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More sentient species are cool and mean easy CCs for EA - why only 1 added so far?


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I know the devs care about whether some of them can speak Basic properly and all, but they're just skins really, and many of them already have different models in the game.

I'd pay up immediately in order to play as a Selkath or Mon Calamari. Hell, even Ithorians would look cool. Neimoidian, Kaleesh, Rodian, Nikto, Togruta are rather easy additions, for example.


So, what's the hold-up?

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I know the devs care about whether some of them can speak Basic properly and all, but they're just skins really, and many of them already have different models in the game.

I'd pay up immediately in order to play as a Selkath or Mon Calamari. Hell, even Ithorians would look cool. Neimoidian, Kaleesh, Rodian, Nikto, Togruta are rather easy additions, for example.


So, what's the hold-up?


my guess, other things are already in the queue, it will pop out when it can. They have a schedule, their apologies if their schedule and your schedule are not 100% compatible.


As for most of those races, wishful thinking. There will never be a non-humananoid, non-basic speaking race.


Togruta while appears "easy" is actually quite difficult from a gear perspective. Where as twi'liks lekul are behind, togruta are in front and present LOTS of clipping issues with all the various armors especially accross the various body types. While I think this is popular race, the back end isnt' as simple as copy/paste (we leave that for the engine).

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The question I have is how many players have actually unlocked Cathar? On my server, The Harbinger, I honestly do not see very many. To me that means that not many were willing to dish out the 600CCs to unlock the species. Yes, it may simply have been an unpopular species, but to EA, from a business perspective, popular or not, the ROI was not good and therefore the next foray into a new species HAS to show significantly better ROI, but the "highly requested" species are not easy to implement (as has been said, clipping is a major hurdle). So EA has a choice:


- develop less than ideally desirable species and risk no one unlocking it/them (back end ROI failure)

- develop more desirable species that require more investment to release (front end ROI failure)


If I were them, I would dodge the question as much as possible. And guess what, that is exactly what they are doing :eek:.

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The question I have is how many players have actually unlocked Cathar? On my server, The Harbinger, I honestly do not see very many. To me that means that not many were willing to dish out the 600CCs to unlock the species. Yes, it may simply have been an unpopular species, but to EA, from a business perspective, popular or not, the ROI was not good and therefore the next foray into a new species HAS to show significantly better ROI, but the "highly requested" species are not easy to implement (as has been said, clipping is a major hurdle). So EA has a choice:


- develop less than ideally desirable species and risk no one unlocking it/them (back end ROI failure)

- develop more desirable species that require more investment to release (front end ROI failure)


If I were them, I would dodge the question as much as possible. And guess what, that is exactly what they are doing :eek:.


Welp, on my server I kill every Cathar I see.


Every time I see one on the same faction, I just swap alts, head to that planet and proceed to murder them until they're a bloody smear on the ground. It makes me feel good inside:D

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Welp, on my server I kill every Cathar I see.


Every time I see one on the same faction, I just swap alts, head to that planet and proceed to murder them until they're a bloody smear on the ground. It makes me feel good inside:D


Only a dead Cathar is a good Cathar

I thought I'm the only one who enjoys stabbing these cat-faced clownpeople with lightsabers

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Only a dead Cathar is a good Cathar

I thought I'm the only one who enjoys stabbing these cat-faced clownpeople with lightsabers


Of course you're not alone!


The pleasure I get from skinning Cathar players and making them howl like the animals they are is indescribable!

Anyone who's enjoyed a good Cathar hunt always comes back for more:D

Edited by AshlaBoga
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BW has said


They are expensive - take a lot to produce


Cathar was a test to see if they would sell


There wont be any non "normal sized", non basic speaking playable species (i.e. no playable Jawas)


Another species is coming and BW is dropping hints/teases about it - In exoticness its somewhere "Between Cathar and Twi'lek".

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I know the devs care about whether some of them can speak Basic properly and all, but they're just skins really, and many of them already have different models in the game.

I'd pay up immediately in order to play as a Selkath or Mon Calamari. Hell, even Ithorians would look cool. Neimoidian, Kaleesh, Rodian, Nikto, Togruta are rather easy additions, for example.


So, what's the hold-up?


Ok, so it took bioware months to make the cathar playable, but you say its "easy"?

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