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Game is a GREAT KOTOR sequel but I won't be subscribing...


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I really dislike the subscription model as well. I like the DC Universe Online model they have going right now, where you basically pay for expansions and add-ons. I guess Guild Wars started that.


WoW and now TOR are the only subscription games I have ever "bought." Even those I just level to the cap and quit, since I am a singleplayer kind of guy. At least TOR has a real campaign you can "finish" which makes it good for that kind of player.

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I subscribed to WoW for nearly eight years and honestly I am burnt out on MMORPGs and the subscription model. I'd rather buy a game for $60 and then play it anytime, without having to pay more. I'm not here to rat on the game or to tell you to not subscribe. It's just something I had to vent a bit. Clearly, this subscription model won't change and EA/Bioware want to get WoW-like subscription numbers to rake in the $$$. This game is great, undoubtedly, with some bugs but hardly gamebreaking, but I would have preferred a KOTOR3 over SWTOR as I'd only pay $60 for 50+ hours of entertainment than subscribe to a MMORPG and waste hundreds of hours (or play for few hours every week and then you're really just wasting your $15) of my life on a single game that the gains you've made will eventually be lost when the servers turn off for good. All for what? Nothing in end except wasted hours of your life.


I am pretty sure this game will be F2P in a few months, give it time. Most games are heading that route.

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I think it's a pretty decent MMORPG but as a "sequel to KOTOR" it's pretty bad. The gameplay doesn't feel anything like KOTOR and the story I've seen thus far has very little to do with KOTOR. Which doesn't make it a bad game, but specifically as "sequel to KOTOR" I think it's not really there Edited by marshalleck
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I am pretty sure this game will be F2P in a few months, give it time. Most games are heading that route.


There goes any credibility you had, which was none. Horribad games like DCUO went 8 months before F2p and similar trash games went longer.


When someone says this game is going f2p in a couple months, its safe to dismiss anything they have to say.

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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There goes any credibility you had, which was none. Horribad games like DCUO went 8 months before F2p and similar trash games went longer.


When someone says this game is going f2p in a couple months, its safe to dismiss anything they have to say.


I bookmarked this because I want to bump it when it goes f2p. ;)

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There goes any credibility you had, which was none. Horribad games like DCUO went 8 months before F2p and similar trash games went longer.


When someone says this game is going f2p in a couple months, its safe to dismiss anything they have to say.


Problem is SWTOR doesn't feel like an MMO at all. It's more of a singleplayer game with a chatbox.

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$60 + $15/mo for 12 months = $240 first year investment.


If you bought 4 new PS3/Xbox 360 games you would pay...$240.


At an average of 50 hours per game (for an RPG, less for an FPS) you get 200 hours of game play out of your four games and $240.


If you played TOR 1 hour per day during the week. and 2 hours/day on the weekend, that's 9 hours per week (well below the MMO average.) 9 * 52 = 468 hours of gameplay.


Not to mention TOR contains 8 class stories.


I'm sorry, TOR is a MUCH BETTER value for the money.


Also, "Nothing in end except wasted hours of your life."


Nothing, eh? No memories of playing with friends? No funny stories told over vent. No good times at all? Guess what, what you said could be said about any hobby.




never really liked maths but I like your maths:D

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I love idiots who come to the forum to cope in hopes of someone who will feel pity for them and agree.

If your not subscribing or even going to be playing then why the hell are you here?


Its counter-productive.

Nobody cares if your not going to subscribe.

Quit coming to the forums for attention.

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Why did you feel the need to tell us that you aren't going to continue playing? Why not just leave?


People like to share :D


I don't get it either. I've tried other games on free trials etc but I've never felt the need to go on their forums and do a farewell speech. But each to their own.

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Why did you feel the need to tell us that you aren't going to continue playing? Why not just leave?


Why do you feel the need to praise the game, why not just enjoy it and keep it to yourself? Why post anything at all? You do realize this is a place of discussion, right? As long as people are reasonable when it comes to both praise and criticism, it's perfectly fine.

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(or play for few hours every week and then you're really just wasting your $15) of my life on a single game that the gains you've made will eventually be lost when the servers turn off for good. All for what? Nothing in end except wasted hours of your life.


Do you refrain from doing simple things like going to the movies or going out to eat once a month because the 15$ is devastating to you?

Edited by Acri
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I wonder if you guys have cable/satellite TV and pay a x amount every month and have a need to watch it 24/7 just cos you paying it or you just watch it when ever you can or have nothing else to do?


why cant the same be applied to a video game with a sub? you paying $15 for 1 month of entertainment, how much doest it cost to go to a cinema to watch a movie that only lasts 2 hours? ( not incl popcorns ofc :p ), i know where i live it costs over $15! so why cant you play this game when ever you have time and when u bored of other things, you dont have to burn your self and play it 24/7 just cos you paying for it.

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Its only $15 dollars a month, jeez... i pay more than that for netflix, and i use that a hell of a lot less than i play videogames.


And if you're bored and want to take a break, then break your sub for a month or so. If u don't want to come back then dont.


But srsly, $15 a month isn't bad at all, thats less than $4 a week... get a job :p

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I subscribed to WoW for nearly eight years and honestly I am burnt out on MMORPGs and the subscription model. I'd rather buy a game for $60 and then play it anytime, without having to pay more. I'm not here to rat on the game or to tell you to not subscribe. It's just something I had to vent a bit. Clearly, this subscription model won't change and EA/Bioware want to get WoW-like subscription numbers to rake in the $$$. This game is great, undoubtedly, with some bugs but hardly gamebreaking, but I would have preferred a KOTOR3 over SWTOR as I'd only pay $60 for 50+ hours of entertainment than subscribe to a MMORPG and waste hundreds of hours (or play for few hours every week and then you're really just wasting your $15) of my life on a single game that the gains you've made will eventually be lost when the servers turn off for good. All for what? Nothing in end except wasted hours of your life.


I would bet you 1 ripe tangerine and a smurf dolly that you change your mind by the end of the month. :p

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The price for an MMO subscription is about two beers a month (fine, I live in Sweden and our Alcohol taxes are very high), but I've never considered it expensive for something I enjoy doing. With that said, I'm not at all sure I'll stick around for serious raiding this time around. It all depends on how things play out.
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The price for an MMO subscription is about two beers a month (fine, I live in Sweden and our Alcohol taxes are very high), but I've never considered it expensive for something I enjoy doing. With that said, I'm not at all sure I'll stick around for serious raiding this time around. It all depends on how things play out.


I always think like this if that MMO saves me from getting bored and going out one night a month that game have saved me alot of money :p


Norway here and we do have an insane tax on youre alcohol :p

Edited by Varghjerta
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I always think like this if that MMO saves me from getting bored and going out one night a month that game have saved me alot of money :p


Norway here and we do have an insane tax on youre alcohol :p


You should be careful with your money - you might need to get your butter from other countries - and we will bloody charge you handsomley for it! You and your oil ...... put that on your bread!




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Guild Wars 2 model is without doubt the best way forward for MMOs period.


Pay for the game and don't pay again until the expansion comes out, exactly how it should be. I guarantee you will go at least 5-6 months without meaningful content at some point in this games life. WoW has done it plenty of times and they dont have Voice Overs to worry about. 6 months is $90. Would you even 'pay' $90 for an expansion? So many players are fooled by the current sub model.


Waits quietly for GW2.

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Its only $15 dollars a month, jeez... i pay more than that for netflix, and i use that a hell of a lot less than i play videogames.


And if you're bored and want to take a break, then break your sub for a month or so. If u don't want to come back then dont.


But srsly, $15 a month isn't bad at all, thats less than $4 a week... get a job :p


What you posted right there my fellow jawa is exactly what EA BioWare and Activision Blizzard want to you see.


You are absolutely correct BUT, if (and this happens often in MMOs) you go for a period of lets say 5 months in between content patches. It is exactly the same as paying $75 for that content patch when it finally arrives. It is no difference whatsover. Now would you pay $75 for a content patch? Because you just have my friend.

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