails kicked as a result, whining because they can't be Space Paladins. Sickening.

Edited by sanctified
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Just finished a warzone and I attempted to use assassinate to finish an opponent off, he sprints away as the move was going through the animation and the move failed to hit because of the silly startup aimation said something about the effect can't take place.....


Hopefully things like this gets addressed in a patch soon.

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Yes because its alot more realistic to have an ability hit before any animation right ? i mean when you swing around to slice someone, you hit them at the thought and not at then end of the action.



Its this pathetic wow mentality to gameplaying that ruins games, might aswell just stand still and spam attacks, why do you need to move, just as the damage according to you needs to be done independent of animation, so the same rule should apply to positional, heck why should we have to go behind, simply pressing the skill and it hits his back is what you're asking for, same ******** with the instant crap independent of animations. No immersion, nothng, just hit that button and presto instant damage, no need to swing the saber, no need to move into position. heck why dont they just get rid of all animations, makes it easier for people like you...... you playing the wrong game mate, go play CS.


My apologies for venting, but i'm so tired of idiotic perceptions due to experiences of a lame mmo made for adhd kiddies, the macdonalds of mmos. sad

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Yes because its alot more realistic to have an ability hit before any animation right ? i mean when you swing around to slice someone, you hit them at the thought and not at then end of the action.



Its this pathetic wow mentality to gameplaying that ruins games, might aswell just stand still and spam attacks, why do you need to move, just as the damage according to you needs to be done independent of animation, so the same rule should apply to positional, heck why should we have to go behind, simply pressing the skill and it hits his back is what you're asking for, same ******** with the instant crap independent of animations. No immersion, nothng, just hit that button and presto instant damage, no need to swing the saber, no need to move into position. heck why dont they just get rid of all animations, makes it easier for people like you...... you playing the wrong game mate, go play CS.


My apologies for venting, but i'm so tired of idiotic perceptions due to experiences of a lame mmo made for adhd kiddies, the macdonalds of mmos. sad


As much as it is realistic to swing around sword made of energy and shoot lighting out my fingers..... Jeez, I'm just pointing out of the broken mechanics of the game and how it effects my class, as a player you need to compensate for such things and even more so with lag. For instance when I use force grip on an opponent and at the last second he los's me; the spell go off but it doesn't pull them in and your spell is now on the 45 sec cooldown. This is very frustrating especially in huttball as this has caused me to miss some clutch saves and hopefully things like this gets fixed sooner or later.


But I guess this ok with you cause you rather play your games with flawed/broken mechanics.

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